62 research outputs found

    Un enfoque de gobernanza aplicado al análisis de una investigación sobre trabajadores cesantes en medellín, colombia

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    Objetivo Realizar un ejercicio académico de aplicación de las categorías analíticas del enfoque de gobernanza desarrollado por Marc Hufty para comprender el pro­ceso de relacionamiento de actores sociales en un proyecto de investigación e intervención que estudió las condiciones socioeconómicas y de aseguramiento en salud de los trabajadores cesantes-TC en la ciudad de Medellín-Colombia en los años 2004 y 2007 y que incorporó la propuesta de una política pública para garanti­zar la continuidad de su aseguramiento en salud. Metodología Se trató del examen como caso de un proceso de investigación e intervención, en el que los investigadores fueron uno de los actores involucrados. La caracterización de los actores involucrados incluyó: nivel de inser­ción/involucramiento en el problema; poder de decisión en la política pública pro­puesta; características, fuerza y dinámica de sus percepciones, expectativas y pro­puestas sobre el problema del desempleo y del aseguramiento en salud cuando alguien queda cesante; características de su interacción con otros actores. Resultados Se encontró que las dimensiones analíticas propuestas por Hufty (acto­res, normas sociales, puntos nodales y procesos) resultaron útiles para describir y comprender el proceso de interacción de actores sociales involucrados en la inves­tigación y la propuesta de intervención que sirvió como caso de estudio. Conclusiones El marco analítico de gobernanza propuesto por Hufty fue útil para entender cómo interactuaron los sujetos sociales, cuáles fueron las normas acogi­das para interactuar, cuáles nodos de actuación fueron más importantes y los pro­gresos alcanzados durante el proceso

    ¿Contribuyen los talleres en el Museo de Ciencias a fomentar actitudes hacia la conservación del ambiente?

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    Esta investigación se centró en evaluar el impacto de seis talleres sobre la adopción de actitudes deseables respecto a la conservación del ambiente y la sostenibilidad, por parte de distintos públicos visitantes de un Museo Interactivo. La metodología incluyó: a) el diseño de escalas con cuatro opciones de respuesta que se aplicaron antes y después del taller b) entrevistas telefónicas o visita a instituciones educativas, dos meses después de la visita al Museo. El análisis cuantitativo mostró que las actitudes de los participantes mejoraron en todos los talleres aunque no siempre fue estadísticamente significativo. El análisis cualitativo reveló que los participantes mostraron actitudes de compromiso y cuidado hacia el ambiente. Algunas estuvieron asociadas a los talleres y otras a actitudes desarrolladas con anterioridad al taller.This research focused on assessing the impact of six workshops on the adoption of desirable attitudes about environmental conservation and sustainability, of different group visitors of an interactive museum. The methodology included: a) the design of four-option scales that were applied before and after the workshop b) either telephone interviews or visits to schools, two months after the visit to the museum. The quantitative analysis showed that the attitudes of the participants improved in all the workshops but not all of them were statistically significant. The qualitative analysis revealed that participants demonstrated attitudes of commitment and care towards the environment. Some of these attitudes were associated with the workshops and other associated with attitudes developed prior to the workshop

    Catalytic Asymmetric Formal [3+2] Cycloaddition of 2-Isocyanatomalonate Esters and Unsaturated Imines: Synthesis of Highly Substituted Chiral γ‐Lactams

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    Unlike their isocyano and isothiocyanato analogues, isocyanato esters remain almost unexplored as formal 1,3-dipoles in asymmetric catalytic reactions. The first asymmetric formal [3+2] cycloaddition involving isocyanato esters and electrophilic alkenes is reported. Diisopropyl 2-isocyanatomalonate reacts with a,b-unsaturated N-(o-anisidyl) imines in the presence of aMg(OTf)2-BOX complex to give highly substituted chiral pyrrolidinones featuring a conjugate exocyclic double bond with excellent yields and enantiomeric excesses up to 99 %. Several transformations of the resulting heterocycles, including the synthesis of a pyroglutamic acid derivative, have been carried out

    Copper-catalysed enantioselective Michael addition of malonic esters to β-trifluoromethyl-α,β-unsaturated imines

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    Copper triflate-BOX complexes catalyse the enantioselective conjugate addition of methyl malonate to β-trifluoromethyl-α,β-unsaturated imines to give the corresponding enamines bearing a trifluoromethylated stereogenic centre with good yields, and diastereo- and enantioselectivities. The usefulness of the method has been shown with the synthesis of optically active β-trifluoromethyl δ-amino esters and optically active trifluoromethylpiperidones

    Lanthanum-pyBOX complexes as catalysts for the enantioselective conjugate addition of malonate esters to beta-gamma-unsaturated alfa-ketimino esters

