482 research outputs found

    Sistema experto médico para medir la salud mental a través de un diagnóstico en pacientes que han estado expuestos a COVID-19

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal mejorar el diagnóstico de pacientes afectados por COVID-19 en la Red de Salud Rioja a través de un sistema experto médico. Para la solución a nuestra problemática, se consideraron como población al personal del área de psicología y al número de diagnósticos que se realizaron durante un mes. Para ello, se usaron fichas de observación de tiempo y una encuesta hacia los especialistas de la institución. Una vez recolectado los datos, se analizaron por medio del software IBM SPSS v26 donde se hicieron los cálculos correspondientes por medio de la Prueba T– Student a fin de comparar los datos obtenidos antes y después de la implementación. Para el desarrollo del sistema experto médico se utilizó la metodología ICONIX, ya que dicha metodología nos permitió agilizar el desarrollo a través de sus 4 fases. Por lo antes mencionado, se concluye que una vez implementado el sistema experto médico mejoró considerablemente no solo los tiempos de respuesta de los diagnósticos, sino también en generar los reportes y aumentó notablemente el nivel de satisfacción del área de psicología de la RSR

    Deterioro cognitivo postquirúrgico en pacientes con enfermedad coronaria y/o valvulopatía aórtica

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    Se muestra la presencia de deterioro cognitivo postquirúrgico en pacientes con enfermedad coronaria y/o valvulopatía aórticaUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Exploring the Emerging Domain of Research on Video Game Live Streaming in Web of Science: State of the Art, Changes and Trends

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    In recent years, interest in video game live streaming services has increased as a new communication instrument, social network, source of leisure, and entertainment platform for millions of users. The rise in this type of service has been accompanied by an increase in research on these platforms. As an emerging domain of research focused on this novel phenomenon takes shape, it is necessary to delve into its nature and antecedents. The main objective of this research is to provide a comprehensive reference that allows future analyses to be addressed with greater rigor and theoretical depth. In this work, we developed a meta-review of the literature supported by a bibliometric performance and network analysis (BPNA). We used the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) protocol to obtain a representative sample of 111 published documents since 2012 and indexed in the Web of Science. Additionally, we exposed the main research topics developed to date, which allowed us to detect future research challenges and trends. The findings revealed four specializations or subdomains: studies focused on the transmitter or streamer; the receiver or the audience; the channel or platform; and the transmission process. These four specializations add to the accumulated knowledge through the development of six core themes that emerge: motivations, behaviors, monetization of activities, quality of experience, use of social networks and media, and gender issues

    Error Detection and Mitigation of Data-Intensive Microprocessor Applications Using SIMD and Trace Monitoring

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    This article proposes a software error mitigation approach that uses the single instruction multiple data (SIMD) coprocessor to accelerate computation over redundant data. In addition, an external IP connected to the microprocessor's trace interface is used to detect errors that are difficult to cover with software-implemented techniques. The proposed approach has been implemented in an ARM microprocessor, and an irradiation campaign with neutrons has been carried out at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Experimental results demonstrate the high error coverage (more than 99.9%) of the proposed approach. The neutron cross section of errors that were not corrected nor detected was reduced by more than three orders of magnitude

    On the Effects of Image Quality Degradation on Minutiae- and Ridge-Based Automatic Fingerprint Recognition

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    The effect of image quality degradation on the verification performance of automatic fingerprint recognition is investigated. We study the performance of two fingerprint matchers based on minutiae and ridge information under varying fingerprint image quality. The ridge-based system is found to be more robust to image quality degradation than the minutiae-based system for a number of different image quality criteria.Comment: Published at IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST

    The Use of Microprocessor Trace Infrastructures for Radiation-Induced Fault Diagnosis

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    This work proposes a methodology to diagnoseradiation-induced faults in a microprocessor using the hardwaretrace infrastructure. The diagnosis capabilities of this approachare demonstrated for an ARM microprocessor under neutronand proton irradiation campaigns. The experimental resultsdemonstrate that the execution status in the precise moment thatthe error occurred can be reconstructed, so that error diagnosiscan be achieved

