96 research outputs found

    Adaptive Streaming in P2P Live Video Systems: A Distributed Rate Control Approach

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    Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) is a recently proposed standard that offers different versions of the same media content to adapt the delivery process over the Internet to dynamic bandwidth fluctuations and different user device capabilities. The peer-to-peer (P2P) paradigm for video streaming allows to leverage the cooperation among peers, guaranteeing to serve every video request with increased scalability and reduced cost. We propose to combine these two approaches in a P2P-DASH architecture, exploiting the potentiality of both. The new platform is made of several swarms, and a different DASH representation is streamed within each of them; unlike client-server DASH architectures, where each client autonomously selects which version to download according to current network conditions and to its device resources, we put forth a new rate control strategy implemented at peer site to maintain a good viewing quality to the local user and to simultaneously guarantee the successful operation of the P2P swarms. The effectiveness of the solution is demonstrated through simulation and it indicates that the P2P-DASH platform is able to warrant its users a very good performance, much more satisfying than in a conventional P2P environment where DASH is not employed. Through a comparison with a reference DASH system modeled via the Integer Linear Programming (ILP) approach, the new system is shown to outperform such reference architecture. To further validate the proposal, both in terms of robustness and scalability, system behavior is investigated in the critical condition of a flash crowd, showing that the strong upsurge of new users can be successfully revealed and gradually accommodated.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figures, this work has been submitted to the IEEE journal on selected Area in Communication

    Oleic acid is a potent inhibitor of fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis in C6 glioma cells.

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    Glial cells play a pivotal role in brain fatty acid metabolism and membrane biogenesis. However, the potential regulation of lipogenesis and cholesterologenesis by fatty acids in glial cells has been barely investigated. Here, we show that physiologically relevant concentrations of various saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids significantly reduce [1-(14)C]acetate incorporation into fatty acids and cholesterol in C6 cells. Oleic acid was the most effective at depressing lipogenesis and cholesterologenesis; a decreased label incorporation into cellular palmitic, stearic, and oleic acids was detected, suggesting that an enzymatic step(s) of de novo fatty acid biosynthesis was affected. To clarify this issue, the activities of acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACC) and FAS were determined with an in situ digitonin-permeabilized cell assay after incubation of C6 cells with fatty acids. ACC activity was strongly reduced ( approximately 80%) by oleic acid, whereas no significant change in FAS activity was observed. Oleic acid also reduced the activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGCR). The inhibition of ACC and HMGCR activities is corroborated by the decreases in ACC and HMGCR mRNA abundance and protein levels. The downregulation of ACC and HMGCR activities and expression by oleic acid could contribute to the reduced lipogenesis and cholesterologenesis

    Eu brinco também

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.O presente trabalho refere-se às atividades desenvolvidas pelo Projeto Brincadeiras com Meninos e Meninas de e na Rua, do PCA/UEM. As práticas realizadas no projeto de extensão serão utilizadas como base para o desenvolvimento da oficina, por meio da qual se pretende aplicar as atividades já realizadas na atuação do projeto pelo livro “Eu brinco também” e manifestar a importância do brincar e da cooperação para a formação política das crianças e adolescentes e como construção de opinião estudamos o ECA, Paulo Freire entre outros que auxiliam na formação acadêmica dos educadores. Desta forma pretendemos trazer de volta as atividades cantadas e cooperativas assim como realizamos no projeto de forma que contemple os fundamentos do projet

    Improving whole tomato transformation for prostate health: benign prostate hypertrophy as an exploratory model

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    It is well-established that the beneficial properties of single phytonutrients can be better attained when they are taken with the complex of the molecules present in their natural milieu. Tomato, the fruit providing the most comprehensive complex of prostate-health-preserving micronutrients, has been shown to be superior to its single-nutrient counterparts in decreasing the incidence of age-related prostate diseases. Herein, we describe a novel tomato food supplement enriched with olive polyphenols, containing cis-lycopene concentrations far exceeding those present in industry-produced tomato commodities. The supplement, endowed with antioxidant activity comparable to that of N-acetylcysteine, significantly reduced, in experimental animals, the blood levels of prostate-cancer-promoting cytokines. In prospective, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled studies performed on patients affected by benign prostatic hyperplasia, its uptake significantly improved urinary symptoms and quality of life. Therefore, this supplement can complement and, in some cases, be an alternative to current benign prostatic hyperplasia management. Furthermore, the product suppressed carcinogenesis in the TRAMP mouse model of human prostate cancer and interfered with prostate cancer molecular signaling. Thus, it may offer a step forward in exploring the potential of tomato consumption to delay or prevent the onset of age-related prostate diseases in high-risk individuals

