40 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of the todim method adherence to prospect theory

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    Prospect Theory provides a broad and solid frame of reference for modeling the decision making of rational agents. In the early 1990s, the structure of Prospect Theory was used to propose a method to aid a multicriteria decision based on the process of paired comparison. The research reported in this article has empirically assessed the adherence of the mathematical model of the original TODIM method, together with its variations available in the literature, to Prospect Theory and compared them with a multicriteria method that does not use that theory. From a comparative analysis, it was realized that the different variations of the TODIM method regarding the incorporation of Prospect Theory’s rationality within the context of Multicriteria Decision Aid still do not bring the benefits of an already consolidated theory to the context of decision-making aid. Thus, it is suggested that further studies be conducted to improve the adherence of Prospect Theory within the structure of the TODIM method, so that the benefits of a consolidated theory of decision lead to better results, notably from the perspective of using the method for the purposes of forecast


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    The present competitive environment of the business world exerts a constant pressure on the valuation and measurement of the key organizational assets. These include Intellectual Capital, competitive intelligence and also knowledge management. This paper presents and applies a model to evaluate intangible assets employing a Multicriteria Decision Aiding method. The focus on Multicriteria Decision Aiding was adopted following a preliminary selection of multicriteria methods, opting to make use of the ELECTRE (Elimination and Choice Translating Reality) family of methods and, in particular, the multicriteria method ELECTRE TRI. This method makes it possible not only to evaluate and measure intangible assets such as Intellectual Capital, but also to prescribe policies for optimizing intangible assets or, in other words, how and where the organization should invest, at a minimum effort, in order to improve its market value. The conclusions of the paper lead to a vision of new possibilities for the application of the analytical methodology for the valuation of Intellectual Capital. It is worth highlighting the fact that the analysis of the valuation and optimization of intangible assets transcends the ambit of one simple area of knowledge. It is to be found in various areas of knowledge, combining methods and concepts which transcend the ambit of the decision sciences, administration, accounting, financial theory, and operational research itself, relying on a multidisciplinary vision of the organization

    Governance of Responsible Research and Innovation: An Agent-Based Model Approach

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    AbstractResponsible research and innovation is a new research field that is still emerging, particularly in connection with recent efforts within the European Commission. Inspired in these recent developments, we put forth the first agent-based model of responsible research and innovation (RRI). The model has been designed as a decision-aiding tool for both policymakers driving innovation policy and innovation managers facing the complex trade-offs posed by the involvement of civil society organizations in innovation agendas. The model allows policymakers and innovation strategists to inform and guide public policies and strategic decisions regarding the governance of responsible research and innovation

    Ranking the performance of national innovation systems in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America from a neo-Schumpeterian economics perspective

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    We present the results of an empirical study of the national innovation systems of countries in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America from a comprehensive neo-Schumpeterian economics (CNSE) perspective. The empirical study covered the period from 2000 until 2011 and the countries analyzed are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Portugal, and Spain. Unlike previous approaches that used cluster analyses as a methodological framework to analyze national innovation systems from a CSNE perspective, we use a novel approach based on multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) to rank innovation performance. We show how an MCDA approach can be followed in order to rank the performance of national innovation systems and provide an analysis of the results obtained at the financial, public and industry pillars of the CNSE model

    Um modelo para alocação de recursos em mão-de-obra: estudo de caso em uma empresa de telecomunicações

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    Este artigo apresenta um estudo de caso desenvolvido numa importante operadora de telefonia brasileira no âmbito do planejamento anual de seus custos com pessoal. Foi desenvolvido um modelo decisório que possibilita atribuir soluções e/ou recomendações específicas para os diversos setores da companhia de modo a satisfazer uma ampla gama de objetivos. O principal interesse do trabalho é demonstrar como estruturar valores e objetivos do gerenciamento de recursos humanos de forma criteriosa e eficaz. Os resultados alcançados demonstram que as técnicas conhecidas no seu conjunto como Apoio Multicritério à Decisão (AMD) podem auxiliar de maneira significativa a identificação e solução dos principais desafios corporativos no contexto de recursos humanos

    A Eficiência da Gestão Estratégica no Brasil: O Caso do Sistema Bancário

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    This article examines the efficiency of the 50 largest financial conglomerates in the Brazilian retail banking system by total volume of assets, among those with at least 50 branches in the country, based on figures from their published annual reports for 2004. After providing a brief historical background, we use data envelopment analysis (DEA) together with the I-O stepwise technique for variable selection. We introduce into the analysis the creation and simulation of artificial or unobserved productive units (artificial decision making units). At the end we analyze the financial institutions according to the results presented by the nonparametric DEA method, using the artificial DMUs, to observe the units considered as efficient and the variables that the inefficient units need to work on to improve their performance.Este artigo tem como objetivo a análise de eficiência dos 50 maiores conglomerados financeiros do mercado bancário de varejo brasileiro, de acordo com seu volume de ativos totais, com uma quantidade mínima de 50 agências localizadas no território nacional, com referência aos balanços patrimoniais publicados no ano de 2004. Após breve histórico, utiliza-se a metodologia da Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA), em conjunto com a técnica de I-O Stepwise para seleção de variáveis. Introduz-se na análise a criação e a simulação de unidades produtivas artificiais ou não observadas (DMU Artificiais). Ao final, efetua-se uma análise das instituições financeiras, de acordo com os resultados apresentados pelo método não-paramétrico da DEA, utilizando DMU Artificiais, com o intuito de observarmos as unidades consideradas eficientes e quais as variáveis que as unidades ineficientes precisam atuar para melhorar sua performance

    A comparative decision analysis with THOR and TODIM: rental evaluation in Volta Redonda

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    Nesta comunicação apresenta-se uma comparação entre aplicações dos métodos multicritério THOR e TODIM à mesma base de dados. Estes foram levantados na Cidade de Volta Redonda, no Brasil, e apresentados em Gomes e Rangel (2009). O problema de decisão multicritério abordado pelos dois métodos consiste na avaliação de imóveis residenciais para aluguel. Complementou-se as duas aplicações por meio de uma análise de sensibilidade dos resultados numéricos obtidos. Os dois métodos, embora fundamentados em princípios básicos distintos, produziram ordenações muito semelhantes

    new evidence on the formation of preferences of betters in horse races

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    Este artigo apresenta evidência adicional sobre a contribuição das probabilidades de ser a melhor escolha de acordo com critérios particulares para a formação de preferências dos apostadores em páreos selecionados de corridas de cavalos. São consideradas regras de combinação baseadas na projeção sobre o vetor de avaliações da alternativa em maior evidência, na distância à fronteira de excelência e em abordagens probabilísticas. Dois critérios são combinados: a opinião de especialistas e a escolha dos jóqueis. A análise é baseada em dados das provas de grandes prêmios disputadas durante a semana do Grande Prêmio Brasil de 2002. Palavras-chave: preferências – probabilidades de escolha – análise de decisão multicritéri