46 research outputs found

    Unindo pontas soltas

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    The author reports on how communication management waç organized at Obork Projetos Especiais, a creation, production and distribution center for special programs for citizen radio stations - both commercial and community.The article reflets on how the relationship between the journalist and the remaining team members - a heterogeneous group of professionals with the most diverse backgrounds such as engineers, editors, journalists, among others - aims at creating the necessary conditions to put the center's actions in line with each other. In Oboré's case, the author shows that the manager must perform in the company's managerial stage and in the mediation among the several process teams and stages, valuing intellectual activities and reflexive practices in each point of the system. The author also stresses the importante of administering a systemic and complex action, through which broadcasters, sponsors and the manager are cells of a same structure, one that is mutant and mutable by nature and definition.A autora relata como foi organizada a gestão da comunicação na Oboré Projetos Especiais, um nucleo de criação, produção e distribuição de programas especiais para rádios cidadãs - comerciais e comunitárias, O artigo reflete como se deu a relação entre a jornalista e os demais integrantes do núcleo, o qual abriga uma equipe heterogênea de profissionais das mais diversas áreas como engenheiros, editores, jornalistas, entre outros, buscando criar as condições necessárias para alinhar as ações do núcleo. No caso da Obore, a autora mostra que o gestor deve atuar no momento gerencial da empresa e na mediação entre as diversas equipes e etapas do processo, valorizando a atividade intelectual e a pratica reflexiva em cada ponto do sistema. A autora ressalta, ainda, a importância de se administrar uma ação sistêmica e complexa, onde emissoras. patrocinadores e gestor são células de uma mesma estrutura, mutante e mutável, por natureza e por definição

    Partnership and Cooperation as Management Devices for Radio Thematic Networks

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    O artigo revisita as experiências de gerenciamento e avaliação de redes temáticas de parceria e cooperação desenvolvidas a partir de 1994 no Núcleo de Rádio da OBORÉ, empresa de comunicação popular com sede na capital de São Paulo. Apresenta também o Modelo de Avaliação Permanente (MAP), um projeto de intervenção especialmente produzido pela autora no curso de Gestão de Processos Comunicacionais na ECA-USP, e desde então aplicado como forma alternativa de mensurar a utilização do material radiofônico de mobilização distribuído às suas emissoras de rádio parceiras com informações educativas, especialmente nas áreas da Saúde e da Educação.The paper revisits the experiences of management and evaluation of thematic networks of partnership and cooperation developed since 1994 at OBORÉ Radio, a popular communication company based in São Paulo. It also presents the Permanent Evaluation Model – an intervention project specially produced by the author of the paper in the course of Management of Communicative Processes at ECA-USP and used as an alternative way of measuring the use of radio material for mobilization distributed to their partner radio stations with educational information, especially in the field of Health and Education

    El proceso de construcción de material educativo para la promoción de la salud de la gestante

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    This study aimed to describe the production process of an educational booklet focusing on health promotion of pregnant women. The action research method was used in this process composed of the following steps: choice of the content based on the needs of pregnant women, creation of illustrations, content preparation based on scientific literature, validation of the material by experts and pregnant women. This work resulted in the final version of the booklet, which was entitled "Celebrating life: our commitment with the health promotion of pregnant women". Active participation of health professionals and pregnant women through dialogue and collective strategy permeated the process of development of the booklet. The opinions of pregnant women and experts who considered the booklet enriching and enlightening justify the use of it as an additional resource of educational activities carried out during the prenatal care.Este estudio tuvo por objetivo describir el proceso de construcción de una cartilla educativa destinada a la promoción de la salud de la gestante. Se utilizó la investigación-acción como método de investigación, que fue desarrollado en cinco etapas: elección del contenido, con base en las necesidades de las gestantes; creación de las ilustraciones; preparación del contenido basado en la literatura científica; y validación del material por expertos y gestantes. El trabajo resultó en la producción de la versión final del material en formato de cartilla, que tuvo el título de "Celebrando la vida: Nuestro Compromiso con la Promoción de la Salud de la Gestante". La participación activa de los profesionales y de las gestantes, usando una estrategia dialógica y colectiva, impregnó el proceso de construcción de la cartilla. Las opiniones de las gestantes y de los expertos, que consideraron la cartilla enriquecedora y esclarecedora, justifican el uso de la cartilla como un recurso adicional de las actividades educativas realizadas durante el período prenatal.Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever o processo de construção de uma cartilha educativa destinada à promoção da saúde da gestante. Utilizou-se a pesquisa-ação como método de pesquisa, e essa foi desenvolvida em cinco etapas: escolha do conteúdo, com base nas necessidades das gestantes; criação das ilustrações; preparação do conteúdo, baseado na literatura científica; validação do material por peritos e gestantes. O trabalho resultou na produção da versão final do material em formato de cartilha, que teve o título "Celebrando a Vida. Nosso compromisso com a promoção da saúde da gestante". A participação ativa dos profissionais e das gestantes, com o uso de estratégia dialógica e coletiva, permeou o processo de construção da cartilha. As opiniões das gestantes e dos peritos, que consideraram a cartilha enriquecedora e esclarecedora, justificam o uso da cartilha como recurso adicional das atividades educativas, realizadas durante o período pré-natal

