590 research outputs found

    Nodal structure of quasi-2D superconductors probed by magnetic field

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    We consider a quasi two-dimensional superconductor with line nodes in an in-plane magnetic field, and compute the dependence of the specific heat, CC, and the in-plane heat conductivity, κ\kappa, on the angle between the field and the nodal direction in the vortex state. We use a variation of the microscopic Brandt-Pesch-Tewordt method that accounts for the scattering of quasiparticles off vortices, and analyze the signature of the nodes in CC and κ\kappa. At low to moderate fields the specific heat anisotropy changes sign with increasing temperature. Comparison with measurements of CC and κ\kappa in CeCoIn5_5 resolves the contradiction between the two in favor of the dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} gap.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Dirac and Normal Fermions in Graphite and Graphene: Implications to the Quantum Hall Effect

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    Spectral analysis of Shubnikov de Haas (SdH) oscillations of magnetoresistance and of Quantum Hall Effect (QHE) measured in quasi-2D highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) [Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 156402 (2003)] reveals two types of carriers: normal (massive) electrons with Berry phase 0 and Dirac-like (massless) holes with Berry phase pi. We demonstrate that recently reported integer- and semi-integer QHE for bi-layer and single-layer graphenes take place simultaneously in HOPG samples.Comment: 4 page

    Interaction of vortices in superconductors with kappa close to 2^(-1/2)

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    Using a perturbative approach to the infinitely degenerate Bogomolnyi vortex state for a superconductor with kappa = 2^(-1/2), T -> T_c, we calculate the interaction of vortices in a superconductor with kappa close to 2^(-1/2). We find, numerically and analytically, that depending on the material the interaction potential between the vortices varies with decreasing kappa from purely repulsive (as in a type-II superconductor) to purely attractive (as in a type-I superconductor) in two different ways: either vortices form a bound state and the distance between them changes gradually from infinity to zero, or this transition occurs in a discontinuous way as a result of a competition between minima at infinity and zero. We study the discontinuous transition between the vortex and Meissner states caused by the non-monotonous vortex interaction and calculate the corresponding magnetization jump.Comment: v1:original submit v2:changed formate of images (gave problems to some) v3:corrected fig v4v6 (was -v4v6) orthographic corrections (and U_lat/int) mismatch v4:more small orthographic corrections v5:converted to revtex4 and bibTex v6:Renamed images to submit to pr

    Dirac Fermions in Graphite: the State of Art

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    Macroscopic concentration of massless charge carriers with linear conic spectrum - Dirac Fermions (DF) - was shown in 2004 to exist in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) and governs its electronic properties. These carriers can have the same nature as DF observed in graphite monolayer(graphene) and let to view HOPG as superposition of 2D carbon layers, almost independent electronically. We overview here the recent experimental evidences of 2D DF in graphite and their similarity with carriers in graphene.Comment: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Electronic Crystals ECRYS 200

    De Haas–van Alphen effect in 2D systems: application to mono- and bilayer graphene

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    Generalization of Shoenberg theory of de Haas–van Alphen magnetic oscillation in 2D metals for the case of electrons with arbitrary spectrum dispersion is used to propose the way to determine the nature of charge carriers in 2D conducting systems: mono- and bilayer graphene. We analyzed the analytical expression for the oscillating susceptibility as a function of chemical potential and distinguished its characteristic features for carriers with normal parabolic and Dirac-like linear spectra that can be detected experimentally

    Universal Properties of Ferroelectric Domains

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    Basing on Ginzburg-Landau approach we generalize the Kittel theory and derive the interpolation formula for the temperature evolution of a multi-domain polarization profile P(x,z). We resolve the long-standing problem of the near-surface polarization behavior in ferroelectric domains and demonstrate the polarization vanishing instead of usually assumed fractal domain branching. We propose an effective scaling approach to compare the properties of different domain-containing ferroelectric plates and films.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. to be publishe

    Thermodynamics of the incommensurate state in Rb_2WO_4: on the Lifshitz point in A`A``BX_4 compounds

