251 research outputs found

    Catalog of Local Government Services in Michigan

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    The Citizens Research Council announces the release of the Catalog of Local Government Services. The Catalog is the result of a survey sent to the governments of 670 counties, cities, villages, and counties in 24 Michigan counties. The surveys asked which services are provided to residents of each community, and if the services are provided, whether they are provided by the units themselves, through cooperative arrangements, by another unit, or by contract. Responses were received from about 70 percent of the units contacted. The data show that Michigan cities, villages, and townships cannot be characterized in simple terms. The menu of services provided by different units is broad and the methods used to provide those services equally diverse. The Citizens Research Council plans to use the Catalog of Local Government Services for future studies to expand on opportunities for efficiencies. The information is made available at this time for others to use the data for their own needs

    Not Particles, Not Quite Fields: An Ontology for Quantum Field Theory

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    There are significant problems involved in determining the ontology of quantum field theory (QFT). An ontology involving particles seems to be ruled out due to the problem of defining localized position operators, issues involving interactions in QFT, and, perhaps, the appearance of unitarily inequivalent representations. While this might imply that fields are the most natural ontology for QFT, the wavefunctional interpretation of QFT has significant drawbacks. A modified field ontology is examined where determinables are assigned to open bounded regions of spacetime instead of spacetime points

    Explaining Horizontal and Vertical Cooperation on Public Services in Michigan: The Role of Local Fiscal Capacity

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    Michigan local governments engage in a wide range of cooperative activities. Little is known, however, about what factors motivate local governments to engage in intergovernmental cooperation and how local government officials choose among various forms of collaboration. We develop and test a theory of intergovernmental cooperation that explains differences in the factors that lead local governments to engage in horizontal cooperation with other local units versus vertical cooperation with county or state governments. Our primary focus is on fiscal capacity: we hypothesize that limited fiscal capacity leads many local governments, especially townships, to work collaboratively with state or county actors to provide government services. Local governments with greater fiscal capacity, especially cities, are stronger potential partners and so are more likely to collaborate with other local governments using horizontal arrangements. We expect other factors, such as population characteristics, local and regional economic factors, federal or state mandates, and the existence of collaborative partners, to matter as well. We test these hypotheses with survey data collected in 2005 by the Citizens Research Council of Michigan on the mode of service provision employed by 460 Michigan local governments across 115 service categories. We find strong support for our propositions about the linkage between local fiscal capacity and intergovernmental cooperation on public services

    A hypomorphic allele of ZAP-70 reveals a distinct thymic threshold for autoimmune disease versus autoimmune reactivity

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    ZAP-70 is critical for T cell receptor (TCR) signaling. Tyrosine to phenylalanine mutations of Y315 and Y319 in ZAP-70 suggest these residues function to recruit downstream effector molecules, but mutagenesis and crystallization studies reveal that these residues also play an important role in autoinhibition ZAP-70. To address the importance of the scaffolding function, we generated a zap70 mutant mouse (YYAA mouse) with Y315 and Y319 both mutated to alanines. These YYAA mice reveal that the scaffolding function is important for normal development and function. Moreover, the YYAA mice have many similarities to a previously identified ZAP-70 mutant mouse, SKG, which harbors a distinct hypomorphic mutation. Both YYAA and SKG mice have impaired T cell development and hyporesponsiveness to TCR stimulation, markedly reduced numbers of thymic T regulatory cells and defective positive and negative selection. YYAA mice, like SKG mice, develop rheumatoid factor antibodies, but fail to develop autoimmune arthritis. Signaling differences that result from ZAP-70 mutations appear to skew the TCR repertoire in ways that differentially influence propensity to autoimmunity versus autoimmune disease susceptibility. By uncoupling the relative contribution from T regulatory cells and TCR repertoire during thymic selection, our data help to identify events that may be important, but alone are insufficient, for the development of autoimmune disease

    T Cell Development and T Cell Responses in Mice with Mutations Affecting Tyrosines 292 or 315 of the Zap-70 Protein Tyrosine Kinase

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    After stimulation of the T cell receptor (TCR), the tyrosine residues 292 and 315 in interdomain B of the protein tyrosine kinase ZAP-70 become phosphorylated and plausibly function as docking sites for Cbl and Vav1, respectively. The two latter proteins have been suggested to serve as substrates for ZAP-70 and to fine-tune its function. To address the role of these residues in T cell development and in the function of primary T cells, we have generated mice that express ZAP-70 molecules with Tyr to Phe substitution at position 292 (Y292F) or 315 (Y315F). When analyzed in a sensitized TCR transgenic background, the ZAP-70 Y315F mutation reduced the rate of positive selection and delayed the occurrence of negative selection. Furthermore, this mutation unexpectedly affected the constitutive levels of the CD3-ζ p21 phosphoisoform. Conversely, the ZAP-70 Y292F mutation upregulated proximal events in TCR signaling and allowed more T cells to produce interleukin 2 and interferon γ in response to a given dose of antigen. The observation that ZAP-70 Y292F T cells have a slower rate of ligand-induced TCR downmodulation suggests that Y292 is likely involved in regulating the duration activated TCR reside at the cell surface. Furthermore, we showed that Y292 and Y315 are dispensable for the TCR-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Cbl and Vav1, respectively. Therefore, other molecules present in the TCR signaling cassette act as additional adaptors for Cbl and Vav1. The present in vivo analyses extend previous data based on transformed T cell lines and suggest that residue Y292 plays a role in attenuation of TCR signaling, whereas residue Y315 enhances ZAP-70 function

