3,379 research outputs found


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    This study discusses considerations about the public security professional, with an emphasis on some issues related specifically to the military police. It also focuses on the perspective of national agencies and legislation that regulate such activity. For this purpose, bibliographic and documentary methodological procedures were chosen to support the intended discussions, encompassing the role, identity, rights, and duties of the military police as a public security agent, according to entities responsible for national public security. Thus, it is hoped that, in addition to corroborating the production on the subject, this research can elucidate for the community in general that the Military Police, as an institution, has to ensure public safety and, therefore, the police officer needs to fulfill their duties and have their rights protected.  Este estudio aborda consideraciones sobre el profesional de seguridad pública, con énfasis en algunas problemáticas relacionadas especialmente con el policía militar. También se presta atención a la visión de los organismos y legislación nacionales que regulan dicha actividad. Para ello, se optó por procedimientos metodológicos bibliográficos y documentales que respalden las discusiones pretendidas, que incluyen la función, la identidad, los derechos y deberes del policía militar como agente de seguridad pública, de acuerdo con los organismos responsables de la seguridad pública nacional. Así, se espera que, además de contribuir a la producción sobre el tema, esta investigación pueda esclarecer a la comunidad en general que la Policía Militar, como institución, tiene el deber de velar por la seguridad pública. Por lo tanto, el policía debe cumplir con sus deberes, con sus derechos protegidos.  Este estudo tece considerações sobre o profissional de segurança pública,  com ênfase em algumas problemáticas relacionadas especialmente ao(à) policial militar, atenta-se também à visão dos órgãos e legislação nacionais que regulamentam tal atividade. Para tanto, optou-se por procedimentos metodológicos bibliográficos e documentais que amparem as discussões pretendidas, que a saber englobam a função, a identidade, os direitos e deveres do(da) policial militar enquanto agente de segurança pública, de acordo com órgãos responsáveis pela segurança pública nacional. Assim, espera-se que, além de corroborar com a produção sobre a temática, essa pesquisa possa elucidar à comunidade em geral que a Polícia Militar, enquanto instituição, tem por dever zelar da segurança pública e,  por isso, o(a) policial precisa cumprir seus deveres e ter seus direitos resguardados.  Este estudo tece considerações sobre o profissional de segurança pública,  com ênfase em algumas problemáticas relacionadas especialmente ao(à) policial militar, atenta-se também à visão dos órgãos e legislação nacionais que regulamentam tal atividade. Para tanto, optou-se por procedimentos metodológicos bibliográficos e documentais que amparem as discussões pretendidas, que a saber englobam a função, a identidade, os direitos e deveres do(da) policial militar enquanto agente de segurança pública, de acordo com órgãos responsáveis pela segurança pública nacional. Assim, espera-se que, além de corroborar com a produção sobre a temática, essa pesquisa possa elucidar à comunidade em geral que a Polícia Militar, enquanto instituição, tem por dever zelar da segurança pública e,  por isso, o(a) policial precisa cumprir seus deveres e ter seus direitos resguardados

    A Brief View of Molecular Modeling Approaches to P2 Receptors

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    Purinergic receptors are a class of receptors distributed into two groups, P1 and P2. P1 receptors are activated by nucleosides, like adenosine, while nucleotides active P2 receptors. In turn, P2 receptors comprise two families, metabotropic P2Y and ionotropic P2X. P2Y receptors consist in eight members, namely, P2Y1, P2Y2, P2Y4, P2Y6, P2Y11, P2Y12, P2Y13, and P2Y14, described in mammals, while P2X includes seven members, numbered P2X1 to P2X7. These receptors have been described as expressed in practically all cells studied to date. In this context, P2 receptors are suggested as participating in certain diseases. The general approach applied in the discovery of new drugs is expensive and lengthy. Alternatively, in the last 20 years, molecular modeling has emerged as an exciting tool for the design of new drugs, in less time and at low costs. These tools allow for in silico testing of thousands of molecules against a target protein, as well as toxicity, absorption, distribution, metabolism, and constant affinity predictions of a given interaction. Thus, molecular modeling algorithms emerge as an increasingly important tool for the design of drugs targeting purinergic receptors as therapeutic targets of many diseases, including cancer, pain, inflammation, cardiovascular, and endocrine conditions

    Comparative study of injury incidence in soccer players during Regional Games of Sertãozinho – 2006 and Jaboticabal – 2008

