89 research outputs found
Penerapan Levers of Control Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT Kurnia Abadi Kawanua Jaya (Persero): Implementation Levers of Control in Improving Staff Performance at PT Kurnia Abadi Kawanua Jaya (Persero)
Abstrak: Sistem pengendalian manajemen merupakan sistem ysng digunakan oleh manajer untuk mempengaruhi anggota organisasi agar melaksanakan strategi dan kebijakan organisasi secara efektif dan efisen dalam rangka mencapai tujuan perusahaan. Karena itu diperlukan alat yaitu dengan menerapkan sistem pengendalian manajemen yang tepat tanpa membatasi inovasi dan kreativitas karyawan. Salah satu model sistem pengendalian yang dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam penerapan sistem pengendalian manajemen yaitu Levers of Control. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan Levers of Control pada PT Kurnia Abadi Kawanua Jaya (Persero) dalam upaya meningkatan kinerja karyawan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi, Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan memperlihatkan bahwa secara alami PT Kurnia Abadi Kawanua Jaya (Persero) telah menerapkan sistem pengendalian manajemen menggunakan model Levers of Control hal ini dapat dilihat dari Belief system, Boundaries System, Diagnostic Control, dan Interactive Control System Akan tetapi peneliti menemukan kelemahan dalam dalam penerapan sistem pengendalian manajemen menggunakan model levers of control berupa kurang efektifnya metode penyampaian belief system, masih kurangnya sosialisasi atas boundary system, dan tidak adanya kesempatan membuka komunikasi interaktif dengan bawahan menjadi satu kelemahan dalam interactive control system.
Kata kunci: Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen, Levers of Control, Kinerja Karyawan
Abstract: The management control system is a system used by managers to influence organizational members to carry out organizational strategies and policies effectively and efficiently in order to achieve company goals. Because of that, a tool is needed, namely by implementing an appropriate management control system without limiting employee innovation and creativity. One of the control system models that can be used as a guide in implementing a management control system is the Levers of Control. The purpose of this research is to find out how the implementation of Levers of Control at PT Kurnia Abadi Kawanua Jaya (Persero) in an effort to improve employee performance. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. Methods of data collection were carried out through interviews, documentation and observation. The results of the research and discussion show that naturally PT Kurnia Abadi Kawanua Jaya (Persero) has implemented a management control system using the Levers of Control model. This can be seen from the Belief system, Boundaries System, Diagnostic Control. , and Interactive Control System. However, researchers found weaknesses in the implementation of management control systems using the levers of control model in the form of less effective belief system delivery methods, lack of socialization of the boundary system, and no opportunity to open interactive communication with subordinates, which is a weakness in interactive control system
Keyword : Management Control System, Levers of Control, Employee Performanc
Tanggung Jawab Pelaku USAha Memberikan Ganti Rugi Atas Kerusakan Barang Yang Merugikan Konsumen
Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana upaya hukum untuk mencegah konsumen tidak dirugikan akibat barang yang digunakan dalam keadaan rusak dan bagaimana tanggung jawab pelaku USAha memberikan ganti rugi atas kerusakan barang. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Upaya hukum untuk mencegah konsumen tidak dirugikan akibat barang yang digunakan dalam keadaan rusak melalui pemenuhan kewajiban pelaku USAha untuk melaksanakan kegiatan USAha dengan beritikad baik. Pelaku USAha harus memberikan informasi yang benar, jelas dan jujur mengenai kondisi dan jaminan barang berdasarkan standar mutu serta memberi penjelasan penggunaan, perbaikan dan pemeliharaan. Pelaku USAha diwajibkan untuk memberi kesempatan kepada konsumen untuk menguji, dan/atau mencoba barang tertentu serta memberi jaminan dan/atau garansi atas barang yang dibuat dan/atau yang diperdagangkan. 2. Tanggung jawab pelaku USAha memberikan ganti rugi atas kerusakan barang yang merugikan konsumen dapat berupa pengembalian uang atau penggantian barang yang sejenis atau setara nilainya, atau perawatan kesehatan dan/atau pemberian santunan yang sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku
Mathematical dynamics of electromechanical piezoelectric energy harvesters
