40 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: Recreation of a historically truthful picture, reflecting the role of educational work in the army during the Civil War (1918-1920), which currently continues to be the subject of sharp ideological and scientific discussions. Introduction of previously unknown to the scientific community documents concerning political work in the troops. Generalization of the experience of this work with the aim of shaping the scientific historical consciousness among young people in the context of the modern information struggle. Methodology: The conceptual basis for the study relies on the integral paradigm of historical analysis (introduced by the representatives of the RSSU historical school). It allows not only to compare polar versions of the description of the key problems of the Civil War history to create a multidimensional historical panorama but also to find a consensus between the methodological concepts that guided the development of the national historical science in the Soviet period and the modern paradigms of historical knowledge. Main Findings: 1. The experience of the activities of the political bodies of the Southern Front related educational work in troops during the Civil War has been considered in order to preserve historical heritage. 2. New archival documents, including leaflets that determine the scientific argumentation of the problem, as well as new concepts (“integral paradigm of historical analysis” and “cultural-historiographic space”) have been introduced into the scientific circulation. 3. The main approaches to assessing the events of the Civil War have been defined. Applications of this study: The study can be used in the implementation of various educational programs and projects, scientific and methodological research of problems of national history, as well as training and professional retraining of specialists in the field of history teaching. Novelty/Originality of this study: A holistic picture of the activities of the Red Army political agencies in carrying out party political work in the troops of the Southern Front during the Civil War has been presented. The main forms of cultural, educational and propaganda work carried out among the frontline troops and the enemy forces have been analyzed. An assessment of the effectiveness of the mass political work in the creation and strengthening of the Red Army during the period under study has been given

    Radiological Problems of Tritium

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    In light of the session documents (UNSCEAR, 2015, 2016), presented are the results of health risk assessment in drinking water containing tritium as well as results of field observations and bioassay with algae (Lemna minor and Polyrhiza) from water bodies near radiation-dangerous industrial and scientific objects. The prospects for future studies in these areas should be associated with the assessed human radiation dose from organically bound tritium in organs and tissues of people, animals and plants; the search for plants and animals selectively accumulating tritium and its subsequent bioassay in water. It is necessary to develop the approaches to harmonization of tritium standards in water objects and potable water, in particular. Sanitary and hygiene standards are suggested to develop on the basis of health risk assessment in drinking water with tritium. The upcoming trend for assessing the contribution of organically bound tritium to the total human radiation dose is the local irradiation by tritium incorporated into DNA of cells and tissues and radiosensitive organs. The well-known and new methods of microdosimetry of DNA incorporated radionuclides are necessary to solve this problem

    Scaling Analysis of Defect Induced Structure of A6061 Alloy at Dynamic Strain Localization

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    Plastic strain localization and fracture of dynamically loaded metallic samples, occurred during plug formation, are investigated. These processes are closely related to the instability of plastic flow and can be attributed to structural-scaling transitions in mesodefect ensembles. The multiscale nature of defect structure allows us to use the fractal concept for quantitative analysis of both the fracture surface and the inner structure of a deformed material. The scaling properties of fracture surfaces are established in terms of the roughness index (Hurst exponent) as the characteristics of strain localization and fracture

    Unprecedented within-species chromosome number cline in the Wood White butterfly Leptidea sinapis and its significance for karyotype evolution and speciation

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    Background: Species generally have a fixed number of chromosomes in the cell nuclei while between-species differences are common and often pronounced. These differences could have evolved through multiple speciation events, each involving the fixation of a single chromosomal rearrangement. Alternatively, marked changes in the karyotype may be the consequence of within-species accumulation of multiple chromosomal fissions/fusions, resulting in highly polymorphic systems with the subsequent extinction of intermediate karyomorphs. Although this mechanism of chromosome number evolution is possible in theory, it has not been well documented. Results: We present the discovery of exceptional intraspecific variability in the karyotype of the widespread Eurasian butterfly Leptidea sinapis. We show that within this species the diploid chromosome number gradually decreases from 2n = 106 in Spain to 2n = 56 in eastern Kazakhstan, resulting in a 6000 km-wide cline that originated recently (8,500 to 31,000 years ago). Remarkably, intrapopulational chromosome number polymorphism exists, the chromosome number range overlaps between some populations separated by hundreds of kilometers, and chromosomal heterozygotes are abundant. We demonstrate that this karyotypic variability is intraspecific because in L. sinapis a broad geographical distribution is coupled with a homogenous morphological and genetic structure. Conclusions: The discovered system represents the first clearly documented case of explosive chromosome number evolution through intraspecific and intrapopulation accumulation of multiple chromosomal changes. Leptidea sinapis may be used as a model system for studying speciation by means of chromosomally-based suppressed recombination mechanisms, as well as clinal speciation, a process that is theoretically possible but difficult to document. The discovered cline seems to represent a narrow time-window of the very first steps of species formation linked to multiple chromosomal changes that have occurred explosively. This case offers a rare opportunity to study this process before drift, dispersal, selection, extinction and speciation erase the traces of microevolutionary events and just leave the final picture of a pronounced interspecific chromosomal difference