    Cuidados paliativos

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    Recognized as an innovative type of health care, palliative care is becoming more popular in Brazil, especially over the last decade. It differs fundamentally from curative medicine by focusing on comprehensive care, through the prevention and control of symptoms for every patient facing a serious and life-threatening illness - a concept that also applies to family members, caregivers and healthcare teams. In this article, we recover the history of palliative care in the world, discuss its concepts and principles, and point out the state of the art of its practice in Brazil, focusing on organization of services and the recent regulations for professionals, patients and institutions..Reconhecido como uma forma inovadora de assistência à saúde, o Cuidado Paliativo vem ganhando espaço no Brasil, especialmente na última década. Diferencia-se fundamentalmente da medicina curativa por focar no cuidado integral, através da prevenção e do controle de sintomas, para todos os pacientes que enfrentem doenças graves, ameaçadoras da vida - conceito que também se aplica a familiares, cuidadores e equipe de saúde e seu entorno, que adoece e sofre junto. Neste artigo, recuperamos o histórico do movimento dos Cuidados Paliativos no mundo, apresentamos seus conceitos e princípios e apontamos o estado da arte da prática no Brasil, especialmente da organização dos serviços e das recentes regulamentações a que estão submetidos profissionais, pacientes e instituições públicas e privadas que nela orbitam

    effect of dimethylacetamide and n methylacetamide on the quality and fertility of frozen thawed chicken semen

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    ABSTRACT The aim was to compare the effect of dimethylacetamide (DMA) and N-methylacetamide (NMA) concentrations on the quality and fertility of post-thaw chicken semen. Ejaculates were obtained from 30 Hi-Line White roosters and processed according to the following treatments: lake pre-freezing extender + 0.1M trehalose (LPF-T) + 6% DMA (control treatment), LPF-T + 9% DMA, LPF-T + 6% NMA, and LPF-T + 9% NMA. Sperm quality (viability, motility, and kinetic traits) was assessed before and after cryopreservation. A total of 15 laying hens per treatment were inseminated to assess fertility and embryo viability. Sperm cryopreserved in presence of DMA had significantly better in vitro quality compared to NMA, showing the highest proportion of viable and progressive motile sperm recovered after thawing. Furthermore, proportion of progressive motile sperm and the VCL, LIN, ALH, and WOB mean values were significantly improved in semen samples frozen/thawed with 6% compared to 9% cryoprotectant concentration. However, the best cryoprotective action on sperm quality played by DMA and the lowest cryoprotectant concentration did not translate into a concomitant advantage in in vivo semen fertility that showed no differences between cryoprotectant and cryoprotectant concentration treatments. Finally, the cryoprotectant DMA and NMA showed an opposite effect on embryo viability in comparison with the effect played on in vitro semen quality, being NMA more efficient than DMA on preserving viable embryos. The present results suggest the urgency to further decrease the cryoprotectant concentration in poultry semen freezing procedures and to assess the specific toxic effect of cryoprotectant on sperm integrity, fertility, and embryo development