This research investigates vibration energy harvesting by modelling several piezoelectric-based structures. The usage of piezoelectric transduction under input vibration environments can be profitable for obtaining electrical energy for powering smart wireless sensor devices for health condition monitoring of rotating machines, structures and defence communication technology. The piezoelectric transduction shows strong prospect in the application of power harvesting because it can be applied at the microelectromechanical system design level in compact configuration with high sensitivity with respect to low input mechanical vibration. In this research work, the important aspects of the continuum thermopiezoelectric system associated with the laws of thermodynamics, Maxwell relations and Legendre transformations have been developed to explore the macroscopic thermopiezoelectric potential equations, the thermopiezoelectric equations of state and energy function forms. The application of the continuum thermopiezoelectric behaviour can be used to further formulate novel analytical methods of the electromechanical cantilevered piezoelectric bimorph beams with the tip mass using the weak and strong forms resulting from Hamiltonian’s principle.The constitutive electromechanical dynamic equations of the piezoelectric bimorph beam under one or two input base excitations can be used to derive the equations of the coupled electromechanical dynamic response of transverse-longitudinal form (CEDRTL), the coupled electromechanical dynamic response of longitudinal form (CEDRL) and the coupled electromechanical dynamic response of transverse form (CEDRT). The derivation of the constitutive electromechanical dynamic equations using the weak form of Hamiltonian’s principle can be further derived using the Ritz method associated with orthonomality whereas the closed form or distributed parameter reduced from strong form of Hamiltonian’s principle, can be further formulated using the convergent eigenfunction series with orthonormality. Laplace transformation can be used to give the solution in terms of the multi-mode transfer functions and multi-mode frequency response functions of dynamic displacement, velocity, electric voltage, current, power and optimal power. Moreover, the broadband multi-electromechanical bimorph beam with multi-resonance can also be explored showing the single- and multi-mode transfer functions and frequency response functions. A parametric case study of the piezoelectric bimorph beam with the tip mass and transverse input excitation is discussed to validate the weak and closed forms of the CEDRTL, under series and parallel connections, using the multi-mode frequency response functions with variable load resistance.A further case study of a broadband multi-electromechanical piezoelectric bimorph beam is also discussed using the weak form of the CEDRT to give the frequency response functions under variable load resistance. Finally, the piezoelectric bimorph beams with and without tip masses under transverse base input excitation are also comprehensively discussed using the weak forms of the CEDRTL and CEDRT models and compared with experimental results for variable load resistance. A piezoelectric bimorph beam with tip mass is investigated to show the close agreement between the CEDRTL model and experimental results using the polar amplitudes from the combined action of simultaneous longitudinal and transverse base input excitation
A unified electromechanical finite element dynamic analysis of multiple segmented smart plate energy harvesters: circuit connection patterns
This paper presents the techniques for formulating the multiple segmented smart plate structures with different circuit connection patterns using the electromechanical finite element dynamic analysis. There are three major contributions in the proposed numerical studies. First, the electromechanical discretization has been developed for generalizing the coupled system of Kirchhoff’s smart plate structures with circuit connection patterns. Such constitutive numerical models reduced from the extended Lagrange equations can be used for the physical systems including, but not restricted to, the multiple piezoelectric and electrode segments. Second, the multiple piezoelectric or electrode segments can be arranged electrically in parallel, series, and mixed series–parallel connections with the on–off switching techniques where the electrical outputs of each connection are further connected with the standard AC–DC circuit interfaces. Third, the coupling transformation technique (CTT) has been introduced by modifying the orthonormalized global element matrices into the scalar form equations. As a result, the multimode frequency response function and time-waveform signal response equations are distinctly formulated for each circuit connection. Further parametric numerical case studies are also discussed in this paper. The benefit of using the circuit connection patterns with the on–off switching techniques is that the studies can be used for an adaptive vibration power harveste
Evaluasi Penyimpanan Dan Pendistribusian Vaksin Dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota Manado Ke Puskesmas Tuminting, Puskesmas Paniki Bawah Dan Puskesmas Wenang
