134 research outputs found


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    Kecelakaan kerja merupakan suatu permasalahan yang banyak menyita perhatian berbagai organisasi, karena mencakup permasalahan perikemanusiaan, biaya, aspek hukum, serta pertanggungjawaban. Oleh karena itu diperlukan Perencanaan K3 yang bertujuan untuk mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan kerja. Tujuan Perencanaan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan (K3) Konstruksi pada Proyek Konstruksi Perbaikan Berat Stasiun Pandu Jungkat ini adalah mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan potensi bahaya, serta mengendalikan risiko pada aktifitas kerja. Analisis bahaya terhadap risiko K3 dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Control (HIRARC). Berdasarkan hasil wawancara kepada para ahli pengawasan lapangan didapatkan 88 potensi identifikasi bahaya. Setelah melakukan identifikasi kemudian dilanjutkan melakukan penilaian risiko. Berdasarkan penilaian risiko yang dilakukan maka tidak didapat nilai dengan tingkat risiko tinggi, tetapi didapatlah 69 risiko sedang dan 19 risiko rendah. Setelah dilakukan penilaian risiko dilanjutkan melakukan pengendalian bahaya kemudian setelah itu peneliti membuat tabel Rencana Keselamatan Konstruksi (RKK)

    Text-marking, an Alternative Way in Teaching Reading Report Text

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    This study is conducted to identify 1) the students\u27 skill improvement in reading report text and 2) class situation in which text-marking is implemented in the reading class at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta in the academic year of 2014/2015. The method used in this action research was classroom action research. The research was conducted from February 1st until May 22nd 2015. Every research cycle consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. There are qualitative and quantitative data collected in this research. The qualitative data were collected by interviewing, surveying, and observing whereas the quantitative data were collected by designing pre-test and post-test. The findings showed that the implementation of text-marking could improve students\u27 skill in reading report text and classroom situation. The students\u27 mean score improved in five basic reading\u27 skill indicators as 1) finding main idea and topic, 2) determining reference, 3) determining word meaning based on context, 4) finding explicit and detailed information, and 5) finding implicit information increased. The improvements of class situation included 1) students focused to their learning, 2) students became active and enthusiast, so that classroom situation was conducive, 3) students were willing to discuss about learning difficulty with their friends and the teacher. The mean score had the advancement from 63.4 in the pre-test, 77.7 in the post-test 1, and 81.5 in the post-test 2

    Text-marking, an Alternative Way in Teaching Reading Report Text

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    This study is conducted to identify 1) the students' skill improvement in reading report text and 2) class situation in which text-marking is implemented in the reading class at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta in the academic year of 2014/2015. The method used in this action research was classroom action research. The research was conducted from February 1st until May 22nd 2015. Every research cycle consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. There are qualitative and quantitative data collected in this research. The qualitative data were collected by interviewing, surveying, and observing whereas the quantitative data were collected by designing pre-test and post-test. The findings showed that the implementation of text-marking could improve students' skill in reading report text and classroom situation. The students' mean score improved in five basic reading' skill indicators as 1) finding main idea and topic, 2) determining reference, 3) determining word meaning based on context, 4) finding explicit and detailed information, and 5) finding implicit information increased. The improvements of class situation included 1) students focused to their learning, 2) students became active and enthusiast, so that classroom situation was conducive, 3) students were willing to discuss about learning difficulty with their friends and the teacher. The mean score had the advancement from 63.4 in the pre-test, 77.7 in the post-test 1, and 81.5 in the post-test 2

    Pengelolaan Diklatpim Tingkat IV pada Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kota Lubuklinggau

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    The objective of this study is to describe the management of forth level leadership training at Education and Training Center of Lubuklinggau City. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitatif. The technique of collecting the data through interview, observations and documentation. The result of the research show that the the management of forth level leadership training at Education and Training Center of Lubuklinggau City implemented with the goal of building the civil servants' operational leadership competencies who will or who have occupied echelon IV. The capability is the ability to plan the agency's activities and lead the implementation of these activities. that the the management of forth level leadership training at Education and Training Center of Lubuklinggau City has managed by structural trainning sector and the division head of leadership training as a tecnical implementation of the activities

