14 research outputs found

    Remembering the Chaos - But Life Went on and the Wound Healed. A Four Year Follow Up with Parents having had a Baby with Infantile Colic

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    OBJECTIVE: To elucidate parentÂŽs experience of having had a baby with colic four years previously and of how the colic and care influenced the family in a long-term perspective. METHODOLOGY AND PARTICIPANTS: A qualitative inductive follow-up study with 13 individual and one focus group interview including four parents. Altogether ten mothers and seven fathers representing 12 families, who had been interviewed when they were in the midst of the colicky period four years ago, were in the present study interviewed between December 2010 and May 2011. Parents' narratives were analysed using content analysis. RESULTS: ParentÂŽs memories of the exhausting colic period were vivid, but when the colic had healed the family relationships also healed. Although it had taken longer time for some parents to attach to their child they now experienced a close relationship with their four year old child and felt confident in their role as parent. The colic scream was still unbearable and evoked negative feelings in the parents. Parents had decreased confidence in Child Health services and made suggestions for improvements in the health care approach. Most of all they wished for an effective treatment of infantile colic. CONCLUSION: The family relationships were healed and the colic left only few residual symptoms but parents still had decreased confidence in the Child Health Center. Consequently, there is a need to raise awareness to parents' situation when having a child with infantile colic

    Homosexualitet finns inte i de lÀgre skolÄren. En kvalitativ studie i form av fokusgrupper

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    Syfte och frĂ„gestĂ€llning: Vi vill ta reda pĂ„ hur pedagoger hanterar homosexualitet och förhĂ„ller sig till heteronormativiteten. ‱ Tar man upp homosexualitet som begrepp inom undervisningen i de lĂ€gre skolĂ„ren, exempelvis inom sex och samlevnadsundervisningen? ‱ Uppfattar pedagogerna inom de lĂ€gre skolĂ„ren att homosexualitet finns bland personal och elever och att det Ă€r accepterat inom skolans vĂ€rld? Material och metoder: Vi har anvĂ€nt oss en kvalitativ studie i form av fokusgrupper. Vi har genomfört tre stycken fokusgrupper dĂ€r pedagogerna har fĂ„tt diskutera tre olika dilemman formulerade utifrĂ„n vĂ„ra frĂ„gestĂ€llningar. SekundĂ€rmaterial har varit i form av bĂ„de tidigare kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskning i Ă€mnet och teorier kring heteronormativitet. Huvudresultat: Pedagogerna i vĂ„r studie förhĂ„ller sig mycket heteronormativt och anser att barnen Ă€r för smĂ„ för att förstĂ„ homosexualitet. De bedriver ingen form av undervisning dĂ€r homosexualitet ingĂ„r som ett naturligt inslag. Den homosexuella kĂ€rleken osynliggörs medan den heterosexuella lyfts upp. Det Ă€r i skolan som mĂ„nga av vĂ„ra vĂ€rderingar grundlĂ€ggs, det Ă€r dĂ€rför högst vĂ€sentligt att skolan tar upp homosexualitet och gör det till nĂ„got sjĂ€lvklart

    Sjuksköterska & patient - en vÄrdrelation

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    Relationen mellan sjusköterska och patient finns alltid med i omvÄrdnadsarbetet. I bakgrunden definieras begreppet relation och ett historiskt perspektiv pÄ vÄrdrelationen ges, hÀr beskrivs Àven de förutsÀttningar som krÀvs för en vÄrdrelation och Travelbees och Martinsens syn pÄ vÄrdrelationen. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att utifrÄn sjuksköterskans respektive patientens upplevelser beskriva vad som utmÀrker en god vÄrdrelation. Tretton kvalitativa artiklar analyserades utifrÄn en induktiv ansats. Det som framkom i resultatet utmÀrka en god vÄrdrelation var personliga egenskaper, kompetens, professionellt förhÄllningssÀtt och ömsesidighet. Upplevelserna av vad som utmÀrker en god vÄrdrelation liknade överlag varandra i alla vÄrdsituationer. Detta vÀckte funderingar om vÄrdrelationen Àr lika viktig oavsett diagnos och vÄrdspecialitet. En relation förutsÀtter bÄde patientens och sjuksköterskans medverkan men ansvaret för hur den ska utvecklas ligger hos sjuksköterskan. Genom sjuksköterskans personliga egenskaper, kompetens och professionella förhÄllningssÀtt frÀmjas en ömsesidighet i relationen och trygghet och tillit kan skapas. Studien har betydelse ute i praktiken genom att den kan hjÀlpa till att öka medvetenheten hos sjuksköterskor om hur viktig en god vÄrdrelation Àr och ge kunskap om pÄ vilka sÀtt sjuksköterskan kan bidra till att utveckla relationen

