2,232 research outputs found

    Baseline data of a longitudinal assessment of a Bachelor of Science in Health Science (BSHS) Program based on the core competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP)

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    Background: IPCP has been identified as essential to provide quality healthcare: so, IPE is being integrated to professional programs. While IPE is being researched in professional programs, not much is known about IPE at the pre-professional level. Purpose: Stockton’s BSHS program was built based upon the Core Competencies for IPCP. The current study assessed the following IPE-related constructs: Health Science Reasoning, Ethical Decision Making for Health, Attitude Towards Health Care Teams, and Readiness for IP Learning. Description: A cohort of students was recruited during the introductory course to the program. The following measures were administered at baseline: Health Science Reasoning Test (HSRT), Ethical Decision Making (EDM) Measure for Health Science, The Attitudes Toward Health Care Teams Scale (ATHCTS), Readiness for Interprofessional Learning (RIPLS) and demographic questions. Results: A cohort (N = 483) of students was recruited; N = 464 participated of the baseline. Results of main measures are: HSRT (M = 17.2, SD = 4.7), EDM (M = 2.18, SD = 0.20), ATHCTS (M = 4.1, SD = 0.47), RIPLS (M = 3.68, SD = 0.91). Results for subscales and demographic data will be included in the presentation. Conclusions: Results from EDM, ATHCTS and RIPLS suggest undergraduate pre-professional students’ Ethicality is at expected levels, they have positive attitudes toward healthcare teams and are prepared to receive IPE. However, the sample performed significantly below the expected level of critical thinking. Relevance: This suggests that students in an undergraduate health science program can receive interprofessional education, at least at the attitudinal and awareness level. IPE at this level can effectively foster positive attitudes towards working interprofessionally

    Periodic orbits of the planar anisotropic Kepler problem

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    Agraïments: The second author of this work was partially supported by Fundación Séneca de la Región de Murcia grant number 19219/PI/14.In this paper we prove that at every energy level the anisotropic problem with small anisotropy has two periodic orbits which bifurcate from elliptic orbits of the Kepler problem with high eccentricity. Moreover we provide approximate analytic expressions for these periodic orbits. The tool for proving this result is the averaging theory

    Superior performance of V2O5 as hole selective contact over other transition metal oxides in silicon heterojunction solar cells

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    Transition metal oxides (TMOs) have recently been proved to efficiently serve as hole-selective contacts in crystalline silicon (c-Si) heterojunction solar cells. In the present work, two TMO/c-Si heterojunctions are explored using MoO3 (reference) and V2O5 as an alternative candidate. It has been found that V2O5 devices present larger (16% improvement) power conversion efficiency mainly due to their higher open-circuit voltage. While V2O5/c-Si devices with textured front surfaces exhibit larger short-circuit currents, it is also observed that flat solar cell architectures allow for passivation of the V2O5/n-Si interface, giving significant carrier lifetimes of 200 µs (equivalent to a surface recombination velocity of Seff ~140 cm s-1) as derived from impedance analysis. As a consequence, a significant open-circuit voltage of 662 mV is achieved. It is found that, at the TMO/c-Si contact, a TMO work function enhancement ¿FTMO occurs during the heterojunction formation with the consequent dipole layer enlargement ¿’=¿+¿FTMO. Our results provide new insights into the TMO/c-Si contact energetics, carrier transport across the interface and surface recombination allowing for further understanding of the nature of TMO/c-Si heterojunctions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Periodic Orbits of Quantised Restricted Three-Body Problem

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    In this paper, perturbed third-body motion is considered under quantum corrections to analyse the existence of periodic orbits. These orbits are studied through two approaches to identify the first (second) periodic-orbit types. The essential conditions are given in order to prove that the circular (elliptical) periodic orbits of the rotating Kepler problem (RKP) can continue to the perturbed motion of the third body under quantum corrections where a massive primary body has excessive gravitational force over the smaller primary body. The primaries moved around each other in circular (elliptical) orbits, and the mass ratio was assumed to be sufficiently small. We prove the existence of the two types of orbits by using the terminologies of Poincaré for quantised perturbed motion

    On the Periodic Orbits of the Perturbed Two- and Three-Body Problems

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    In this work, a perturbed system of the restricted three-body problem is derived when the perturbation forces are conservative alongside the corresponding mean motion of two primaries bodies. Thus, we have proved that the first and second types of periodic orbits of the rotating Kepler problem can persist for all perturbed two-body and circular restricted three-body problems when the perturbation forces are conservative or the perturbed motion has its own extended Jacobian integral

    The dynamics of the relativistic Kepler problem

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    Altres ajuts: Fundación Séneca (Spain), grant 20783/PI/18We deal with the Hamiltonian system (HS) provided by the correction given by the special relativity to the motion of the two-body problem, or by the first order correction to this problem coming from the general relativity. This Hamiltonian system is completely integrable with the angular momentum C and the Hamiltonian H. We have two objectives. First, we describe the global dynamics of the Hamiltonian system (HS) in the following sense. Let Ih and Ic are the subset of the phase space where H = h and C = c. Since C and H are first integrals, the sets Ic, Ih and Ihc = Ih∩Ic are invariant by the action of the flow of the Hamiltonian system (HS). We determine the global dynamics on those sets when h and c vary. Second, recently Tudoran in [21] provided a criterion which detects when a non-degenerate equilibrium point of a completely integrable system is Lyapunov stable. Every equilibrium point q of the completely integrable Hamiltonian system (HS) is degenerate and has zero angular momentum, so the mentioned criterion cannot be applied to it. But we will show that this criterion is also satisfied when it is applied to the Hamiltonian system (HS) restricted to zero angular momentum

