1,128 research outputs found
Los bosques marinos de profundidad
8 pages[EN] Below the active region of primary producers to a depth of 11 km the oceans are full of life. Marine forests are to be found there, composed of the greatest diversity of species and animal organisms. They feed off the many particles coming from the upper layers and give protection to the young and provide them with food. Nowadays, riddled with disease, they have practically been destroyed by the trawling equipment of boats. This is most tragic, if one bears in mind that they are around 50 years old with a low fertility rate, which rarely exceeds 20 per cent[ES] La vida en los océanos se estructura como una cadena trófica donde los productores primarios autotróficos, los que necesitan la luz para vivir, se encuentran situados en las zonas más superficiales iluminadas. Lo que antes se conocía como vida vegetal ahora se sabe que está formado por un amplio conjunto de microorganismos, de macroalgas y fanerógamas, que tienen en común los orgánulos de sus células, como los cloroplastos, que les permiten obtener la energía de la luz solar. Toda la actividad biológica de estos organismos autotróficos se concentra, aproximadamente, por encima de los 100 metros de profundidad en el Mediterráneo, donde la irradiancia (energía lumínica) es superior al 5% de la incidente en la superficie. Se trata también de la capa superior de la columna de agua, donde los vientos y corrientes que forman parte de la máquina hidrodinámica la mezclan y transportan los nutrientes disueltos en el agua y favorecen que lleguen a los organismos. El conjunto de mecanismos físicos y químicos de esta zona superficial del mar hace que los organismos autotróficos crezcan continua y rápidamente y que sean la base de las cadenas tróficas marinas. De estos organismos viven los herbívoros y, en un escalafón trófico posterior, carnívoros y otros seres que viven tanto en la columna de agua como en el fondo marino[CAT] La vida als oceans s’estructura com una cadena tròfica on els productors primaris autotròfics, els que necessiten la llum per viure, es troben situats en les zones més superficials il·luminades. Allò que abans es coneixia com a vida vegetal ara se sap que és format per un ampli conjunt de microorganismes, de macroalgues i fanerògames, que tenen en comú els orgànuls de les seves cèl·lules, com ara els cloroplasts, que els permeten obtenir l’energia de la llum solar. Tota l’activitat biològica d’aquests organismes autotròfics es concentra, aproximadament, per sobre dels 100 metres de fondària al Mediterrani, on la irradiància (energia lumínica) és superior al 5% de la incident en superfície. Es tracta també de la capa superior de la columna d’aigua, on els vents i corrents que formen part de la màquina hidrodinàmica la barregen i transporten i afavoreixen que arribin els nutrients dissolts en l’aigua cap als organismes. El conjunt de mecanismes físics i químics d’aquesta zona superficial del mar fa que els organismes autotròfics creixin contínuament i ràpidament i que siguin la base de les cadenes tròfiques marines. D’aquests organismes en viuen els herbívors i, en un escalafó tròfic posterior, carnívors i altres éssers que viuen tant a la columna d’aigua com al fons maríPeer Reviewe
Encuesta : ¿vive la comunicación periodística un cambio de paradigma?
Con el objeto de convocar diversas voces de prestigio que se han constituido en autores de referencia en el campo del periodismo, ANÀLISI ha planteado un cuestionario a cuatro catedráticos: Lorenzo Gomis, José Luis Martínez Albertos, Luis Núñez Ladevéze y Josep Maria Casasús. Este cuestionario está diseñado para servir de espoleta o de provocación inicial para una reflexión. Las preguntas, por ello, son a veces -quizá demasiado- largas. La intención es que sirvan de marco a partir del cual las distintas voces que participan en el debate puedan encontrarse
Periodistes, individualisme o corporativisme
Periodistes, individualisme o corporativism
Order regularity for Birkhoff interpolation with lacunary polynomials
In this short paper we present sufficient conditions for the order
regularity problem in Birkhoff interpolation with lacunary polynomials.
These conditions are a generalization of the Atkinson-Sharma theorem.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
A biomechanical analysis of the athlete Dayron Robles’ hurdle race was carried out using state-of-the-art technology, along with the Spanish record holder Jackson Quiñónez. Robles is a world record holder and an Olympic champion in the 110 metre hurdles. Kinematic data is provided, which offers a detailed analysis of Robles’ hurdle race and is related to his performance in strength tests. We reach the conclusion that the high levels of reactive strength, with very short ground contact times, are Robles’ main characteristics in comparison with Quiñónez. In addition, an excessive flight time over the hurdle was noted which his trainer, on being made aware of the results of this research, has managed to correct
Primera cita de Phoracantha semipunctata (Fabricius, 1775) (Col.: Cerambycidae) en la isla de Mallorca (Baleares)
Se cita por primera vez, con datos concretes de su localización, en Mallorca (Islas Baleares) al cerambícido (Col.: Cerambycidae) de origen australiano Phoracantha semipunctata (Fabricius, 1775)
Relations among several nuclear and electronic density functional reactivity indexes
A set of connections among several nuclear and electronic indexes of reactivity in the framework of the conceptual Density Functional Theory by using an expansion ofthe energy functional in terms of the total number of electrons and the normal coordinates within a canonical ensemble was derived. The relations obtained provided explicit links between important quantities related to the chemical reactivity of a system. This paper particularly demonstrates that the derivative of the electronic energy with respect to the external potential of a system in its equilibrium geometry was equal to the negative of the nuclear repulsion derivative with respect to the external potentia
IX Campaña de excavaciones arqueológicas en el yacimiento romano de L’Horta Vella (Bétera, Valencia)
Resutados de la campaña de 2009
Spatiotemporal characteristics of motor actions by blind long jump athletes
Background Blind people depend on spatial and temporal representations to perform activities of daily living and compete in sport. Objective The aim of this study is to determine the spatiotemporal characteristics of long jumps performed by blind athletes and compare findings with those reported for sighted athletes. Methods We analysed a sample of 12 male athletes competing in the F11 Long Jump Finals at the Paralympic Games in London 2012. Performances were recorded using four high-speed cameras, and speeds were measured using a radar speed gun. The images were processed using validated image analysis software. Results The long jump run-up is shorter in blind athletes than in sighted athletes. We observed statistically significant differences for body centre of mass velocity and an increase in speed over the last three strides prior to take-off, contrasting with reports for sighted athletes and athletes with less severe visual impairment, who maintain or reduce their speed during the last stride. Stride length for the last three strides was the only spatial characteristic that was not significantly associated with effective jump distance. Blind long jumpers extend rather than shorten their last stride. Contact time with the take-off board is longer than that reported for sighted athletes. Conclusion The actions of blind long jumpers, unlike those without disabilities, do not vary their leg actions during the final runway approach for optimal placement on the take-off board
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