2,390 research outputs found

    Soil solarization for weed control in carrot.

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    Soil solarization is a technique used for weed and plant disease control in regions with high levels of solar radiation. The effect of solarization (0, 3, 6, and 9 weeks) upon weed populations,carrot (Daucus carota L. cv. Brasília) yield and nematode infestation in carrot roots was studied in São Luís (2o35' S; 44o10' W), MA, Brazil, using transparent polyethylene films (100 and 150 mm of thickness). The maximum temperature at 5 cm of depth was about 10oC warmer in solarized soil than in control plots. In the study 20 weed types were recorded. Solarization reduced weed biomass and density in about 50% of weed species, including Cyperus spp., Chamaecrista nictans var. paraguariensis(Chod & Hassl.) Irwin & Barneby,Marsypianthes chamaedrys (Vahl) O. Kuntze, Mitracarpus sp.,Mollugo verticillata L., Sebastiania corniculata M. Arg., and Spigelia anthelmia L. Approximately 40% of species in the weed flora were not affected by soil mulching. Furthermore, seed germination of Commelina benghalensis L. was increased by soil solarization. Marketable yield of carrots was greater in solarized soil than in the unsolarized one. It was concluded that solarization for nine weeks increases carrot yield and is effective for controlling more than half of the weed species recorded. Mulching was not effective for controlling root-knot nematodes in carrot

    The Ohlson Model of Evaluation of Companies:Tutorial for Use

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    The article analyzes the structuring and applicability of the Ohlson Model (OM). The methodology used considered: (i) exploratory research as to the objectives of the study; (ii) bibliographical research as to the procedures applied; and (iii) qualitative research as to the addressing of the problem. The review of the literature covered both the origin (discount of dividends, evaluation by the residual profit etc) and the underlying theory of the model. In relation to the internal consistency of the OM, the structuring of the linear informational dynamics was discussed (DIL) and the formula of evaluation as well as the establishing of the entries demanded (parameters and variables). An example was also developed that illustrates the interaction between the coefficients, variables and parameters of the Ohlson modeling. The example permitted the exploration of fundamental concepts and premises for the operating of the Ohlson model, underlying the equations of the DIL (self-regressive models, parameters of persistence etc), to the behavior of the profits (persistence and ability to forecast), to the scenario of evaluation and to some aspects of the accounts model (role of the net worth etc). The study concluded that: (1) there is no consensus in the academic literature about the appropriate method of measuring the parameters of persistence; (2) there are propositions for perfecting the original conception of the OM by means of extensions to the model; (3) the Ohlson model propitiated a series of contributions in the academic literature about capital markets.evaluation of companies, Ohlson Model.


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    Purpose: Examine the social and economic functions of companies and their actions, mainly regarding the protection and use of natural resources, minerals and the disposal of contaminated materials. Theoretical Framework: The government created regulations that thoroughly describe the management, classification and importance of implementing a Health Service Waste Management Plan in all health institutions. Design/Methodology/Approach: It is an exploratory case study, which compared the disposal of Health Service Waste in two dental clinics. Findings: The clinics' Health Service Waste Management Plan aims to minimize the production of waste, treat it and send it safely to its final destination, which prevents and controls occupational, public health and environmental risks environment. Research, Practical & Social Implications: We suggest that knowledge of the standards and monitoring of their compliance, together with the education and training of professionals who deal directly or indirectly with Health Service Waste, to create awareness and change habits. Originality/Value: Taking measures based on saving resources, preserving the environment, ethics and responsibility can guarantee a healthier future for future generations, where dental professionals learn about the correct management of waste and their participation in maintenance the environmental integrity of the planet

    La arquitectura religiosa de Ouro Preto

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    Partial Orderings as Heuristic for Multi-Objective Model-Based Reasoning

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    Model-based reasoning is becoming increasingly common in software engineering. The process of building and analyzing models helps stakeholders to understand the ramifications of their software decisions. But complex models can confuse and overwhelm stakeholders when these models have too many candidate solutions. We argue here that a technique based on partial orderings lets humans find acceptable solutions via a binary chop needing O(log(N))O(log(N)) queries (or less). This paper checks the value of this approach via the iSNEAK partial ordering tool. Pre-experimentally, we were concerned that (a)~our automated methods might produce models that were unacceptable to humans; and that (b)~our human-in-the-loop methods might actual overlooking significant optimizations. Hence, we checked the acceptability of the solutions found by iSNEAK via a human-in-the-loop double-blind evaluation study of 20 Brazilian programmers. We also checked if iSNEAK misses significant optimizations (in a corpus of 16 SE models of size ranging up to 1000 attributes by comparing it against two rival technologies (the genetic algorithms preferred by the interactive search-based SE community; and the sequential model optimizers developed by the SE configuration community~\citep{flash_vivek}). iSNEAK 's solutions were found to be human acceptable (and those solutions took far less time to generate, with far fewer questions to any stakeholder). Significantly, our methods work well even for multi-objective models with competing goals (in this work we explore models with four to five goals). These results motivate more work on partial ordering for many-goal model-based problems

