1,872 research outputs found

    The Contribution of Critical Pedagogy to Feminist Research on Sexual Violence

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    As a form of scientific enquiry, feminist research aims to produce knowledge that is de- centred from, as well as decentres, androcentrism. It also establishes challenges that send us back to methodology and how we produce knowledge. Feminist research on sexual violence proposes a number of methodological challenges that open new paths for exploration: integrating intersection- ality into research; reflexivity as a criterion of rigour; the development of research techniques that respect the voices and practices of women as active agents; and the role of emotions in research. In order to analyse to what degree methodological challenges are being met and what work is still to be done, we reviewed various Spanish studies (published between 2015 and early 2022) that used a feminist approach to research sexual violence. Subsequently, using illustrations from two studies we have implemented, we outlined how critical pedagogy can make an important contribution to the methodological challenges of feminist research in this field. The article proposes that a closer relationship between socio-educational praxis (critical methodology) and feminist approaches can contribute to an enrichment and improvement of scientific praxis (feminist methodology), as well as showing how knowledge production can straddle scientific concerns and social interventio

    Ampliación de las posibilidades de uso de los indicadores de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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    La percepción sobre la responsabilidad de una empresa hacia su entorno ha ido variando a lo largo del tiempo, pasando de un concepto neoclásico, netamente mercantilista, hasta llegar a la actual concepción, que viene reflejándose en la llamada Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE), donde los intereses económicos se combinan con otros aspectos de índole medioambiental y/o socio-económicos, como parte de la contribución empresarial al desarrollo sostenible. Actualmente, distintas organizaciones internacionales de reconocido prestigio (GRI, OCDE, UE, etc.) proporcionan a las empresas instrumentos que les permitan evaluar y mostrar su grado de compromiso con el desarrollo sostenible.Para salvar la complejidad que puede suponer la evaluación del desarrollo sostenible, generalmente, se recurre al empleo de indicadores que permiten obtener, de una forma más o menos precisa, la valoración del comportamiento, así como su seguimiento a lo largo del tiempo e incluso la comparativa con otras actividades.No obstante, a pesar de la utilidad de estos indicadores, su uso se ha limitado a potenciar la reputación empresarial, sin tener en cuenta otras posibilidades muy interesantes en la toma de decisiones, como seleccionar el emplazamiento apropiado para una actividad al incluir además los indicadores adecuados

    Introducción de criterios de sostenibilidad en la elección de emplazamientos industriales mediante modelos multicriterio

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    (SPA) La elección de localizaciones para la implantación de actividades industriales es un problema complejo, donde a los criterios de coste y eficiencia se han ido añadiendo otros nuevos relativos tanto al impacto en el medio ambiente como a la imagen de la empresa reflejada en la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial. Los criterios medioambientales han ido adquiriendo gran relevancia en la decisión final, hasta convertirse, gracias a la obligación de someter los proyectos a evaluación ambiental, en elementos clave en la decisión final. Por ello, resulta relativamente frecuente que los promotores consulten previamente con la Administración sobre la viabilidad de sus proyectos antes de iniciar un dilatado procedimiento administrativo. En este trabajo se plantea la utilización de indicadores de sostenibilidad y su aplicación, a través de un modelo de decisiones multicriterio, para la ordenación de las distintas opciones de ubicación inicialmente consideradas, de tal forma que se conviertan en instrumento de tanteo y ayuda en la toma de estas decisiones. Para mostrar su utilidad se propone la utilización de la herramienta de apoyo basada en la metodología PROMETHEE y su aplicación en la ordenación de cinco emplazamientos alternativos para la instalación de una cementera en la Comunidad de Madrid según criterios de sostenibilidad. (ENG) The choice of locations for the implementation of industrial activities is a complex problem where the cost and efficiency criteria have been adding new ones relating to the environment impact and the company’s corporate image reflected in Corporate Social Responsability. The environmental criteria have been getting big importance in the final decision, to become key elements in the final decision, due to the duty of submit of environmental assessment projects. Therefore, promoters, quite often, ask previously to the Administration about the viability of their projects before starting a lengthy administrative procedure. This paper proposes the use of sustainability indicators and their application through a multi-criteria decision model for managing the establishment options initially considered, so that they become an help instrument of estimation in order to making these decisions. To show its usefulness we propose the use of the support tool for decision making based on the PROMETHEE methodology and its application in the management of 5 alternative sites for the installation of a cement factory in the Community of Madrid under sustainability criteria

