65 research outputs found

    Comprehensive evaluation of combined pharmacotherapy of cardiac pathology considering exogenous and pharmacogenetic factors

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    The study assessed changes in hemodynamic and biochemical parameters, vascular age and 5-year cardiovascular risk on the background of complex pharmacotherapy in patients with stable angina I-III functional class (FC), hypertension of I-III degree, chronic heart failure (CHF) II-III FC taking into account the influence of exogenous and pharmacogenetic factor

    Estimation of social network user's influence in a given area of expertise

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    Nowadays social networks are frequently used to express personal opinion on a topic of interest. Some users' opinion has more informational influence than others do. These users are called influential users. There are services that allow evaluating how popular and influential users are; however, any information on evaluation methods is proprietary and represents know-how of such software services. Furthermore, most services could not provide extensive data on the influential users within the specified area of knowledge. This article proposes the method of evaluating a user influence index within a social network in a given area of expertise

    Hemolysis and ATP release from human and rat erythrocytes under conditions of hypoxia: a comparative study

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    Red blood cells are involved not only in transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide but also in autoregulation of vascular tone by ATP release in hypoxic conditions. Molecular mechanisms of the ATP release from red blood cells in response to a decrease in partial oxygen pressure still remain to be elucidated. In this work we have studied effects of hypoxia on red blood cell hemolysis in humans and rats and compared the effects of inhibitors of ecto-ATPase and pannexin on the release of ATP and hemoglobin from rat erythrocytes. The 20-min hypoxia at 37°C increased hemolysis of red blood cells in humans and rats 1.5- and 2.5-fold, respectively. In rat erythrocytes a significant increase in hypoxia-induced extracellular ATP level was found only in the presence of ecto-ATPase inhibitor ARL 67156. In these conditions we observed a positive correlation (R2 = 0.5003) between the increase in free hemoglobin concentration and the ATP release. Neither carbenoxolon nor probenecid, the inhibitors of low-selectivity pannexin channels, altered the hypoxia-induced ATP release from rat erythrocytes. The obtained results indicate a key role of hemolysis in the ATP release from red blood cells

    Estimation of social network user's influence in a given area of expertise

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    Nowadays social networks are frequently used to express personal opinion on a topic of interest. Some users' opinion has more informational influence than others do. These users are called influential users. There are services that allow evaluating how popular and influential users are; however, any information on evaluation methods is proprietary and represents know-how of such software services. Furthermore, most services could not provide extensive data on the influential users within the specified area of knowledge. This article proposes the method of evaluating a user influence index within a social network in a given area of expertise

    Semi-contact AFM for surface characterisation in case of holographic PDADMAC films and functionalised paper

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    The research was carried out using equipment of the Ural Center for Shared Use "Modern Nanotechnologies" Ural Federal University. A. Vinogradov acknowledges the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation (SP-1158.2019.1): S. Vasilev acknowledges the mobility programs of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics for the Young scientists in the 2018 year

    Interregional features in the taxonomic composition of the Russian segetal floras

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    The article contains a comparative analysis of the taxonomical structure of the weedy species composition (segetal flora) in eight regions of Russian Federation: Leningrad, Novgorod, Vologda, Rostov and Sverdlovsk Provinces, Udmurt Republic, Republic of Bashkortostan, and Altai Territory. The segetal flora comprised weeds of cereals, root crops and perennial grasses. The comparison was made separately for the native and alien weeds. The number of native species was higher than that of alien species and varied from 137 to 209 species. The number of alien weeds varied from 99 to 179 species. Vologda Province had the lowest diversity of both native and alien plant species. Udmurt Republic had the greatest native species diversity and Altai Territory had the greatest alien species diversity. The Asteraceae, Poaceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Caryophyllaceae and Scrophulariaceae families dominated in both the native and alien fractions. The authors compared the compositions of species, families and genera of native and alien weeds. Native and alien weedy species showed the greatest similarity in their composition in geographically close regions: European Russia and the Urals. As for geographically remote regions – Altai Territory and Rostov Province – native and alien weedy species compositions were distant. At the same time, the levels of similarity among the native species were lower than among the alien ones. This attests to greater variability in the species composition among native weeds than among alien ones

    Сегетальная флора некоторых регионов России: характеристика таксономической структуры