    Ett sÀtt att skapa realistiska animationer i spel

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    "En skola för alla" ­ En komparativ studie av Sverige och NederlÀnderna och synen pÄ elever i behov av sÀrskilt stöd

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    Betydelse för lÀraryrket: Vi har valt att göra en komparativ studie av Sverige och NederlÀnderna och dess olika skolsystem. VÄrt mÄl med denna studie Àr att se vad det finns för skillnader och likheter mellan Sverige och NederlÀnderna gÀllande en inkluderande skola. För att fÄ en Ànnu mer inkluderande skola krÀvs att vi som pedagoger har insikt i hur lÄngt vi egentligen har kommit i Sverige. För detta krÀvs insyn i andra lÀnders inkludering i skolan. Syfte och frÄgestÀllningar: Syftet med vÄr studie Àr att jÀmföra tvÄ olika lÀnders syn pÄ elever i behov av sÀrskilt stöd. Studien kommer att genomföras i NederlÀnderna och Sverige. 1. Hur ser Sveriges respektive NederlÀndernas skolsystem ut? . Finns visionen "en skola för alla" bÄde i NederlÀnderna och i Sverige? 3. Hur arbetar skolan i NederlÀnderna respektive Sverige med elever i behov av sÀrskilt stöd? Metod: DÄ vi kÀnde att vi var vÀl insatta i det svenska skolsystemet valde vi att enbart genomföra vÄra fÀltstudier i NederlÀnderna. Studien genomfördes pÄ sex olika skolor i staden Zwolle i NederlÀnderna. Totalt medverkade 9 pedagoger och rektorer vilka fick medverka i bÄde intervjuer och observationer. Resultat: I vÄr studie kom vi fram till att Sveriges och NederlÀndernas skolsystem skiljer sig pÄ en rad olika punkter men sjÀlvklart finns det ocksÄ likheter. NederlÀnderna har en mer exkluderande skola vilket innebÀr att de har ett helt annat system gÀllande elever i behov av sÀrskilt stöd Àn vi har i Sverige. I bÄda lÀnderna arbetar man efter en vision som kallas "en skola för alla" vilket innebÀr att skolan ska vara till för alla och inga elever ska stötas ut pÄ grund av att de avviker frÄn normen. GÀllande visionen har Sverige kommit lÀngre Àn NederlÀnderna vilket bland annat kan bero pÄ att visionen har funnits i skolan elva Är lÀngre i Sverige Àn i NederlÀnderna

    “The Effects of Sensory Marketing in Physical Second-Hand Stores” : A qualitative study of how applying sensory marketing in a physical second-hand store can influence consumers to choose more sustainable options while shopping for apparel.  

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    The emergence of online stores specializing in fast fashion apparel has presented a significant challenge to brick-and-mortar stores and has had detrimental consequences for the environment. Consequently, it is essential for physical stores to stay informed about emerging trends in physical store design. Currently, the fashion industry is acknowledged as a highly detrimental sector in terms of its environmental impact, attributable to its extensive utilization of harmful chemicals, substantial consumption of energy and water resources, and contribution to waste generation and pollution. Therefore, it is imperative to adopt more sustainable practices when it comes to purchasing apparel, particularly in light of sustainability concerns. Moreover, physical second-hand stores play a crucial role in promoting sustainability by offering pre-owned items. To attract customers, these stores need to cultivate a more appealing ambiance and atmosphere. To achieve this, the implementation of a sensory marketing strategy within physical second-hand stores can be employed to enhance the customer experience. By engaging the senses of smell, touch, vision, and hearing in a cohesive manner, a sensory marketing strategy can potentially contribute to a more enjoyable shopping experience and attract customers to physical second-hand stores. This study adopts a qualitative approach, collecting empirical data through semi-structured interviews with female participants aged between 18 and 60 years old in Sweden. The interviewees consisted of individuals who frequently made purchases in physical second-hand stores, as well as those who did so less frequently. The empirical findings were subsequently analyzed in conjunction with the existing literature. The research findings conclude that the implementation of sensory marketing techniques in physical second-hand stores has the potential to enhance the store's image, market position, and overall attractiveness. Creating congruence among the senses can result in a positive customer experience and a pleasant atmosphere, thereby increasing the likelihood of customers choosing to purchase apparel from second-hand stores. Additionally, the study reveals a growing interest among customers in sustainable shopping choices, leading to an increased inclination to opt for second-hand items