    Identification of a public CDR3 motif and a biased utilization of T-cell receptor V beta and J beta chains in HLA-A2/Melan-A-specific T-cell clonotypes of melanoma patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Assessment of T-cell diversity, besides giving insights about the molecular basis of tumor antigen recognition, has clinical implications since it provides criteria for evaluating antigen-specific T cells clinically relevant for spontaneous and vaccine-induced anti-tumor activity. Melan-A is one of the melanoma antigens most frequently recognized by peripheral and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in HLA-A2+ melanoma patients. Many clinical trials involving anti-tumor vaccination have been conducted using modified versions of this peptide.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted an in-depth characterization of 210 T-cell receptor beta chain (TRB) clonotypes derived from T cells of HLA-A2+ melanoma patients displaying cytotoxic activity against natural and A27L-modified Melan-A peptides. One hundred and thirteen Melan-A-specific clonotypes from melanoma-free subjects, 199 clonotypes from T-cell clones from melanoma patients specific for melanoma antigens other than Melan-A, and 305 clonotypes derived from T cells of HLA-A2+ individuals showing unrelated specificities, were used as control. After sequence analysis, performed according to the IMGT definitions, TRBV and TRBJ usage, CDR3 length and amino acid composition were compared in the four groups of clonotypes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>TRB sequences of Melan-A-specific clonotypes obtained from melanoma patients were highly heterogeneous, but displayed a preferential usage of few TRBV and TRBJ segments. Furthermore, they included a recurrent "public" amino acid motif (Glycine-Leucine-Glycine at positions 110-112-113 of the CDR3) rearranged with dominant TRBV and TRBJ segments and, in one case, associated with a full conservation of the entire TRB sequence.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Contrary to what observed for public anti-Melan-A T-cell receptor alpha motifs, which had been identified in several clonotypes of both melanoma patients and healthy controls, the unexpectedly high contribution of a public TRB motif in the recognition of a dominant melanoma epitope in melanoma patients may provide important information about the biology of anti-tumor T-cell responses and improve monitoring strategies of anti-tumor vaccines.</p

    El impacto de la revalorización de ganado vacuno a valor neto de realización sobre la utilidad en la hacienda Antonio José.

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    The present research analyzes the revaluation processes through the method of net valve of realization, whose purpose of study is the cattle, specifically the diary production cattle in the Antonio Jose Farm. The investigation was done in quantitative way, where it was analyzed numerical data and qualities of biological assets where it was applied techniques such as: Interview and observation, finally the comparative method was used to calculate the revaluation that allowed equate the inspected good with similar goods, that is, comparing biological assets with other ones of equal characteristics. While doing an analysis it was identified that six cows got in the process of revaluation, where these six biological assets are still in process of production with a new real valve recalculated .However, this method was applied to the assets that have finished their productive life and those that were written off in the books, and later they were revalued by means of a report issued by the zootechnical veterinarian of the farm. In conclusion, it can be mentioned that the revaluation process has identified again as it is shown in the results obtained, and that are reflected with a variation of 7,88% with an increase of 8.184,20recalculatedvalves,theygivearesultinthefinancialstatementsaprofitof 8.184,20 recalculated valves, they give a result in the financial statements a profit of 6.378,20 increasing net worth, considering these data it is necessary that Antonio José farm perform revaluation processes in cattle at the end of their productive life acquiring a new valve according to the market price, allowing the improvement of the accounting records and the decision making for a better functioning of the farm.La presente investigación analiza procesos de revalorización a través del método de valor neto de realización, cuyo objeto de estudio es el ganado vacuno, específicamente el ganado de producción lechera de la Hacienda Antonio José. La investigación fue de tipo cuantitativa, por cuanto se procedió a analizar datos numéricos y cualidades de los activos biológicos donde se aplicó técnicas como, la entrevista, y la observación, finalmente se utilizó para el cálculo de la revalorización el método comparativo que permitió equiparar el bien inspeccionado con bienes similares, es decir, que compara los activos biológicos con otros activos de iguales características. Al realizar el análisis se identificó que seis vacas entraron al proceso de revalorización, donde estos seis activos biológicos siguen en proceso de producción con un nuevo valor real recalculado. Sin embargo, este método se aplicó a los activos que han culminado su vida productiva y los que fueron dados de baja en libros, y que posteriormente fueron revalorizados mediante un informe emitido por el veterinario zootecnista de la Hacienda. En conclusión, se puede mencionar que en el proceso de revalorización se ha identificado una ganancia como se muestran en los resultados obtenidos, y que son reflejados con una variación del 7.88 %, con un aumento de 8184,20valoresrecalculados,yquedancomoresultadoenlosestadosfinancierosunautilidadde8184,20 valores recalculados, y que dan como resultado en los estados financieros una utilidad de 6.378,20 incrementando el patrimonio neto, Teniendo en cuenta estos datos es necesario que la hacienda Antonio José realice procesos de revalorización en el ganado vacuno al término de su vida productiva adquiriendo un nuevo valor de acuerdo al precio del mercado, permitiendo mejorar los registros contables y la toma de decisiones para un mejor funcionamiento de la Hacienda

    Estudio comparativo del transporte marítimo y aéreo de Perú con sus principales socios comerciales