    Additional Serine/Threonine Phosphorylation Reduces Binding Affinity but Preserves Interface Topography of Substrate Proteins to the c-Cbl TKB Domain

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    The E3-ubiquitin ligase, c-Cbl, is a multi-functional scaffolding protein that plays a pivotal role in controlling cell phenotype. As part of the ubiquitination and downregulation process, c-Cbl recognizes targets, such as tyrosine kinases and the Sprouty proteins, by binding to a conserved (NX/R)pY(S/T)XXP motif via its uniquely embedded SH2 domain (TKB domain). We previously outlined the mode of binding between the TKB domain and various substrate peptide motifs, including epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and Sprouty2 (Spry2), and demonstrated that an intrapetidyl hydrogen bond forms between the (pY-1) arginine or (pY-2) asparagine and the phosphorylated tyrosine, which is crucial for binding. Recent reports demonstrated that, under certain types of stimulation, the serine/threonine residues at the pY+1 and/or pY+2 positions within this recognition motif of EGFR and Sprouty2 may be endogenously phosphorylated. Using structural and binding studies, we sought to determine whether this additional phosphorylation could affect the binding of the TKB domain to these peptides and consequently, whether the type of stimulation can dictate the degree to which substrates bind to c-Cbl. Here, we show that additional phosphorylation significantly reduces the binding affinity between the TKB domain and its target proteins, EGFR and Sprouty2, as compared to peptides bearing a single tyrosine phosphorylation. The crystal structure indicates that this is accomplished with minimal changes to the essential intrapeptidyl bond and that the reduced strength of the interaction is due to the charge repulsion between c-Cbl and the additional phosphate group. This obvious reduction in binding affinity, however, indicates that Cbl's interactions with its TKB-centered binding partners may be more favorable in the absence of Ser/Thr phosphorylation, which is stimulation and context specific in vivo. These results demonstrate the importance of understanding the environment in which certain residues are phosphorylated, and the necessity of including this in structural investigations

    La Hispania del Nuevo Mundo. Historia indiana y dinámicas políticas en el reinado de Felipe III

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    In Philip III’s reign, the field of textual representation from the Indies entered a period of renewed analysis that fueled discussions and political practices of implications of the Americas. This paper analyzes how the construction of the Indies’ past was actively involved in the discursive fields of the early seventeenth century as a political weapon.En el reinado de Felipe III el ámbito de representaciones textuales indianas conoció un tiempo de análisis renovados que alimentaron las discusiones y las prácticas políticas de implicaciones americanas. En el presente artículo se analiza cómo la construcción de la historia de América participó activamente en los ámbitos discursivos de comienzos del siglo XVII como arma política

    Alterations in Adenosine Metabolism and Signaling in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

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    Background: Adenosine is generated in response to cellular stress and damage and is elevated in the lungs of patients with chronic lung disease. Adenosine signaling through its cell surface receptors serves as an amplifier of chronic lung disorders, suggesting adenosine-based therapeutics may be beneficial in the treatment of lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Previous studies in mouse models of chronic lung disease demonstrate that the key components of adenosine metabolism and signaling are altered. Changes include an upregulation of CD73, the major enzyme of adenosine production and down-regulation of adenosine deaminase (ADA), the major enzyme for adenosine metabolism. In addition, adenosine receptors are elevated. Methodology/Principal Findings: The focus of this study was to utilize tissues from patients with COPD or IPF to examine whether changes in purinergic metabolism and signaling occur in human disease. Results demonstrate that the levels of CD73 and A2BR are elevated in surgical lung biopsies from severe COPD and IPF patients. Immunolocalization assays revealed abundant expression of CD73 and the A2BR in alternatively activated macrophages in both COPD and IPF samples. In addition, mediators that are regulated by the A 2BR, such as IL-6, IL-8 and osteopontin were elevated in these samples and activation of the A 2BR on cells isolated from the airways of COPD and IPF patients was shown to directly induce the production of these mediators. Conclusions/Significance: These findings suggest that components of adenosine metabolism and signaling are altered in

    Expression and genomic analysis of midasin, a novel and highly conserved AAA protein distantly related to dynein

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    BACKGROUND: The largest open reading frame in the Saccharomyces genome encodes midasin (MDN1p, YLR106p), an AAA ATPase of 560 kDa that is essential for cell viability. Orthologs of midasin have been identified in the genome projects for Drosophila, Arabidopsis, and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. RESULTS: Midasin is present as a single-copy gene encoding a well-conserved protein of ~600 kDa in all eukaryotes for which data are available. In humans, the gene maps to 6q15 and encodes a predicted protein of 5596 residues (632 kDa). Sequence alignments of midasin from humans, yeast, Giardia and Encephalitozoon indicate that its domain structure comprises an N-terminal domain (35 kDa), followed by an AAA domain containing six tandem AAA protomers (~30 kDa each), a linker domain (260 kDa), an acidic domain (~70 kDa) containing 35–40% aspartate and glutamate, and a carboxy-terminal M-domain (30 kDa) that possesses MIDAS sequence motifs and is homologous to the I-domain of integrins. Expression of hemagglutamin-tagged midasin in yeast demonstrates a polypeptide of the anticipated size that is localized principally in the nucleus. CONCLUSIONS: The highly conserved structure of midasin in eukaryotes, taken in conjunction with its nuclear localization in yeast, suggests that midasin may function as a nuclear chaperone and be involved in the assembly/disassembly of macromolecular complexes in the nucleus. The AAA domain of midasin is evolutionarily related to that of dynein, but it appears to lack a microtubule-binding site