    The rotational shear layer inside the early red-giant star KIC 4448777

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    We present the asteroseismic study of the early red-giant star KIC 4448777, complementing and integrating a previous work (Di Mauro et al. 2016), aimed at characterizing the dynamics of its interior by analyzing the overall set of data collected by the {\it Kepler} satellite during the four years of its first nominal mission. We adopted the Bayesian inference code DIAMOND (Corsaro \& De Ridder 2014) for the peak bagging analysis and asteroseismic splitting inversion methods to derive the internal rotational profile of the star. The detection of new splittings of mixed modes, more concentrated in the very inner part of the helium core, allowed us to reconstruct the angular velocity profile deeper into the interior of the star and to disentangle the details better than in Paper I: the helium core rotates almost rigidly about 6 times faster than the convective envelope, while part of the hydrogen shell seems to rotate at a constant velocity about 1.15 times lower than the He core. In particular, we studied the internal shear layer between the fast-rotating radiative interior and the slow convective zone and we found that it lies partially inside the hydrogen shell above r0.05Rr \simeq 0.05R and extends across the core-envelope boundary. Finally, we theoretically explored the possibility for the future to sound the convective envelope in the red-giant stars and we concluded that the inversion of a set of splittings with only low-harmonic degree l3l\leq 3, even supposing a very large number of modes, will not allow to resolve the rotational profile of this region in detail.Comment: accepted for publication on Ap

    Participação, redes e capital social para a governança da água no Brasil : um olhar sobre o Conselho Nacional de Recursos Hídricos

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2012.As mudanças na gestão dos recursos hídricos acompanharam a trajetória de democratização das políticas públicas no Brasil, cujo marco foi a Constituição Federal de 1988. A Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos (PNRH) e o Sistema Nacional de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos (SINGREH), instituídos pela Lei Federal 9.433/1997, já nascem sob os princípios democratizantes da Carta Constitucional. Com a edição da Lei das Águas, a gestão dos recursos hídricos no Brasil deixa de ser uma questão de Governo, baseada em uma hierarquia político-administrativa, para tornar-se uma questão de Governança, em que uma multiplicidade de atores interage e participa dos processos de concepção e implementação das políticas públicas. Esta dissertação propõe uma reflexão sobre o princípio da participação na Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos e algumas de suas implicações para a governança contemporânea da água no Brasil, a partir da análise do Plenário do CNRH, órgão consultivo e deliberativo do SINGREH, com responsabilidades sobre a formulação da Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos. O texto está estruturado em dois capítulos, além da introdução e da conclusão, os quais foram desenvolvidos na forma de artigos científicos. O primeiro capítulo recorre a abordagens distintas e, por vezes, contraditórias sobre a participação na gestão de políticas públicas, para analisar a participação e o ativismo dos membros do CNRH, assim como a sua percepção sobre a influência que exercem, a abertura à inovação e a efetividade do Conselho no alcance dos objetivos da Política. O segundo capítulo relaciona os conceitos de redes, capital social e ação coletiva, no marco teórico da governança, como ponto de partida para analisar o potencial do CNRH em mobilizar capital social para a resolução de problemas de ação coletiva que desafiam a gestão dos recursos hídricos no Brasil. Além da análise dos atributos individuais dos (as) conselheiros (as), a metodologia adota a perspectiva da Análise de Redes Sociais (ARS), focando nos aspectos relacionais dos atores que compõem o Plenário do CNRH. Os resultados apontam para o fato de que criação dos espaços colegiados participativos com capacidades decisórias em relação à gestão dos recursos hídricos não significa, por si só, a mudança nos padrões decisórios tradicionalmente estabelecidos e a ampliação das perspectivas com impacto nos resultados alcançados. O design institucional e a estrutura das redes sociais que se constituem aspectos importantes a serem considerados na análise desses espaços. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe changes in water resources management followed the course of democratization of public policies in Brazil, established in the 1988 Federal Constitution. The National Water Resources Policy and the National System of Water Resources Management, established by the Federal Law 9.433/1997, were born under the democratizing principles of the Constitution. With the approval of the Water Law, the management of water resources in Brazil is no longer a matter of government, based on a political-administrative hierarchy to become a matter of governance, in which a multiplicity of actors interact and participate in the design and implementation of public policies. This dissertation proposes a reflection on the principle of participation in the National Water Resources Policy and some of its implications for contemporary governance of water in Brazil, based on the analysis of the Plenary of National Water Council, consultative and deliberative body of the National System of Water Resources Management, with responsibilities for the National Policy of Water Resources. The text is comprised of two chapters, besides the introduction and conclusion, which were developed in the form of scientific articles. The first chapter uses different and sometimes contradictory approaches about participation in the management of public policies, to analyze the participation and activism of the members of CNRH, as well as their perception of their influence, openness to innovation and effectiveness of the Council in achieving the objectives of the Policy. The second chapter relates the concepts of networks, social capital and collective action, the theoretical framework of governance, as a starting point for analyzing the potential of National Water Council to mobilize social capital to solve collective action problems that challenge the management of water resources in Brazil. Besides the analysis of individual attributes of the stakeholders, the methodology adopts the perspective of Social Network Analysis (ARS), focusing on the relational aspects of the stakeholders in the Plenary of CNRH. The results show that the creation of spaces with participatory decision-making capabilities for the management of water resources do not mean, by itself, changes in decision-making traditionally standards and amplification of perspectives as an impact on the results. The institutional design and the structure of social networks are important aspects to be considered in the analysis of these spaces