EVALUASI PENYIMPANAN DAN PENDISTRIBUSIAN VAKSIN DARI DINAS KESEHATAN KOTA MANADO KE PUSKESMAS TUMINTING, PUSKESMAS PANIKI BAWAH DAN PUSKESMAS WENANG Gebbie Prisiliya Lumentut1) , Nancy C. Pelealu1) , A. C. Wullur2) 1) Program Studi Farmasi FMIPA UNSRAT Manado, 95115 2) POLTEKES Manado, 95115 ABSTRACT The vaccine was a biological product which made from bacteria and have been weaekened, shut useful to stimulate immunity. The study states 75% of the vaccine in Indonesia exposed to freezing temperatures during distribution so that the vaccine cannot be used anymore. Health Departement was responsible for the implementation of the storage and distribution of vaccines on a regular and timely to the basic health care units. This study aimed to evaluate the storage and distribution of vaccines from Manado City Health Departement to the District Health Center of Tuminting, Paniki Bawah and Wenang using the descriptive observational methods and evaluation of the data collected prospectively. The results showed that the Health Departement of Manado City, Tuminting health center, Paniki Bawah health center and Wenang health center not in accordance with the guidenlines in the management of cold chain storage and distribution of vaccines that can be seen from the absence of temperature gauges, freeze tag, does not have a generator, do not have indicators freezers and cold boxes lack of liquid in a cool box for distribution. Keywords: Storage, Distribution, Vaccines, District Health Center ABSTRAK Vaksin adalah suatu produk biologi yang terbuat dari kuman dan telah dilemahkan, dimatikan berguna untuk merangsang kekebalan tubuh. Studi menyatakan 75% vaksin di Indonesia terpapar suhu beku selama pendistribusian sehingga vaksin tidak bisa digunakan lagi. Dinas Kesehatan bertanggung jawab terhadap terlaksananya penyimpanan dan pendistribusian vaksin yang teratur dan tepat waktu sampai kepada unit pelayanan kesehatan dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevalusi penyimpanan dan pendistribusian vaksin dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota Manado ke Puskesmas Tuminting, Puskesmas Paniki Bawah dan Puskesmas Wenang dengan menggunakan metode observasional yang bersifat deskriptif dan evaluasi dengan teknik pengumpulan data secara prospektif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Dinas Kesehatan Kota Manado, Puskesmas Tuminting, Puskesmas Paniki Bawah dan Puskesmas Wenang belum sesuai dengan pedoman pengelolaan cold chain dalam hal penyimpanan dan pendistribusian vaksin yang terlihat dari tidak adanya alat pengukur suhu, freeze tag, tidak memiliki genset, tidak memiliki indikator pembeku dan terbatasnya kotak dingin cair dalam kotak dingin selama pendistribusian
Parametric Design-Based Modal Damped Vibrational Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters with Arbitrary Proof Mass Offset: Numerical and Analytical Validations
This paper focuses on the primary development of novel numerical and analytical techniques of the modal damped vibration energy harvesters with arbitrary proof mass offset. The key equations of electromechanical finite element discretisation using the extended Lagrangian principle are revealed and simplified to give matrix and scalar forms of the coupled system equations, indicating the most relevant numerical technique for the power harvester research. To evaluate the performance of the numerical study, the analytical closed-form boundary value equations have been developed using the extended Hamiltonian principle. The results from the electromechanical frequency response functions (EFRFs) derived from two theoretical studies show excellent agreement with experimental studies. The benefit of the numerical technique is in providing effective and quick predictions for analysing parametric designs and physical properties of piezoelectric materials. Although analytical technique provides a challenging process for analysing the complex smart structure, it shows complementary study for validating the numerical technique
Analytical and Experimental Comparisons of Electromechanical Vibration Response of a Piezoelectric Bimorph Beam for Power Harvesting
Power harvesters that extract energy from vibrating systems via piezoelectric transduction show strong potential for powering smart wireless sensor devices in applications of health condition monitoring of rotating machinery and structures. This paper presents an analytical method for modelling an electromechanical piezoelectric bimorph beam with tip mass under two input base transverse and longitudinal excitations. The Euler–Bernoulli beam equations were used to model the piezoelectric bimorph beam. The polarity-electric field of the piezoelectric element is excited by the strain field caused by base input excitation, resulting in electrical charge. The governing electromechanical dynamic equations were derived analytically using the weak form of the Hamiltonian principle to obtain the constitutive equations. Three constitutive electromechanical dynamic equations based on independent coefficients of virtual displacement vectors were formulated and then further modelled using the normalised Ritz eigenfunction series. The electromechanical formulations include both the series and parallel connections of the piezoelectric bimorph. The multi-mode frequency response functions (FRFs) under varying electrical load resistance were formulated using Laplace transformation for the multi-input mechanical vibrations to provide the multi-output dynamic displacement, velocity, voltage, current and power. The experimental and theoretical validations reduced for the single mode system were shown to provide reasonable predictions. The model results from polar base excitation for off-axis input motions were validated with experimental results showing the change to the electrical power frequency response amplitude as a function of excitation angle, with relevance for practical implementation
