1,511 research outputs found

    Epigenetic regulation of Epichloë festucae secondary metabolite biosynthesis and symbiotic interaction with Lolium perenne : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Genetics at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    Histone methylation is one of several epigenetic layers for transcriptional regulation. Most studies on the importance of this histone modification in regulating fungal secondary metabolite gene expression and pathogenicity have focussed on the role of histone methyltransferases, while few studies have focussed on the role of histone demethylases that catalyse the reversal of the modification. Epichloë festucae (Ascomycota) is an endophyte that forms a mutualistic interaction with perennial ryegrass. The fungus contributes to the symbiosis by the production of several classes of secondary metabolites, these have anti-insect and/or anti-mammalian activity. The EAS and LTM clusters in E. festucae are located subtelomerically and contain the biosynthetic genes for two of these important metabolites which are only synthesised in planta. Thus, in the host plant these genes are highly expressed, but they are tightly silenced in culture conditions. Previous study has shown that histone H3K9 and H3K27 methylation and their corresponding histone methyltransferases are important for this process. In this study, the role of histone lysine demethylases (KDMs) in regulating these genes and the symbiotic interaction is described. Eight candidate histone demethylases (Jmj1-Jmj8) were identified in E. festucae, among these proteins are homologues of mammalian KDM4, KDM5, KDM8, JMDJ7, and N. crassa Dmm-1. The genes for the proteins were overexpressed in E. festucae and histone methylation levels were determined in the strains. Overexpression of the genes was not observed to cause any change to the culture and symbiotic phenotypes of the fungus. Western blot analysis subsequently identified one of the proteins, KdmB, as the histone H3K4me3 demethylase. Further analysis by ChIP- and RT-qPCR showed that demethylation of H3K4me3 by KdmB at the eas/ltm genes is crucial for the activation of these genes in planta. The full expression of several other telomeric genes was similarly found to require KdmB. On the other hand, the COMPASS H3K4 methyltransferase complex subunit CclA that is required for H3K4 trimethylation in E. festucae represses the eas/ltm genes in culture conditions by maintaining H3K4me3 levels at the loci. Thus, these findings suggest a repressive role for H3K4me3 at these subtelomeric secondary metabolite loci and are consistent with the role of H3K4me3 in yeast telomeric silencing. Disruption of kdmB did not affect the symbiotic interaction of E. festucae with the host grass but severely reduced the levels of lolitrem B, an animal neurotoxin. At the same time, the levels of ergovaline, another animal toxin, and peramine, an insect feeding deterrent, were not affected. Therefore, disruption or inhibition of KdmB may also serve as a promising approach for future endophyte improvement programmes. The E. festucae homologue of KDM8 (an H3K36me2 demethylase), Jmj4, was further investigated in this study but no H3K6 demethylase activity was found for the protein. Both disruption and overexpression of the gene encoding Jmj4 similarly had no effect on the culture and symbiotic phenotypes of E. festucae. However, deletion of setB, encoding the homologue of yeast Set2 (H3K36 methyltransferase) specifically reduced histone H3K36me3 levels in E. festucae. This contrasts with deletion of Set2 in other fungi which affected H3K36 mono-, di- and trimethylation. The ΔsetB mutant was severely impeded in development, and was unable to establish infection of the host plant. Introduction of the wild-type setB gene reversed these phenotypes. This study shows that H3K4 trimethylation controlled by CclA and KdmB is an important regulator of subtelomeric secondary metabolite genes in E. festucae but not for the symbiotic interaction of the fungus with perennial ryegrass. On the other hand, the histone H3K36 methyltransferase SetB specifically controls H3K36 trimethylation in E. festucae and is required for normal vegetative growth and ability of the fungus to infect the host plant

    Development of IoT at hydroponic system using raspberry Pi

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    Hydroponics is one of the farming technologies using water media to meet the needs of plant nutrition. Water use in hydroponics systems more efficient compared with the cultivation system using soil media. Water that has been mixed with mineral nutrients needed by plants streamed continuously to the plant roots. Another advantage of this method is very suitable to be applied in a limited area such as urban home environments, the use of the existing space in the house. In the everyday activities of urban residents spending more time outside the home to work, school, shopping and other activities. Thus the observation of hydroponic systems remotely be important to be done from anywhere. Availability, temperature, and pH of the water are some of the factors in hydroponic systems that need to be observed periodically to determine the appropriate action. This problem can be solved by developing the Internet of Things technology in the hydroponic system that observations can be done remotely and reported directly through the Internet


