23 research outputs found

    Use of IP-10 detection in dried plasma spots for latent tuberculosis infection diagnosis in contacts via mail

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    The aim of this study was to test the use of IP-10 detection in dried plasma from contact studies individuals (contacts of smear positive patients), by comparing it with IP-10 and IFN-γ detection in direct plasma, to establish IP-10 detection in DPS as a useful assay for LTBI diagnosis. Whole blood samples were collected from 80 subjects: 12 with active tuberculosis (TB), and 68 from contact studies. The amount of IFN-γ produced by sensitized T cells was determined in direct plasma by QuantiFERON Gold In-Tube test. IP-10 levels were determined in direct and dried plasma by an in-house ELISA. For dried plasma IP-10 determination, two 25 µl plasma drops were dried in Whatman903 filter paper and sent by mail to the laboratory. Regarding TB patients, 100.0%, 91.7% and 75.0% were positive for IFN-γ detection and IP-10 detection in direct and dried plasma, respectively. In contacts, 69.1%, 60.3% and 48.5% had positive results after IFN-γ and IP-10 in direct and dried plasma, respectively. The agreement among in vitro tests was substantial and IP-10 levels in direct and dried plasma were strongly correlated (r = 0.897). In conclusion, IP-10 detection in dried plasma is a simple and safe method that would help improve LTBI management

    Immunogenicity of 60 novel latency-related antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    The aim of our work here was to evaluate the immunogenicity of 60 mycobacterial antigens, some of which have not been previously assessed, notably a novel series of in vivo -expressed Mycobacterium tuberculosis (IVE-TB) antigens. We enrolled 505 subjects and separated them in individuals with and without latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) vs. patients with active tuberculosis (TB). Following an overnight and 7 days stimulation of whole blood with purified recombinant M. tuberculosis antigens, interferon-γ (IFN-γ) levels were determined by ELISA. Several antigens could statistically significantly differentiate the groups of individuals. We obtained promising antigens from all studied antigen groups [dormancy survival regulon (DosR regulon) encoded antigens; resuscitation-promoting factors (Rpf) antigens; IVE-TB antigens; reactivation associated antigens]. Rv1733, which is a probable conserved transmembrane protein encoded in DosR regulon, turned out to be very immunogenic and able to discriminate between the three defined TB status, thus considered a candidate biomarker. Rv2389 and Rv2435n, belonging to Rpf family and IVE-TB group of antigens, respectively, also stood out as LTBI biomarkers. Although more studies are needed to support our findings, the combined use of these antigens would be an interesting approach to TB immunodiagnosis candidates

    Cell-Mediated Immune Responses to in vivo -Expressed and Stage-Specific Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigens in Latent and Active Tuberculosis Across Different Age Groups

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    A quarter of the global human population is estimated to be latently infected by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the causative agent of tuberculosis (TB). TB remains the global leading cause of death by a single pathogen and ranks among the top-10 causes of overall global mortality. Current immunodiagnostic tests cannot discriminate between latent, active and past TB, nor predict progression of latent infection to active disease. The only registered TB vaccine, Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG), does not adequately prevent pulmonary TB in adolescents and adults, thus permitting continued TB-transmission. Several Mtb proteins, mostly discovered through IFN-γ centered approaches, have been proposed as targets for new TB-diagnostic tests or -vaccines. Recently, however, we identified novel Mtb antigens capable of eliciting multiple cytokines, including antigens that did not induce IFN-γ but several other cytokines. These antigens had been selected based on high Mtb gene-expression in the lung in vivo, and have been termed in vivo expressed (IVE-TB) antigens. Here, we extend and validate our previous findings in an independent Southern European cohort, consisting of adults and adolescents with either LTBI or TB. Our results confirm that responses to IVE-TB antigens, and also DosR-regulon and Rpf stage-specific Mtb antigens are marked by multiple cytokines, including strong responses, such as for TNF-α, in the absence of detectable IFN-γ production. Except for TNF-α, the magnitude of those responses were significantly higher in LTBI subjects. Additional unbiased analyses of high dimensional flow-cytometry data revealed that TNF-α+ cells responding to Mtb antigens comprised 17 highly heterogeneous cell types. Among these 17 TNF-α+ cells clusters identified, those with CD8+TEMRA or CD8+CD4+ phenotypes, defined by the expression of multiple intracellular markers, were the most prominent in adult LTBI, while CD14+ TNF-α+ myeloid-like clusters were mostly abundant in adolescent LTBI. Our findings, although limited to a small cohort, stress the importance of assessing broader immune responses than IFN-γ alone in Mtb antigen discovery as well as the importance of screening individuals of different age groups. In addition, our results provide proof of concept showing how unbiased multidimensional multiparametric cell subset analysis can identify unanticipated blood cell subsets that could play a role in the immune response against Mtb

    Development and Evaluation of an NTM-IGRA to Guide Pediatric Lymphadenitis Diagnosis

