468 research outputs found

    X-29A forward-swept-wing flight research program status

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    The X-29A aircraft is a fascinating combination of integrated technologies incorporated into a unique research aircraft. The X-29A program is multiple agency program with management and other responsibilities divided among NASA, DARPA, the U.S. Air Force, and the Grumman Corporation. An overview of the recently completed X-29A flight research program, objectives achieved, and a discussion of its future is presented. Also discussed are the flight test approach expanding the envelope, typical flight maneuvers performed, X-29A program accomplishments, lessons learned for the Number One aircraft, and future plans with the Number Two aircraft. A schedule for both aircraft is presented. A description of the unique technologies incorporated into the X-29A aircraft is given, along with descriptions of the onboard instrumentation system. The X-29A aircraft research program has proven highly successful. Using high fly rates from a very reliable experimental aircraft, the program has consistently met or exceeded its design and research goals

    HiMAT flight program: Test results and program assessment overview

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    The Highly Manueverable Aircraft Technology (HiMAT) program consisted of design, fabrication of two subscale remotely piloted research vehicles (RPRVs), and flight test. This technical memorandum describes the vehicles and test approach. An overview of the flight test results and comparisons with the design predictions are presented. These comparisons are made on a single-discipline basis, so that aerodynamics, structures, flight controls, and propulsion controls are examined one by one. The interactions between the disciplines are then examined, with the conclusions that the integration of the various technologies contributed to total vehicle performance gains. An assessment is made of the subscale RPRV approach from the standpoint of research data quality and quantity, unmanned effects as compared with manned vehicles, complexity, and cost. It is concluded that the RPRV technique, as adopted in this program, resulted in a more complex and costly vehicle than expected but is reasonable when compared with alternate ways of obtaining comparable results

    Science requirements and feasibility/design studies of a very-high-altitude aircraft for atmospheric research

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    The advantages and shortcomings of currently available aircraft for use in very high altitude missions to study such problems as polar ozone or stratosphere-troposphere exchange pose the question of whether to develop advanced aircraft for atmospheric research. To answer this question, NASA conducted a workshop to determine science needs and feasibility/design studies to assess whether and how those needs could be met. It was determined that there was a need for an aircraft that could cruise at an altitude of 30 km with a range of 6,000 miles with vertical profiling down to 10 km and back at remote points and carry a payload of 3,000 lbs

    Collaborative Research: Locating the Mantle Component in Granite

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    Granitic plutons of the Coastal Maine Magmatic Province (CMMP) commonly display dramatic field relations that record interaction between magmas of markedly different composition (chemical and isotopic) and physical properties. Silicic magma chambers, derived from the crust, received influxes of denser mafic magma that spread out along the floor of these chambers to produce a compositional stratification know as Mafic and Silicic Layered Intrusions (MASLI). The spectacular field relations and large compositional variation in the vicinity of the interface between contrasting magma types are well document by recent studies. In contrast, the extent of physical and chemical coupling between the base of the chamber, that receives mafic influx, and the overlying silicic magma remains poorly understood. Three known or presumed MASLI plutons in the CMMP, the Vinalhaven, Deer Isle, and Mt. Waldo granites, have been selected for study to address this important issue. Specifically, what processes and other factors determine the extent to which heat and material are exchanged between contrasting magma types? Is heat and mass subsequently distributed to the upper reaches of the chamber? By combining textural, compositional and isotopic studies of zoned plagioclase and accessory minerals (using electron and ion-microprobe techniques), along with data for magmatic enclaves from each of the granites, the relative timing and extent of variation in composition of the magma from with individual minerals crystallized can be assessed. Comparison of internal variations among adjacent mineral grains will be used to constrain the relative extent to which material is redistributed within the chamber. Furthermore, studies such as this will enhance our understanding of magma chamber dynamics and growth, enable recognition of the contribution of mantle and crustal components in granite petrogenesis, and evaluate models for the growth and evolution of continental lithosphere

    40Ar/39Ar hornblende ages from southwestern Maine: evidence for Late Paleozoic metamorphism