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    "This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Coordination Chemistry on 2018, available online: https://doi.org/10.1080/00958972.2018.1437422."[EN] In this paper, we report the application of chiral complexes of La(III) with pyBOX ligands as Lewis acid catalysts in the conjugate addition of malonic esters to N-tosyl imines derived from ß,gamma-unsaturated alfa-keto esters to give the corresponding chiral alfa,ß-dehydroamino esters. pyBOX complexes with La(III), Yb(III), Sc(III), and In(III) triflates were assessed in this reaction but only La(III) showed good activity and enantioselectivity, while Yb(III) provided the expected product with low yield and stereoselectivity, and the Sc(III) and In(III) complexes were completely inactive. The complex of La(OTf)3 with the diphenyl-pyBOX ligand prepared in situ provided the best results and allowed obtaining chiral ¿,ß-dehydroamino esters 3 with excellent yields, E:Z diastereomeric ratios (29:71-99:1) and high enantiomeric excesses (20-95%). The reaction could be applied to imines having a substituted aromatic ring or a heterocycle attached to the double bond, although the presence of electron-withdrawing groups on the aromatic ring was detrimental for stereoselectivity. The reaction products were obtained with the S configuration at the stereogenic center and the Z configuration at the enamine double bond as determined by NOESY experiments and X-ray analysis. Based on the experimental results a stereochemical model involving a nine-coordinate La(III) species has been proposed.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO-Gobierno de Espana) [grant number CTQ2013-47494-P].Espinosa, M.; Blay, G.; Cardona, L.; Fernández, I.; Muñoz Roca, MDC.; Pedro, J. (2018). Lanthanum-pyBOX complexes as catalysts for the enantioselective conjugate addition of malonate esters to beta-gamma-unsaturated alfa-ketimino esters. Journal of Coordination Chemistry. 71(6):864-873. https://doi.org/10.1080/00958972.2018.1437422S864873716Yukawa, T., Seelig, B., Xu, Y., Morimoto, H., Matsunaga, S., Berkessel, A., & Shibasaki, M. (2010). Catalytic Asymmetric Aza-Morita−Baylis−Hillman Reaction of Methyl Acrylate: Role of a Bifunctional La(O-iPr)3/Linked-BINOL Complex. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(34), 11988-11992. doi:10.1021/ja103294aKodama, H., Ito, J., Hori, K., Ohta, T., & Furukawa, I. (2000). Lanthanide-catalyzed asymmetric 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of nitrones to alkenes using 3,3′-bis(2-oxazolyl)-1,1′-bi-2-naphthol (BINOL-Box) ligands. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 603(1), 6-12. doi:10.1016/s0022-328x(00)00024-3De Bettencourt-Dias, A., Barber, P. S., & Bauer, S. (2012). A Water-Soluble Pybox Derivative and Its Highly Luminescent Lanthanide Ion Complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134(16), 6987-6994. doi:10.1021/ja209572mComelles, J., Pericas, À., Moreno-Mañas, M., Vallribera, A., Drudis-Solé, G., Lledos, A., … Roces-Fernández, L. (2007). Highly Enantioselective Electrophilic Amination and Michael Addition of Cyclic β-Ketoesters Induced by Lanthanides and (S,S)-ip-pybox:  The Mechanism⊥. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 72(6), 2077-2087. doi:10.1021/jo0622678Sanchez-Blanco, A. I., Gothelf, K. V., & Jørgensen, K. A. (1997). Lanthanide-catalyzed endo- and enantioselective 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions of nitrones with alkenes. Tetrahedron Letters, 38(45), 7923-7926. doi:10.1016/s0040-4039(97)10048-xDesimoni, G., Faita, G., Guala, M., & Pratelli, C. (2003). Different Lanthanide Ions and the Pybox Substituents Induce the Reverse of the Sense of Induction in the Enantioselective Diels−Alder Reaction between Acryloyloxazolidinone and Cyclopentadiene. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 68(20), 7862-7866. doi:10.1021/jo034215dDesimoni, G., Faita, G., Filippone, S., Mella, M., Zampori, M. G., & Zema, M. (2001). A new and highly efficient catalyst for the enantioselective Mukaiyama–Michael reaction between ( E )-3-crotonoyl-1,3-oxazolidin-2-one and 2-trimethylsilyloxyfuran. Tetrahedron, 57(51), 10203-10212. doi:10.1016/s0040-4020(01)01055-9Sammis, G. M., Danjo, H., & Jacobsen, E. N. (2004). Cooperative Dual Catalysis:  Application to the Highly Enantioselective Conjugate Cyanation of Unsaturated Imides. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126(32), 9928-9929. doi:10.1021/ja046653nJiang, J., Ma, Z., & Castle, S. L. (2015). Bulky α,β-dehydroamino acids: their occurrence in nature, synthesis, and applications. Tetrahedron, 71(34), 5431-5451. doi:10.1016/j.tet.2015.06.001Li, B., Cooper, L. E., & van der Donk, W. A. (2009). Chapter 21 In Vitro Studies of Lantibiotic Biosynthesis. Methods in Enzymology, 533-558. doi:10.1016/s0076-6879(09)04821-6M.A. Blaskovich. In Handbook on Syntheses of Amino Acids. General Route to Amino Acids, p. 225, ACS and Oxford University Press, New York (2010).Espinosa, M., García-Ortiz, A., Blay, G., Cardona, L., Muñoz, M. C., & Pedro, J. R. (2016). E,Z-Stereodivergent synthesis of N-tosyl α,β-dehydroamino esters via a Mukaiyama–Michael addition. RSC Advances, 6(19), 15655-15659. doi:10.1039/c5ra27354dEspinosa, M., Blay, G., Cardona, L., & Pedro, J. R. (2013). Corrigendum: Asymmetric Conjugate Addition of Malonate Esters to α,β-UnsaturatedN-Sulfonyl Imines: An Expeditious Route to Chiral δ-Aminoesters and Piperidones. Chemistry - A European Journal, 19(52), 17632-17632. doi:10.1002/chem.201304285X-ray data for compound 3bl: crystallized from hexane-EtOAc; C25H29SN1O8; Mr = 503.55; triclinic; space group = P1; a = 6.2550(2), b = 10.2870(4), c = 11.1380(5) Å; α = 69.333(2), β = 78.688(2), γ = 82.555(2)°; V = 656.11(5) Å3; Z = 1; ρcalcd = 1.274 Mg m−3; μ = 0.170 mm−1; F(0 0 0) = 266. A colorless crystal of 0.04 × 0.08 × 0.08 mm3 was used; 5797 [R(int) = 0.0682] total reflections were collected on a Enraf Nonius Kappa CCD equipped with a graphite monochromator and Mo Kα (λ = 0.71073 Å) radiation. The structures were solved by using direct methods with SHELXS-2014 and refined by using full matrix least squares on F2 with SHELXL-2014 [16]. Non-hydrogen atoms were refined anisotropically and hydrogens were obtained or placed in calculated positions refined by using idealized geometries (riding model) and assigned fixed isotropic displacement parameters. Final values were R = 0.0469 and ωR = 0.1054. CCDC-1581116 contains the supplementary crystallographic data for this compound. These data can be obtained free of charge from the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre via www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/data_request/cif.Parsons, S., Flack, H. D., & Wagner, T. (2013). Use of intensity quotients and differences in absolute structure refinement. Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science Crystal Engineering and Materials, 69(3), 249-259. doi:10.1107/s205251921301001

