130 research outputs found

    La Geografía a las puertas del tercer milenio a partir de las tesis doctorales leídas en los noventa

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    Tendencies of research in contemporary Geography were analysed by means of the latest PhD studies in Geography in Spanish Universities. Our analysis shows that research is still focused on local and regional environments with different techniques and methods. There is still need to actualise the descriptors of PhD studies classification.Se han analizado las tendencias de la investigación en la Geografía actual a través de las tesis doctorales de Geografía en los últimos años en las Universidades españolas. El análisis muestra que continua la tendencia a investigar sobre ámbitos locales y regionales con una gran pluralidad de técnicas. Se ha detectado también que existe una necesidad de actualizar los descriptores de clasificación de las tesis doctorales de la base de datos TESEO.Les tendences des ênquetes dans la géographie ont etés analysés a travers les théses doctorales dans les dernieres années dans les Universités Espagnoles. L´analise montre que la téndence continue a ênqueter sur les cadres locaux et regionaux avec une grande pluralité de techniques. Il a eté detecté aussi qu´il existe un besoin de metre a jour les déchifreurs de triage des théses doctorales sur les données TESEO

    Reescribiendo la narrativa: tik tok como herramienta para deconstruir los estereotipos sobre el África Subsahariana

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    A través del perfil de TikTok de Charity Ekezie, este estudio investiga el uso de esta plataforma como medio alternativo para combatir la imagen negativa asociada al África subsahariana. La investigación adoptó un enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo, seleccionando de forma no probabilista intencional 45 vídeos que han tenido más repercusión entre 2022 y 2023 en el perfil de la tiktoker. El objetivo del estudio se ha centrado en analizar los temas tratados en los vídeos generados en el perfil de TikTok de Charity Ekezie, especialmente aquellos temas que de alguna manera perpetúan los estereotipos sobre el continente africano. Los resultados del análisis demuestran que la comunicación de Ekezie es eficaz a la hora de presentar historias del continente desde su propia perspectiva, contribuyendo así a la difusión de narrativas positivas y en el cambio de las percepciones estereotipadas que gran parte de sus seguidores no africanos tienen sobre Áfric

    Quiste del rafe medio del pene. Presentación de un caso.

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    Introducción: Los quistes del rafe medio del pene son lesiones raras y benignas, en su mayoría de origen embrionario, y más  frecuentes en las tres primeras décadas de la vida.  Objetivo: Presentar un caso con diagnóstico de quiste queratinoso del rafe medio del pene, y comentar aspectos del diagnóstico diferencial y su tratamiento. Presentación del caso: Paciente de 28 años de edad con antecedentes de salud, quien asistió a la consulta externa de Urología de la Clínica Multiperfil de Luanda, por presentar una lesión tumoral indolora en la piel del prepucio peniano, de unos 6 meses de evolución, que le dificultaba el acto sexual. Al examen físico de los genitales se corroboró la existencia de una masa tumoral redondeada y pediculadade unos 2 cm de diámetro, de color rosado, traslúcida y de consistencia blanda, que dependía del rafe medio del prepucio del pene. El resto de los órganos genitales eran normales. Se decidió realizar la circuncisión, incluyendo la formación quística, la cual se efectuó sin complicaciones. El paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente. El diagnóstico histopatológico de la pieza quirúrgica fue quiste queratinoso del rafe medio del pene. Conclusiones: Los quistes del rafe medio del pene no son habituales. Cuando asientan a nivel del prepucio y dificultan el coito por su gran tamaño está indicado su exéresis, y así llegar al diagnóstico histopatológico definitivo.Palabras clave: Pene, tumor benigno, quiste del rafe medio, quiste queratinoso, circuncisión, diagnóstico diferencial, tratamiento. ABSTRACTIntroduction: The cysts of the median raphe of the penis are rare and benign lesions, mostly of embryonic origin, and more frequent in the first three decades of life. Objective: To present a case with diagnosis of keratinous cyst of the median raphe of the penis, and comment on aspects of the differential diagnosis and treatment. Case presentation: 28-year-old patient with a history of health, who attended the outpatient in Multiperfil Clinic of Luanda department of Urology, by presenting a painless tumor lesion on the skin of the penile foreskin for approximately 6 months of evolution, which makes it difficult for the sexual act. The physical examination of the genitals are corroborated the existence of a tumor mass rounded and pedicle of approximately 2 cm in diameter, pink, translucent and soft consistency, which depended on the median raphe of the foreskin of the penis. It was decided to perform the circumcision, including the cystic formation, which was made without complications. The patient developed satisfactorily. The histopathological diagnosis of the surgical specimen was keratinous cyst of the median raphe of the penis. Conclusions: The cysts of the raphe of the penis are not common. When seated at the level of the foreskin and hinder the intercourse by its large size excision is indicated, and so reaches the histopathological diagnosis definitive.Key words: Penis, benign tumor, cyst of the median raphe, keratinous cyst, circumcision, differential diagnosis, treatment.</p

    Spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage due to renal angiomyolipoma rupture. Case presentation