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    40Ar/39Ar analyses of hornblendes from a 120 km long NE-trending transect within die high-grade rocks of the Casco Bay Group provide information regarding the timing of thermal events and subsequent cooling history of this region. In die north, plateau ages of 368-372 Ma record the time of cooling through argon closure temperatures (500°C) following Acadian metamorphism. In die central portion of the transect, hornblendes display younger ages (350-323 Ma) and release spectra which show evidence of a Late Paleozoic thermal overprint. To the soudi, significantly lower plateau ages are recorded (270-290 Ma). These lower ages date either die time of a Late Paleozoic diermal event or the time of cooling following a prolonged period of burial at deep crustal levels. The former interpretation is favored on the basis of the disturbed release spectra in the central portion of the transect and the fact that ages over the 60 km long southern portion of die transect are relatively constant at 280 ±10 Ma. If a Late Paleozoic thermal event occurred in this region it was evidently not accompanied by large amounts of deformation as structural evidence for such an event is lacking. The exact nature of the Late Paleozoic resetting of hornblendes in this portion of the Casco Bay Group is not clear; however, it may be related to die events which lead to granite emplacement 275 Ma ago in die Massabesic Gneiss Complex and the 272-282 Ma ages for monazites from die nearby Sebago Batholith. RÉSUMÉ Des analyses 40Ar/39Ar, effectuées sur des hornblendes prélevées sur une traverse NE de 120 km de longueur au sein des roches métamorphiques de haut degré du Groupe de Casco Bay, ont foumi des données sur l'âge des épisodes thermiques et l'histoire du refroidissement qui leur succéda dans ce secteur. Au nord, des âges-plateaux de 368 à 372 Ma datent le refroidissement via les tempeéatures de fermeture de 1'argon (500°C) sui vant le métamorphisme acadien. Dans la portion centrale de la traverse, les hornblendes exhibent des âges plus jeunes (350 a 325 Ma) et des spectres de diffusion qui portent la trace d'une surimprcssion thermique tardi-paléozoique. Vers le sud, on enregistre des âges-plateaux bien plus jeunes (270 â 290 Ma). Ces demiers datent soil un épisode thermique tardi-paléozoique, soil un refroidissement après un enfouissement prolongé profondément dans la croûte. On favorise la première interprètation à cause des spectres de diffusion dérangés que montre la portion centrale. de la traverse el parce que les âges obtenus au long des 60 km de la portion sud de la traverse sont rélativement constants à 280 +10Ma. Si cette région à subi un épisode thermique tardi-paléozoique, ce ne fut assurement pas de pair avec une déformation importante puisque la structure ne foumil aucun indice d'un tel événcment. La nature exacte de la remise à zéo tardi-paléozoiquedes hornblendes dans cette portion du Groupe de Casco Bay n'est pas apparente. On pourrait ce pendant la relier aux événements à l'origine de l'emplacement de granite dans le Complexe de Gneiss de Massabesic (il y a 275 Ma) ainsi qu'aux âges de 272-282 Ma des monazites du batholitc avoisinant de Sebago. [Traduit par le journal

    The Norumbega Fault Zone, Maine: a mid-to shallow-level crustal section within a transcurrent shear zone

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    From studies of structure, metamorphism, and geochronology we have evidence that the Norumbega Fault Zone represents a transition from mid- to shallow crustal levels in a dextral, transcurrent shear zone within the northern Appalachian Orogen. The Norumbega Fault Zone strikes parallel to the orogen (northeast-southwest), is ~5 to 30 km wide, and is characterized by distributed ductile dextral shear fabrics in the southwestern section with a transition to brittle fabrics toward the northeast. Within the zone of distributed shear, deformation is partitioned into local zones of very high strain. Upright, isoclinal folds are common in areas of high and low strain. Metamorphic grade decreases from amphibolite facies in the southwest to sub-green schist facies in the northeast. 40Ar/39Ar mineral ages from recrystallized minerals in a high strain zone, regional cooling ages in areas of lower strain, and metamorphic textures are consistent with a polyphase history of deformation. We interpret a younging trend in 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages toward the northeast, together with the deformational fabrics andmetamorphic features, to represent exhumation of the southwestern section of the Norumbega Fault Zone from mid-crustal levels during the polyphase history of this transcurrent zone. The Norumbega Fault Zone may therefore serve as a model for deformational processes at mid- to shallow crustal levels in active strike-slip systems. RÉSUMÉ Des études de la structure, du métamorphisme et de la géochronologic nous fournissent la preuve que la zone faillée de Norumbega représente une transition des niveaux crustaux moyens à des niveaux peu profonds dans une zone de cisaillement transversal dextrale à l'intérieur de la partie septentrionale de l'orogene appalachien. La zone faillée de Norumbega suit une direction paralléle a l'orogéne (nord-est-sud-ouest); die a cinq à 30 km de largeur; et elle est caractérisec par des structures cisaillées dextrales déformables se ramifiant dans la section sud-ouest avec une transition a des structures cassantes vers le nord-est. A l'intérieur de la zone de cisaillement ramifié, la déformation est divisée en zones locales de très forte contrainte. Les plis droits isoclinaux sont courants dans les secteurs de forte et faible contrainte. L'intensité du métamorphisme décroit d'un faciès à amphibolite dans le sud-ouest à un faciès secondaire de schistes verts dans le nord-est. Les périodes minérales 40Ar/39Ar des minéraux recristallises dans une zone de forte contrainte, les périodes de refroidissement régional dans les secteurs de faible contrainte et les textures métamorphiques correspondent à une orogénese polyphasée. Nous interprétons la tendance de rajeunissement dans les périodes de refroidissement 40Ar/39Ar vers le nord-est, de même que les textures de déformation et les caractéristiqucs métamorphiques, comme une exhumation de la section sud-ouest de la zone faillée de Norumbega depuis les niveaux crustaux moyens pendant l'histoire polyphasée de cette zone transversale. La zone faillée de Norumbega pourrait, par consequent, servir de modèle pour les processus de déformation aux niveaux variant de moyens à peu profonds dans les systèmes a décrochement. [Traduit par la rédaction

