3,348 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Organic Substrates and Microorganisms as Bio-Fertilisation Tool in Container Crop Production

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    Microorganisms are only effective when adequate conditions for their survival and development are provided. Among the factors that influence its effectiveness includes the type of soil or culture substrate, which works as an energy source reserve. Therefore, a tomato and a melon crop were established in different cycles to assess the effect of the physicochemical properties of organic substrates based on coconut fibre and vermicompost in three proportions, 0:100, 40:60 and 60:40 (% v:v), on the microbial activity in the rhizosphere when the bacteria Azotobacter vinelandii, Bacillus megaterium and Frateuria aurantia were applied. Concentrations of NO3−, H2PO4−, K+ and Ca2+ in the petiole cellular extract (PCE) were quantified at 60, 90 and 120 days after transplantation (DAT) for tomato and 45 and 65 DAT for melon. We analysed dehydrogenase activity (DHA), acid phosphatase activity (FTA) and β-glucosidase activity (β-GLU). In order to maintain optimal volumetric moisture for the survival of microorganisms, automatic control was used to manage the irrigation frequency between 22%–28%. The results showed that physicochemical substrate properties, by incorporating 40% vermicompost into the coconut fibre mixture, increased enzymatic activity. Plants that were inoculated with Azotobacter vinelandii and Frateuria aurantia showed an improvement in NO3− and K+ assimilation achieving highest yields

    The Judicial System of Postrevolutionary Cuba

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    Cuban justice is a subject which has captured the attention of numerous American writers

    Refrigeration Capacity and Effect of Ageing on the Operation of Cellulose Evaporative Cooling Pads, by Wind Tunnel Analysis

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    This study investigates the temperature reduction capacity and water consumption of a fan-pad system installed in a greenhouse located in the coastal regions of Almería. The suitability of this system for coastal zones with high environmental humidity during the summer is analyzed. Historical temperature and relative humidity series are studied, obtaining the thermal difference and maximum, medium, and minimum monthly water consumption of the pads based on the operation data of the pads. Despite the high relative humidity of the air in the hottest hours of the day, a decrease of 5.92 ºC in the mean temperature and a water consumption of 13.55 l/h per square meter of an evaporative cooling pad are obtained in the month of August. Additionally, the operation of a cellulose evaporative cooling pad installed for 3 years in a greenhouse is analyzed in a wind tunnel and compared with that of a new pad of the same model. Over time and with low maintenance, the porosity of the pad decreases due to salt incrustation. The salt incrustation makes airflow more difficult in the pad, increasing the pressure drop by 170.04%; however, the air saturation efficiency of the pad increases by 6.6% due to the greater contact time between the air and the waterMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad de España AGL2015-68050-RUnión Europea (FEDER) AGL2015-68050-

    Baluartes, mosquetes y reclutas: cuestiones en torno a la historiografía militar modernista (siglos XVI-XVIII)

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    25 p.[EN] We have selected some questions of military historiography from XVIth to XVIIIth century according to their influence on the global comprehension of the early modern history. From this subject we have evaluated difficulties and goals in the last decades. We have specially paid attention to the British and French historiographical traditions because of their development and significance on the Spanish way of facing the military history. In conclusion, we suggest that the main methodological and conceptual contributions of the special field that concerns us in this article have to be related to the last years. This matched with the moment in which these historians have changed their attempt to focus the most important changes in the early modern period from their specialism. Best results have been achieved when they have recognized a more modest status for the military history.[ES] Dentro del campo de la historiografía militar —en un sentido amplio— de los siglos XVI al XVIII, se han seleccionado algunas cuestiones que por su influencia e innovación conceptual han supuesto mayores aportaciones a la comprensión general del período moderno en su conjunto. A partir de ellas, se ha tratado de valorar los principales logros y los escollos más enconados que los historiadores de la especialidad han ido ofreciendo y encontrando en las últimas décadas. Las escuelas historiográficas de lo militar que, en función precisamente de su desarrollo, han encontrado mayor cabida en estas páginas son la británica y, en menor medida, la francesa. Ambas, por otro lado, son las que más han influido en los historiadores españoles. Como conclusión, el autor sugiere que las principales aportaciones metodológicas y conceptuales de la historiografía militar modernista se han producido precisamente en el momento en el que se ha abandonado la pretensión de hacer de lo específicamente militar el factor clave en el desarrollo histórico de las sociedades europeas. La justa ubicación dentro de la ciencia histórica es la que, paradójicamente, más está favoreciendo el desarrollo de la historia militar.Peer reviewe