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    Introduction: The renal angiomyolipoma is a benign and rare tumor that when breaking, cause a retroperitoneal hemorrhage. Objective: To present a new case of spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage due to renal angiomyolipoma rupture, with emphasis in the diagnostic elements and therapeutics. Case presentation: Male patient, 53 years old, with antecedents of convulsive crises since infancy and high blood pressure, that arrives to Luanda´s Multiprofile Clinic, showing pain in the right side of abdomen, vomits and low-grade fever of two days of evolution. On physical examination revealed abdominal contracture in rights flank and iliac fossa and tachycardia. Blood analysis revealed a light leucocytosis, and form that which was suspected an acute abdomen of inflammatory visceral origin, deciding a performance of a diagnostic laparoscopy, in which was identified an extensive retroperitoneal hematoma, with right side predominance. Taking in account the patient hemodynamic stability, was determinate to make an abdominal contrasted computerized axial tomography, which shows a complex tumoral mass in the anterior surface of the right kidney, with cortex discontinuity and hematic collection in the surrounding area. An urgency laparotomy was performed; was found a broken tumor in the renal right side that required a total nephrectomy without complications. The patient evolved satisfactorily. A broken renal angiomyolipoma was point by the histopathology report. Conclusions: Although it is infrequent, has to take into account the possibility of the clinical debut of a renal angiomyolipoma with retroperitoneal bleeding, as part of the differential diagnostics of the acute surgical abdomen.Keywords: Kidney, broken renal angiomyolipoma, spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage, acute surgical abdomen.</p

    An Empirical Comparison of Meta- and Mega-Analysis With Data From the ENIGMA Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Working Group

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    Objective: Brain imaging communities focusing on different diseases have increasingly started to collaborate and to pool data to perform well-powered meta- and mega-analyses. Some methodologists claim that a one-stage individual-participant data (IPD) mega-analysis can be superior to a two-stage aggregated data meta-analysis, since more detailed computations can be performed in a mega-analysis. Before definitive conclusions regarding the performance of either method can be drawn, it is necessary to critically evaluate the methodology of, and results obtained by, meta- and mega-analyses. Methods: Here, we compare the inverse variance weighted random-effect meta-analysis model with a multiple linear regression mega-analysis model, as well as with a linear mixed-effects random-intercept mega-analysis model, using data from 38 cohorts including 3,665 participants of the ENIGMA-OCD consortium. We assessed the effect sizes and standard errors, and the fit of the models, to evaluate the performance of the different methods. Results: The mega-analytical models showed lower standard errors and narrower confidence intervals than the meta-analysis. Similar standard errors and confidence intervals were found for the linear regression and linear mixed-effects random-intercept models. Moreover, the linear mixed-effects random-intercept models showed better fit indices compared to linear regression mega-analytical models. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that results obtained by meta- and mega-analysis differ, in favor of the latter. In multi-center studies with a moderate amount of variation between cohorts, a linear mixed-effects random-intercept mega-analytical framework appears to be the better approach to investigate structural neuroimaging dat

    Psychosomatic response to acute emotional stress in healthy students

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    The multidimensionality of the stress response has shown the complexity of this phenomenon and therefore the impossibility of finding a unique biomarker among the physiological variables related to stress. An experimental study was designed and performed to guarantee the correct synchronous and concurrent measure of psychometric tests, biochemical variables and physiological features related to acute emotional stress. The population studied corresponds to a group of 120 university students between 20 and 30 years of age, with healthy habits and without a diagnosis of chronic or psychiatric illnesses. Following the protocol of the experimental pilot, each participant reached a relaxing state and a stress state in two sessions of measurement for equivalent periods. Both states are correctly achieved evidenced by the psychometric test results and the biochemical variables. A Stress Reference Scale is proposed based on these two sets of variables. Then, aiming for a non-invasive and continuous approach, the Acute Stress Model correlated to the previous scale is also proposed, supported only by physiological signals. Preliminary results support the feasibility of measuring/quantifying the stress level. Although the results are limited to the population and stimulus type, the procedure and methodological analysis used for the assessment of acute stress in young people can be extrapolated to other populations and types of stress

    IEA SHC Task 42/ECES Annex 29 – A Simple Tool for the Economic Evaluation of Thermal Energy Storages

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    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry (SHC 2015)Within the framework of IEA SHC Task 42 / ECES Annex 29, a simple tool for the economic evaluation of thermal energy storages has been developed and tested on various existing storages. On that account, the storage capacity costs (costs per installed storage capacity) of thermal energy storages have been evaluated via a Top-down and a Bottom-up approach. The Top-down approach follows the assumption that the costs of energy supplied by the storage should not exceed the costs of energy from the market. The maximum acceptable storage capacity costs depend on the interest rate assigned to the capital costs, the intended payback period of the user class (e.g. industry or building), the reference energy costs, and the annual number of storage cycles. The Bottom-up approach focuses on the realised storage capacity costs of existing storages. The economic evaluation via Top-down and Bottom-up approach is a valuable tool to make a rough estimate of the economic viability of an energy storage for a specific application. An important finding is that the annual number of storage cycles has the largest influence on the cost effectiveness. At present and with respect to the investigated storages, seasonal heat storage is only economical via large sensible hot water storages. Contrary, if the annual number of storage cycles is sufficiently high, all thermal energy storage technologies can become competitive.This study is part of IEA SHC Task 42 / ECES Annex 29 „Compact Thermal Energy Storage - Material Development and System Integration“ (http://task42.iea-shc.org). The work of ZAE Bayern is part of the project PC-Cools_V and supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy under the project code 03ESP138A. University of Zaragoza thanks the Spanish Government for the funding of their work under the projects ENE2008-06687-C02-02, ENE2011-28269-C03-01 and ENE2014-57262-R. University of Lleida would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to their research group (2014 SGR 123). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° PIRSES-GA-2013-610692 (INNOSTORAGE) and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovationprogramme under grant agreement No 657466 (INPATH-TES). Laia Miró would like to thank the Spanish Government for her research fellowship (BES-2012-051861). The University of the Basque Country acknowledges the financial support of the Spanish’s Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the MicroTES (ENE2012- 38633) research project. The responsibility for the content of this publication is with the author