765 research outputs found

    MEMORIAS | electronic literature + live coding performance

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    Memorias is a web-based artistic project by Jessica Rodríguez developed through the Estuary platform —an online platform to host live coding languages. It is based in six autobiographical writings connected to the way she “hears”, “writes”, “watches”, “reads”, “sees” and “listens” to the word. Through these texts, six code works were designed and programmed, hybridizing natural and computing languages by parsing three existing live coding languages: Tidal Cycles, Punctual, and CineCer0. Together, Memorias’ languages collide different materialities as well as visual and sonic approaches, going from voices in English, Spanish, Cello and Paetzold samples, audio and visual synthesis, and pre-recorded video clips. This project explores how speech and literature — in its written form— can be used as interfaces that allow the performer to communicate both, with the computer and the audience. Additionally, speech —in its sonic form— is moved through space and time, expanding the possibilities of spoken literature by producing unlimited variations of the “original” autobiographical writings. Within the space/time of the piece, the audience can experience different ways, textures and logics to approach visual and sound through the use of language as a memory trigger. For this conference, Memorias is be presented as an online collaborative performance by andamio.in, including Jessica Rodríguez, Rolando Rodríguez, Alejandro Brianza, and Luis M. Zirate. Credits: Voice in English_ Vic Wojciechowska (Canada) // Voice in Spanish and text edition_ Rolando Rodríguez (Mexico) // Cello_ Iracema de Andrade (Brasil-Mexico) // Paetzold_ Alejandro Brianza (Argentina) // Technical advisors_ David Ogborn (Canada) & Luis N. Del Angel (Mexico-Canada

    Lifting urban mobility for the poor: Cable-cars, travel satisfaction and subjective well-being

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    Studies on travel and life satisfaction in vulnerable Global South contexts are scarce. This paper contributes by addressing how travel satisfaction, neighborhood satisfaction, and social capital relate to life satisfaction among a low-income community in Bogotá (Colombia) as a case study. Building on the available literature, we propose six hypotheses to understand such relationships before and after a cable car implementation, considering control and treatment groups. We defined seven latent variables and three objective indicators. We tested the hypotheses using a multiple-cause multiple-indicator modeling approach, which allowed us to identify how the comprehensive cable car intervention impacts perceptions and life satisfaction. Results showed that the principal factors associated with life satisfaction were neighborhood satisfaction as well as leisure activity participation, while travel time and transport affordability had negative effects. Positive changes in satisfaction regarding the travel experience can trigger significant improvements in life satisfaction in low-income communities in Latin America

    Traffic characterization in a communications channel for monitoring and control in real-time systems

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    The response time for remote monitoring and control in real-time systems is a sensitive issue in device interconnection elements. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the traffic of the communication system in pre-established time windows. In this paper, a methodology based on computational intelligence is proposed for identifying the availability of a data channel and the variables or characteristics that affect the performance and data transfer, which is made up of four stages: a) integration of a communication system with an acquisition module and a final control structure; b) communication channel characterization by means of traffic variables; and c) relevance analysis from the characterization space using SFFS (sequential forward oating selection); d) Channel congestion classification as Low or High using a classifier based on Naive Bayes algorithm. The experimental setup emulates a real process using an on/off remote control of a DC motor on an Ethernet network. The communication time between the client and server was integrated with the operation and control times, to study the whole response time. This proposed approach allows support decisions about channel availability, to establish predictions about the length of the time window when the availability conditions are unknown

    Development of a non-radioactive molecular hybridization probe for detecting Strawberry mottle virus in strawberry

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    La propagación vegetativa del cultivo de frutilla favorece la transmisión de patógenos sistémicos, como es el caso de los virus, que constituyen uno de los principales factores limitantes. Se han descripto más de 20 virus que infectan esta especie; el Strawberry mottle virus (SMoV) es uno de los más frecuentes y responsable de importantes pérdidas económicas. Debido a la falta de antisuero disponible comercialmente para un diagnóstico serológico, el SMoV es detectado fundamentalmente mediante reacción en cadena de la polimerasa con transcripción reversa (RT-PCR). En este estudio se desarrolló una sonda de hibridación molecular no radioactiva para su detección. Se sintetizó cDNA con cebadores específicos diseñados a partir de la región 3’ no codificante del genoma viral. El cDNA obtenido fue clonado, marcado y utilizado como sonda. Se evaluaron seis protocolos de extracción de ARN viral a partir de plantas infectadas, de los cuales el método de bromuro de cetiltrimetilamonio modificado (CTAB) fue el más eficiente. Se evaluaron hojas de diferentes estados fenológicos y pecíolos, y fueron las hojas viejas y los pecíolos los que mostraron mayor reacción.The vegetative propagation of strawberries favors transmission of systemicpathogens, such as viruses, which are one of the main yield-limiting factorsfor this crop. More than 20 viruses have been described as infecting thisspecies; one of the most frequent is the Strawberry mottle virus (SMoV), whichis responsible for significant economic losses. SMoV is usually detected byreverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), given that serum isnot available for serological tests. In this study, a non-radioactive molecularprobe was developed for SMoV detection. The cDNA was synthesized byRT-PCR using specific primers designed from the 3?UTR region of the viralgenome. The cloned cDNA segment was labeled and used as a probe. Six RNAextraction protocols were evaluated, and the modified cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide (CTAB) method showed the highest sensitivity level. Leaves at differentphenological stages and petioles were evaluated; the highest reaction wasobserved in old leaves and in petioles.Fil: Asinari, Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Instituto de Patología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Cafrune, Eva Encarnacion. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Instituto de Patología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Guzman, F. A.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Instituto de Patología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Conci, Luis Rogelio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Instituto de Patología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Conci, Vilma Cecilia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Instituto de Patología Vegetal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentin


