7 research outputs found

    Tongue Structure of Rhinolophus pusillus and Miniopterus schreibersii

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    Kelelawar memiliki berbagai peran penting baik secara ekologis maupun ekonomis yaitu dalam pengendalian hama, siklus nutrien, pollinator, dan penghasil guano. Namun, kelelawar mengalami ancaman kepunahan yang disebabkan karena kerusakan lingkungan maupun perburuan liar, sehingga upaya konservasi sangatlah penting. Upaya ini dapat dilakukan melalui pendekatan studi struktur histologis lidah untuk memahami kesukaan pakan binatang tersebut. Di Yogyakarta, Indonesia, terdapat dua spesies kelelawar, Rhinolophus pusillus dan Miniopterus schreibersii yang hidup di habitat sama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji struktur histologis lidah R. pusillus dan M. schreibersii. Tiga ekor kelelawar pada masing-masing spesies ditangkap menggunakan sweep net dan mist net, selanjutnya kelelawar dianastesi menggunakan kloroform dan dikorbankan. Lidah dikoleksi dan difiksasi dalam neutral buffered formalin 10%. Preparasi histologis dilakukan menggunakan metode parafin dengan pewarnaan Hematoxylin Eosin dan tebal irisan 6 µm. Data histologis dianalisis secara deskriptif komparatif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa struktur histologis lidah R. pusillus dan M. schreibersii serupa. Secara histologis, lidah kelelawar tersebut tersusun atas 3 lapis yaitu tunika mukosa, tunika submukosa, dan tunika muskularis. Pada bagian lapisan epitel pipih berlapis berkeratin terdapat tonjolan papila filiformis, fungiformis, dan sirkumvalata. Tunika muskularis tersusun dalam 3 orientasi. Pada lidah kedua spesies tersebut juga terdapat kelenjar ludah dengan sel-sel penghasil kelenjar serosa dan mukosa. Kelenjar ludah R. pusillus terdapat di bagian sublingual dan anterior lidah, sedangkan kelenjar ludah M. schreibersii terdapat di bagian antero-inferior dan posterior lidah. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedua spesies kelelawar memiliki struktur lidah yang serupa sehingga dapat mengembangkan pola adaptasi yang serupa terhadap pakan

    Indeks Gonadosomatik dan Struktur Histologis Gonad Ikan Uceng (Nemacheilus fasciatus, Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1846)

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    Uceng fish is wild native fish of Indonesia that live in fresh water river. It is very common that people consume the fish for it high protein contain. High demand of fish availability cause the fish exploitation increasing rapidly in nature. The high intensity of fish exploitation, soon will induce declining population of the fish and leading to extinction. Uceng fish cultivation is one alternative to solve the tread. The purpose of this research is to examine the Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) and gonad histological structure of male and female uceng fish (Nemacheilus fasciatus) on the period of immature and mature. Fish were dissected , weighed and the gonads were measured for gonadosomatic index. Moreover, gonad were fixed in NBF 5% for histological preparation by paraffin method and which than were stained by Hematoxylin-Eosin. The result were analyzed for both qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative analysis was conducted for gonad histological structure of male and female fish, while quantitative analysis was for Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) of fish respectively. The result showed that there were differences on the gonadosomatic index of males and females fish, the histological structure of ovarian follicle and the composition of the spermatogenic cells of immature gonads and mature gonads of the fish respectively. It was conclude that there are differences on Gonadosomatic Index and gonad histological structure on immature and mature of male and female of Uceng fish (N. fasciatus)


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    Amyda cartilaginea and Cuora amboinensis are Indonesian freshwater turtles which have the same habitat but differ in terms of shell structure and intensities on land. Studies on their biological characteristics, especially studying the structural and functional adaptation to the aquatic environment, are need to be done to make a detail concept of turtles conservation by considering all aspects about them. This research aimed to observe structural and functional adaptation of A. cartilaginea and C. amboinensis to the aquatic environment, including respiratory, thermal, and locomotory adaptation in the water. Spesimens were acclimated and their oxygen consumptions were measured at 220C, 260C, and 330C using a modified manometric respirometer. Locomotory observations were carried out in the aquarium and were recorded with a camcorder. Blood samples were collected from subcarapacial vein. Total erythrocyte counts were obtained using haemocytometer combined with Natt & Herrick staining. The hemoglobin level was measured by colorimetric method using Sahli�s Haemometer. Blood smear preparations were made using Giemsa staining procedure. The sizes of erythrocytes and their nuclei were measured using an ocular micrometer. Specimens were sacrificed and dissected. Lungs volume were measured directly by injection of physiological saline into lungs lumen. Microanatomy tissue preparation of respiratory tract (trachea, bronchus, and lung) and respiratory supporting organ (cloaca and skin) were done by using Paraffin Method and Hematoxylin-Eosin Staining procedure. The results showed that respiratory adaptation of A. cartilaginea potentially used blood as oxygen storage while respiratory adaptation of C. amboinensis potentially used lungs. Thermal adaptation of A.cartilaginea had changes in metabolic rate accordanced to temperature changes. Thermal adaptation of C. amboinensis had an increase in metabolic rate at low temperature. Locomotory adaptation of A. cartilaginea was more appropriate in the aquatic environment compared to locomotory adaptation of C. amboinensis