    “The Effects of Sensory Marketing in Physical Second-Hand Stores” : A qualitative study of how applying sensory marketing in a physical second-hand store can influence consumers to choose more sustainable options while shopping for apparel.  

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    The emergence of online stores specializing in fast fashion apparel has presented a significant challenge to brick-and-mortar stores and has had detrimental consequences for the environment. Consequently, it is essential for physical stores to stay informed about emerging trends in physical store design. Currently, the fashion industry is acknowledged as a highly detrimental sector in terms of its environmental impact, attributable to its extensive utilization of harmful chemicals, substantial consumption of energy and water resources, and contribution to waste generation and pollution. Therefore, it is imperative to adopt more sustainable practices when it comes to purchasing apparel, particularly in light of sustainability concerns. Moreover, physical second-hand stores play a crucial role in promoting sustainability by offering pre-owned items. To attract customers, these stores need to cultivate a more appealing ambiance and atmosphere. To achieve this, the implementation of a sensory marketing strategy within physical second-hand stores can be employed to enhance the customer experience. By engaging the senses of smell, touch, vision, and hearing in a cohesive manner, a sensory marketing strategy can potentially contribute to a more enjoyable shopping experience and attract customers to physical second-hand stores. This study adopts a qualitative approach, collecting empirical data through semi-structured interviews with female participants aged between 18 and 60 years old in Sweden. The interviewees consisted of individuals who frequently made purchases in physical second-hand stores, as well as those who did so less frequently. The empirical findings were subsequently analyzed in conjunction with the existing literature. The research findings conclude that the implementation of sensory marketing techniques in physical second-hand stores has the potential to enhance the store's image, market position, and overall attractiveness. Creating congruence among the senses can result in a positive customer experience and a pleasant atmosphere, thereby increasing the likelihood of customers choosing to purchase apparel from second-hand stores. Additionally, the study reveals a growing interest among customers in sustainable shopping choices, leading to an increased inclination to opt for second-hand items

    Gender differences in career goals

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    Parents’ perceptions and concerns about physical activity participation among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder

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    The parents of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder have a vital and proactive role in encouraging healthy physical activity habits, and they possess important knowledge about the adolescents’ needs when it comes to enhancing participation in physical activity. But promoting healthy physical activity habits in adolescents can be difficult. The purpose of this study was thus to describe parents’ perceptions of their adolescent child’s participation in physical activity and to describe the parental role in promoting such participation. Twenty-eight parents of adolescents aged 12–16 years with autism spectrum disorder were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed using an inductive content analysis approach. The parents described how challenging participation in physical activities could be for their adolescents. Despite this, they wanted to see their children participate more in physical activity but found the promotion of physical activity to be an overwhelming task that was difficult to cope with on their own. The results reveal a need for support and collaborative efforts among different actors to give these issues increased priority in order to promote the adolescents’ physical activity participation

    Feasibility of using Q-sort to map conditional participation in physical activity in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder

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    Background: Participation in physical activity among adolescents with autism is often conditional. However, there is a lack of methods for identifying these specific conditions. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop and investigate the feasibility of a Q-sort tool to map individual-specific conditions for participation in physical activity among adolescents with autism and to identify different viewpoints regarding conditions for such participation. Method: An exploratory mixed-methods design was employed to investigate the feasibility of using Q methodology and the Q-sort procedure to identify what individual-specific conditions are important for participation in physical activity for adolescents with autism. Results: The adolescents ranked the statements with varying levels of ease. Two viewpoints were identified: Autonomous participation without surprises and Enjoyment of activity in a safe social context. Conclusion: Q-sort is a feasible method for mapping conditions for participation, which can guide the development of tailored physical activity interventions