125 research outputs found

    El proceso de inconstitucionalidad e inaplicabilidad como medios de legitimación constitucional de la normativa jurídica salvadoreña

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    El objeto de la presente monografía constituye el glose del proceso de inconstitucionalidad y de la inaplicabilidad como mecanismos de legitimación constitucional de la norma jurídica salvadoreña, tópico trascendente dentro del constitucionalismo salvadoreño ya que las figuras jurídico-legales tienen como fin el mantener ilesa a la ley fundamental protegiendo los principios y valores constitucionales; la exégesis será orientada a definir el objeto y parámetro de control así como la función legitimadora de ambos mecanismos, los elementos anteriormente señalados constituyen la columna vertebral respecto a su correcta depuración los cuales son producto de la supremacía constitucional y del sistema de eficacia directa con el cual cuenta nuestra Constitución desarrollándose de esta manera la jurisdicción y justicia constitucional por corresponder al máximo interpretador de la ley fundamental el decidir de un modo general la expulsión o no de toda norma jurídica sometida al control constitucional, resolviendo en la más alta instancia el problema de constitucionalidad. La paráfrasis tiene como base una investigación de tipo bibliográfico-documental, es decir, el enfoque será basado en una comprensión de conceptualizaciones obtenida mediante la consulta de distintos estudios, como consecuencia de la aplicación de un método deductivo de los parámetros generalizados por el abordaje de variada doctrina, principios, así como también la consulta y análisis de la normativa jurídico-legal positiva de nuestro país a efecto de concretizar las directrices acerca de la forma en la cual es procedente cada uno de los fenómenos aquí estudiados y hacer prevalecer el Principio de Supremacía Constitucional, mecanismos que al ser efectivos constituyen una garantía por producir consecuentemente una seguridad jurídica dentro de todo el ordenamiento jurídico legal; siendo responsabilidad del administrador de justicia apegarse a lo establecido en el texto de la misma Constitución y cumplir fielmente lo dicho en su protesta constitucional; siendo el responsable de declarar inaplicable, posterior a una interpretación conforme con la Constitución la norma que considere inconstitucional, motivando su decisión mediante el auxilio de las restantes fuentes formales del derecho y administrar una verdadera justicia constituciona

    Diseño e implementación de laboratorios virtuales

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    It’s significant the growth in the number of students at Civil Engineering program in distance mode, part of the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Military (607 active students at september 10, 2010). This situation requires the decentralization of activities that can be performed remotely too. Currently, practices at the laboratories of Civil Engineering at the University are only for students in traditional face system, that means students have to go to the University. Moving involves a cost for the student and the saturation in the labs at established hours, reduction of students tests (cause of the amount of material used), the inability to perform the tests complete due to the time (depending on material) and the lack of space for the massive attention of students. This situation force the student to see how develops the test results lab type and data processing. This problem is not evident only in the distance mode, also in attendance. The most important fact of a lab practice is that each student interacts with the process of elaboration, see different results and can analyze, discuss and process the results obtained by setting the appropriate standard with appropriate information, as the specification or theory used. The development of this product is a software, based on the numerical modeling of grain size parameters, temperature, Marshall asphalt design and type of material, inertia, load type and type of support for the beam bending test. The University will be the owner of software, which seeks to provide experimentation tool and provision for the training of engineers for Colombia and whole Word, also allows optimal idea of such trials.Es significativo el crecimiento del número de estudiantes del programa de Ingeniería Civil a distancia, perteneciente a la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (aproximadamente 607 estudiantes activos a 10 de septiembre de 2010), situación que hace necesario descentralizar las actividades que también pueden ser realizadas a distancia.Actualmente, las prácticas en los laboratorios de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada se implementan únicamente para los estudiantes de la modalidad presencial, lo que representa un traslado hasta las instalaciones de la Universidad.El desplazamiento conlleva un sobrecosto para el estudiante, así como la saturación en la prestación del servicio de los laboratorios durante los horarios establecidos, la reducción de ensayos por parte del estudiantes (debido a la cantidad de material utilizado), la imposibilidad de realizar los ensayos completos en razón al tiempo que demanda cada práctica (según el material) y la falta de un espacio adecuado para la atención masiva de estudiantes. Este panorama conlleva a que el estudiante sólo vea cómo se elabora el ensayo, escriba los resultados del laboratorito y los procese.Este problema no se evidencia únicamente en la modalidad a distancia, sino también en presencial.Lo importante de una práctica de laboratorio es que cada estudiante logre interactuar con el proceso de la elaboración, vea distintos resultados y pueda analizar, discutir y procesar los resultados obtenidos, estableciendo el criterio adecuado con la debida información, según la especificación o teoría utilizada