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    Background: Diagnosis of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) infections remains a challenge. In this study, we describe the evaluation of an immunological NTM-interferon (IFN)-γ release assay (IGRA) that we developed using glycopeptidolipids (GPLs) as NTM-specific antigens. Methods: We tested the NTM-IGRA in 99 samples from pediatric patients. Seventy-five were patients with lymphadenitis: 25 were NTM confirmed, 45 were of unknown etiology but compatible with mycobacterial infection and 5 had lymphadenitis caused by an etiologic agent other than NTM. The remaining 24 samples were from control individuals without lymphadenitis (latently infected with M.Tuberculosis, uninfected controls and active tuberculosis patients). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated overnight with GPLs. Detection of IFN-γ producing cells was evaluated by enzyme-linked immunospot assay. Results: NTM culture-confirmed lymphadenitis patient samples had a significantly higher response to GPLs than the patients with lymphadenitis of unknown etiology but compatible with mycobacterial infection (P < 0.001) and lymphadenitis not caused by NTM (P < 0.01). We analyzed the response against GPLs in samples from unknown etiology lymphadenitis but compatible with mycobacterial infection cases according to the tuberculin skin test (TST) response, and although not statistically significant, those with a TST ≥5 mm had a higher response to GPLs when compared with the TST <5 mm group. Conclusions: Stimulation with GPLs yielded promising results in detecting NTM infection in pediatric patients with lymphadenitis. Our results indicate that the test could be useful to guide the diagnosis of pediatric lymphadenitis. This new NTM-IGRA could improve the clinical handling of NTM-infected patients and avoid unnecessary misdiagnosis and treatments

    Educomunicação, Transformação Social e Desenvolvimento Sustentável

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    Esta publicação apresenta os principais trabalhos dos GTs do II Congresso Internacional de Comunicação e Educação nos temas&nbsp;Transformação social, com os artigos que abordam principalmente Educomunicação e/ou Mídia-Educação, no contexto de políticas de diversidade, inclusão e equidade; e, em Desenvolvimento Sustentável&nbsp;os artigos que abordam os avanços da relação comunicação/educação no contexto da educação ambiental e desenvolvimento sustentável

    Checklist das Spermatophyta do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Evaluación del Programa Integrado de Investigación en Tuberculosis promovido por la sociedad española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica tras 11 años de funcionamiento

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    Grupo de Trabajo del Programa Integrado de Investigación en Tuberculosis (PII-TB). In Press.[EN]: [Objective] The objective of the study was to determine the trend of variables related to tuberculosis (TB) from the Integrated Tuberculosis Research Program (PII-TB) registry of the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR), and to evaluate the PII-TB according to indicators related to its scientific objectives. [Method] Cross-sectional, population-based, multicenter study of new TB cases prospectively registered in the PII-TB between 2006 and 2016. The time trend of quantitative variables was calculated using a lineal regression model, and qualitative variables using the χy test for lineal trend. [Results] A total of 6,892 cases with an annual median of 531 were analyzed. Overall, a significant downward trend was observed in women, immigrants, prisoners, and patients initially treated with 3 drugs. Significant upward trends were observed in patients aged 40-50 and > 50 years, first visit conducted by a specialist, hospitalization, diagnostic delay, disseminated disease and single extrapulmonary location, culture(+), sensitivity testing performed, drug resistance, directly observed treatment, prolonged treatment, and death from another cause. The scientific objectives of the PII-TB that showed a significant upward trend were publications, which reached a maximum of 8 in 2016 with a total impact factor of 49,664, numbers of projects initiated annually, presentations at conferences, and theses. [Conclusions] PII-TB provides relevant information on TB and its associated factors in Spain. A large team of researchers has been created; some scientific aspects of the registry were positive, while others could have been improved.[ES]: [Objetivo] El objetivo del estudio fue conocer la tendencia de las variables relacionadas con la tuberculosis (TB) en España a partir del registro del Programa Integrado de Investigación en Tuberculosis (PII-TB) de la Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica (SEPAR) y evaluar el PII-TB mediante indicadores relacionados con sus objetivos científicos. [Método] Estudio transversal multicéntrico de base poblacional de casos nuevos de TB registrados prospectivamente por el PII-TB entre 2006 y 2016. La tendencia temporal de variables cuantitativas se realizó mediante un modelo de regresión lineal y las cualitativas mediante la prueba de χ2 de tendencia lineal. [Resultados] Se analizaron 6.892 casos de TB con una mediana anual de 531. La tendencia general fue significativamente decreciente en mujeres, inmigrantes, privados de libertad y en tratados inicialmente con 3fármacos. Se incrementaron significativamente la tendencia de grupos de 40 -50 años y > 50 años, primera atención por especialista de zona, hospitalización, retraso diagnóstico, localización diseminada y extrapulmonar única, cultivo (+), realización de antibiogramas, resistencia a fármacos, tratamiento directamente observado, prolongación del tratamiento y muerte por otra causa. Los objetivos científicos del PII-TB que incrementaron significativamente fueron las publicaciones alcanzando un máximo de 8 en 2016 y con un factor de impacto total de 49,664, y también mejoraron los proyectos iniciados anualmente, presentaciones en congresos y las tesis o tesinas. [Conclusiones] El PII-TB proporciona información relevante sobre la TB y sus factores asociados en España. Se ha formado un amplio equipo de investigadores y se han detectado aspectos científicos positivos y otros mejorables