    Cancer: second cause of death among the elderly in Medellín, 2002-2006

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    ABSTRACT: To describe the behavior of lung, stomach, and prostate cancer mortality among the elderly in the city of Medellin from 2002 to 2006. Methodology: a descriptive study with a secondary information source. The study was conducted based on the analysis of 2809 records of deaths from lung, stomach, and prostate cancer in people over 65 years. The analysis was univariate and bivariate. Additionally, it was accompanied by statistical tests and had a reliability of 95 %. The average and specific mortality rates were calculated per ten thousand elderly individuals. Results: the risk of dying from lung cancer was at its highest value in 2003, with a rate of 20.27; for stomach cancer, the greatest risk was observed in 2002, with 11.88; finally, 2006 was the year with the highest risk for prostate cancer, with 9.35 per ten thousand inhabitants. For the three types of cancer, the average mortality rate over time was 37.1. Thus, cancer is the second leading cause of death after acute myocardial infarction. Discussion: lung, stomach, and prostate cancer pose a risk to the elderly. Moreover, the risk increases as the individuals age. This study contributes to the state of the art of the research on causes of death among the elderly.RESUMEN: Caracterizar el comportamiento de la mortalidad por cáncer de pulmón, estómago y próstata en los adultos mayores de la ciudad de Medellín en el periodo 2002 - 2006. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo con fuente de información secundaria, a partir del análisis de 2809 registros de defunciones por cáncer de pulmón, estómago y próstata en personas mayores de 65 años. El análisis fue univariado y bivariado, se acompañó de pruebas estadísticas y con una confiabilidad del 95%. Se calcularon: tasas de mortalidad promedio y específica, por diez mil habitantes adultos mayores. Resultados: El riesgo más alto de fallecer por cáncer de pulmón fue en el año 2003, con una tasa de 20,27; para cáncer de estómago, el riesgo mayor se presentó en el año 2002, con 11,88; y el riesgo mayor para cáncer de próstata fue el año 2006, con 9,35 por diez mil habitantes. En los tres tipos de cáncer, la tasa de mortalidad promedio en el tiempo fue de 37,1 siendo la segunda causa de muerte después del infarto agudo del miocardio. Discusión: El cáncer de pulmón, estómago y próstata representan un riesgo para los adultos mayores; a mayor longevidad mayor riesgo. Este estudio constituye un aporte al estado de la cuestión acerca de las causas de muerte de la persona mayor