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    We consider the evolution of the phase transition from the parent hexagonal phase P63/mmcP6_{3}/mmc to the orthorhombic phase PmcnPmcn that occurs in several compounds of AABX4A'A''BX_{4} family as a function of the hcp lattice parameter c/ac/a. For compounds of K2SO4K_{2}SO_{4} type with c/ac/a larger than the threshold value 1.26 the direct first-order transition PmcnP63/mmcPmcn-P6_{3}/mmc is characterized by the large entropy jump Rln2Rln2. For compounds Rb2WO4Rb_{2}WO_{4}, K2MoO4K_{2}MoO_{4}, K2WO4K_{2}WO_{4} with c/a<1.26c/a<1.26 this transition occurs via an intermediate incommensurate (Inc)(Inc) phase. DSC measurements were performed in Rb2WO4Rb_{2}WO_{4} to characterize the thermodynamics of the PmcnIncP63/mmcPmcn-Inc-P6_{3}/mmc transitions. It was found that both transitions are again of the first order with entropy jumps 0.2Rln2and0.2Rln2 and 0.3Rln2.Therefore,at. Therefore, at c/a ~ 1.26the the A'A''BX_{4}compoundsrevealanunusualLifshitzpointwherethreefirstordertransitionlinesmeet.Weproposethecouplingofcrystalelasticitywith compounds reveal an unusual Lifshitz point where three first order transition lines meet. We propose the coupling of crystal elasticity with BX_{4}$ tetrahedra orientation as a possible source of the transitions discontinuity.Comment: 13 pages,1 Postscript figure. Submitted as Brief Report to Phys. Rev. B, this paper reports a new work in Theory and Experiment, directed to Structural Phase Transition

    Domain wall saddle point morphology in ferroelectric triglycine sulfate

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    Ferroelectric domain walls, across which there is a divergence in polarization, usually have enhanced electrical conductivity relative to bulk. However, in lead germanate, head-to-head and tail-to-tail walls are electrically insulating. Recent studies have shown that this is because, when oppositely oriented domains meet, polar divergence is obviated by a combination of domain bifurcation and suspected local dipolar rotation. To explore the uniqueness, or otherwise, of this microstructure, we have used tomographic piezoresponse force microscopy to map three-dimensional domain morphologies in another uniaxial ferroelectric system: triglycine sulfate. This mapping reveals an abundance of domain wall saddle points, which are characteristic of interlocking bifurcated domains. Conducting atomic force microscopy, performed close to the saddle points, showed no evidence for highly localized conducting domain wall sections, across which a divergence in polarization might be implied; this supports the notion that localized dipolar rotation occurs to minimize any potential polar discontinuity. Overall, our study, therefore, confirms that mutual domain bifurcation and suspected local dipolar rotation are not unique to lead germanate and instead may be widely present in other uniaxial ferroelectrics

    Phase Transition between the Cholesteric and Twist Grain Boundary C Phases

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    The upper critical temperature Tc2 for the phase transition between the Cholesteric phase (N*) and the Twist Grain Boundary C phase with the layer inclination tilted to the pitch axis (TGBct) in thermotropic liquid crystals is determined by the mean field Chen-Lubensky approach. We show that the N*-TGBct phase transition is split in two with the appearance of either the TGBA or the TGB2q phase in a narrow temperature interval below Tc2. The latter phase is novel in being superposed from two degenerate TGBct phases with different (left and right) layers inclinations to the pitch axis.Comment: Phys. Rev. E, to be publ; 24 pages, RevTeX + 3 ps figure

    Domain enhanced interlayer coupling in ferroelectric/paraelectric superlattices

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    We investigate the ferroelectric phase transition and domain formation in a periodic superlattice consisting of alternate ferroelectric (FE) and paraelectric (PE) layers of nanometric thickness. We find that the polarization domains formed in the different FE layers can interact with each other via the PE layers. By coupling the electrostatic equations with those obtained by minimizing the Ginzburg-Landau functional we calculate the critical temperature of transition Tc as a function of the FE/PE superlattice wavelength and quantitatively explain the recent experimental observation of a thickness dependence of the ferroelectric transition temperature in KTaO3/KNbO3 strained-layer superlattices.Comment: Latest version as was published in PR