192 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Task-Based Language Teaching to Teach Speaking Skills

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    This study aims to find out the effectiveness of task-based language teaching to enhance speaking skills. It applied a method to teach speaking skills in SMK NW Darul Abror Kuta in Central Lombok. The research objectives are to know whether tasks-based language teaching is effective in teaching students speaking skills at ten-grade SMK NW Darul Abror Kuta in the academic year of 2020/2021. The research was conducted in six meetings, the first meeting was given a pre-test and the second meeting until the fifth meeting for giving treatment with the descriptive text material, and six sessions to give a post-test. The researcher uses Quasi-Experimental Design. The population of the research was 127 students. The researcher used random cluster sampling to take the sample, and the samples of this research were eleventh-grade students of XI B as an experimental group that would be taught by using task-based language teaching and XI D as a control group would be taught by using the direct method. In experimental group consisted of 29 students, while the control group consisted of 30 students. The data was taken by test and analyzed by independent t-test. The mean score of students in the experimental group taught using Task-Based Language Teaching is 66.38. In the control group, the mean score of students taught using the direct method is 60.3. The results of t-test computation, to was 3.079 while tt with the degree of freedom 57 in the level of significance 0.05, therefore, towas higher than tt. It means the alternative hypothesis is accepted; Task-Based Language Teaching is Effective to teach speaking skills

    Speech Acts Proficiency of Junior High School English Teachers

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    Junior High School English teachers involved in this study taught English‘ speech acts at a Junior High School, where the materials taught include high level of spoken English. Thus, the English teachers need to be proficient in this particular skill. As professional educators, the teachers must have professionalcompetencies, particularly a good comprehension of the materials. Speech act constitutes spoken English, which is generally taught in Junior High School. Developing communication competence in English is the main purpose of English teaching in Junior High School. This descriptive qualitative research aims to describe a phenomenon: the ability of speech acts of Junior High School teachers. This knowledge comprises of several categories, namely the ability to define of speech acts, to identify speech acts conversations and to figure out speech act utterances. Drawing on the data garnered through the interviews, it was unveiled that most of the Junior High School English teachers could respond the given questions pertinent to speech acts. They could define the meaning of speech acts, identify the speech act conversations and figure out the speech act utterances. This study demonstrates that the proficiency level of the Junior High School English teachers is very good as they comprehend teaching materials and have good pedagogical skills


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    This research aims to know the An Analysis of Students’ competence in writing descriptive paragraph. The subject of this research has been 36 students of class at SMA 1  Pujut in academic year 2018/2019. The research design on one test of SMA 1  Pujut used the one sheet method. In this test the students had to write a descriptive paragraph. The author used the descriptive method for data interpretation. The research revealed a mean score of 53.47 at the test. In detail: the students’ competence in writing descriptive paragraph was fairly good (38.8%), good (13.8%), excellent (5.5%), poor (36.1%) and very poor (5.5%). In general, based on the result, the author concludes that the students’ competence in writing descriptive paragraphs was classified fairly good. It demonstrated that most of the students (80%) of class at SMA 1  Pujut were able to write descriptive paragraph using their own words as good possible

    The Effectiveness of Using Chronological Paragraph Strategy toward Students’ Writing Skills

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    This study aims to identify the effect of chronological order strategy on improving students' ability in writing paragraphs. The sample of this study was 40 students of SMPN 9 SATAP Pujut Central Lombok. This study employed a pre-experimental method by using intact-group comparison.  To gather the data, the pre-test and post-test were distributed to the groups to collect the writing score and the percentage of students’ writing classification. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was applied to testing the hypothesis. The finding data shows that there was enhancement of students’ classification in writing between pre-test and post-test. In pre-test the average of students’ classification between fair, poor and very poor. But in post-test the average of students’ classification improved into very good, good, fair and poor. The result of data analysis indicates a significant effect of using chronological order to improve students’ writing ability. It evidenced by the significant level was lower than 0.05 (0.00<0.05)