    Reportes clínicos breves

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    Tuberculosis y embarazo: una experiencia institucional. Autor: Luz Amparo Díaz Cruz. Tutora: Dra. María Teresa Peralta Abello, Profesora Asociada del Departamento de Ginecología. / Artritis séptica en el paciente pediátrico Autores: Fabio M. Ramírez, Patricia Uricoechea y Carlos Vásquez. Tutores: Drs. Mauricio Palau, Infectólogo, Pediatra, Profesor Asociado; Edgar Rojas, Pediátra, Profesor Asociado; Eduardo Alvarez, Jefe del Servicio de Infectología, Hospital Pediátrico de La Misericordia. / Resistencia a la insulina.  Autor: Dr. Guido Lastra. Profesor Asociado del Departamento de Medicina Interna. Unidad de Endocrinología. / Riesgo de pérdida visual postoperatoria en glaucoma avanzado. Autor: Dr. John Jairo Martínez Cardona. Tutor: Dr. Gabriel Ortiz Arizmendi, Instructor Asociado, Departamento de Cirugía, Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    Caracterización de las pequeñas, medianas y grandes empresas localizadas en la ciudad de Pereira y sus necesidades de capacitación en normas internacionales de contabilidad / ., ., .,.,

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    T 657.9 C151; 96 p.En la ciudad de Pereira, encontramos 1049 empresas divididas en pequeñas, medianas y grandes, desarrollando actividades comerciales, de servicios, industriales y agropecuarias. Sobresalen esencialmente las empresas cuya actividad es la comercialización. Resulta importante conocer cuáles empresas tienen la obligación de aplicar la normatividad estipulada en la Ley 1314 de 2009, y cuáles de ellas estarían dispuestas a capacitar a su personal para la implementación de tal convergencia.Universidad Libre de Pereir

    Crucial neuroprotective roles of the metabolite BH4 in dopaminergic neurons

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    Dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) are movement disorders caused by the dysfunction of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons. Identifying druggable pathways and biomarkers for guiding therapies is crucial due to the debilitating nature of these disorders. Recent genetic studies have identified variants of GTP cyclohydrolase-1 (GCH1), the rate-limiting enzyme in tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis, as causative for these movement disorders. Here, we show that genetic and pharmacological inhibition of BH4 synthesis in mice and human midbrain-like organoids accurately recapitulates motor, behavioral and biochemical characteristics of these human diseases, with severity of the phenotype correlating with extent of BH4 deficiency. We also show that BH4 deficiency increases sensitivities to several PD-related stressors in mice and PD human cells, resulting in worse behavioral and physiological outcomes. Conversely, genetic and pharmacological augmentation of BH4 protects mice from genetically- and chemically induced PD-related stressors. Importantly, increasing BH4 levels also protects primary cells from PD-affected individuals and human midbrain-like organoids (hMLOs) from these stressors. Mechanistically, BH4 not only serves as an essential cofactor for dopamine synthesis, but also independently regulates tyrosine hydroxylase levels, protects against ferroptosis, scavenges mitochondrial ROS, maintains neuronal excitability and promotes mitochondrial ATP production, thereby enhancing mitochondrial fitness and cellular respiration in multiple preclinical PD animal models, human dopaminergic midbrain-like organoids and primary cells from PD-affected individuals. Our findings pinpoint the BH4 pathway as a key metabolic program at the intersection of multiple protective mechanisms for the health and function of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, identifying it as a potential therapeutic target for PD

    Structural and Topographic Dynamics of Pulmonary Histopathology and Local Cytokine Profiles in Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Conidia-Infected Mice

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    Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), an endemic fungal infection of pulmonary origin resulting in severe disseminated disease, occurs in rural areas of most South American countries and presents several clinical forms. The infection is acquired by inhalation of specific fungal propagules, called conidia. Considering the difficulties encountered when studying the infection in humans, this work was done in mice infected by inhalation of infective fungal conidia thus mimicking the human natural infection. The lungs of mice were sequentially studied by histopathological and multiplex cytokine methods from 2 h to 16 weeks after infection to verify the course of the disease. The mycosis presented different morphologic aspects during the course of time, affecting several pulmonary compartments. Otherwise and based on the analysis of 30 cytokines, the immune response also showed heterogeneous responses, which were up or down regulated depending on the time of infection. By recognizing the different stages that correspond to the evolution of pulmonary lesions, the severity (benign, chronic or fibrotic) of the disease could be predicted and the probable prognosis of the illness be inferred