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    Soccer is one of the most popular and practiced sports in the world. This sport has been changed over the years and instead of emphasis on technique, currently the physical components are more favored, increasing the injury risk. Regional Games were created to stimulate young athletes and sports practice. The aim of this study was to perform a comparative epidemiological survey of male sub-21 soccer players injuries in the Regional Games of 2006 and 2008. This is an epidemiological and comparative study of analytical type. Records of assessment used at Regional Games of Sertãozinho 2006 and Jaboticabal 2008 were consulted. All soccer games were followed and the injuries found at games were registered by their incidence and classification. Injuries were classified according to the profile and anatomical segment. The highest incidence of injuries was found in Sertãozinho – 2006 with 163 injuries compared to Jaboticabal. Among these, muscle injuries were the most frequent (39,2 %), followed by contusions (32%) and sprains (24,5%). In Jaboticabal 2008, contusions were the most frequent injury (44%), followed by sprains (32%) and muscle injuries (20%). This study demonstrated that there is a high level of injury in these competitions and Jaboticabal (2008) presented a decreased in incidence of injury compared with Sertãozinho (2006)

    IntelliSoC: A System Level Design and Conception of a System- on-a-Chip (SoC) to Cognitive Agents Architecture

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    This chapter presents a system level design and conception of a System-on-a-Chip (SoC) for the execution of cognitive agents. The computational architecture of this SoC will be presented using the cognitive model of the concurrent autonomous agent (CAA) as a reference. This cognitive model comprises three levels that run concurrently, namely the reactive level, the instinctive level and the cognitive level. The reactive level executes a fast perception-action cycle. The instinctive level receives perceptions from and sends the active behavior to the reactive level, and using a Knowledge Based System (KBS) executes plans by selecting reactive behaviors. The cognitive level receives symbolic information from the instinctive level to update its logical world model, used for planning and sends new local goals to instinctive level. Thus, this work proposes a novel SoC whose architecture fits the computational demands of the aforementioned cognitive model, allowing for fast, energy-efficient, embedded intelligent applications


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    The current study had the objective of identifying and characterizing the landforms that make up the karst area on the surroundings of the Azuis River, found at the city of Aurora do Tocantins, located on the Southwest of the Tocantins State. In order to reach such goal, a geomorphological map was made with a scale of 1:25,000, based on the adaptation of methodological processes from the French and Dutch Schools of Geomorphological Cartography. In general, the observed exokarst features were limestone outcrops, springs, sinks, dolines, uvalas, and poljés. Geomorphological processes responsible for the shape of the terrain were identified, confirming the immense potential for studies about karst systems, as well as about natural attractions.O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar e analisar as feições de relevo que integram a área cárstica no entorno do rio Azuis, situada no município de Aurora do Tocantins, região sudeste do estado do Tocantins. A fim de atender tal proposição, foi elaborada uma carta geomorfológica em escala de detalhe (1:25.000) com base na adaptação de procedimentos metodológicos das escolas francesa e holandesa de cartografia geomorfológica. De modo geral, foram verificadas feições exocársticas, como maciços calcários, surgências, sumidouros, dolinas, uvalas e poljés. Processos geomorfológicos responsáveis pela configuração do relevo foram identificados, confirmando o grande potencial para estudos dos sistemas cársticos, bem como dos atrativos naturais

    A Fractal Model of the Stress Field Around a Rough Crack

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    This chapter presents a model of a stress and displacement fields around a rough crack tip in brittle and ductile materials using a pre-fractal model. This approach allows for a more realistic fractal scaling, of a real fracture. A special stress vector for rugged surfaces was defined, and it was also shown that the pre-fractal consideration also results in different asymptotic limits for the singularity degree of the stress field at the crack tip for brittle materials. The asymptotic limit obtained here differs from the singularity degrees presented by other authors. Therefore, other consequences such as fracture instability are also included in the mathematical model presented here. A generalization of the stress fields for brittle and ductile materials is proposed. Changes in geometric shapes of the stress field are due to the roughness at the crack tip as shown by the mapping of simulated stress fields around a crack tip. The fractal stress field functions were mapped at different singularity power degrees indicating that the qualitative aspects of these fields alone, do not sufficient to determine which model presents the best fit to experimental results. Therefore, the model need a validation based on quantitative experimental measurements