227 research outputs found

    The formation of the archaeological site of Huelva. Natural processes and human activity

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    Como alternativa a las interpretaciones realizadas en décadas anteriores, se explica desde planteamientos geoarqueológicos la conformación del sitio arqueológico de Huelva, resaltando la interrelación de los procesos naturales y antrópicos a lo largo del tiempo. Como ejemplo se incide en la explicación del relleno de una de las vaguadas existentes entre los cabezos de San Pedro y del Cementerio Viejo, en la conformación de la estratigrafía posdeposicional del Área Tres del Cabezo de la Esperanza, y en la localización y conformación del reborde de la llanura mareal bajo la actual calle Méndez Núñez en una fase de la Protohistoria.As a geoarchaeological alternative to last decades explications of the archaeological excavations carried out in the site of Huelva, the interconnections of natural and antropogenic processes are used to explicate the archaeological data. As working examples, the infill of Cabezo de San Pedro and Cabezo del Cementerio Viejo small palaeovalley, a postdeposicional stratigrafy in Cabezo de la Esperanza Área Tres, and the protohistorical tidal flat archaeological data under Méndez Núñez street are hereby presented.España. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología HUM 2004-0179

    Promotion of Circular Economy: Steelwork Dusts as Secondary Raw Material in Conventional Mortars

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    Among the actions proposed by the European Union for the implementation of Circular Economy is the use of waste as a secondary raw material (SRM). During the fusion of the scrap, a steel dust is generated, named Electric Arc Furnace Dust (EAFD). The EAFD is composed mainly of potentially leachable heavy metals, so is classified as “hazardous” waste. Around the world, approximately 70% of this waste is deposited in landfills, with a previous treatment through cement-based materials to prevent the metals’ mobility. However, this action is not in accordance with the Circular Economy concept due to the greater use of resources and the loss of deposited metals. The present investigation analyses the use of EAFD as SRM in conventional mortar production for its use as a construction material. Different substitution percentages (25%, 50% and 100%) were used replacing siliceous filler by EAFD. The investigation analysed the behaviour of conventional mortars by tests of workability, compressive strength, water absorption by capillarity and leaching behaviour in granular and monolithic state. The results obtained indicate a slight improvement in mechanical behaviour with the incorporation of EAFD, the reason why its use as SRM in conventional mortars would benefit the construction industry and would encourage the Circular Economy. From an environmental point of view, the mechanisms of Pb fixation should be improved in granular state

    Association between chronic irritability and depressive symptoms in children and adolescents.

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    Association between chronic irritability and depressive symptoms in children and adolescents. Busto-Garrido, M.; Gutierrez-Castillo, D; Navas- Gonzalez, JR; Gutierrez-Bedmar, M; Gutierrez-Casares, JR; Martin-Lunar, MT; Rodríguez-Rosado, A; Pena-Andreu, JM. European Psychiatry 415(2017) 5221.Chronic irritability is the most frequently reported symptom in child and adolescent depression. The association of both has been linked with high rates of chronicity, comorbility and impairment. Objectives To study the association between chronic irritability and depressive symptoms in children and adolescents. Methods We have studied 857 participants recruited from the only Child and Adolescent Mental Health Clinic in a catchment area of 122968 people under 18 (2004-2010). A sample of 677 participants (57 controls and 620 patients) was included to carry out a cross-sectional study. Chronic irritability was measured by a Visual Analog Scale (VAS irritability) -scored from 0 to 10-, and depressive symptoms by the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI). The participants were categorized into controls and patients, and according to their chronic irritability (≤4 [I],5 [II] and ≥6 [III]). The mean of CDI score was calculated for each of the groups, adjusted by sex and age, and analyzed by ANCOVA. Results The following means were obtained from the controls: 13,71 (group I), 9,82 (group II) and 17,45 (group III). Regarding to the patients: 13,92 (group I), 11,54 (group II) and 15,64 (group III). A quadratic association (p <0,0015) was found between VAS irritability score and CDI score. Conclussions There is not a lineal association between chronic irritability and depressive symptoms in children and adolescent. High rates of depressive symptoms were associated both with high and low rates of irritability. Several questions remain unexplained about the status of irritability in psychiatry as Stringaris group has been pointed out. Disclosure statement I have no potential conflict of interest to discloseUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Photocatalytic Recycled Mortars: Circular Economy as a Solution for Decontamination