    Cellular Regulation of Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor

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    Neurotrophic factors are small secretory proteins with important functions both in the nervous system and in peripheral tissues. Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is best known for its ability to support the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons and enteric neurons. Also, GDNF is essential for the development of kidney and testis. It has been shown that both the absence and excessive amounts of GDNF protein negatively regulate kidney morphogenesis, highlighting the importance of proper spatiotemporal regulation of GDNF. Despite the wealth of knowledge regarding GDNF functions both in and outside the nervous system, relatively little is known about the trafficking mechanisms of GDNF. GDNF is synthesized as a precursor protein, proGDNF. In this thesis, we characterized the cellular localization and secretion of two GDNF splice variants, pre-(α)pro-GDNF and pre-(β)pro-GDNF, that differ in their pro-regions. Both precursor forms were shown to be secreted from cell lines. However, while (α)pro-GDNF co-localized mainly with the Golgi markers, the (β)pro-GDNF was found primarily in the secretogranin-II positive vesicles of the regulated secretory pathway. In accordance, the two splice isoforms responded differently to KCl-induced depolarization that is known to trigger the secretion of neurotrophin family members in neuronal cells. Only (β)pro-GDNF and corresponding mature GDNF were secreted activity-dependently, whereas (α)pro-GDNF and its corresponding mature GDNF were secreted via the constitutive secretory pathway. In addition, we determined which enzymes are responsible for the proteolytic cleavage of proGDNF into mature GDNF. To elucidate, whether secreted proGDNF has any biological activity, the recombinant cleavage-resistant proGDNF mutant protein was expressed in mammalian CHO cells and next purified from the media. Our results demonstrate that proGDNF is biologically active. Furthermore, similarly to mature GDNF, proGDNF can signal via the GDNF receptor α1/RET receptor tyrosine kinase complex and activate downstream MAPK and AKT pathways. Interestingly, proGDNF is not able to activate RET via the GFRα2 receptor. Finally, we identified a novel sorting receptor for GDNF and its receptors. Our results show that SorLA, a member of the vacuolar protein sorting 10-p domain receptor family, can internalize GDNF and GFRα1. While GDNF is subsequently degraded in lysosomes, GFRα1 is recycled back to the cell membrane. In the presence of SorLA and GFRα1, also RET is internalized and directed to early endosomes. By regulating the availability of GDNF and its co-receptors, SorLA can inhibit GDNF-induced neurotrophic activity in SY5Y cells. Moreover, SorLA seems to regulate intracellular localization of GFRα1 in hippocampal neurons. In summary, results of this thesis characterize the cellular regulation of GDNF regarding its secretion, processing, internalization and subsequent degradation. Furthermore, this is the first time that biological functions of the GDNF precursor protein proGDNF are described. Our findings indicate that the trafficking of GDNF is very different from that of other neurotrophic factors, and in contrast to apoptotic proneurotrophins, proGDNF is a trophic protein with increased specificity to GDNF receptor complex GFRα1-RET.Hermokasvutekijät ovat pieniä solun erittämiä proteiineja, joilla on tärkeä rooli sekä hermostossa että muissa kudoksissa. Gliasolulinjaperäinen hermokasvutekijä (GDNF) on parhaiten tunnettu siitä, että se säätelee keskiaivojen dopamiinisolujen sekä suoliston hermosolujen elonjäämistä. GDNF:llä on tärkeä rooli myös munuaisten ja siittiösolujen kehityksen säätelyssä. Aikaisemmissa kokeissa on osoitettu, että ainakin munuaisten kehityksessä GDNF:n tarkka määrä on kriittistä, sillä sekä liian matala tai liian korkea proteiinipitoisuus aiheuttaa munuaisten kehityshäiriöitä. Vaikka GDNF:n tehtävät tunnetaan melko hyvin, sen solunsisäisiä säätelymekanismeja ei ole tutkittu yksityiskohtaisesti. Aitotumalliset solut tuottavat erittyviä proteiineja usein pre-pro-mature muodossa. Pre-sekvenssin avulla proteiini ohjataan eritysreitille, pro-alueen tarkkaa roolia ei tunneta, mutta sen on ehdotettu vaikuttavaan proteiinin oikeaan laskostumiseen, kuljetukseen sekä biologiseen aktiivisuuteen. Mature eli kypsä alue koodaa biologisesti aktiivista proteiinia. Tämän väitöskirjatyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää miten GDNF-proteiinin eri muotoja eritetään solusta, onko prekursoriproteiini pro-GDNF biologisesti aktiivinen ja miten GDNF-proteiinin hajottaminen on säädelty soluissa. Tutkimme tarkemmin kahta GDNF:n muotoa (pre-(α)pro-GDNF ja pre-(β)pro-GDNF), joiden pro-alueet ovat eripituisia. Tutkimustuloksemme osoittivat, että pidempi pre-(α)pro-GDNF erittyy soluista jatkuvasti, lyhyempi pre-(β)pro-GDNF taas erittyy aktiivisuusriippuvaisesti. Lisäksi selvitimme mitkä proteinaasit pilkkovat pro-alueen GDNF-proteiinista. Työssäni osoitettiin myös, että mutantti (α)pro-GDNF prekursoriproteiini, joka ei altistu proteinaaseille, erittyy hyvin soluista pro-muodossa, on biologisesti aktiivinen ja kypsän GDNF:n tavoin suojaa sympaattisia hermosoluja kuolemalta. Kokeissa löydettiin myös vaihtoehtoinen GDNF:n reseptori SorLA, joka edesauttaa GDNF:n kuljettamista solun pinnalta lysosomeihin - soluorganelleihin, joissa GDNF-proteiini hajotetaan. Tutkimustuloksemme tuovat lisää tietoa GDNF:n solunsisäisistä säätelymekanismeista ja pro-GDNF:n biologisesta aktiivisuudesta. Tämä tieto voi olla hyödyllistä, kun suunnitellaan GDNF:n käyttöä esimerkiksi geeniterapiassa

