29 research outputs found

    Investigation of unconventional reconstruction and electronic properties on the Na2IrO3 surface

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    Na2IrO3 is an intriguing material for which spin-orbit coupling plays a key role. Theoretical predictions, so far unverified, have been made that the surface of Na2IrO3 should exhibit a clear signature of the quantum spin Hall effect. We studied the surface of Na2IrO3 using scanning tunneling microscopy and density-functional theory calculations. We observed atomic level resolution of the surface and two types of terminations with different surface periodicity and Na content. By comparing bias-dependent experimental topographic images to simulated images, we determined the detailed atomistic structure of both observed surfaces. One of these reveals a strong relaxation to the surface of Na atoms from the subsurface region two atomic layers below. Such dramatic structural changes at the surface cast doubt on any prediction of surface properties based on bulk electronic structure. Indeed, using spatially resolved tunneling spectroscopy we found no indication of the predicted quantum spin Hall behavior

    Spin-polarized current injection induced magnetic reconstruction at oxide interface

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    Electrical manipulation of magnetism presents a promising way towards using the spin degree of freedom in very fast, low-power electronic devices. Though there has been tremendous progress in electrical control of magnetic properties using ferromagnetic (FM) nanostructures, an opportunity of manipulating antiferromagnetic (AFM) states should offer another route for creating a broad range of new enabling technologies. Here we selectively probe the interface magnetization of SrTiO3/La0.5Ca0.5MnO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterojunctions and discover a new spin-polarized current injection induced interface magnetoelectric (ME) effect. The accumulation of majority spins at the interface causes a sudden, reversible transition of the spin alignment of interfacial Mn ions from AFM to FM exchange-coupled, while the injection of minority electron spins alters the interface magnetization from C-type to A-type AFM state. In contrast, the bulk magnetization remains unchanged. We attribute the current-induced interface ME effect to modulations of the strong double-exchange interaction between conducting electron spins and local magnetic moments. The effect is robust and may serve as a viable route for electronic and spintronic applications

    Current-driven interface magnetic transition in complex oxide heterostructure

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    The interfacial spin state of n-type BaTiO3/La0.5Ca0.5MnO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterojunction and its dependence on gate voltage is investigated with magnetic second-harmonic generation at 78 K. The injection of minority spins alters the interface magnetization of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic exchange coupled, while the bulk magnetization remains unchanged. The emergent interfacial antiferromagnetic interactions are attributed to modulations of the strong double-exchange interaction between conducting electron spins and local magnetic moments. The results will help promote the development of new interface-based functionalities and device concepts. (C) 2017 American Vacuum Society

    Interface magnetization transition via minority spin injection

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    The interface magnetization of n-type BaTiO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterojunction is selectively probed by magnetic second-harmonic generation at 80 K. The injection of minority spins at the interface causes a sudden, reversible transition of the spin alignment of interfacial Mn ions from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic exchange coupled, while the bulk magnetization remains unchanged. We attribute the emergent interfacial antiferromagnetic interactions to weakening of the double-exchange mechanism caused by the strong Hund\u27s rule coupling between injected minority spins and local magnetic moments. The effect is robust and may serve as a viable route for electronic and spintronic applications. Published by AIP Publishing

    Principles of event segmentation in language: The case of motion events

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    We examine universals and crosslinguistic variation in constraints on event segmentation. Previous typological studies have focused on segmentation into syntactic (Pawley 1987) or intonational units (Givón 1991). We argue that the correlation between such units and semantic/conceptual event representations is language-specific. As an alternative, we introduce the MACRO-EVENT PROPERTY (MEP): a construction has the MEP if it packages event representations such that temporal operators necessarily have scope over all subevents. A case study on the segmentation of motion events into macro-event expressions in eighteen genetically and typologically diverse languages has produced evidence of two types of design principles that impact motion-event segmentation: language-specific lexicalization patterns and universal constraints on form-to-meaning mapping

    Gene expression analysis of ELF-MF exposed human monocytes indicating the involvement of the alternative activation pathway

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    This study focused on the cell activating capacity of extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF) on human umbilical cord blood-derived monocytes. Our results confirm the previous findings of cell activating capacity of ELF-MF (1.0 mT) in human monocytes, which was detected as an increased ROS release. Furthermore, gene expression profiling (whole-genome cDNA array Human Unigene RZPD-2) was performed to achieve a comprehensive view of involved genes during the cell activation process after 45 min ELF-MF exposure. Our results indicate the alteration of 986 genes involved in metabolism, cellular physiological processes, signal transduction and immune response. Significant regulations could be analyzed for 5 genes (expression >2- or <0.5-fold): IL15RA (Interleukin 15 receptor, alpha chain), EPS15R (Epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 15 - like 1), DNMT3A (Hypothetical protein MGC16121), DNMT3A (DNA (cytosine-5) methyltransferase 3 alpha), and one gene with no match to known genes, DKFZP586J1624. Real-time RT-PCR analysis of the kinetic of the expression of IL15RA, and IL10RA during 45 min ELF-MF exposure indicates the regulation of cell activation via the alternative pathway, whereas the delayed gene expression of FOS, IL2RA and the melatonin synthesizing enzyme HIOMT suggests the suppression of inflammatory processes. Accordingly, we suggest that ELF-MF activates human monocytes via the alternative pathway