    Fruit splitting in 'Nova' hybrid mandarin in relation to the anatomy of the fruit and fruit set treatments

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    Fruil splining in the mandarin orange cultivar ‘Nova’ is related lo lhe prescnce of an open stylar end in lhe fruit This opening arises from a cavily present at lhe base of lhe style, and is formed in a varjable proportion of fruits. The edis at lhe boltom of lhis styie cavily form a rind-lilce lissue which develop into a navel struclure. The size ofthis nave! is larger in open-slylar end bearing fruits and, according!y, ia sp!it fruil. The number of split fruil per tree is unrelaled to lhe number of fruit set. The application of gibberel!ic acid (GA,) has a variable effect on set and splitting depending on its timing. This hormone increases fruit sp!ilting when app!ied aI flowering, bel reduces it when applied shortly afler lhe end of lhe June drop. Ilhas on!y a minor effect on fruit seI

    Propuesta de clasificación, mediante TIG, de la cobertura vegetal en sistemas arenosos áridos

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    Este trabajo forma parte de un diagnóstico sobre la dinámica sedimentaria eólica de la isla de La Graciosa (islas Canarias, España), desarrollado al amparo de un proyecto de I+D+i. Como premisa de partida se considera que la evolución reciente de la cobertura vegetal es un excelente indicador de cambios ambientales, naturales o antrópicos, producidos en los sistemas arenosos, especialmente cuando éstos son áridos. Con base en esta premisa, el objetivo es diseñar un procedimiento para evaluar la cobertura vegetal en sistemas arenosos áridos, mediante el tratamiento digital de imágenes aéreas. El desarrollo metodológico se basa en la utilización de una ortofoto multiespectral de febrero de 2009, con una resolución espacial de 10 centímetros. La reclasificación estadística de los valores capturados por la banda verde permite discriminar las coberturas vegetación y arena. La vegetación es vectorizada a una geometría de puntos y se calcula su densidad para distintas áreas de vecindad. Se comparan los resultados con los obtenidos mediante otros métodos tradicionales, desarrollados con apoyo de trabajo de campo. Se valora la eficacia del cálculo de densidad de vectores, así como el uso de bandas visibles, en la caracterización de la cobertura vegetal, siempre que se den unas condiciones ambientales específicas. Se discute la mayor rapidez y objetividad en la generación de la información, con respecto a otros métodos basados en el análisis visual. Los resultados obtenidos suponen un avance en la caracterización de la cobertura vegetal en sistemas arenosos áridos.Esta investigación ha sido posible gracias a un convenio de colaboración con el Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales (centro “isla de la Graciosa”), del Ministerio Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de España, gestionado a través de la Fundación Universitaria de Las Palmas. Sus resultados se enmarcan, así mismo, en los proyectos “SEJ2007-64959” y “CSO2010-18150”, financiados por el Plan Nacional de I+D+i del Gobierno de España, con participación de fondos FEDER

    Distrofia macular anular benigna

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    Clinical cases: Two cases of benign concentric macular dystrophy are described. In one case, ophthalmologic examination, fluorescein angiogram and visual field measurement were performed. The presence of a juxtafoveal fibrosis in the other patient, indicate that choroidal neovascularization may be associated with this type of macular dystrophy. Discussion: Benign concentric macular dystrophy is an entity with well-defined ophthalmoscopic and angiographic characteristics. Usually the prognosis is good. Rarely, choroidal neovascularization can be associated with this macular dystroph

    Unveiling a New High-Temperature Ordered Magnetic Phase in ϵ-Fe2O3

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    Iron oxides are among the most abundant materials on Earth, and yet there are some of their basic properties which are still not well-established. Here, we present temperature-dependent magnetic, X-ray, and neutron diffraction measurements refuting the current belief that the magnetic ordering temperature of ϵ-FeO is ∼500 K, i.e., well below that of other iron oxides such as hematite, magnetite, or maghemite. Upon heating from room temperature, the ϵ-FeO nanoparticles' saturation magnetization undergoes a monotonic decrease while the coercivity and remanence sharply drop, virtually vanishing around ∼500 K. However, above that temperature the hysteresis loops present a nonlinear response with finite coercivity, making evident signs of ferrimagnetic order up to temperatures as high as 850 K (T). The neutron diffraction study confirms the presence of ferrimagnetic order well above 500 K with Pna'2' magnetic symmetry, but only involving two of the four Fe sublattices which are ordered below T ≈ 480 K, and with a reduced net ferromagnetic component, that vanishes at above 850 K. The results unambiguously show the presence of a high-temperature magnetic phase in ϵ-FeO with a critical temperature of T ∼ 850 K. Importantly, this temperature is similar to the Curie point in other iron oxides, indicating comparable magnetic coupling strengths. The presence of diverse magnetic phases is further supported by the nonmonotonic evolution of the thermal expansion. The existence of a high-temperature ferrimagnetic phase in ϵ-FeO may open the door to further expand the working range of this multifunctional iron oxide