19 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Approach to Robust Wearable Gaze Tracking

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    Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)This paper presents a method for computing the gaze point using camera data captured with a wearable gaze tracking device. The method utilizes a physical model of the human eye, ad- vanced Bayesian computer vision algorithms, and Kalman filtering, resulting in high accuracy and low noise. Our C++ implementation can process camera streams with 30 frames per second in realtime. The performance of the system is validated in an exhaustive experimental setup with 19 participants, using a self-made device. Due to the used eye model and binocular cam- eras, the system is accurate for all distances and invariant to device movement. We also test our system against a best-in-class commercial device which is outperformed for spatial accuracy and precision. The software and hardware instructions as well as the experimental data are pub- lished as open source.Peer reviewe

    A probabilistic real-time algorithm for detecting blinks, saccades, and fixations from EOG data

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    We present a computationally light real-time algorithm which automatically detects blinks, saccades, and fixations from electro-oculography (EOG) data and calculates their temporal parameters. The method is probabilistic which allows to consider the uncertainties in the detected events. The method is real-time in the sense that it processes the data sample-by-sample, without a need to process the whole data as a batch. Prior to the actual measurements, a short, unsupervised training period is required. The parameters of the Gaussian likelihoods are learnt using an expectation maximization algorithm. The results show the promise of the method in detecting blinks, saccades, and fixations, with detection rates close to 100 %. The presented method is published as an open source tool

    Forest, Trees, Dynamics : Results from a Novel Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Variant Protocol for Studying Global-Local Attention and Complex Cognitive Processes

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    Background: Recognition of objects and their context relies heavily on the integrated functioning of global and local visual processing. In a realistic setting such as work, this processing becomes a sustained activity, implying a consequent interaction with executive functions. Motivation: There have been many studies of either global-local attention or executive functions; however it is relatively novel to combine these processes to study a more ecological form of attention. We aim to explore the phenomenon of global-local processing during a task requiring sustained attention and working memory. Methods: We develop and test a novel protocol for global-local dissociation, with task structure including phases of divided ("rule search") and selective ("rule found") attention, based on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST). We test it in a laboratory study with 25 participants, and report on behavior measures (physiological data was also gathered, but not reported here). We develop novel stimuli with more naturalistic levels of information and noise, based primarily on face photographs, with consequently more ecological validity. Results: We report behavioral results indicating that sustained difficulty when participants test their hypotheses impacts matching-task performance, and diminishes the global precedence effect. Results also show a dissociation between subjectively experienced difficulty and objective dimension of performance, and establish the internal validity of the protocol. Contribution: We contribute an advance in the state of the art for testing global local attention processes in concert with complex cognition. With three results we establish a connection between global local dissociation and aspects of complex cognition. Our protocol also improves ecological validity and opens options for testing additional interactions in future work.Peer reviewe

    Puettavan teknologian hyödyntäminen työterveyshuolloissa ja työpaikoilla

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    Puettavaan teknologian käytöstä työterveyshuolloissa ei ole yhtenäistä käsitystä, suosituksia eikä näyttöjä hyödyistä. Tässä selvityksessä kuvataan puettavan teknologian käytön nykytilanne työterveyshuollossa, työpaikoilla ja vakuutusyhtiöissä sekä tarpeita ajatellen teknologian käytön tulevaa kehitystä. Puettavaa teknologiaa käytetään eniten terveyden ja elintapojen mittaamiseen sekä työ- ja toimintakyvyn arviointiin. Valtaosa tehdyistä mittauksista on kertaluontoisia, ja ne kohdistuvat organisaatioissa tyypillisesti vain pieneen työntekijäjoukkoon. Mittauksia toteutetaan sekä yksilö että ryhmäarviointeina. Selkeälle toimintaohjeelle tai prosessikuvaukselle olisi tarvetta. Mittaustietoa käytetään toimenpidetarpeen ja työssä kuormittumisen arviointiin sekä yksilö- että ryhmätasolla. Sitä käytetään myös keskustelun sekä työkykyjohtamisen välineenä. Teknologian käytön yleistymistä rajoittavat teknologiaan ja käytettävyyteen liittyvät ongelmat sekä laitteiden hinta. Puettavan teknologian käytöstä annetaan joitakin suosituksia, jotka edistäisivät ratkaisujen käyttöönottoa ja sillä saavutettavia hyötyjä

    Infrasound Does Not Explain Symptoms Related to Wind Turbines

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    Some individuals have reported various symptoms that they have intuitively associated with infrasound from wind turbines. Scientific evidence on the potential association or studies focusing directly on the health effects of wind turbine infrasound are lacking. This research project aimed at assessing whether wind turbine infrasound has harmful effects on human health. A questionnaire study, sound measurements, and provocation experiments were conducted. In the questionnaire study, symptoms intuitively associated with wind turbine infrasound were relatively common within 2.5 km from the closest wind turbine and symptom spectrum was broad. Many of the symptomatic respondents associated their symptoms also with vibration or electromagnetic field from wind turbines. In measurements, infrasound levels were similar to the levels occurring typically in urban environments. The captured sound samples with the highest infrasound levels and amplitude modulation values were used in the double blinded provocation experiments. The participants who had previously reported wind turbine infrasound related symptoms were not able to perceive infrasound in the noise samples and did not find samples with infrasound more annoying than those without previous wind turbine infrasound related symptoms. Further, wind turbine infrasound exposure did not cause physiological responses in either participant group.This publication is part of the implementation of the Government Plan for Analysis, Assessment and Research (tietokayttoon.fi). The content is the responsibility of the producers of the information and does not necessarily represent the view of the Government

    A Pedagogical Model for Immersive Virtual Reality Safety Training:Mixed Methods Reseach

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    Immersive virtual reality (IVR) has potential for increasing training engagement in many disciplines, including safety training. Nevertheless, its educational use remains detached from learning theory. We address this gap by asking what kind of pedagogical model supports IVR occupational safety training. The model we propose is theoretically based on simulation learning and IVR learning research. The model is being developed in design-based research and will be empirically tested during training interventions. Data is being collected from questionnaires, observations, video recordings and stimulated recall interviews, and will be analysed using mixed methods. The results will be used to develop the pedagogical model. They will advance IVR learning theory and educational practise