    Ocular delivery of polyphenols: meeting the unmet needs

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    Producción CientíficaNature has become one of the main sources of exploration for researchers that search for new potential molecules to be used in therapy. Polyphenols are emerging as a class of compounds that have attracted the attention of pharmaceutical and biomedical scientists. Thanks to their structural peculiarities, polyphenolic compounds are characterized as good scavengers of free radical species. This, among other medicinal effects, permits them to interfere with different molecular pathways that are involved in the inflammatory process. Unfortunately, many compounds of this class possess low solubility in aqueous solvents and low stability. Ocular pathologies are spread worldwide. It is estimated that every individual at least once in their lifetime experiences some kind of eye disorder. Oxidative stress or inflammatory processes are the basic etiological mechanisms of many ocular pathologies. A variety of polyphenolic compounds have been proved to be efficient in suppressing some of the indicators of these pathologies in in vitro and in vivo models. Further application of polyphenolic compounds in ocular therapy lacks an adequate formulation approach. Therefore, more emphasis should be put in advanced delivery strategies that will overcome the limits of the delivery site as well as the ones related to the polyphenols in use. This review analyzes different drug delivery strategies that are employed for the formulation of polyphenolic compounds when used to treat ocular pathologies related to oxidative stress and inflammation.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (RTI2018-094071-B-C21)European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) “IT-DED3” (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017) grant agreement No. 76560

    El silencio a cuatro tiempos o el ocultamiento del autor en La luz detrás de la puerta de Norma Lazo

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    The object of analysis of the present work is Norma Lazo’s essay El silencio en cuatro tiempos, which focuses on the function of the author by means of the literary device of the manuscript composed by an unknown author, as well as the creation of a fictitious author and the reinterpretation and representation of a medieval text, Treaty on the contemplative method in the imploration of the divinity of words and their things, by the apostate Gervasio de la Cruz. A skilful literary game of references and philological quotations that leads us to reflect on the presence or concealment of the author in literature. The text questions writing and its creation in literature, not only in Latin America, but also in Europe: because this is a universal experience. A more in-depth study is dedicated to the parallelism between the first chapter of the book which is the object of this study and Josefina Vicens’ novel, The Empty Book, which is here analysed as the initial and main model employed during the composition of Norma Lazo’s book

    Diego Enrique Osorno, Un vaquero cruza la fontera en silencio. La historia de Gerónimo González Garza

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    Diego Enrique Osorno,Un vaquero cruza la fontera en silencio. La historia de Gerónimo González Garza (Ciudad de México, CONAPRED, 2011, 123 pp.)por Ana María González Luna C

    Los migrantes en las crónicas de Marcela Turati y Oscar Martínez

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    Latin American narrative journalism plays a role of denunciation and resistance to the phenomenon of migration in Mexico as a place of origin-transit-destination of migrants. The chronicler's word breaks the silence and the lies to say the perverse reality that reflects the validity of the perverse, the annihilation of the human condition under the appearance of institutionalised normality. The analysis of some chronicles by Marcela Turati and Oscar Martínez offers two different perspectives, Mexican and Central American, and a single intention: a writing that seeks to explain and make sense of the migrant's condition through the instrument of the word

    El libro es el mejor espacio de libertad. Una conversación con Nubia Macías

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    El libro es el mejor espacio de libertad. Una conversación con Nubia Macías(enero 2018)por Anamaría González Luna C

    La literatura de la Cristiada: una visión apocalíptica de la historia de México

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    The collapse of social and political order provoked by the 1910 Mexican Revolution and the Cristero war (1926-1934) are two historical moments that saw the breakdown of the religious world’s certainty. Apart from the institutional conflict between Catholic church and Mexican State, the people experienced the threat of a hecatomb, the deprivation of religious protection, known and alive since the period of the Spanish conquest and colonization. This lack of a space for the community and the impossibility of expressing religious rites fed an apocalyptic vision of the world.Not being allowed to access places of worship under the government of Plutarco Elías Calles unleashed the violent reaction of a profoundly religious people, which took arms to defend what it considered fundamental: its own ancestral tradition and a sacred space which it had been denied.In the midst of the silences which official historiography maintained during the years following this unpleasant chapter of Mexican history, Cristero literature has constructed its own vision, an apocalyptic vision which breaks down the temporal and social boundaries within which it has been studied. The present work concentrates on the analysis of the Cristero novel which represents the Cristiada from different perspectives, one of which underlines the redeeming nature of the battle favoring the use of the apocalyptic metaphor of martyrdom