542 research outputs found

    The mantle isotopic printer: Basic mantle plume geochemistry for seismologists and geodynamicists

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    High-temperature geochemistry combined with igneous petrology is an essential tool to infer the conditions of magma generation and evolution in the Earth's interior. During the past thirty years, a large number of geochemical models of the Earth, essentially inferred from the isotopic composition of basaltic rocks, have been proposed. These geochemical models have paid little attention to basic physics concepts, broadband seismology, or geological evidence, with the effect of producing results that are constrained more by assumptions than by data or first principles. This may not be evident to seismologists and geodynamicists. A common view in igneous petrology, seismology, and mantle modeling is that isotope geochemistry (e.g., the Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Th-Pb, U-Th-He, Re-Os, Lu-Hf, and other less commonly used systems) has the power to identify physical regions in the mantle, their depths, their rheological behavior, and the thermal conditions of magma generation. We demonstrate the fallacy of this approach and the model-dependent conclusions that emerge from unconstrained or poorly constrained geochemical models that do not consider physics, seismology (other than teleseismic travel-time tomography and particularly compelling colored mantle cross sections), and geology. Our view may be compared with computer printers. These can reproduce the entire range of colors using a limited number of basic colors (black, magenta, yellow, and cyan). Similarly, the isotopic composition of oceanic basalts and nearly all their primitive continental counterparts can be expressed in terms of a few mantle end members. The four most important (actually “most extreme”, because some are extraordinarily rare) mantle end members identified by isotope geochemists are DMM or DUM (depleted MORB [mid-ocean-ridge basalt] mantle or depleted upper mantle), HIMU (high mu, where mu = μ = ^(238)U/^(204)Pb), EMI, and EMII (enriched mantle type I and type II). Other mantle end members, or components, have been proposed in the geochemical literature (e.g., PHeM, FOZO, LVC, PreMa, EMIII, CMR, LOMU, and C), but these can be considered to be less extreme components or mixtures in the geochemical mantle zoo. Assuming the existence of these extreme "colors" in the mantle isotopic printer, the only matter for debate is their location in the Earth's interior. At least three of them need long-term insulation from convection-driven homogenization or mixing processes. In other words, where these extreme isotopic end members are located needs to be defined. In our view, no geochemical, geological, geophysical, or physical arguments require the derivation of any magma from deep mantle sources. Arguments to the contrary are assumption based. The HIMU, EMI, and EMII end members can be entirely located in the shallow non-convecting volume of the mantle, while the fourth, which is by far the more abundant volumetrically (DMM or DUM), can reside in the transition zone. This view is inverted compared with current canonical geochemical views of the Earth's mantle, where the shallowest portions are assumed to be DMM like (ambient mantle) and the EMI-EMII-HIMU end members are assumed to be isolated, located in the deep mantle, and associated with thermal anomalies. We argue that the ancient, depleted signatures of DMM imply long-term isolation from recycling and crustal contamination while the enriched components are not free of contamination by shallow materials and can therefore be shallow

    Pb and Hf isotope evidence for mantle enrichment processes and melt interactions in the lower crust and lithospheric mantle in Miocene orogenic volcanic rocks from Monte Arcuentu (Sardinia, Italy)

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    Miocene (ca. 18 Ma) subduction-related basalts and basaltic andesites from Monte Arcuentu, southern Sardinia, Italy, show a remarkable correlation between 87Sr/86Sr (from ~0.705 to ~0.711) over a small range of SiO2 (~51–58 wt%) that contrasts with most other orogenic volcanic suites worldwide. New high-precision Pb and Hf isotope data help to constrain the petrogenesis of these rocks. The most primitive Monte Arcuentu rocks (MgO >8.5 wt%) were sourced from a mantle wedge metasomatized by melts derived from terrigenous sedi­ment, likely derived from Archean terranes of northern Africa. This gave rise to magmas with high 87Sr/86Sr (0.705–0.709) and 207Pb/204Pb (15.65–15.67) with moderate εHf (–1 to +8) and εNd (–6 to +1), but it does not account for the full range of compositions observed. More evolved rocks (MgO <8.5 wt%) have higher 87Sr/86Sr (up to 0.711) and 207Pb/204Pb (up to 15.68), with εHf and εNd as low as –8 and –9, respectively. Mixing calculations suggest that evolved rocks with low Rb/Ba and low 206Pb/204Pb interacted with lower crust similar compositionally to that exposed today in Calabria, Italy, which was formerly in crustal continuity with Sardinia. High Rb/Ba and high 206Pb/204Pb magmas interacted with lithospheric mantle similar to that sampled by Italian lamproites. Partial melting of lower crustal and upper mantle lithologies was facilitated by the rapid extension, and subsequent passive mantle upwelling, that occurred as Sardinia drifted away from the European plate during the Oligo-Miocene (ca. 32–15 Ma). Fractional crystallization under these PT conditions involved ­olivine + clinopyroxene with little or no plagioclase, such that differentiation proceeded without significant increase in SiO2. The Monte Arcuentu rocks provide insights into assimilation process in the lower crust and lithospheric mantle that may be obscured by upper crustal assimilation–fractional crystallization (AFC) processes in other orogenic suites