    Naiste emotsionaalne heaolu ning toimetulek pere- ja tööelu ühildamisel Audru valla näitel

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    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar dan Keterampilan Metakognitif Siswa Kelas XI dan XII MIA melalui Discovery Learning Berbasis Lesson Study

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    Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar dan keterampilan metakognitif siswa. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif yaitu Penelitian Tindakan Kelas berbasis lesson study. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa penerapan discovery learning pada aktivitas belajar seperti melakukan percobaan, pengamatan, merancangan percobaan, analisis dan studi literatur dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar dan keterampilan metakognitif siswa. Berdasarkan analisis data pada setiap pertemuan serta analisis lembar kerja siswa dan analisis hasil observasi pembelajaran secara langsung oleh observer. Selain itu, dampak lain dari implementasi lesson study memberikan pengalaman dan pelajaran berharga bagi peneliti lesson study dalam memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran serta melihat perkembangan belajar siswa.Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar dan keterampilan metakognitif siswa. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif yaitu Penelitian Tindakan Kelas berbasis lesson study. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa penerapan discovery learning pada aktivitas belajar seperti melakukan percobaan, pengamatan, merancangan percobaan, analisis dan studi literatur dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar dan keterampilan metakognitif siswa. Berdasarkan analisis data pada setiap pertemuan serta analisis lembar kerja siswa dan analisis hasil observasi pembelajaran secara langsung oleh observer. Selain itu, dampak lain dari implementasi lesson study memberikan pengalaman dan pelajaran berharga bagi peneliti lesson study dalam memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran serta melihat perkembangan belajar siswa

    Competencias digitales y gestión pedagógica docente en instituciones educativas de la UGEL 03 - 2020