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    La educción de requisitos de software es una actividad propia de la primera fase del ciclo de vida del software, en ésta, se utilizan diferentes diagramas que ayudan al analista a efectuar el proceso de identificación y validación de requisitos de software, entre éstos, se utiliza el diagrama de objetivos de KAOS que permite: (i) establecer las responsabilidades de los actores; y (ii) expresar a los interesados (usuarios) la importancia del software futuro. En los trabajos que utilizan el diagrama de objetivos subsisten problemas tales como: (i) el analista es quien elabora el diagrama de objetivos de manera subjetiva; y (ii) no se identifica la trazabilidad del diagrama de objetivos obtenido con relación al universo del discurso presentado por el interesado en lenguaje natural. En este artículo, se realiza la identificación de los elementos básicos (objetivo, requisito, actor) del diagrama de objetivos de KAOS a partir de: (i) El uso del lenguaje natural; y (ii) la definición de reglas gramaticales. Este proceso sirve como punto de partida para: (i) la identificación de los demás elementos que componen el diagrama de objetivos de KAOS; y (ii) la elaboración automática de dicho diagrama. Palabras clave: Objetivo, requisito, actor, educción, desarrollo.The software requirements elicitation is an activity for the first phase of the software life cycle, in this, they use different diagrams that help the analyst to make the process of identifying and validating software requirements, among these, is used diagram KAOS goal enabling: (i) establish the responsibilities of the actors, and (ii) to express stakeholders (users) the importance of future software. In studies using the diagram of objectives still problems such as: (i) the analyst who prepared the diagram of objectives subjectively, and (ii) not identified traceability objectives diagram obtained in relation to the universe of discourse presented by the applicant in natural language. In this paper, we make the identification of basic elements (objective requirement actor) diagram KAOS goal from: (i) The use of natural language, and (ii) the definition of grammar rules. Thisprocess serves as the basis for: (i) identification of the other elements of the diagram KAOS goal, and (ii) the automatic production of this diagram

    Factors behind the success story of under-five stunting in Peru: a district ecological multilevel analysis

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    Background: Stunting prevalence in children less than 5 years has remained stagnated in Peru from 1992 to 2007, with a rapid reduction thereafter. We aimed to assess the role of different predictors on stunting reduction over time and across departments, from 2000 to 2012. Methods: We used various secondary data sources to describe time trends of stunting and of possible predictors that included distal to proximal determinants. We determined a ranking of departments by annual change of stunting and of different predictors. To account for variation over time and across departments, we used an ecological hierarchical approach based on a multilevel mixed-effects regression model, considering stunting as the outcome. Our unit of analysis was one department-year. Results: Stunting followed a decreasing trend in all departments, with differing slopes. The reduction pace was higher from 2007–2008 onwards. The departments with the highest annual stunting reduction were Cusco (−2.31%), Amazonas (−1.57%), Puno (−1.54%), Huanuco (−1.52%), and Ancash (−1.44). Those with the lowest reduction were Ica (−0.67%), Ucayali (−0.64%), Tumbes (−0.45%), Lima (−0.37%), and Tacna (−0.31%). Amazon and Andean departments, with the highest baseline poverty rates and concentrating the highest rural populations, showed the highest stunting reduction. In the multilevel analysis, when accounting for confounding, social determinants seemed to be the most important factors influencing annual stunting reduction, with significant variation between departments. Conclusions: Stunting reduction may be explained by the adoption of anti-poverty policies and sustained implementation of equitable crosscutting interventions, with focus on poorest areas. Inclusion of quality indicators for reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health interventions may enable further analyses to show the influence of these factors. After a long stagnation period, Peru reduced dramatically its national and departmental stunting prevalence, thanks to a combination of social determinants and crosscutting factors. This experience offers useful lessons to other countries trying to improve their children’s nutrition.Revisión por pare

    A database of global coastal conditions.

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    Remote sensing satellite imagery has the potential to monitor and understand dynamic environmental phenomena by retrieving information about Earth's surface. Marine ecosystems, however, have been studied with less intensity than terrestrial ecosystems due, in part, to data limitations. Data on sea surface temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll-a (Chlo-a) can provide quantitative information of environmental conditions in coastal regions at a high spatial and temporal resolutions. Using the exclusive economic zone of coastal regions as the study area, we compiled monthly and annual statistics of SST and Chlo-a globally for 2003 to 2020. This ready-to-use dataset aims to reduce the computational time and costs for local-, regional-, continental-, and global-level studies of coastal areas. Data may be of interest to researchers in the areas of ecology, oceanography, biogeography, fisheries, and global change. Target applications of the database include environmental monitoring of biodiversity and marine microorganisms, and environmental anomalies