    The Dukes of Medina Sidonia and the judeoconversos (1471-1555). State of the art and guidelines of research

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    En este artículo planteamos, en primer lugar, una revisión de lo que hasta la fecha sabemos sobre la relación entre la casa ducal de Medina Sidonia y los conversos en un periodo crucial para la historia de esta minoría. En segundo lugar, a partir del cruce de la información aportada por las crónicas del siglo XV con las últimas aportaciones historiográficas sobre la cuestión, vamos a tratar de arrojar algo de luz tanto sobre los ritmos temporales de esa aproximación como sobre el nivel de integración de tal minoría en el ámbito señorial, para terminar señalando algunas hipótesis y líneas de trabajo de futuro sobre esta cuestión.This article is divided in three parts. In the one hand, it offers an overview of our knowledge about the relationship between the Dukes of Medina Sidonia and the conversos in a period of time that was crucial for this social group. In the other hand, using the information provided by the XV Century chronicles together with the most recent historiography about this particular issue, we will try to shed some light about the historical rhythms of this process and the level of integration that the conversos had within the seigneurial environment. Finally, we will suggest some guidelines for future research about this topic

    Monastic foundations in Sanlúcar de Barrameda: an image of feudal power in the way of the church to India

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    15 p.[EN]This article analyzes –in its Atlantic frame–, why the dukes of Medina Sidonia invested efforts and resources in certain relevant religious foundations in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, their seignourial court-city. Specially, it relates, in the one hand, the facilities granted by the dukes in Sanlúcar to welcome some religious orders –Franciscans, Dominicans and Jesuits– with the role played, in the other hand, by this city in the route to the Indies, taking also into account the Medina Sidonia’s seignourial interests. Our hypothesis is that the interest of the Medina Sidonia’s in founding convents and houses of those orders in Sanlúcar was that those foundations acted as mirrors for the Medina Sidonia’s self-image of power, whose reflections ought to reach America.[ES] Este artículo analiza en clave atlántica por qué los duques de Medina Sidonia invirtieron esfuerzos y recursos en algunas de las principales fundaciones religiosas en su corte señorial, Sanlúcar de Barrameda. En concreto, pone en relación, por un lado, las facilidades concedidas por los duques para que su ciudad acogiese a ciertas órdenes –franciscano, dominicos y jesuitas- con el papel que, por otro lado, desempeñaba Sanlúcar en los trayectos a Indias, todo ello contemplado bajo el prisma de los propios intereses señoriales de los Pérez de Guzmán. Nuestra hipótesis de trabajo es que el interés de los duques por los conventos y residencias de estas órdenes en el puerto sanluqueño radica en que se constituían en un espejo de la imagen de poder de los Medina Sidonia cuyos reflejos se debían proyectar en América.Peer reviewe

    Assessment of the cooling potential of an indoor living wall using different substrates in a warm climate

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    The use of vertical greenery systems in buildings is becoming very popular as they provide several benefits. In this work, the influence of an indoor living wall on the temperature and humidity in a hall inside the School of Agricultural Engineering (University of Seville) was studied. Four different substrates, Geotextile, Epiweb, Xaxim and coconut fibre, were used to grow the plants in order to assess their performance. Several parameters such as temperature, humidity, plant growth or water consumption were monitored and analyzed during a 4-month period. The cooling effect of the living wall was proven, with an average reduction of 4°C over the room temperature though maximum decrements of 6°C have been observed in warmer conditions. Higher air humidity levels were experienced near the living wall, increasing the overall humidity in the room. All the substrates tested were suitable for plant growing and their behaviour was similar. Geotextile showed the best cooling capacity but higher water consumption, coconut fibre presented degradation problems and Epiweb performance was the poorest. Therefore, these systems have been proven to be very useful and interesting for warm indoor environments due to the cooling effect observed in addition to their bio-filtration capacity and the aesthetic component