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    La investigación se realiza, porque no se ha encontrado un estudio comparativo del transporte marítimo y aéreo entre Perú y sus socios comerciales. Por lo que, se tuvo como objetivo general realizar un estudio comparativo del transporte marítimo y aéreo entre Perú y sus principales socios comerciales considerando como criterios: infraestructura, distancia y costo, tráfico y comercio, servicios de transporte y plazos de ejecución, en los últimos 5 años, tomando en cuenta el efecto de la Covid 19. Se realizó un estudio de tipo aplicado, de diseño narrativo de tópicos. Se concluyó que, China es el socio con mayor índice de conectividad en el transporte marítimo y aéreo. En cuanto al índice de calidad, Perú tiene 2.43 llegando a superar a Brasil con 2.36 en el transporte marítimo. En cuanto al fletamento por tiempo, el país que más cuesta exportar e importar de Perú es la Unión Europea, tanto en el transporte Marítimo y Aéreo. Así mismo, China es el socio con más tráfico en el transporte marítimo, pero en el aéreo EE.UU. En síntesis, Perú se encuentra en una posición inferior que sus principales socios comerciales, tanto en el transporte aéreo como en el marítimo. Por lo que, se recomienda que, abrir nuevos puertos marítimos y aeropuertos internacionales en el Perú, puesto que, fortalece e incrementa el flujo del comercio, generando más oportunidades

    Oleic Acid and Hydroxytyrosol Inhibit Cholesterol and Fatty Acid Synthesis in C6 Glioma Cells

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    Recently, the discovery of natural compounds capable of modulating nervous system function has revealed new perspectives for a healthier brain. Here, we investigated the effects of oleic acid (OA) and hydroxytyrosol (HTyr), two important extra virgin olive oil compounds, on lipid synthesis in C6 glioma cells. OA and HTyr inhibited both de novo fatty acid and cholesterol syntheses without affecting cell viability. The inhibitory effect of the individual compounds was more pronounced if OA and HTyr were administered in combination. A reduction of polar lipid biosynthesis was also detected, while triglyceride synthesis was marginally affected. To clarify the lipid-lowering mechanism of these compounds, their effects on the activity of key enzymes of fatty acid biosynthesis (acetyl-CoA carboxylase-ACC and fatty acid synthase-FAS) and cholesterologenesis (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase-HMGCR) were investigated in situ by using digitonin-permeabilized C6 cells. ACC and HMGCR activities were especially reduced after 4 h of 25 μM OA and HTyr treatment. No change in FAS activity was observed. Inhibition of ACC and HMGCR activities is corroborated by the decrease of their mRNA abundance and protein level. Our results indicate a direct and rapid downregulatory effect of the two olive oil compounds on lipid synthesis in C6 cells

    Avaliação da biomassa produzida a partir de fermentação por Yarrowia lipolytica de resíduo agroindustrial de mandioca (Manihot esculenta) em distintas concentrações de glicose

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    Considering the high potential of Brazil for agricultural production, as well as the growing demand for research in the microbial area, yeasts such as Yarrowia lipolytica (YL) have been used in bioconversion processes that can bring nutritional value to the production of several products with greater value aggregate in the animal food supplement industry. In this work, three different strains of yeast YL (QU31, QU69 and QU123) were used to evaluate the production of proteins and lipids under different concentrations of glucose (0, 4, 8 and 12%) using cassava peel (Manihot esculenta) as a source of carbon and urea as a source of nitrogen. The use of cassava peel as a carbon source for fermentation with YL proved to be advantageous, since initially the residue had 1.66% of lipids and after the process it showed a gain of up to 1839.5%, while for protein it presented increments that varied from 234.04 to 1674.46%. In the vast majority of cases, the increase in the glucose content in the culture medium promoted a decrease in the levels of lipids and proteins.A cultura da mandioca apresenta alta relevância socioeconômica para o Brasil. Entretanto, na região Oeste Considerando o elevado potencial do Brasil para a produção agrícola, bem como a crescente demanda por pesquisas na área microbiana, tem se utilizado leveduras como a Yarrowia lipolytica (YL) em processos de bioconversão que possam trazer valorização nutricional para produção de diversos produtos com maior valor agregado na indústria de suplementos alimentares&nbsp; de uso animal. Neste trabalho foram utilizadas três cepas diferentes da levedura YL (QU31, QU69 e QU123) para avaliar a produção de proteínas e lipídeos sob diferentes concentrações de glicose (0, 4, 8 e 12%) utilizando casca de mandioca (Manihot esculenta) como fonte de carbono e ureia como fonte de nitrogênio. O uso da casca de mandioca como fonte de carbono para fermentação com YL se mostrou vantajoso, visto que inicialmente o resíduo possuía 1,66% de lipídios e após o processo apresentou ganho de até 1839,5%, enquanto para proteína apresentou incrementos que variaram&nbsp; de 234,04 até 1674,46%. Na ampla maioria dos casos o aumento do teor de glicose no meio de cultura promoveu diminuição nos teores de lipídeos e proteínas