477 research outputs found

    The Phenomenology of Bodily Perception

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    Since this is a colloquium on phenomenological and experimental approaches to cognition I’d like to set up the problem I want to address in terms of two of the different strands that we find in Merleau-Ponty’s thinking about the phenomenology of the body. One of these strands is profoundly insightful. The other one, however, seems to me to be lacking in plausibility - or rather, to put it less confrontationally and more in keeping with the spirit of the colloquium, the second strand seems to stand in the way of there being a certain type of fruitful interaction between phenomenological and experimental approaches to cognition. As far as I can see (and I’m very much open to correction at this point) Merleau- Ponty was of the opinion that they came as a package. What I would like to do in this short presentation is sketch out a line of thought that prises them apart

    Self-deception and Selectivity: Reply to Jurjako

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    Marko Jurjako’s article “Self-deception and the selectivity problem” (Jurjako 2013) offers a very interesting discussion of intentionalist approaches to self-deception and in particular the selectivity objection to anti-intentionalism raised in Bermúdez 1997 and 2000. This note responds to Jurjako’s claim that intentionalist models of self-deception face their own version of the selectivity problem, offering an account of how intentions are formed that can explain the selectivity of self-deception, even in the “common or garden” cases that Jurjako emphasizes

    Self-deception and Selectivity: Reply to Jurjako

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    Marko Jurjako’s article “Self-deception and the selectivity problem” (Jurjako 2013) offers a very interesting discussion of intentionalist approaches to self-deception and in particular the selectivity objection to anti-intentionalism raised in Bermúdez 1997 and 2000. This note responds to Jurjako’s claim that intentionalist models of self-deception face their own version of the selectivity problem, offering an account of how intentions are formed that can explain the selectivity of self-deception, even in the “common or garden” cases that Jurjako emphasizes

    Extending the feature set of a data-driven artificial neural network model of pricing financial option

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    Prices of derivative contracts, such as options, traded in the financial markets are expected to have complex relationships to fluctuations in the values of the underlying assets, the time to maturity and type of exercise of the contracts as well as other macroeconomic variables. Hutchinson, Lo and Poggio showed in 1994 that a non-parametric artificial neural network may be trained to approximate this complex functional relationship. Here, we consider this model with additional inputs relevant to the pricing of options and showthat the accuracy of approximation may indeed be improved. We consider volume traded, historic volatility, observed interest rates and combinations of these as additional features. In addition to giving empirical results on how the inclusion of these variables helps predicting option prices, we also analyse prediction errors of the different models with volatility and volume traded as inputs, and report an interesting correlation between their contributions

    Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction Across the Americas Summit - Simulated Exercise

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    Fil: Luis Bermudez. Open Geospatial ConsortiumFil: Asato, Carlos Gabriel. Open Geospatial Consortium y SEGEMAR; Argentina. ORCID: 0000-0002-1968-7741Fil: Taylor, Trevor. Open Geospatial ConsortiumDisasters are responsible for major socioeconomic damages. Global initiatives call for the improvement of information technology infrastructure to better share data and advance multinational collaboration. The "Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction Across the Americas: A Regional Summit on the Contributions of Earth Observations" held on September 3-8 in 2017 in Buenos Aires, Argentina strengthened the collective ability to share the many challenges of disaster risk reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) while promoting the awareness and better use of earth observations (EO). A simulation exercise took place during the summit. The exercise brought together government, emergency managers, earth observation data providers, academics, nongovernmental organizations, and commercial companies. The participants assessed the capabilities and needs of policymakers, regional and on-the-ground decision makers, and learned what information products can be produced, and when and how such products are available. This ER describes the description and results of the simulated scenario including the postexercise activity that captured the lessons learned from the participants

    ¡Escribamos Mejor!

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    Este Proyecto tiene como objetivo principal reconocer la importancia que tiene la ortografía, frente a la manera de expresar los pensamientos y sentimientos del hombre en forma escrita y realizar una investigación en el área de Castellano, Grado séptimo con el fin de detectar los principales problemas ortográficos que en éste se presentan, para tratar de mostrar a las estudiantes una forma más amena de abordar la ortografía. En este trabajo se crean y proponen un conjunto de estrategias pedagógicas, que se intentan integrar a las clases de Castellano en pro del mejoramiento de la ortografía

    Influencia de la formación profesional y de la capacitación en el desempeño de los docentes de la facultad de ingeniería industrial de la universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega

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    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la relación de la formación profesional y capacitación con el desempeño de los docentes en la Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería Industrial, de la Facultad de Ingeniería Administrativa e Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. El tipo de investigación fue descriptivo con método y diseño correlacional ya que se trató de establecer una relación asociativa entre las tres variables en estudioThe objective of the study was to determine the relationship of professional training and training with the performance of teachers in the Professional School of Industrial Engineering of the Faculty of Administrative Engineering and Industrial Engineering of the University Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. The type of research was descriptive with method and correlational design since an attempt was made to establish an associative relationship between the three variables under stud

    The mitochondrial elongation factor LeEF-Tsmt is regulated during tomato fruit ripening and upon wounding and ethylene treatment

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    A gene encoding an elongation factor LeEF-Tsmt that participates in the protein synthesis process in mitochondria shows strong expression in ripening fruit as compared to other organs. It is strongly up-regulated during the first stages of the ripening process in parallel with the climacteric rise in respiration. LeEF-Tsmt expression is stimulated by ethylene, wounding and high temperature but ethylene-insensitive mutants exhibit normal expression. Transgenic fruit have been generated in which LeEF-Tsmt has been constitutively up- and down-regulated. Surprisingly, altering the expression of the gene by genetic transformation with antisense and sense LeEF-Tsmt constructs did not affect the pattern of respiration and ethylene production during ripening and upon wounding. In addition, expression of the alternative oxidase gene which is known to play an important role in respiratory climacteric was not affected. Possible reasons for the absence of effect on respiration of variations of LeEF-Tsmt gene expression are discussed

    Evaluación de la aplicación del análisis no lineal al desarrollo de estructuras de concreto armado influenciadas por fuerzas símicas, en edificaciones urbanas: una revisión de la literatura científica de los años 2006 – 2019

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    Hoy en día, en el que definimos un mundo más especializado surgen nuevas teorías, filosofías o hipótesis que pretenden contrastar la realidad, para entenderla y poder controlarla. En la ingeniería civil en particular, el fin de esta investigación es dar una visión general sobre el análisis no lineal evaluándolo y dando a conocer sus ventajas y limitaciones; resulta muy necesario el poder comprender este ya que es un método planteado en la representación real del comportamiento de una estructura frente a esfuerzos, particularmente sísmicos, lo que a grandes rasgos podría redefinir el contexto de diseño y por ende desarrollo de estructuras de concreto armado. Para la realización de esta investigación se usaron artículos científicos, encontrados y filtrados en diversas fuentes de información Scribd, Redalyc, Scielo, etc. Cada estudio fue cuidadosamente analizado, cabe recalcar que se comprendieron estudias desde 2005 hasta 2019, para extraer información relevante a la investigación. Para la información obtenida se realizó el proceso de clasificación mediante el agrupamiento por categorías, que permitieron definir resultados y luego contrastarlos entre los mismos. Finalmente se presenta de todo lo obtenido conclusiones acordes a la investigación y se hace presente el hecho de la continuación con la investigación para la mejora continua del tema y definir así un mundo más acertado y seguro, en la Ingeniería Civil Estructural