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “TARI RONGGENG GENGGES : CROSS GENDER DI KOMUNITAS MISS ICON BANDUNG”. Penelitian yang dirumuskan untuk mengetahui bagaimana struktur gerak, tata rias dan tata busana yang ada pada tari ronggeng gengges. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriftif analisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, studi dokumentasi, dan studi pustaka. Ragam gerak tari ronggeng gengges berakar dari pola gerak tari pergaulan atau tari rakyat yang kemudian dimodifikasi ulang sehingga menghasilkan ragam gerak yang baru. Struktur gerak pada tari ronggeng gengges terdiri dari 31 ragam gerak dengan 8 gerak yang termasuk ke dalam gerak maknawi (gesture), 14 gerak murni (pure movement), 5 gerak berpindah tempat (locomotion), dan 4 gerak buton signal (perkuat ekspresi). Struktur koreografi pokok tari ronggeng gengges terbagi ke dalam tiga bagian yaitu struktur koreografi awalan terdapat gerak sembahan, ngageulis, dalam isi terdapat usap dada, ngalaga, ngagengges, dan penutup mincid, ngabajidor. Rias pada tari ronggeng gengges ini menggunakan character make-up, sedangkan busana yang digunakan terdiri dari 12 komponen yang telah mengikuti zaman yang kreatif. Rias dan busana tari ronggeng gengges ini didominasi oleh warna hijau memiliki kesan yang lembut, sejuk dan segar, warna merah memiliki sifat keberanian, agresif, aktif, dan warna emas (gold) memberikan kesan kemakmuran dan kemewahan. Pada dasarnya tari ronggeng gengges hanyalah sebuah pertunjukan tari yang bersifat hiburan semata dan akan mengalami pasang surut dalam seni pertunjukan di masyarakat, meskipun demikian tari ronggeng gengges telah menjadi warna baru dalam dunia pertunjukan tari khususnya di kota Bandung. ;---This study is entitled “RONGGENG GENGGES DANCE: CROSS GENDER IN MISS ICON COMMUNITY OF BANDUNG”. This study is aimed to reveal what the motion structure, makeup, and clothing style used in this Ronggeng Gengges dance are. The method used in this study is descriptive analysis with qualitative approach. The data collection used observation technique, interview, documentation study and literature review. The various numbers of variety dances in gengges dance are new modified varieties of previous social and folk dances. The motion structure of Ronggeng Gengges consists of 31 range motions of dance that includes 8 meaningful gestures, 14 pure movements, 5 locomotion gestures, and 4 buton signal. The structure of the basic choreography in ronggeng gengges is divided into three parts, which are the beginning choreography that includes basic gestures of sembahan and ngageulis, the main choreography that includes the gestures of usap dada, ngalaga, and ngagengges and the closing choreography that includes minced and ngabajidor. The make up in gengges ronggeng dance uses corrective make up, while the clothing style worn consists of 12 components that keep pace with the times. The make-up and clothing style of this dance is dominated by green color that has fresh, cool, and gentle impression. Red color is also chosen for the color has active, aggressive and bravery impression. Gold color is chosen for the clothing of ronggeng gengges to give an impression of luxury and wealth. Basically, ronggeng gengges dance is only dancing show that entertains, and it may face its ups and down in the performing art in society. However, ronggeng gengges dance has become a new color of dance performing in Bandung

    Language Abstractness as Discursive Microframes: LCM Framing in American Coverage of International News

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether articles covering countries with different levels of proximity and relations to the U.S. would be framed differently in American news media. In particular, this study employs the Linguistic Category Model, a tool for measuring language abstractness. This study incorporates scholarship from mass communication, international relations and linguistics. The literature review discusses international news coverage by American reporters and journalists; past scholarship examining linguistics in news text, including linguistic relativity theory and critical discourse analysis; and framing literature, focusing specifically on the framing building process and international news frames. After, the Linguistic Category Model is introduced, which is used to code for language abstractness. Two constructed weeks of news, encompassing a sample size of 960, were coded for their LCM frame and most important country discussed. Seven proximity and interaction country characteristics were applied to each article based on most important country discussed: distance, trade flow, language, military aid, regime type, development and conflict. The LCM frame was the dependent variable, while the country characteristics were the independent variable. Results show that the variables regime type, development and conflict were most related to changes in the LCM frame. While increased polity and development decreased language abstractness, increased conflict increased language abstractness. One interaction (conflict + development) included in the model was also influenced LCM frame. Implications of this are discussed, and the LCM frame is identified as a discursive microframe