    Origin and evolution of Cenozoic magmatism of Sardinia (Italy). A combined isotopic (Sr-Nd-Pb-O-Hf-Os) and petrological view

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    The Cenozoic igneous activity of Sardinia is essentially concentrated in the 38-0.1 Myr time range. On the basis of volcanological, petrographic, mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic considerations, two main rock types can be defined. The first group, here defined SR (Subduction-Related) comprises Late Eocene-Middle Miocene (~ 38-15 Ma) igneous rocks, essentially developed along the Sardinian Trough, a N-S oriented graben developed during the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene. The climax of magmatism is recorded during the Early Miocene (~ 23-18 Ma) with minor activity before and after this time range. Major and trace element indicators, as well as Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Os-O isotope systematic indicate complex petrogenetic processes including subduction-related metasomatism, variable degrees of crustal contamination at shallow depths, fractional crystallization and basic rock partial melting. Hybridization processes between mantle and crustal melts and between pure mantle and crustally contaminated mantle melts increased the isotopic and elemental variability of the composition of the evolved (intermediate to acid) melts. The earliest igneous activity, pre-dating the Early Miocene magmatic climax, is related to the pushing effects exerted by the Alpine Tethys over the Hercynian or older lower crust, rather than to dehydration processes of the oceanic plate itself. The second group comprises volcanic rocks emplaced from ~ 12 to ~ 0.1 Ma. The major and, partially, trace element content of these rocks roughly resemble magmas emplaced in within-plate tectonic settings. From a Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Os isotopic point of view, it is possible to subdivide these rocks in two subgroups. The first, defined RPV (Radiogenic Pb Volcanic) group comprises the oldest and very rare products (~ 12-4.4 Ma) occurring only in the southern sectors of Sardinia. The second group, defined UPV (Unradiogenic Pb Volcanic), comprises rocks emplaced in the remaining central and northern sectors during the ~ 4.8-0.1 Ma time range. The origin of the RPV rocks remains quite enigmatic, since they formed just a few Myr after the end of a subduction-related igneous activity but do not show any evidence of slab-derived metasomatic effects. In contrast, the complex origin of the mafic UPV rocks, characterized by low 206Pb/204Pb (17.4-18.1), low 143Nd/144Nd (0.51232-0.51264), low 176Hf/177Hf (0.28258-0.28280), mildly radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr (~ 0.7044) and radiogenic 187Os/188Os ratios (0.125-0.160) can be explained with a mantle source modified after interaction with ancient delaminated lower crustal lithologies. The strong isotopic difference between the RPV and UPV magmas and the absence of lower crustal-related features in the SR and RPV remain aspects to be solved

    The development of a simple control system to correct backlash

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 28).The control of systems that exhibit backlash has historically been a challenge. In these systems, there are essentially two steady state characteristic response curves separated by a deadband zone. This thesis work is motivated by the desire to accurately control the position of an actuator stem that reacts to the pressure placed on a corresponding diaphragm, which is critical to the temperature control system in a larger piece of machinery. An accurate system model is developed and a number of control methods are explored. The final control scheme is based on the full characterization of the pressure/position backlash curves and real-time pressure and position measurements. This method achieves steady state position response within 1.3% of the actuator's full travel..by Michelle E. Lustrino.S.B

    Geochemical characteristics and mantle sources of the Oligo-Miocene primitive basalts from Sardinia: The role of subduction components.

