1,681 research outputs found

    TOWARDS ADVANCED BRIDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Investigation of the Possibility of Developing an Improved Appraisal Model based on a Novel System Architecture

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    Bridge Management Systems have been an emergent area of research in this decade. This has been fostered by the recognition of the need for computer support in the decision making process involved in defining maintenance and improvement strategies to networks of bridges. While existing systems have already prove their worthiness, there are still far from satisfying entirely the complex and evolving user needs. Changing society perceptions are introducing new requirements and demanding the consideration of issues like environmental quality and congestion minimisation. At the same time, IT developments are opening various new alternatives to the problem of creating flexible, user-friendly and easily maintainable systems. Given this panorama, this study investigates the possibility of developing more advanced Bridge Management Systems that could lead to a more open, integrated and socially aware approach to Bridge Management. It proposes the adoption of a new appraisal model based on a wider consideration of maintenance and deterioration consequences and an innovative view of bridge utility as a measure of benefits. An innovative system architecture is used to support the model based on three main elements: object orientation, geo-referencing and soft reasoning. The results obtained indicate that the use of this new approach can significantly alter the allocation of the budget. The conclusion of the work is that it is possible to develop more advanced systems and that the adoption of the framework proposed can have a significant impact on Bridge Management decision-making. Further researches will be necessary to refine the model and investigate how to develop other components of an ABMS. The flexibility of the system architecture proposed is an important advantage in this sense because it allows a progressive and steady advance, with the results of new researches being gradually and seamlessly incorporated

    Analyzing two different data processing strategies for monitoring concrete structures using ultrasonic pulse velocity

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    The increasing number of early deterioration symptoms found in relatively new concrete structures provides a strong argument for the development and validation of techniques to monitor the condition state of concrete elements and provide data to estimate the potential service life. The use of NDT monitoring techniques is an important way to prevent and control the deterioration of concrete structures without damaging the material. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) measurements seem to be a quite effective way to perform quality control, since this reliable and flexible test method allows an in-depth analysis of the material’s condition. Using UPV data it is possible to check the concrete uniformity, accompany the deterioration, detect internal flaws and voids and, by means of a comparison with reference specimens, even estimate the compressive strength. The results indicate that surface mapping seems to be a better way to analyze and visualize UPV results.O crescente aumento dos sintomas de deterioração precoce em estruturas de concreto serve de argumento para o desenvolvimento e validação de técnicas de monitoramento do estado de conservação das mesmas. Além disto, fornecerem dados para estimar a vida útil das estruturas. A utilização de Ensaios Não Destrutivos permite a prevenção e o controle da deterioração de estruturas de concreto, sem danificar o material. O ensaio de Velocidade de Propagação do Pulso Ultrassônico (VPU) é uma forma bastante eficaz para realizar o controle de qualidade. Utilizando os resultados do ensaio de VPU é possível verificar a uniformidade de concreto, acompanhar sua deterioração, detectar falhas e vazios internos e, por meio de uma comparação com as amostras de referência, até mesmo estimar a resistência à compressão. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho indicam que através do mapeamento superficial consegue-se analisar e visualizar os resultados dos ensaios de VPU

    Synthesis of 1-indanones through the intramolecular Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction using NbCl5 as Lewis acid

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    The intramolecular Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction of 3-arylpropanoic acids to give 1-indanones can be effected in good yields under mild conditions (room temperature) by using niobium pentachloride. Our results indicate that NbCl5 acts both as reagent (to transform carboxylic acids into acyl chlorides) and as catalyst in the Friedel-Crafts cyclization.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal do Nível Superior (CAPES