    Design and evaluation of a graphical user interface for facilitating expert knowledge transfer: a teleoperation case study

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    Nowadays, teleoperation systems are increasingly used for the training of specific skills to carry out complex tasks in dangerous environments. One of the challenges of these systems is to ensure that the time it takes for users to acquire these skills is as short as possible. For this, the user interface must be intuitive and easy to use. This document describes the design and evaluation of a graphical user interface so that a non-expert user could use a teleoperated system intuitively and without excessive training time. To achieve our goal, we use a user-centered design process model. To evaluate the interface, we use our own methodology and the results allow improving its usability.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Contribution of the single photon emission computed tomography with 99mTc red blood cells in splenosis

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    The term splenosis refers to the presence of auto-transplanted splenic tissue in a heterotopic location. These foci can be localized to the liver simulating a malignant lesion. Sometimes these lesions are difficult to identify using conventional imaging techniques (ultrasound, CT and MR). Then, a scan with denatured erythrocytes marked with 99mTc has proven to be an effective technique to confirm the diagnosis of splenosis and to establish its extension. The incorporation of hybrid imaging techniques (SPECT-CT) into usual clinical practice has increased the precision of the localization of these foci of splenosis. We hereby report the cases of two patients diagnosed with splenosis, the first by laparotomy and the second after performing scintigraphy with red blood cells labeled with 99mTc. In the first case, the laparotomy revealed numerous reticulated nodules on the diaphragmatic peritoneal surface, the transverse colon and the right kidney. Finally, the anatomopathological diagnosis confirmed a case of splenosis. In the second case, the results of the 99mTc marked red blood cell gammagraphy and SPECT-CT were consistent with the diagnosis of splenosis in the patient. To obtain correct information in cases of lesions highly suspicious of splenosis, 99mTc marked red blood cell gammagraphy should be performed due to the high sensitivity and specificity of the test. Combined diagnostic imaging (SPECT-CT), have increased the specificity of this test due to improvements in the characterization of lesions. We believe that the use of this technique will help avoid unnecessary surgical procedures

    Online error detection through trace infrastructure in ARM microprocessors

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    This paper presents a solution for error detection in ARM microprocessors based on the use of the trace infrastructure. This approach uses the Program and Instrumentation Trace Macrocells that are part of ARM's CoreSight architecture to detect control-flow and data-flow errors, respectively. The proposed approach has been tested with low-energy protons. Experimental results demonstrate high accuracy with up to 95% of observed errors detected in a commercial microprocessor with no hardware modification. In addition, it is shown how the proposed approach can be useful for further analysis and diagnosis of the cause of errors

    Looking for students' enthusiasm: flipped classroom

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    The “flipped classroom” is a pedagogical model that consists of putting certain learning processes outside the classroom so that the teacher can devote more class time to students’ acquisition of practical skills, for example. In this way, the teacher is not limited to the transmission of course content, but in addition assumes the role of a mediator in the cognitive process, allowing students to actively construct their own knowledge. In this role, the teacher’s main task is to encourage students to become independent learners. This paper describes the implementation and initial results of the application of the flipped classroom in higher education. This study is part of a larger research project to improve our students’ motivation through the use of the flipped learning. The sample consisted of about 3000 students taking 17 different subjects, in Management and Administration Business, Finance and Accounting, Marketing and Market Research, and Chemistry, at the University of Málaga, and in Accounting and Administration, Business Communication and Marketing at the Polytechnic of Porto. According to our results, students’ motivation and class attendance increased with the application of this model; a comparison of the final exam results from two years with traditional classes and from two years with flipped learning shows that the proportion of students failing the exam decreased, which confirms that the use of this pedagogic model improves student learning.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This project is financed by Educational Innovation Projects 2017-2019 from Malaga University