1,111 research outputs found

    Positive Behavior Support Parent Academy Curriculum - An Additional Approach

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    The Center for Leadership in Disability has helped develop a Positive Behavior Support Parent Academy that offers caregivers a training program to help them address challenging behaviors among children who are 3-5 years old. There are currently five sessions in the training. For my capstone, I updated the curriculum by adding on to the last session to include healthy sleep routines, healthy eating routines, and a cultural awareness discussion. I focused the curriculum building on providing more of a ‘next step’ approach for families attending the academy. In addition to the curriculum updates, I provide information on next steps for the parent academy to make sure that there continues to be an impact on current and new participants roles as caregivers with children who have developmental challenges

    The Toiled Garden

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    Processos estacionaris indexats per un grup localment compacte i abeliá

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    In this paper we study the stationary stochastic processes on discrete locally compact abelian groups. We obtiain necessary and sufficient conditions for the regularity and singularity of a process with respect to the complement of finite subsets of the group, by using the integrability of the spectral density. To find these results, stronger than those obtained by L.Bruckner, we use a generalization of the method set up by Yu. A. Rozanov for the case Z

    Un pintor desprejuiciado

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    Texto sobre la obra del pintor cubano Waldo Saavedra.ITESO, A.C

    To be Judged by Twelve or Carried by Six? Quasi-Involuntariness and the Criminal Prosecution of Service Members for the Use of Force in Combat - A Grunt\u27s Perspective

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    Post-9/11 conflicts have altered the way that the United States of America and her allies fight wars. Over the last ten years military commanders have embraced counterinsurgency doctrine as the path to victory in the War on Terror. As they have done so, commanders have been faced with the difficult task of balancing the need to protect local civilian populations with the need to proactively target insurgent fighters. To accomplish this mission, the military has adopted rules of engagement that allow a service member to engage a target when he or she perceives that the target exhibits “hostile intent.” The difficulty in applying this standard in the field has been highlighted by a number of high-profile criminal investigations that, in some cases, have resulted in service members being convicted of homicide offenses for mistakenly engaging civilians. This Comment argues that since counterinsurgency has changed targeting doctrine via a change in the rules of engagement, the standard for assessing the reasonableness of a service member’s decision to use force should also change. Specifically, the author maintains that a purely subjective standard, which makes the justification question turn on whether the service member acted in good faith, is the most appropriate way to analyze the combatant’s decision to use force in a counterinsurgency environment

    Subperiostial orbital abscess and apex syndrome as a complication after a mandibular molar extraction

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloIntroducción: La diseminación de las infecciones que se extienden de dientes mandibulares y estructuras adyacentes hacia la órbita y tejido periorbitario son infrecuentes, pero graves ya que tienen el potencial de causar la pérdida de la visión. Objetivos: El propósito de este artículo es publicar un caso clínico muy interesante por lo infrecuente, y explicar a juicio de los autores las vías de diseminación de la infección, a su vez alertar a los diferentes especialistas involucrados sobre las severas consecuencias que pueden resultar tras la extracción de piezas dentales, como es la pérdida definitiva de la visión. Reporte del caso: Se trata de un paciente masculino de 43 años, sin antecedentes mórbidos relevantes, que fue enviado al Servicio Médico Legal para examen clínico forense con pérdida total de la visión del ojo derecho por atrofia óptica como complicación de un síndrome del vértice orbitario, luego de la exodoncia del tercer molar mandibular derecho. Conclusiones: Es fundamental el tratamiento oportuno y agresivo para detener la diseminación de una infección desde las estructuras adyacentes hacia la órbita. La comunicación efectiva interdisciplinaria entre los profesionales involucrados evita complicaciones de tipo médico-legales y secuelas definitivas al paciente.Introduction: Infection dissemination from mandibular teeth to the orbit and adjacent structures is infrequent, but nevertheless serious, as they may cause severe problems, including vision loss. Aim: The purpose of this study is to present a rare and interesting case of such a dissemination, to discuss the possible routes of infection propagation, and to alert the different specialists involved on the possible complications after dental extractions, such as visual loss. Report of the case: The case of a 43-year-old previously healthy male is presented. The patient was sent to the Medical Legal Service for clinical forensic examination after total vision loss of the right eye, caused by optic atrophy as a complication of orbital apex syndrome, after the extraction of the third right mandibular molar. Conclusions: Opportune and aggressive treatment is crucial to stop infection spread from adjacent structures to the orbit. Effective communication among the professionals involved avoids medical - legal complications and precludes permanent sequels to the patient.http://ref.scielo.org/yz5gt

    Architecture and Design Considerations of Active Antennas on Space Based Platforms

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    The design of antennas for space-based applications requires that particular attention be paid to various requirements imposed on the design by the space environment. Additional requirements are driven by the platform on which the antenna will be hosted as well as by the intended use of the antenna, i.e., mission requirements. This thesis provides in depth discussion on the various drivers discussed above and their impact on the design. The thesis provides an antenna design example in order to illustrate how the various requirements drive the final design. The proposed antenna design is intended to provide a certain degree of flexibility such that it can be used on various platforms. Although one of our design goals is flexibility of use, we do need to impose some pseudo-requirements on the antenna in order to provide operational boundaries. As such, our design requirements call for a compact, receive-only antenna design operating in the 20 to 200 MHz frequency range. The optimal solution to meet these requirements is an active antenna

    Mujeres: Luchando por la igualdad Reivindicando la diferencia

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    Este artículo reseña: Oscar Pérez de la Fuente (ed.). Mujeres: Luchando por la igualdad. Reivindicando la diferencia. Editorial Dykinson: Madrid. 289 p