    New Air-Launched Small Missile (ALSM) Flight Testbed for Hypersonic Systems

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    A new testbed for hypersonic flight research is proposed. Known as the Phoenix air-launched small missile (ALSM) flight testbed, it was conceived to help address the lack of quick-turnaround and cost-effective hypersonic flight research capabilities. The Phoenix ALSM testbed results from utilization of two unique and very capable flight assets: the United States Navy Phoenix AIM-54 long-range, guided air-to-air missile and the NASA Dryden F-15B testbed airplane. The U.S. Navy retirement of the Phoenix AIM-54 missiles from fleet operation has presented an excellent opportunity for converting this valuable flight asset into a new flight testbed. This cost-effective new platform will fill an existing gap in the test and evaluation of current and future hypersonic systems for flight Mach numbers ranging from 3 to 5. Preliminary studies indicate that the Phoenix missile is a highly capable platform. When launched from a high-performance airplane, the guided Phoenix missile can boost research payloads to low hypersonic Mach numbers, enabling flight research in the supersonic-to-hypersonic transitional flight envelope. Experience gained from developing and operating the Phoenix ALSM testbed will be valuable for the development and operation of future higher-performance ALSM flight testbeds as well as responsive microsatellite small-payload air-launched space boosters

    JPL Space Telecommunications Radio System Operating Environment

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    A flight-qualified implementation of a Software Defined Radio (SDR) Operating Environment for the JPL-SDR built for the CoNNeCT Project has been developed. It is compliant with the NASA Space Telecommunications Radio System (STRS) Architecture Standard, and provides the software infrastructure for STRS compliant waveform applications. This software provides a standards-compliant abstracted view of the JPL-SDR hardware platform. It uses industry standard POSIX interfaces for most functions, as well as exposing the STRS API (Application Programming In terface) required by the standard. This software includes a standardized interface for IP components instantiated within a Xilinx FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). The software provides a standardized abstracted interface to platform resources such as data converters, file system, etc., which can be used by STRS standards conformant waveform applications. It provides a generic SDR operating environment with a much smaller resource footprint than similar products such as SCA (Software Communications Architecture) compliant implementations, or the DoD Joint Tactical Radio Systems (JTRS)

    Retinal glycoprotein enrichment by concanavalin a enabled identification of novel membrane autoantigen synaptotagmin-1 in equine recurrent uveitis.

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    Complete knowledge of autoantigen spectra is crucial for understanding pathomechanisms of autoimmune diseases like equine recurrent uveitis (ERU), a spontaneous model for human autoimmune uveitis. While several ERU autoantigens were identified previously, no membrane protein was found so far. As there is a great overlap between glycoproteins and membrane proteins, the aim of this study was to test whether pre-enrichment of retinal glycoproteins by ConA affinity is an effective tool to detect autoantigen candidates among membrane proteins. In 1D Western blots, the glycoprotein preparation allowed detection of IgG reactions to low abundant proteins in sera of ERU patients. Synaptotagmin-1, a Ca2+-sensing protein in synaptic vesicles, was identified as autoantigen candidate from the pre-enriched glycoprotein fraction by mass spectrometry and was validated as a highly prevalent autoantigen by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Analysis of Syt1 expression in retinas of ERU cases showed a downregulation in the majority of ERU affected retinas to 24%. Results pointed to a dysregulation of retinal neurotransmitter release in ERU. Identification of synaptotagmin-1, the first cell membrane associated autoantigen in this spontaneous autoimmune disease, demonstrated that examination of tissue fractions can lead to the discovery of previously undetected novel autoantigens. Further experiments will address its role in ERU pathology

    Ki67, chemotherapy response, and prognosis in breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant treatment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The pathological complete response (pCR) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy is a surrogate marker for a favorable prognosis in breast cancer patients. Factors capable of predicting a pCR, such as the proliferation marker Ki67, may therefore help improve our understanding of the drug response and its effect on the prognosis. This study investigated the predictive and prognostic value of Ki67 in patients with invasive breast cancer receiving neoadjuvant treatment for breast cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ki67 was stained routinely from core biopsies in 552 patients directly after the fixation and embedding process. HER2/neu, estrogen and progesterone receptors, and grading were also assessed before treatment. These data were used to construct univariate and multivariate models for predicting pCR and prognosis. The tumors were also classified by molecular phenotype to identify subgroups in which predicting pCR and prognosis with Ki67 might be feasible.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using a cut-off value of > 13% positively stained cancer cells, Ki67 was found to be an independent predictor for pCR (OR 3.5; 95% CI, 1.4, 10.1) and for overall survival (HR 8.1; 95% CI, 3.3 to 20.4) and distant disease-free survival (HR 3.2; 95% CI, 1.8 to 5.9). The mean Ki67 value was 50.6 ± 23.4% in patients with pCR. Patients without a pCR had an average of 26.7 ± 22.9% positively stained cancer cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Ki67 has predictive and prognostic value and is a feasible marker for clinical practice. It independently improved the prediction of treatment response and prognosis in a group of breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant treatment. As mean Ki67 values in patients with a pCR were very high, cut-off values in a high range above which the prognosis may be better than in patients with lower Ki67 values may be hypothesized. Larger studies will be needed in order to investigate these findings further.</p
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