    Leveling the Unleveled? Syariah Advocates’ Struggle for Equality in Indonesian Legal Pluralism

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    One of the ongoing problems faced by many Syariah advocates in Indonesia is how they can maintain their important role in the practice of law in the midst of the domination of common advocates. They are always trapped in double burden in concern of their position. On one side, they are challenged with the long historical inequality of educational access between religious (Islamic) groups and secular groups, while on the other, they have to deal with the problem of being part of Muslim society with a legal culture where Islamic  law is commonly viewed as irreconcilable with secular legal traditions. This paper specifically discusses the role played by the Association of Indonesian Syariah Advocates (Asosiasi Pengacara Syariah Indonesia, APSI) in their struggle to assert equality between Syariah advocates and common advocates. It shows that although APSI has successfully attracted attention from the state and public in general, the interest shown by Syariah faculties remains even relatively low. Embedded traditional culture of studying Islamic law in many Syariah faculties seems to have influenced their attention towards APSI. Yet, with inclusive approaches in expanding the institution, APSI can attract many advocates, not only from Muslim law graduates but from those of non-Muslims as well


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    The main cause of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke from active smokers or smoke inhalation in passive smokers. Other causes are air pollution, workplace exposure, and genetic factors. This type of research is analytical research with a cross sectional approach which aims to study the existence of a variable relationship dynamics. In this study, the sample was 30 patients from the Mandala Health Center. Generally, COPD sufferers are those aged 45 years to 65 years where 21 of the 30 people suffer from risk. The chi-square test results show that there is a relationship between risk factors and the incidence of COPD in the Tembung Mandala 2018 Health Center Working Area

    Religious ADR: Mediation in Islamic Family Law Tradition

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    Mediasi adalah salah satu metode resolusi konflik yang banyak menjadi kajian dalam studi Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), atau Resolusi Konflik Alternatif). Kelebihan dari teori ini terletak pada metodenya yang sepenuhnya menyerahkan proses resolusi tersebut kepada para pihak yang sedang konflik. Mediator dengan demikian sekadar memfasilitasi proses resolusi tersebut agar berjalan dengan baik. Keputusan akhir tetap berada pada para pihak yang berkonflik. Namun begitu, selama ini kajian mengenai mediasi ini tidak pernah melibatkan nilai-nilai agama. Sistem ilmu mengenai hal ini lahir dari masyarakat sekuler sehingga dilihat sebagai subjek yang terpisah dari kajian agama. Penulis berpendapat bahwa sejatinya banyak nilai-nilai yang sudah ditawarkan oleh agama terkait mediasi ini. Islam sebagai contoh telah menawarkan metode mediasi sebagai salah satu sarana dalam pencapaian perdamaian, khususnya dalam hal konflik keluarga. Dalam tulisan ini penulis mendeskripsikan tentang teori umum mediasi dalam sistem keilmuan ADR dan kemudian menghubungkannya dengan tradisi mediasi dalam masyarakat Islam yang diambil dari Quran 4:35. Dalam argumentasinya penulis mengemukakan bahwa interpretasi terhadap ayat tersebut dengan menggunakan teori-teori mediasi modern sangat penting untuk dilakukan, sehingga implementasi teori mediasi Islam dapat lebih ditingkatkan efektifitasnya

