425 research outputs found

    90's KIDS La Lotería.Rediseño y actualización de la lotería mexicana.

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    [ES] 90's KIDS La Lotería nace a partir de un intercambio en México y su icónico juego la lotería. Observando el gran carácter social y cultural de la lotería, su pregnancia en la sociedad, y síntesis que se realiza desde el juego, se pretende adaptar, tanto de manera gráfica como conceptual, y crear un proyecto que se adapte a la realidad vivida de la juventud española nacida en la década de los 90, creando un archivo de referentes culturales a partir del juego. Basándose en la premisa de que cuanto más consciente seas de tu contexto e influencias, mejor podrás llegar a conocerte a ti mismo y a comunicarte con tu entorno.[EN] 90's KIDS La Lotería was born from an exchange in Mexico and its iconic game the lottery. Observing the great social and cultural impact of the lottery, its pregnancy in society, and synthesis of the game, it is intended to adapt, both graphically and conceptually, and create a project that adapts to the lived reality of young Spaniards born in the 90s, creating an archive of cultural references from the game. Based on the premise that the more aware you are of your context and influences, the better you can get to know yourself and communicate with your environment.González Otero, JL. (2021). 90's KIDS La Lotería.Rediseño y actualización de la lotería mexicana. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/170734TFG

    La gestión integral de activos y pasivos en el negocio asegurador de vida: aproximación al caso español.

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    Este trabajo tiene por finalidad aproximarse a la gestión integral de activos y pasivos dentro del sector asegurador de vida español y al efecto que ejerce sobre el diseño de la cartera de inversión. Los estudios realizados a nivel internacional constatan el gran interés que ha tomado la gestión de activos y pasivos como herramienta estratégica. Al carecer de estudios que permitan conocer la situación de la gestión de activos y pasivos hemos tratado de realizar una aproximación a partir de las relaciones que se constatan en diversos trabajos entre el tipo de productos que comercializan las compañías, la regulación de la actividad y la composición de la cartera de inversionesThe purpose of this research is to approach the complete assets and liabilities management within Spanish Insurance Sector and its effect in portfolio design. The existing international researchs confirm the hug interest of assests and liabilities management as an estrategic instrument. The lack of estudies that allow us to know the situaction of assests and liabilities management makes us use the relations verifyed in several works, such as product types, activity regulation and portfolio composition

    Propiedad, Consejo y Gestión del Riesgo Empresarial

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    This paper analyses the effect of family ownership and the characteristics of the board of directors on the implementation level of enterprise risk management (ERM) in Spanish non-financial companies. The sample consists of 162 Spanish non-financial companies listed on Spanish stock exchanges and markets during 2012–2015. The results obtained show that the relationship between the level of family ownership concentration and the implementation level of an ERM system has a non-linear structure. Therefore, a reduction in implementation for moderate ownership levels is observed, although this increases with high ownership values. Regarding corporate governance, our study confirms the importance of certain characteristics of the board of directors, such as the size and the figure of the shareholder director in the implementation of formal ERM systems.Este trabajo analiza el efecto de la propiedad familiar y de las características del consejo de administración sobre el nivel de implementación del ERM en las empresas españolas no financieras. La muestra consta de 162 empresas españolas no financieras que cotizan en Bolsas y Mercados Españoles durante el período 2012-2015. Los resultados obtenidos muestran Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la relación entre el nivel de concentración de la propiedad familiar y el grado de implementación del sistema de gestión de riesgos (ERM) presenta una estructura no lineal, de modo que se observa una reducción de los niveles de implementación para niveles medios, pero que se incrementa en valores elevados de propiedad. Respecto al gobierno corporativo, nuestro trabajo confirma la importancia de ciertas características del consejo de administración en la implementación de sistemas formales de gestión del riesgo

    How to improve the adoption of theoretical contents by university students?: An application of One Minute Paper in accounting

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    El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) promueve la aplicación de nuevas técnicas docentes para lograr una interacción significativa alumno- docente, corrigiendo problemas de aprendizaje oportuna y eficazmente. Este trabajo analiza la técnica one minute paper en estudios de grado universitario, y sus implicaciones sobre el rendimiento académico. Frente a un enfoque predominantemente teórico de trabajos previos, se aporta evidencia empírica con una amplia muestra de alumnos, constituyendo una experiencia docente extrapolable a otros centros educativos. En general, se obtuvo una alta participación en la técnica y existió una importante interacción en el aula. Además, la tasa de éxito en el examen fue superior entre aquellos alumnos que participaron mayoritariamente en los one minute papers, frente a aquellos que fueron evaluados solo con dicho examen. En conclusión, la aplicación de nuevas técnicas docentes contribuye positivamente al aprendizaje, mejorando el rendimiento académico y potenciando una mayor interacción profesor-alumno.The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) promotes the application of new teaching techniques for meaningful student-teacher interaction, correcting problems in a timely and effective learning. This paper analyzes the technical one minute paper in a university degree, and its implications on academic performance. Facing a predominantly theoretical approach of previous literature, empirical evidence is provided using a large sample of students, constituting a teaching experience extrapolated to other universities. Overall, we obtained a high participation in this technique and there was a significant interaction in the classroom. In addition, the success rate on the exam was higher among students who participated mostly in one minute papers, compared to those that were evaluated only to such examination. Thus, the application of new techniques teachers contributes positively to learning, improving the academic performance and enhancing the teacher-student interactio

    How to accomplish a highly cited paper in the tourism, leisure and hospitality field

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    This paper identifies the main factors that affect the citation rate of an article published in the tourism, leisure and hospitality field. Using several regression techniques, it has been identified that the number of references for an article, the reputation of the main author, and obtaining early citations have a major impact on a document’s citation rate. As well as this, by means of a quantitative–qualitative analysis (fsQCA), the most efficient combinations of factors that influence the number of citations received have also been identified. This paper is useful for researchers, editors and readers interested in improving the impact of their researchS

    Tsunami hazard at the Western Mediterranean Spanish coast from

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    Abstract. Spain represents an important part of the tourism sector in theWestern Mediterranean, which has been affected in the past by tsunamis. Although the tsunami risk at the Spanish coasts is not the highest of the Mediterranean, the necessity of tsunami risk mitigation measures should not be neglected. In the Mediterranean area, Spain is exposed to two different tectonic environments with contrasting characteristics. On one hand, the Alboran Basin characterised by transcurrent and transpressive tectonics and, on the other hand, the North Algerian fold and thrust belt, characterised by compressive tectonics. A set of 22 seismic tsunamigenic sources has been used to estimate the tsunami threat over the Spanish Mediterranean coast of the Iberian peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Maximum wave elevation maps and tsunami travel times have been computed by means of numerical modelling and we have obtained estimations of threat levels for each source over the Spanish coast. The sources on the Western edge of North Algeria are the most dangerous, due to their threat to the South-Eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula and to theWestern Balearic Islands. In general, the Northern Algerian sources pose a greater risk to the Spanish coast than the Alboran Sea sources, which only threaten the peninsular coast. In the Iberian Peninsula, the Spanish provinces of Almeria and Murcia are the most exposed, while all the Balearic Islands can be affected by the North Algerian sources with probable severe damage, specially the islands of Ibiza and Minorca. The results obtained in this work are useful to plan future regional and local warning systems, as well as to set the priority areas to conduct research on detailed tsunami risk