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    The circular economy is an economic model of production and consumption that involves reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling materials after their service life. The use of waste as secondary raw materials is one of the actions to establish this model. Construction and demolition waste (CDW) constitute one of the most important waste streams in Europe due to its high production rate per capita. Aggregates from these recycling operations are usually used in products with low mechanical requirements in the construction sector. In addition, the incorporation of photocatalytic materials in construction has emerged as a promising technology to develop products with special properties such as air decontamination. This research aims to study the decontaminating behavior of mortars manufactured with the maximum amount of mixed recycled sand without affecting their mechanical properties or durability. For this, two families of mortars were produced, one consisting of traditional Portland cement and the other of photocatalytic cement, each with four replacement rates of natural sand by mixed recycled sand from CDW. Mechanical and durability properties, as well as decontaminating capacity, were evaluated for these mortars. The results show adequate mechanical behavior, despite the incorporation of mixed recycled sand, and improved decontaminating capacity by means of NOx reduction capacity

    Preliminary report on the Yamato-86032 lunar meteorite: I. Recovery, sample descriptions, mineralogy and petrography

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    A preliminary consortium examination of the largest lunar meteorite (Y-86032) recovered from the Yamato Mountains revealed that it is a feldspathic breccia, but rather resembles feldspathic fragmental breccias than regolith breccias. Y-86032 is a rugged grayish stone penetrated by numerous compact clast-laden impact melt glassy veins. Distributions of pyroxene and plagioclase chemical compositions are similar to those of Y-82192 and Y-82193,and clast-laden glassy veins and granulitic breccias are abundant. A large light clast in the first consortium sample is another feldspathic fragmental breccia similar to that found in Y-82192

    A36 Prevalence of HIV-1 subtypes in Slovenia with an emphasis on molecular and phylogenetic investigation of subtype A

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    21st International BioInformatics Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular EpidemiologyIn Slovenia, a small country in Central Europe, less than 1 per 1,000 inhabitants are estimated to be infected with HIV-1. As in most of the Central and Western European countries, the majority of patients diagnosed with HIV-1 are infected with subtype B. However, due to migration, other subtypes can become more prevalent in the country. The aim of this study was to determine HIV-1 subtypes circulating in Slovenia and to further examine the molecular epidemiology of subtype A. A total of 367 Slovenian HIV-1 sequences were included in the study, representing 58% of all patients diagnosed in Slovenia until the end of the year 2013. Subtype was assigned by employing different HIV subtyping tools coupled with Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis. The latter was performed to examine the molecular epidemiology of subtype A as well. Identified clusters of Slovenian subtype A sequences were further analyzed for the determination of the time of the most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) by using Monte Carlo Markov chain (MCMC) method available in BEAST 2.1.3 software. We determined the prevalence of subtype B to be 85.3%, while subtype A was the most prevalent non-B subtype found in 18 patients (4.9%), followed by CRF02_AG (2.4%), subtype C (1.1%), subtypes D, G and CRF01_AE (0.8% each) and subtypes F1 and CRF22_01A1 (0.3% each). Subtypes could not be assigned to 12 sequences (3.3%). The phylogenetic tree obtained by ML analysis of the subtype A and subtype A related recombinants revealed that Slovenian sequences were part of 6 major international clusters. Two clusters consisting only of Slovenian sequences were identified and thus additional MCMC analysis was employed. Results of a Slovenian cluster of 4 subtype A sequences showed a posterior probability value of 1 and a tMRCA between the years 1985 and 2008, with a mean in the year 2001. In conclusion, in a Central European country, where subtype B predominates, the second most common subtype was found to be subtype A. Non-B subtypes were observed in one out of seven patients in Slovenia, a fraction that is not negligible, thus proving importance of surveillance of HIV subtype diversity and corresponding molecular epidemiology of non-B subtypes.publishersversionpublishe

    High levels of childhood obesity observed among 3- to 7-year-old New Zealand Pacific children is a public health concern.