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    The authors' data on the weed species composition in 8 geographic regions of the Russian Federation were laid at the basis of this survey. The segetal flora comprised weeds of cereals, root crops, and perennial grasses. The composition and taxonomic structure of weed species were analyzed. The total number of weedy plants encompassed 686 plant species. The level of regional weed species diversity was positively related to the area planted. Altai Territory, Udmurtia, and Rostov Province had the greatest weed species diversity, with more than 300 species, while Vologda Province had the lowest diversity (193 species). Most species-rich plant families (Asteraceae Dumort., Poaceae Barnhart, Fabaceae Lindl., Brassicaceae Burnet), genera (Potentila L., Artemisia L., Veronica L., Chenopodium L., Silene L., Trifolium L.), their subsequences, contributions of single-species families (17-39%) and genera (57-74%) were relatively stable systematic structure indicators. Only 18% of the species were common for all the regions. In each region there were region-specific groups of species. Weed species compositions in geographically close regions - the European part of Russia and the Urals - showed the greatest similarity. As for geographically distant regions (Altai Territory and Rostov Province), their weedy species compositions were distant and contained large groups of region-specific species. © 2020 All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources -Federal Research Center. All rights reserved.This work was supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects 17-44-020402 р_а, 19-016-00135), state budget funds (AAAA-A18-118011990151-7), and as part of the implementation of the state task on the topic: “Vascular plants of Eurasia: taxonomy, flora, plant resources” (AAAA-A19-119031290052-1)

    Комплексная переработка бурых углей с получением восков и углеродных адсорбентов. Сообщение 1. Получение восков

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    The influence of preliminary modifying treatment of brown coal on the properties and yield of resulting brown coal waxes was investigated. The efficiency of coal demineralization by hydrochloric, oxalic and citric acid solutions was studied. A scheme for complex processing of brown coal to obtain waxes was proposed.И сследовано влияние предварительной модифицирующей обработки бурых углей на свойства и выход получаемых восков. Изучена эффективность деминерализации углей растворами соляной, щавелевой и лимонной кислот. Предложена схема комплексной переработки бурых углей с целью получения восков


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    Aim. To study the therapeutic efficacy and safety of generic drug of ivabradine in comparison with the original drug in patients with stable angina. Material and methods. Patients with stable angina of II-III functional class (n=20) were included into an open randomized pilot study with a crosssectional design. Inclusion criterion: heart rate >70 beats/min during the use of beta-blockers. The comorbid cardiac pathology was represented by arterial hypertension of 1-3 degrees and chronic heart failure of I-III functional class. Initially, all patients underwent a clinical examination. Patients were randomized into the Group 1 receiving the original (Coraxan®, Servier,Serdix,Russia) or Group 2 receiving generic (Raenom®,Gedeon Richter,Hungary) drug of ivabradine (in addition to ongoing therapy), 5 mg BID. During the following month, the patients were monitored weekly. If necessary, the doses of the studied drugs were adjusted to achieve the target values of clinical indicators. After 4 weeks of therapy, study drugs in groups were replaced in equivalent doses; patients were observed for another 4 weeks.Results. A statistically significant decrease in heart rate (from 82.5±6.63 to 66.3±6.18 beats/minute in Group 1 and from 83.0±6.18 to 67.6±5.97 beats/min in the 2nd group, p<0.01 for both) and in blood pressure level was found in groups during the first 4 weeks of follow-up. Besides, there was a reduction in a number of weekly anginal attacks (76.1%, p<0.01) and sublingual nitroglycerin tablets (78.0%, p<0.01) in Group 1 as well as in Group 2 (75.2%, p<0.01 and 76.7%, p<0.01), respectively. The average daily dose of ivabradine in patients of the first group was 10 mg, in patients of the second group – 11 mg (p>0.05). Comparison of changes in the studied parameters during the treatment did not reveal statistically significant differences between the groups. Replacement of drugs in each group after 4 weeks of therapy ensured the preservation of the achieved effect of treatment. No adverse events were recorded during the 8-week course of treatment in both groups.Conclusion. A pilot comparative study showed that the studied generic drug of ivabradine has a therapeutic effect comparable to the original drug, but studies with a larger number of patients are necessary

    Comprehensive evaluation of combined pharmacotherapy of cardiac pathology considering exogenous and pharmacogenetic factors

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    The study assessed changes in hemodynamic and biochemical parameters, vascular age and 5-year cardiovascular risk on the background of complex pharmacotherapy in patients with stable angina I-III functional class (FC), hypertension of I-III degree, chronic heart failure (CHF) II-III FC taking into account the influence of exogenous and pharmacogenetic factor