    Breeding performance in the Italian chicken breed Mericanel della Brianza

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    In Italy, 90 local avian breeds were described; the majority (61%) were classified as extinct and only 8.9% as still widely spread. Therefore, efforts for conservation of Italian avian breeds are urgently required. The aim of this study was to record the breeding performance of the Italian breed Mericanel della Brianza to multiply a small population, in order to develop a conservation programme. Fourteen females and eight males were available at the beginning of the reproductive season in 2009 and organised into eight families (1 male/1-2 females) kept in floor pens. Birds received a photoperiod of 14L:10D and were fed ad libitum. Breeding performance was recorded from March to June. Egg production and egg weight were recorded daily; eggs were set every two weeks and fertility, embryo mortality and hatchability were recorded. Mean egg production was 37% and mean egg weight was 34±3.49 g. High fertility values from 94% to 87% were recorded in the first three settings and the overall mean fertility value was 81.6%. Overall hatchability was only 49.6% owing to a high proportion of dead embryos. Embryo mortality occurred mainly between days 2 and 7 of incubation and during hatching. The highest hatchability values were recorded in settings 1 and 2, 69% and 60% respectively, and a large decrease was found in the subsequent settings. Marked variations in egg production, fertility, hatchability and embryo mortality were found among families. The present results represent the basic know ledge of reproductive parameters necessary to improve the reproductive efficiency of the breed within a conservation plan

    Pesquisas e experiências em educomunicação

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    O presente dossiê dar a conhecer as produções em andamento por parte dos docentes, pesquisadores, profissionais e estudiosos da área é compromisso mais que necessário. Daí nossa satisfação em compartilhar com leitores de todo o Brasil o fruto deste caminho mais recente da ComSertões: trata-se de mais uma importante iniciativa documental e histórica que já está nos indicando a molecularidade e o enraizamento de práticas nos territórios locais, nos diversos contextos e cotidianos

    Process of construction of an educational booklet for health promotion of pregnant women

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    This study aimed to describe the production process of an educational booklet focusing on health promotion of pregnant women. The action research method was used in this process composed of the following steps: choice of the content based on the needs of pregnant women, creation of illustrations, content preparation based on scientific literature, validation of the material by experts and pregnant women. This work resulted in the final version of the booklet, which was entitled "Celebrating life: our commitment with the health promotion of pregnant women". Active participation of health professionals and pregnant women through dialogue and collective strategy permeated the process of development of the booklet. The opinions of pregnant women and experts who considered the booklet enriching and enlightening justify the use of it as an additional resource of educational activities carried out during the prenatal care.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) [472875/2008-6

    Free-range rearing density for male and female Milanino chickens: carcass yield and qualitative meat traits

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    SUMMARY The Milanino is a heavy Italian chicken breed and represents an important genetic resource for alternative production systems. In order to support its promotion in the market according to consumer expectations on healthy nutrition and animal welfare, this trial aims to study the slaughter performance and the meat quality in male and female Milanino chickens kept at different rearing density in a separate-sex free-range system. A total of 140 birds (70M:70F) were reared in outdoor pens from 75 to 235 d of life according to the following experimental groups (35 birds/group): M2) males in 2 m2/bird; F2) females in 2 m2/bird; M10) males in 10 m2/bird; F10) females in 10 m2/bird. At 235 d of age, 6 birds per group were slaughtered. Slaughter performance and meat quality were assessed. The Milanino chicken is characterized by high carcass weight and carcass yield among local chicken breeds, and a rearing density of 10 m2/bird is recommended for male birds to obtain heavier carcasses. Milanino meat appears bright and intensely colored, and it is characterized by high protein and low fat contents compared with the standard broiler meat. Total lipids of Milanino meat are characterized by a healthy fatty acid composition, corresponding to a high PUFA/SFA ratio. Milanino breast meat is a good supply of nutraceutical PUFA with a positive low n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio. The ability of the Milanino breed either to synthesize or to transfer to tissue a high quantity of PUFA relevant for human health could be a key factor for its economic valorization