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    This cross-sectional, community-based survey was designed to assess attained growth and body composition of 3- to 7-y-old Pacific children (n = 21 boys and 20 girls) living in Dunedin, New Zealand, and to examine nondietary factors associated with the percentage of body fat. Fat mass, lean tissue mass and the percentage of body fat were measured using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. One trained anthropometrist also measured height, weight, skinfolds (triceps, subscapular) and circumferences (mid-upper arm, chest, waist, calf). Compared with the National Center for Health Statistics and National Health and Examination Surveys I and II reference data, these Pacific children were tall and heavy for their age with high arm-muscle-area-for-height. Median (quartiles) Z-scores for height and BMI-for-age and arm-muscle-area-for-height were 1.33 (0.60, 2.15), 1.20 (0.74, 4.43) and 1.09 (0.63, 1.85), respectively. Their median (quartile) percentage of body fat was 21.8% (15.0, 35.5) of which 38.5% was located in the trunk. The estimated percentage of children classified as obese ranged from 34 to 49% depending on the criterion used. Over 60% of the children had levels of trunk fat above 1 SD of reported age- and sex-specific Z-scores for New Zealand children. The nondietary factors examined (hours of television viewing and hours playing organized sports, as reported by parents) were not associated with variations in the percentage of body fat, after adjusting for age, sex and birth weight. These extremely high levels of obesity and truncal fat among very young New Zealand children will have major public health implications as these children age

    Persistence of frequently transmitted drug-resistant HIV-1 variants can be explained by high viral replication capacity

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    Background: In approximately 10% of newly diagnosed individuals in Europe, HIV-1 variants harboring transmitted drug resistance mutations (TDRM) are detected. For some TDRM it has been shown that they revert to wild type while other mutations persist in the absence of therapy. To understand the mechanisms explaining persistence we investigated the in vivo evolution of frequently transmitted HIV-1 variants and their impact on in vitro replicative capacity. Results: We selected 31 individuals infected with HIV-1 harboring frequently observed TDRM such as M41L or K103N in reverse transcriptase (RT) or M46L in protease. In all these samples, polymorphisms at non-TDRM positions were present at baseline (median protease: 5, RT: 6). Extensive analysis of viral evolution of protease and RT demonstrated that the majority of TDRM (51/55) persisted for at least a year and even up to eight years in the plasma. D

    Inflation and the Scale Dependent Spectral Index: Prospects and Strategies

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    We consider the running of the spectral index as a probe of both inflation itself, and of the overall evolution of the very early universe. Surveying a collection of simple single field inflationary models, we confirm that the magnitude of the running is relatively consistent, unlike the tensor amplitude, which varies by orders of magnitude. Given this target, we confirm that the running is potentially detectable by future large scale structure or 21 cm observations, but that only the most futuristic measurements can distinguish between these models on the basis of their running. For any specified inflationary scenario, the combination of the running index and unknown post-inflationary expansion history induces a theoretical uncertainty in the predicted value of the spectral index. This effect can easily dominate the statistical uncertainty with which Planck and its successors are expected to measure the spectral index. More positively, upcoming cosmological experiments thus provide an intriguing probe of physics between TeV and GUT scales by constraining the reheating history associated with any specified inflationary model, opening a window into the "primordial dark age" that follows the end of inflation.Comment: 32 pages. v2 and v3 Minor reference updates /clarification