    Analisis Kreativitas Guru dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Kelas XI SMA

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    This study aims to determine how the creativity of teachers in the learning process on economic subjects in class XI SMA Kemala IIS 5 Bhayangkari. The object of this research is the teacher of economic subjects in class XI SMA Kemala IIS 5 Bhayangkari. The method used is descriptive method with survey forms. Data taken with the technique of direct communication in the form of interviews, direct observation techniques and indirect communication techniques that questionnaire. While the data processing techniques using descriptive analysis. The results showed that teachers' own criteria of creative teacher in the learning process, the teachers already have curiosity enormous when teaching, teachers own intuitive nature, teachers already have a flexible nature, the teacher already has properties humorous, teachers own nature inspiring, and teachers already have an empathic nature


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    Acceleration on projects is frequently used when there is a mismatch between the actual and planned schedules. In addition, acceleration is frequently implemented in response to requests from the project owner to complete the project as quickly as possible to meet specific goals so that the building can be used immediately. The owner of the Dekranasda Building and Hall in West Kalimantan requested that the project be finished immediately so that the Dekranasda Building could be used as the location for a national UMKM exhibition event. The initial plan for this project was scheduled for 152 working days. Because there would be an exhibition event, the project was accelerated to 128 working days. The purpose of this research is to accelerate the project for 24 days. The stages of this acceleration analysis start from finding what activities can be softened, then compiling a network diagram to identify activities on the critical path, followed by crashing analysis to get crash duration, crash cost, and cost slope, then Time Cost Trade-Off analysis is carried out. This research uses the PDM (Precedence Diagram Method) method applied to Microsoft Project to compile a Network Diagram. The results of the acceleration analysis show that the crashing process is carried out until the 12th crashing to meet the target acceleration duration of 128 working days from the normal duration of 152 working days, and the usual 24-day length is shortened. Twelve tasks have been added, raising the overall project cost from Rp. 6,794,007,874 to Rp. 7,091,725,614 by a total of Rp. 297,717,741

    The Application of Naïve Bayes Classifier Based Feature Selection on Analysis of Online Learning Sentiment in Online Media

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    There are problems that still exist in online learning including limited-reach networks, inadequate facilities and infrastructure, and others. This study discussed the analysis of sentiment which used the Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC) method with XGBoost feature selection as a performance improvement that took data from news portals. The results of this study showed that graph data on the application of online learning forms in Indonesia had a "Negative" opinion. Performance testing of the NBC method based on XGBoost feature selection was conducted four times. The first experiment resulted in an accuracy value of 60.18% with 50/50 split data. The next experiment had an accuracy value of 56.92% with 70/30 split data. After that, the third experiment resulted in an accuracy value of 65.90% with 80/20 split data. The result of the last experiment was an accuracy value of 63.63% with 90/10 split data. After using XGBoost feature selection, it produced an accuracy of 60.18%, 67.69%, 70.45%, and 77.27%. The study also produced the highest average score at 10-Fold Cross-Validation in the second trial with a score of 65.62%

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Agama Islam terhadap Pemahaman Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Siswa di SMP Royal Wells Middle Schools

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    The religious, cultural, and ethnic diversity of Indonesia is well-known. Differences in understanding, nationality, and religion are frequently the primary causes of existing difficulties, to name just a few. This study sought to ascertain the relationship between eighth-grade students at SMP Royal Wells Middle School's knowledge and understanding of Islam and the Pancasila ideals. This study used a quantitative research method using a correlational approach. Understanding of Pancasila values is variable Y in this study, while Islamic religious knowledge is variable X. The population of this study consisted of 20 students, and the method of data collection used in it was distributing a questionnaire to eighth-graders at Royal Wells Middle School. The findings revealed a moderate link between Pancasila ideals and knowledge and understanding of Islam. Students can thus use the information on religious values and Pancasila both in the context of the classroom and in the community.
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