    Olga P. Mitrofanova (celebrating the 75<sup>th</sup> birthday)

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    On June 3, 2023, we celebrated the 75th birthday of Olga Pavlovna Mitrofanova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Chief Researcher of the VIR Department of Wheat Genetic Resources

    Patterns of cadmium and lithium ions effect on yeast cells

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    Chromosomal Banding Patterns of the Holarctic Rodents, \u3ci\u3eClethrionomys rutilus\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eMicrotus oeconomus\u3c/i\u3e

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    Biologists have long been aware of close similarities between the mammalian faunas of northern Eurasia and northern North America (Flerov 1967; Rausch 1953, 1963; Sushkin 1925; Tugarinov 1934). This similarity is particularly strong between species of tundra and taiga ecosystems (Hoffmann and Taber 1967; Hoffmann 1974). Among the species having Holarctic distributions, the boreal red-backed vole, Clethrionomys rutilus (Pallas), and the tundra vole, Microtus oeconomus (Pallas) (Rausch, op. cit.), of the subfamily Arvicolinae (= Microtinae) (Kretzoi 1962; Repenning 1968), have wide distributions in Eurasia where they inhabit, but are not restricted to, tundra (Ognev 1950; Corbet 1966). East of the Bering Strait, however, the two voles occur only in northwestern North America, and appear in some areas to have narrower habitat niches than Eurasian populations (Bee and Hall 1956; Cowan and Guiget 1956). This pattern of distribution suggests that both species are relatively recent trans-Beringian immigrants into North America from Siberia (MacPherson 1965; Rausch 1963). North American populations are now isolated from con specifics in eastern Siberia by the flooding of the Bering land bridge about 12,800 years ago as sea level rose (Hopkins 1967). Some of the differences between Alaskan and eastern Siberian populations may have arisen in this period of separation. Published descriptions of the karyotypes of these voles permitted comparisons of gross morphology of their chromosomes. The diploid number of Microtus oeconomus (2n = 30) in Eurasia (Makino 1950; Matthey 1952) is the same as in Alaskan voles (Rausch and Rausch 1968) and the karyotypes are grossly indistinguishable. The same is true of Clethrionomys rutilus (2n = 56) in Eurasia (Makino 1952; Shimba et al. 1969) and Alaska (Rausch and Rausch 1975). Recently it has become possible to make more detailed comparisons of chromosomal homologies, by comparing patterns of banding elicited in chromosomes by certain treatments (Caspersson et al. 1970; Arrighi and Hsu 1971). Among these, the technique of staining chromosomes with Giemsa, after treatment with trypsin (Seabright 1972) produces well-defined bands, and has been increasingly employed in studies of chromosomal homologies. Giemsa banding studies have already been made of certain Holarctic taxa; karyotypes of the Siberian long-tailed ground squirrel, Spermophilus undulatus (Pallas), and the North American S. columbianus (Ord) have been compared (Nadler et al. 1975), as have Old and New World avis (Nadler et al. 1973, 1974). Chromosomal patterns appeared quite conservative, and no major differences in patterns could be found between homologous arm segments in these taxa. This paper describes the Giemsa band patterns of Clethrionomys rutilus from Alaska and Asia and Microtus oeconomus from several Alaskan localities. We also make comparisons with North American C. gapperi (Vigors), Eurasian C. glareolus (Schreber), and preliminary comparisons with Eurasian C. rufocanus (Sundevall)