57 research outputs found

    Real interpolation of compact bilinear operators

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    We establish an analog for bilinear operators of the compactness interpolation result for bounded linear operators proved by Cwikel and Cobos, Kühn and Schonbek. We work with the assumption that : (A0+ A1)×(B0+ B1) −→ E0+E1 is bounded, but we also study the case when this does not hold. Applications are given to compactness of convolution operators and compactness of commutators of bilinear Calderón–Zygmund operators.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. MTM2013-42220-

    On interpolation of the measure of noncompactness

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    We revised the known results on interpolation of the measure of noncompactness and we announce a new approach to establishing the interpolation formula for the real method

    On compactness results of Lions-Peetre type for bilinear operators

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    Let Ā = (A₀ , A₁) , B̄ = (B₀ , B₁) be Banach couples, let E be a Banach space and let T be a bilinear operator such that ||T(a, b)||ᴇ ≤ M[sub]j ||a||ᴀ[sub]j ||b||ʙ[sub]j for a ∈ A₀ ∩ A₁, b ∈ B₀ ∩ B₁, j = 0, 1. If T : A°[sub]j × B°[sub]j −→ E compactly for j = 0 or 1, we show that T may be uniquely extended to a compact bilinear operator from the complex interpolation spaces generated by Ā and B̄ to E. Furthermore, the corresponding result for the real method is given and we also study the case when E is replaced by a couple (E₀, E₁) of Banach function spaces on the same measure space

    A compactness result of Janson type for bilinear operators

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    We establish a compactness interpolation result for bilinear operators of the type proved by Janson for bounded bilinear operators. We also give an application to compactness of convolution operators.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. MTM2017-84058-

    Associate spaces of logarithmic interpolation spaces and generalized Lorentz-Zygmund spaces

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    We determine the associate space of the logarithmic interpolation space (X0, X1)1,q,A where X0 and X1 are Banach function spaces over a σ-finite measure space (Ω, µ). Particularizing the results for the case of the couple (L1, L∞) over a non-atomic measure space, we recover results of Opic and Pick on associate spaces of generalized Lorentz-Zygmund spaces L(∞,q;A). We also establish the corresponding results for sequence spaces

    On the interpolation of the measure of non-compactness of bilinear operators with weak assumptions on the boundedness of the operator

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    We complete the range of the parameters in the interpolation formula established by Mastylo and Silva for the measure of non-compactness of a bilinear operator interpolated by the real method.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. MTM2017-84058-

    On compactness results of Lions-Peetre type for bilinear operators

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    Let A¯ = (A0, A1) , B¯ = (B0, B1) be Banach couples, let E be a Banach space and let T be a bilinear operator such that kT(a, b)kE ≤ MjkakAj kbkBj for a ∈ A0 ∩ A1, b ∈ B0 ∩ B1, j = 0, 1. If T : A◦ j × B◦ j −→ E compactly for j = 0 or 1, we show that T may be uniquely extended to a compact bilinear operator from the complex interpolation spaces generated by A¯ and B¯ to E. Furthermore, the corresponding result for the real method is given and we also study the case when E is replaced by a couple (E0, E1) of Banach function spaces on the same measure space.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. MTM2017-84058-

    Interpolation of compact bilinear operators among quasi-Banach spaces and applications

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    We study the interpolation properties of compact bilinear operators by the general real method among quasi-Banach couples. As an application we show that some commutators of Calderón-Zygmund bilinear operators are compact.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. MTM2017-84058-

    Weakly compact bilinear operators among real interpolation spaces

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    We show a necessary and sufficient condition for weak compactness of bilinear operators interpolated by the real method. This characterization does not hold for interpolated operators by the complex method