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    A Baía de Sepetiba é um ambiente costeiro abrigado que apresenta elevada biodiversidade e alta produtividade por receber fluxos continentais e marinhos. Localizada na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro/Brasil, sofre impactos em decorrência do desenvolvimento econômico/industrial e o crescimento demográfico. Deste modo, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o atual cenário de qualidade ambiental da Baía de Sepetiba e de sua Bacia de Drenagem, a fim de propor medidas de mitigação e controle de poluição. Assim, a partir da avaliação dos indicadores ambientais, a baía e seus afluentes vêm apresentando queda de qualidade e perda de serviços ambientais, sendo importante a implantação de projetos de controle e mitigação de poluição

    Análisis crítico y propuestas de innovación al método de ensayo de acción de calor y choque térmico a luz de la ABNT NBR 15575 (2013)

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    The tests of Brazilian Standard NBR 15575: 2013 are part of the knowledge of the civil construction industry, but the heat and thermal shock test is innovative and does not have a consolidated history. The research objective is to analyze the testing critically and present proposalsbased on data meta-analysis. Results showed that the test is very inaccurate in describing the procedure and equipment. This study proposed adjustments and innovations in the test to provide more reliable results, but it does not make propositions regarding visual inspection and the number of cycles. The study concluded that the lack of information on the testing has direct responsibility for the results and that the suggested proposalshave the potential to be incorporated.Os ensaios da ABNT NBR 15575:2013 fazem parte do conhecimento do setor da construção civil, mas o ensaio de ação de calor e choque térmico é inovador e não possui um histórico consolidado. O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar o ensaio criticamente e apresentar proposições.O método de pesquisa é a meta-análise de dados. Os resultados demonstraram que o ensaio é bastante impreciso na descrição do procedimento e do equipamento. Foram propostos ajustes e inovações no ensaio para proporcionar resultados mais fidedignos, porém não foram realizadas proposições quanto à inspeção visual e aos números de ciclos. Conclui-se que a falta de informação do ensaio tem responsabilidade direta nos resultados e que as proposições sugeridas têm potencial para serem incorporadas.Los ensayos de la ABNT NBR 15575:2013 hacen parte del conocimiento del sector de la construcción civil, pero el ensayo de acción de calor y choque térmico es innovador, y no posee un histórico consolidado. El objetivo de la pesquisa es analizar el ensayo críticamente y presentar propuestas. El método de pesquisa es meta-análisis de datos. Los resultados demostraron que el ensayo es bastante impreciso en la descripción del procedimiento y equipos. Fueron propuestos ajustes e innovaciones al ensayo para proporcionar resultados más fidedignos, sin embargo, no fueron realizadas propuestas en cuanto a la inspección visual y a los números de ciclos. Se concluye que la falta de información del ensayo tiene responsabilidad directa en los resultados y que las propuestas sugeridas tienen potencial para ser incorporadas

    An integrated python-based open-source Digital Image Correlation software for in-plane measurements (Part 1)

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    The authors would like to acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal (FCT-MCTES) throughout the project PTDC/EMD-EMD/1230/2021 (AneurysmTool) and the support provided by the Brazilian Government funding agencies CAPES , FAPERJ and CNPq . Funding Information: The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: Joao Filho reports financial support was provided by Coordination of Higher Education Personnel Improvement. Jose Xavier reports financial support was provided by Foundation for Science and Technology. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)The main purpose of this work is to present a new fully-customizable out-of-the-box open-source 2D Digital Image Correlation (2D-DIC) software, so-called iCorrVision-2D. It is implemented in Python, including image acquisition (grabber), numerical correlation and post-processing modules. The proposed software has an intuitive graphical user interface to support selecting all main correlation parameters, calibration and region of interest. The iCorrVision-2D software stands out over other open-source projects due to the great number of functionalities and the control of all important inputs, such as correlation domain, approach (spatial and incremental) and matching criterion, displacement filtering, interpolation techniques, strain window and reconstruction shape functions. Results demonstrate that the iCorrVision-2D software is robust and can be used to measure full-field displacements and strains with satisfactory accuracy and precision. For out-of-plane measurements, iCorrVision-3D will be presented in Part 2 (iCorrVision-3D, SoftwareX, 2022).publishersversionpublishe