Intrinsic electromechanical dynamic equations for piezoelectric power harvesters
This paper discusses, compares and contrasts two important techniques for formulating the electromechanical piezoelectric equations for power harvesting system applications. It presents important additions to existing literature by providing intrinsic formulation techniques of the harvesting system for the two different electromechanical dynamic equation-based voltage and charge-type systems associated with the standard AC–DC circuit interface developed using the extended Hamiltonian principle. The derivations of the two analytical methods rely on the fundamental continuum thermopiezoelectricity concepts of the electrical enthalpy energy and Helmholtz free energy. The benefit of using analytical charge-type modelling is that the technique shows more compact formulation for developing simultaneous derivations by coupling the mechanical and electromechanical systems of the piezoelectric devices and electronic system so that the frequency response functions (FRFs) and time wave form systems can be formulated. On the other hand, the analytical voltage-type modelling is obviously convenient but can show tedious derivation process for joining with the electronic circuit part. To tackle this situation, the analytical voltage type with mechanical and electromechanical forms of the piezoelectric structure can be derived separately from the electronic system where they can be combined together after applying further derivations to formulate the FRFs. In this paper, the two analytical techniques also show particular benefit and even further development of how to model the power harvesting scheme with the combinations of piezoelectric structure and electronic system. Moreover, validations of the two analytical methods show good agreement with previous authors’ electromechanical finite element analysis and experimental works. Further parametric electromechanical energy harvesting behaviours have been explored to study the system responses
Electromechanical Piezoelectric Power Harvester Frequency Response Modelling Using Closed-Form Boundary Value Methods
The conversion of mechanical vibration to electrical energy has shown great promise for extending battery life of smart sensor wireless devices for various engineering applications. This paper presents novel analytical models of a piezoelectric bimorph, using the closed-form boundary value (CFBV) method, for predicting the electromechanical power harvester frequency response. The derivations of the coupled electromechanical dynamic response of the transverse-longitudinal (CEDRTL) form based on the CFBV method were developed using the reduced strong form method of the Hamiltonian principle. The equations from CEDRTL can be reduced to give the coupled electromechanical dynamic response of the transverse (CEDRT) form. The electromechanical frequency response functions with variable load resistance were also given in detail using Laplace transformation. The two theoretical studies are compared together and validated with an experimental study. For some cases, when the load resistance approached open circuit, the difference between CEDRTL and CEDRT tended to be more pronounced. Conversely, the CEDRTL and CEDRT models tended to overlap when the load resistance approaches short circuit. Nyquist plots can be used to analyse the shifting frequency and amplitude changes due to variable resistance. Overall, the experimental and CEDRTL model results were very close to each other
Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen dalam bertransaksi melalui media internet dan apa saja bentuk penyelesaian sengketa konsumen dalam transaksi pada media internet, di mana dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1.             Perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen dalam transaksi E-Commerce yang timbul dari adanya hak dan kewajiban dari kedua belah pihak yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang No 8 Tahun 1999 terdapat dalam Pasal 4 ayat (3) dan pada pasal 4 ayat (6) “hak untuk mendapat pembinaan dan pendidikan konsumenâ€, kewajibannya pelaku usaha harus didasari oleh Pasal 7 Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen. 2. Beberapa jalur penyelesaian sengketa yang dapat ditempuh diantaranya melalui jalur pengadilan yang diatur dalam pasal 45 dan pasal 46 Undang- undang Perlindungan Konsumen, serta Pasal Pasal 47 mengenai penyelesaian sengketa diluar pengadilan “Penyelesaian sengketa konsumen di luar pengadilan diselenggarakan untuk mencapai kesepakatan mengenai bentuk dan besarnya ganti rugi dan/atau mengenai tindakan tertentu untuk menjamin tidak akan terjadi kembali atau tidak akan terulang kembali kerugian yang diderita oleh konsumenâ€.Kata kunci: ecommerce; konsumen; PENDAHULUANA.  Latar Belakang Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen yang sekarang berlaku di Indonesia masih berbasis pada sesuatu yang sifatnya fisik belum kepada virtual/maya. Transaksi perdangan melalui media elektronik atau lazim disebut Electronic Commerce menyisakan berbagai permasalahan yang belum ada pengaturannya. Electronic Commerce terbentuk dari berbagai sub sistem yang tersusun secara sistematis, dan masing-masing sub sistem tersebut memiliki permasalahnya masing-masing
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