    Islamisation as Legal Intolerance: The Case of GARIS in Cianjur, West Java

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    In its endeavour, Islamization projects done by some Muslim organisations in Indonesia can lead to certain treats of intolerance, especially to those rejecting the missions wrought about in the movements. Using qualitative approach, this paper tries to analyse the legal Islamization programs undertaken by Gerakan Reformis Islam (GARIS) in Cianjur, West Java, since their inception in early 2001 and its inclination to various intolerant attitudes towards others. The movement of Islamization is probed on the basis of the three main GARIS projects, namely, reviewing the draft of Indonesian penal law, engaging contra-Christianization movements and the struggle against Ahmadiyah. Describing the movement, one will see how the idea of legal Islamization is carefully and persistently moulded in the field to make it so fluid and adequate to accomplish a purpose. What seems appearing in this phenomenon is not a theoretical legal quandary but more a political one, as legal Islamization is in its practice more sensed as a political movement than that of law.[Dalam praktiknya, gerakan Islamisasi yang dilakukan oleh beberapa organisasi Islam di Indonesia dapat memunculkan tindakan intoleransi, utamanya hal itu menimpa mereka yang menolak gerakan tersebut. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, paper ini berusaha untuk menganalisis program-program Islamisasi hukum yang dilakukan oleh Gerakan Reformis Islam (GARIS) di Cianjur, Jawa Barat sejak mula berdirinya organisasi ini di awal 2001 dan kecenderungannya kepada perilaku intoleransi kepada kelompok lain. Gerakan Islamisasi dari GARIS ini dikaji berdasarkan pada tiga program mereka yang paling utama yaitu: usulan perbaikan terhadap draf amandemen hukum pidana Indonesia, gerakan perlawanan terhadap kristenisasi, dan perlawanan terhadap kelompok Ahmadiyah. Melalui kajian yang mendalam terhadap organisasi ini, kita dapat melihat bagaimana program Islamisasi hukum tersebut dilakukan dengan kesungguhan di lapangan sehingga dapat meraih hasil sesuai dengan yang dicanangkan. Apa yang dapat kita lihat dari fenomena ini sejatinya bukanlah pergumulan teori hukum namun lebih sebagai perhelatan politik, karena pada praktiknya gerakan Islamisasi hukum itu lebih menonjol sisi gerakan politiknya ketimbang hukumnya.


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    In the process of buying and selling land in Indonesia, it refers to PP number 24 of 1997, where the transfer of land rights can only be registered at BPN if it is proven by a sale and purchase deed made by PPAT. The law only regulates the obligation of the seller and the buyer to make a Sale and Purchase Deed at the PPAT without regulating provisions on the power of attorney to sell land and buildings. The Marriage Law clearly stipulates that in selling joint assets, the husband / wife must obtain the approval to sell from the husband / wife partner, without regulating how the form of the agreement must be made. Practices in the field often require that the power of attorney to sell must use an authentic deed. Where the authentic deed has formal and material requirements that must be met. The result of the judge's decision stated that the power of attorney to sell is allowed to use an underhand deed. As long as the authentic deed does not violate the material requirements of a deed, then the authentic deed is legally valid, only the power of proof is reduced to an underhand deed which remains binding on the parties as long as the parties do not deny the contents of the deed and its signature. Keywords: authentic deed, underhanded deed, transfer of land rights, joint propertyDalam proses jual beli tanah di Indonesia mengacu pada PP nomor 24 tahun 1997, dimana peralihan hak atas tanah hanya dapat didaftarkan di BPN jika dibuktikan dengan akta jual beli yang dibuat PPAT. Undang-undang hanya mengatur tentang kewajiban penjual dan pembeli membuat Akta Jual Beli di PPAT tanpa mengatur ketentuan tentang surat kuasa menjual tanah dan bangunan. Dalam UU Perkawinan mengatur secara jelas bahwa suami/istri dalam menjual harta bersama harus mendapat persetujuan menjual dari pasangan suami/istri, tanpa mengatur bagaimana bentuk perssetujuan tersebut harus dibuat. Praktek dilapangan sering mewajibkan bahwa surat kuasa menjual harus menggunakan akta autentik. Dimana dalam akta autentik memiliki syarat formil dan materiil yang harus dipenuhi. Hasil putusan hakim menyatakan bahwa surat kuasa menjual diperbolehkan menggunakan akta bawah tangan. Selama akta autentik tidak melanggar ketentuan syarat materiil sebuah akta, maka akta autentik tersebut adalah sah secara hukum, hanya kekuatan pembuktiannya turun menjadi akta bawah tangan yang tetap megikat para pihak selama para pihak tidak menyangkal isi akta dan tandatangannya Kata kunci: akta autentik, akta bawah tangan, peralihan hak atas tanah, harta bersam
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