    Projeto e validação de um questionário de saúde oral para avaliação pré‐anestésica no pré‐operatório

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Dental injuries incurred during endotracheal intubation are more frequent in patients with previous oral pathology. The study objectives were to develop an oral health questionnaire for preanaesthesia evaluation, easy to apply for personnel without special dental training; and establish a cut-off value for detecting persons with poor oral health. METHODS: Validation study of a self-administered questionnaire, designed according to a literature review and an expert group's recommendations. The questionnaire was applied to a sample of patients evaluated in a preanaesthesia consultation. Rasch analysis of the questionnaire psychometric properties included viability, acceptability, content validity and reliability of the scale. RESULTS: The sample included 115 individuals, 50.4% of men, with a median age of 58 years (range: 38-71). The final analysis of 11 items presented a Person Separation Index of 0.861 and good adjustment of data to the Rasch model. The scale was unidimensional and its items were not biased by sex, age or nationality. The oral health linear measure presented good construct validity. The cut-off value was set at 52 points. CONCLUSIONS: The questionnaire showed sufficient psychometric properties to be considered a reliable tool, valid for measuring the state of oral health in preoperative anaesthetic evaluations.S

    Density of GABAB receptors is reduced in granule cells of the hippocampus in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

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    Metabotropic γ-aminobutyric acid (GABAB) receptors contribute to the control of network activity and information processing in hippocampal circuits by regulating neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission. The dysfunction in the dentate gyrus (DG) has been implicated in Alzheimer´s disease (AD). Given the involvement of GABAB receptors in AD, to determine their subcellular localisation and possible alteration in granule cells of the DG in a mouse model of AD at 12 months of age, we used high-resolution immunoelectron microscopic analysis. Immunohistochemistry at the light microscopic level showed that the regional and cellular expression pattern of GABAB1 was similar in an AD model mouse expressing mutated human amyloid precursor protein and presenilin1 (APP/PS1) and in age-matched wild type mice. High-resolution immunoelectron microscopy revealed a distance-dependent gradient of immunolabelling for GABAB receptors, increasing from proximal to distal dendrites in both wild type and APP/PS1 mice. However, the overall density of GABAB receptors at the neuronal surface of these postsynaptic compartments of granule cells was significantly reduced in APP/PS1 mice. Parallel to this reduction in surface receptors, we found a significant increase in GABAB1 at cytoplasmic sites. GABAB receptors were also detected at presynaptic sites in the molecular layer of the DG. We also found a decrease in plasma membrane GABAB receptors in axon terminals contacting dendritic spines of granule cells, which was more pronounced in the outer than in the inner molecular layer. Altogether, our data showing post- and presynaptic reduction in surface GABAB receptors in the DG suggest the alteration of the GABAB-mediated modulation of excitability and synaptic transmission in granule cells, which may contribute to the cognitive dysfunctions in the APP/PS1 model of A

    Characterization of the genetic structure and diversity of maize (Zea mays L) landrace populations from Mexico

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    Maize (Zea mays L) is a globally important crop. In Mexico, its center of origin and diversity, it forms part of the culture and staple diet of present-day towns. This condition has allowed the development of a large number of maize landraces. In southern Mexico, in the states of Yucatán, Quintana Roo, Campeche and Chiapas, little attention has been given to the diversity potential that landraces represent in order to make best use of them. This work therefore characterized the genetic structure and diversity of 16 maize landrace populations from the southern region of Mexico using ISSR markers. A total of 69 loci were generated with 100% polymorphism. The analysis revealed the formation of two groups with geographical and genetic origins in the Yucatán Peninsula and the state of Chiapas. Wide genetic diversity was found for the entire sample of assessed populations (He = 0.40 and I = 0.54), as well as in the groups formed (He = 0.36, I = 0.52 and He = 0.35, I = 0.50 respectively). At the population level within each group, the populations that formed the Yucatán Peninsula group had greater mean diversity values than in the Chiapas group (He = 0.33, I = 0.36 and He = 0.32, I = 0.35 respectively). Based on this information, it is recommended to develop in-situ conservation programs and to increase the existing ex-situ collections in the region that allow us to enhance the germplasm of the maize landraces of Mexico in breeding programs

    Establecimiento de un sistema silvopastoril para ovinos como alternativa en la producción intensiva