    Effect of diazepam on kidney function and histological structure of white rat’s kidney

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    The use of NAPZA (Narcotics, Alcohol, Psychotropic, and other addictive substances) in Indonesia keeps increasing. One type of frequently used NAPZAs is diazepam. Diazepam is a kind of sedative-hypnotics drug which belongs to benzodiazepine. The objective of this study was to determine kidney function by examining the level of urine ureum and creatinine also histological structure in rat after treated with diazepam. Rats were divided into one control group and three diazepam treatment groups which were solvent control (PEG 1%), treatment I (62.25 mg/kg BW), treatment II (83 mg/kg BW), and treatment III (124.5 mg/kg BW) of diazepam. These doses were based on LD50 in human. Rat urine was taken on the D0, D7, D14, D21, and D28. The ureum level was examined by ureumse-GLDH method and the creatinine level was analyzed by Jaffe method. The histological section was made by paraffin method with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE) staining. Results showed that diazepam given to rat for 28 days led the increase of urine ureum and creatinine levels compare to control group. Furthermore, histological damages of the kidney also detected including cellular injuries, both reversible and irreversible injuries, congestion, hemorrhage, and glomerular damage. In conclusion, the use of diazepam for 28 days affected kidney function in rat. Key words: diazepam, ureum, creatinine, kidney

    Effect of diazepam on kidney function and histological structure of white rat’s kidney

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    The use of NAPZA (Narcotics, Alcohol, Psychotropic, and other addictive substances) in Indonesia keeps increasing. One type of frequently used NAPZAs is diazepam. Diazepam is a kind of sedative-hypnotics drug which belongs to benzodiazepine. The objective of this study was to determine kidney function by examining the level of urine ureum and creatinine also histological structure in rat after treated with diazepam. Rats were divided into one control group and three diazepam treatment groups which were solvent control (PEG 1%), treatment I (62.25 mg/kg BW), treatment II (83 mg/kg BW), and treatment III (124.5 mg/kg BW) of diazepam. These doses were based on LD50 in human. Rat urine was taken on the D0, D7, D14, D21, and D28. The ureum level was examined by ureumse-GLDH method and the creatinine level was analyzed by Jaffe method. The histological section was made by paraffin method with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE) staining. Results showed that diazepam given to rat for 28 days led the increase of urine ureum and creatinine levels compare to control group. Furthermore, histological damages of the kidney also detected including cellular injuries, both reversible and irreversible injuries, congestion, hemorrhage, and glomerular damage. In conclusion, the use of diazepam for 28 days affected kidney function in rat. Key words: diazepam, ureum, creatinine, kidney

    Nanoplastics causes extensive congenital malformations during embryonic development by passively targeting neural crest cells

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    Nanomaterials are widespread in the human environment as pollutants, and are being actively developed for use in human medicine. We have investigated how the size and dose of polystyrene nanoparticles affects malformations in chicken embryos, and have characterized the mechanisms by which they interfere with normal development. We find that nanoplastics can cross the embryonic gut wall. When injected into the vitelline vein, nanoplastics become distributed in the circulation to multiple organs. We find that the exposure of embryos to polystyrene nanoparticles produces malformations that are far more serious and extensive than has been previously reported. These malformations include major congenital heart defects that impair cardiac function. We show that the mechanism of toxicity is the selective binding of polystyrene nanoplastics nanoparticles to neural crest cells, leading to the death and impaired migration of those cells. Consistent with our new model, most of the malformations seen in this study are in organs that depend for their normal development on neural crest cells. These results are a matter of concern given the large and growing burden of nanoplastics in the environment. Our findings suggest that nanoplastics may pose a health risk to the developing embryo