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    During the Oligo-Miocene, the Island of Sardinia was covered by the products of voluminous magmatic activity, with a typical subduction-related signature. The mafic rocks of the Montresta (north) and Arcuentu (south) volcanic districts include primitive high MgO basalts whose trace element and Sr-, Nd- and Pb-isotope compositions constrain the nature and role of subduction-related components in the Tertiary Sardinian volcanism. The geochemical and isotopic data require an approximate degree of partial melting of 15% of a MORB-like depleted mantle prior to enrichment, and the input of two subduction components in the mantle wedge consisting of fluids from subducted oceanic crust (altered MORB) and fluids from subducted sediments. Ratios among trace elements which are variably compatible with fluid and melt phases (i.e. Th/Pb, Th/Nd and Sr/Nd) exclude the contribution of melts from the subducted slab. Models based on isotopic ratios indicate that the pre-subduction depleted mantle source of Sardinia magmas was enriched by 0.1-0.5% MORB fluid and less than 0.1% sediment fluid. The geochemical and isotopic compositions of the Montresta volcanic rocks are homogeneous, whereas those of the Arcuentu show quite heterogeneous characters, suggesting variations in mantle source over the long time-span (about 13 Ma) of volcanic activity in this district

    Petrological characterization of the Cenozoic igneous rocks of the Tafresh area, central Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc (Iran)

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    We report a petrographic and whole-rock geochemical characterization of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks cropping out in the Tafresh area of the central Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc of Iran. The investigated rocks range mainly from basaltic andesite to dacite, and are considered to be genetically linked by (mostly) closed-system evolutionary processes involving fractionation of ferromagnesian minerals and plagioclase first, then of plagioclase and lesser amphibole (plus minor clinopyroxene) and finally of plagioclase with lesser alkali feldspar and minor amphibole. These represent a typical calcalkaline series emplaced in a subduction-related setting, producing the observed LILE-enriched and HFSE-depleted geochemical signature. The basaltic andesite compositions likely derived from an unsampled hydrous primitive melt equilibrated in a spinel-bearing metasomatized peridotite source, evolving at shallow to moderate crustal depths.Additional lithotypes cropping out in the Tafresh area include much rarer strongly evolved leucocratic rocks and evolved rocks with adakitic signature. The first are thought to derive from crustal anatexis of a meta-sedimentary source, whereas the latter are interpreted as the product of the melting of a meta-mafic source rock with residual garnet and amphibole. The association of magmatic rocks pointing to all such different petrogenetic processes in a relatively limited area is strongly suggestive of emplacement in a post-collisional stage

    Genetic variability among peanut accessions

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a variabilidade genética entre 29 acessos de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.), por meio de marcadores moleculares randômicos (DNA polimórfico amplificado ao acaso – RAPD). O ensaio molecular foi realizado com 31 iniciadores, dos quais 12 (39%) mostraram polimorfismo. Observou-se o total de 145 fragmentos amplificados, dos quais 35 (24%) foram polimórficos, com média de 4,67 fragmentos por iniciador e 1,13 fragmento polimórfico por iniciador. Pelo dendrograma, observou-se que os acessos foram separados em dois grupos com 89% de similaridade. Esta distribuição mostra a variabilidade existente entre os acessos das diferentes variedades botânicas, uma vez que acessos da subespécie fastigiata estão presentes nos dois grupos principais, e os acessos da subespécie hypogaea estão distribuídos pelos subgrupos A e B do grupo II do dendograma.The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic variability among 29 accessions of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) by means of random molecular markers (random amplified polimorphic DNA – RAPD). The molecular assay was performed with 31 primers, of which 12 (39%) revealed polymorphism. It was observed a total of 145 amplified fragments, of which 35 (24%) were polymorphic, with an average of 4.67 fragments by primer and 1.13 polymorphic fragment by primer. It was observed through the dendrogram that the accessions were separated into two groups with 89% of similarity. This distribution shows the variability among the accessions of the different botanical varieties, since the accessions of subspecie fastigiata are present in two principal groups, and the accessions of subspecie hypogaea are distributed in subgroups A and B from dendrogram group II

    Retrieving magma composition from TIR spectra: implications for terrestrial planets investigations

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    Emissivity and reflectance spectra have been investigated on two series of silicate glasses, having compositions belonging to alkaline and subalkaline series, covering the most common terrestrial igneous rocks. Glasses were synthesized starting from natural end-members outcropping at Vulcano Island (Aeolian Islands, Italy) and on Snake River Plain (USA). Results show that the shift of the spectra, by taking Christiansen feature (CF) as a reference point, is correlated with SiO2 content, the SCFM factor and/or the degree of polymerization state via the NBO/T and temperature. The more evolved is the composition, the more polymerized the structure, the shorter the wavelength at which CF is observable. CF shift is also dependent on temperature. The shape of the spectra discriminates alkaline character, and it is related to the evolution of Qn structural units. Vulcano alkaline series show larger amount of Q4 and Q3 species even for mafic samples compared to the subalkaline Snake River Plain series. Our results provide new and robust insights for the geochemical characterization of volcanic rocks by remote sensing, with the outlook to infer origin of magmas both on Earth as well as on terrestrial planets or rocky bodies, from emissivity and reflectance spectra
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