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    Cartilla elaborada por el Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA, a través del Programa SENNOVA, el Semillero de Investigación AGROPEC-SIAS. Busca convertirse en una herramienta útil para aquellos productores Ovino-caprinos interesados en incorporar en sus prácticas, nuevas tecnologías de producción de ganadería sostenible que le aporten a la reconversión del medio ambiente, permitiéndoles enfrentar la escasez de alimentos forrajeros durante condiciones agroclimáticas adversas, como las que se presentan en la región Caribe cada año por la presencia de los largos periodos de verano.Booklet prepared by the National Learning Service SENA, through the SENNOVA Program, the AGROPEC-SIAS Research Seedbed. It seeks to become a useful tool for those sheep-goat producers interested in incorporating in their practices, new technologies of sustainable livestock production that contribute to the reconversion of the environment, allowing them to face the shortage of forage foods during adverse agroclimatic conditions, such as that appear in the Caribbean region every year due to the presence of long summer periods.Definición del sistema silvopastoril -- Características de las especies forrajeras y arbustivas asociados al sistema silvopastoril para la producción ovina -- Características del sistema silvopastoril intensivo en la producción ganadera -- Descripción del establecimiento del sistema silvopastoril intensivo para la producción Ovino caprino – SSPi-O con Leucaena leucocephala asociados con Botón de Oro Tithonia diversifolia y pastos mejoradosna44 página

    Reduction in the neuronal surface of post and presynaptic GABA>B< receptors in the hippocampus in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

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    The hippocampus plays key roles in learning and memory and is a main target of Alzheimer's disease (AD), which causes progressive memory impairments. Despite numerous investigations about the processes required for the normal hippocampal functions, the neurotransmitter receptors involved in the synaptic deficits by which AD disables the hippocampus are not yet characterized. By combining histoblots, western blots, immunohistochemistry and high‐resolution immunoelectron microscopic methods for GABAB receptors, this study provides a quantitative description of the expression and the subcellular localization of GABAB1 in the hippocampus in a mouse model of AD at 1, 6 and 12 months of age. Western blots and histoblots showed that the total amount of protein and the laminar expression pattern of GABAB1 were similar in APP/PS1 mice and in age‐matched wild‐type mice. In contrast, immunoelectron microscopic techniques showed that the subcellular localization of GABAB1 subunit did not change significantly in APP/PS1 mice at 1 month of age, was significantly reduced in the stratum lacunosum‐moleculare of CA1 pyramidal cells at 6 months of age and significantly reduced at the membrane surface of CA1 pyramidal cells at 12 months of age. This reduction of plasma membrane GABAB1 was paralleled by a significant increase of the subunit at the intracellular sites. We further observed a decrease of membrane‐targeted GABAB receptors in axon terminals contacting CA1 pyramidal cells. Our data demonstrate compartment‐ and age‐dependent reduction of plasma membrane‐targeted GABAB receptors in the CA1 region of the hippocampus, suggesting that this decrease might be enough to alter the GABAB‐mediated synaptic transmission taking place in AD

    Evaluación de productos de control biológico de plagas por cañeros según su identificación social

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    Innovation adoption is relevant for rural development. This research validated a self-perception scale for social identification with 61 sugarcane growers in Veracruz, Mexico during 2019, and its relationship with brand familiarity, willingness to use/test and willingness to buy biological pest control products. The scale allowed to identify farmers in traditional, in transition and technified. No significant differences were found in the self-perception scale regarding willingness to use/test or pay for the evaluated biological pest control products contrary to familiarity. It can be concluded that the scale allows to identify farmers according to their self-perception level of technification, where the self-perceived as technified are more willing to accept more innovations.La aceptación de los productores de innovaciones es relevante para el desarrollo del medio rural. Esta investigación validó una Escala de Auto-percepción de Identificación Social (EA-IS) con 61 productores cañeros de Veracruz, México&nbsp; en 2019 , y su relación con familiaridad de marcas, disposición a usar/probar y a comprar productos de control biológico. La EA-IS permitió identificar a productores tradicionales, en desarrollo y tecnificados. No hubo diferencias significativas en la EA-IS según la disposición a usar/probar/pagar por estos productos pero si para familiaridad. En conclusión, la EA-IS permite diferenciar productores según su auto-percepción de niveles de tecnificación, siendo los que se perciben como tecnificados los que aceptan más las innovaciones

    Reverse-flow anterolateral thigh flap for knee soft-tissue reconstruction: case report

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    The reconstruction of the injured tissue around the knee is a complex procedure for the plastic and orthopaedic surgeon. The objective is to provide an acceptable function and aesthetic result. Successful wound management includes meticulous debridement, planning and proper execution of the surgical procedure. An 11-year-old male patient with a right patellar fracture using an anterolateral thigh flap with reverse flow to cover the skin defect. For such purposes, the reverse flow anterolateral flap is an effective, trustworthy and well-documented option. The correct obtaining and implantation of the flap reduces the morbidity of the donor site, offers options in size and design, an adequate length of the pedicle and the possible combination with the fascia lata in case it is required. The versatility of the reverse flow anterolateral flap makes it a possible therapeutic alternative in reconstructive surgery since it is aesthetic and functional for the reconstruction of tissue near the knee joint