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    En la investigación titulada: “Competencias digitales y gestión pedagógica docente en instituciones educativas de la UGEL 03 - 2020”, el objetivo general de la investigación fue determinar la relación que existe entre la competencias digitales y la gestión pedagógica docente en instituciones educativas de la UGEL 03 - 2020. El tipo de investigación es básica, el nivel de investigación es descriptivo correlacional, el diseño de la investigación es no experimental transversal y el enfoque es cuantitativo. La muestra estuvo conformada por 76 docentes de la UGEL 03 - 2020. La técnica que se utilizó es la encuesta, dichos instrumentos de recolección de datos fueron aplicados a los docentes. Para la validez de los instrumentos se utilizó el juicio de expertos y para la confiabilidad de cada instrumento se utilizó el alfa de Cronbach que salió muy alta en ambas variables: 0,953 para la variable competencias digitales y 0,939 para la variable gestión pedagógica docente. Con referencia al objetivo general: Determinar la relación que existe entre las competencias digitales y la gestión pedagógica docente en instituciones educativas de la UGEL 03 - 2020, se concluye que existe relación directa y significativa entre las competencias digitales y la gestión pedagógica docente. Lo que se demuestra con el estadístico de Spearman (sig. bilateral = .000 < 0.01; Rho = .994 **), alta

    Estrategias de aprendizaje del vocabulario y conocimiento lexical en estudiantes de Inglés – Francés de la Universidad Nacional de Educación, 2019

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    Se elaboró esta investigación la cual tuvo como objetivo, establecer relación entre las estrategias de aprendizajes del vocabulario y conocimiento lexical en estudiantes de Inglés – Francés de la Universidad Nacional de Educación, 2019. Este estudio de tipo básico, de nivel descriptivo-correlacional, de método hipotético-deductivo, efectuó en la muestra un total 50 estudiantes de la especialidad de Inglés- Francés de la universidad en mención. Se empleó la técnica de la encuesta y el instrumento fue el cuestionario, tipo escala de Likert. La principal conclusión de este estudio de las estrategias de aprendizaje del vocabulario se relaciona de forma directa y significativa con el conocimiento lexical en estudiantes de inglés – francés de la Universidad Nacional de Educación, 2019, (p = 0.000 < 0.05, Rho de Spearman = 0.851 siendo correlación positiva alta). Por lo tanto, las estrategias de aprendizaje del vocabulario generan un conocimiento lexical en estudiantes de Inglés – Francés de la Universidad Nacional de Educación, 2019.This research was developed which aimed to stablish a relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and lexical knowledge in English- French students from the National University of education, 2019. This study of a basic type, descriptive- correlational level, of hypothetical-deductive method, carried out in the sample a total of 50 students of the English-French specialty of the university in mention. They survey technique was used and the instrument was the questionnaire, Likert scale type. The main conclusion of this study of vocabulary learning strategies is directly and significantly related to lexical knowledge in English-French students from the National University of Education, 2019, (p = 0.000 < 0.05, Spearman´s Rho = 0.851 being a high positive correlation). Therefore, vocabulary learning strategies generate lexical knowledge in English students-French from the National University of Education. 2019

    Factores asociados al aborto en mujeres gestantes en el servicio obstétrico del Hospital Provincial de Acobamba en el año 2018

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    El presente trabajo de investigación, tuvo como objetivo identificar los factores asociados al aborto en mujeres gestantes en el Servicio Obstétrico del Hospital Provincial de Acobamba. Metodología: se realizó una investigación de tipo descriptiva, transversal, retrospectiva, de diseño no experimental. Población: 51 casos clínicos, Técnica: Revisión documentaria (Historias Clínicas), Instrumento: Ficha de recolección de datos. Resultados: 70% de las mujeres estudiadas presentaron aborto incompleto. En la variable factores socio demográficos: Edad 16% son adolescentes, 12% son solteras, 14% no tienen instrucción; Factores Maternos: 34% presenta ITU, 47% tienen algún nivel de anemia, 21% tienen bajo peso según su IMC, Factores Obstétricos: 84% son multíparas; 22% tenía una edad gestacional mayor de 13 semanas; y 47% no tenía APN. Conclusión: Los factores asociados al aborto en mujeres gestantes en el Servicio Obstétrico del Hospital Provincial de Acobamba, son: Factores demográficos, Maternos y obstétricos Recomendaciones: Fortalecer la educación para la salud.Trabajo académic