2,724 research outputs found

    Semiconducting-to-metallic photoconductivity crossover and temperature-dependent Drude weight in graphene

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    We investigated the transient photoconductivity of graphene at various gate-tuned carrier densities by optical-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy. We demonstrated that graphene exhibits semiconducting positive photoconductivity near zero carrier density, which crosses over to metallic negative photoconductivity at high carrier density. Our observations are accounted for by considering the interplay between photo-induced changes of both the Drude weight and the carrier scattering rate. Notably, we observed multiple sign changes in the temporal photoconductivity dynamics at low carrier density. This behavior reflects the non-monotonic temperature dependence of the Drude weight, a unique property of massless Dirac fermions

    Bilateral Anterior Shoulder Dislocation

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    Introduction: Unilateral anterior shoulder dislocation is one of the most common problems encountered in orthopedic practice. However, simultaneous bilateral anterior dislocation of the shoulders is quite rare. Case Presentation: We report a case of a 75-year-old woman presented with simultaneous bilateral anterior shoulder dislocation following a trauma, complicated with a traction injury to the posterior cord of the brachial plexus. Conclusions: Bilateral anterior shoulder dislocation is very rare. The excessive traction force during closed reduction may lead to nerve palsy. Clear documentation of neurovascular status and adequate imaging before and after a reduction should be performed

    Simultaneous structural and control optimization via linear quadratic regulator eigenstructure assignment

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    A method for simultaneous structural and control design of large flexible space structures (LFSS) to reduce vibration generated by disturbances is presented. Desired natural frequencies and damping ratios for the closed loop system are achieved by using a combination of linear quadratic regulator (LQR) synthesis and numerical optimization techniques. The state and control weighing matrices (Q and R) are expressed in terms of structural parameters such as mass and stiffness. The design parameters are selected by numerical optimization so as to minimize the weight of the structure and to achieve the desired closed-loop eigenvalues. An illustrative example of the design of a two bar truss is presented

    A current disruption mechanism in the neutral sheet for triggering substorm expansions

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    Two main areas were addressed in support of an effort to understand mechanism responsible for the broadband electrostatic noise (BEN) observed in the magnetotail. The first area concerns the generation of BEN in the boundary layer region of the magnetotail whereas the second area concerns the occassional presence of BEN in the neutral sheet region. For the generation of BEN in the boundary layer region, a hybrid simulation code was developed to perform reliable longtime, quiet, highly resolved simulations of field aligned electron and ion beam flow. The result of the simulation shows that broadband emissions cannot be generated by beam-plasma instability if realistic values of the ion beam parameters are used. The waves generated from beam-plasma instability are highly discrete and are of high frequencies. For the plasma sheet boundary layer condition, the wave frequencies are in the kHz range, which is incompatible with the observation that the peak power in BEN occur in the 10's of Hz range. It was found that the BEN characteristics are more consistent with lower hybrid drift instability. For the occasional presence of BEN in the neutral sheet region, a linear analysis of the kinetic cross-field streaming instability appropriate to the neutral sheet condition just prior to onset of substorm expansion was performed. By solving numerically the dispersion relation, it was found that the instability has a growth time comparable to the onset time scale of substorm onset. The excited waves have a mixed polarization in the lower hybrid frequency range. The imposed drift driving the instability corresponds to unmagnetized ions undergoing current sheet acceleration in the presence of a cross-tail electric field. The required electric field strength is in the 10 mV/m range which is well within the observed electric field values detected in the neutral sheet during substorms. This finding can potentially account for the disruption of cross-tail current and its diversion to the ionosphere to form the substorm current wedge. Furthermore, a number of features associated with substorm expansion onset can be understood based on this substorm onset scenario

    Split Fracture: A Complication of Cerclage Wiring of Acute Patellar Fracture

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    Introduction: Iatrogenic patellar fracture is reported as a complication of patella procedures, such as medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction, reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee using bone-patellar tendon-bone technique, and resurfacing the patella in total knee arthroplasty. Case Presentation: A 65-year-old lady with right patella fracture was treated with open reduction and cerclage wiring. An iatrogenic split fracture was noted during tension of the cerclage wire and was successfully managed by screw fixation of the split fracture. Conclusions: Split fracture is a rare complication of circumferential cerclage wiring of patellar fracture. The surgeon should be aware of the contributing factors in order to avoid this complication

    How Does Competition Help Future Learning in Serious Games? An Exploratory Study in Learning Search Engine Optimization

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    Serious games, many of which are multi-player games, have been commonly used in information technology education and training. Competition can be intuitively associated with games; however, it is not always considered as a necessary attribute of serious games. Particularly, the learning impact results of competition are mixed. Challenge and control are two game attributes that are highly relevant to competition. With the use of a multi-player serious game, SEO War, this study aims to explore the relationships among competition, perceived control, perceived challenge, and self-efficacy in a game-based learning environment. Particularly, it investigates whether competition leads to self-efficacy. It also examines whether perceived challenge and perceived control mediate the relationship between competition and self-efficacy in serious games. This study contributes to the expanding literature on selecting important attributes for serious games, and it advances our understanding of the mechanism of how competition leads to self-efficacy. Moreover, it will help game designers decide on important game attributes through which games can be enhanced

    Capacity of Hybrid Wireless Networks with Long-Range Social Contacts Behavior

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    Hybrid wireless network is composed of both ad hoc transmissions and cellular transmissions. Under the L-maximum-hop routing policy, flow is transmitted in the ad hoc mode if its source and destination are within L hops away; otherwise, it is transmitted in the cellular mode. Existing works study the hybrid wireless network capacity as a function of L so as to find the optimal L to maximize the network capacity. In this paper, we consider two more factors: traffic model and base station access mode. Different from existing works, which only consider the uniform traffic model, we consider a traffic model with social behavior. We study the impact of traffic model on the optimal routing policy. Moreover, we consider two different access modes: one-hop access (each node directly communicates with base station) and multi-hop access (node may access base station through multiple hops due to power constraint). We study the impact of access mode on the optimal routing policy. Our results show that: 1) the optimal L does not only depend on traffic pattern, but also the access mode; 2) one-hop access provides higher network capacity than multi-hop access at the cost of increasing transmitting power; and 3) under the one-hop access mode, network capacity grows linearly with the number of base stations; however, it does not hold with the multi-hop access mode, and the number of base stations has different effects on network capacity for different traffic models.postprin

    Transcranial direct current stimulation to optimise participation in stroke rehabilitation – A Sham-Controlled Cross-Over feasibility study

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    Background: Fatigue and attentional decline limit the duration of many therapy sessions in older adults poststroke. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) may facilitate participation in rehabilitation, potentially via reduced fatigue and improved sustained attention poststroke. Objective: To evaluate whether tDCS results in an increase in the number of completed rehabilitation therapy sessions in stroke survivors. Methods: Nineteen participants were randomly allocated to receive 10 sessions of 2-mA anodal (excitatory) tDCS, or sham tDCS, applied to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) for 20 minutes within 1 hour prior to the first rehabilitation therapy session of the day. After a 2-day washout period, participants then crossed-over. Researchers applying the tDCS, and those recording measures were blinded to group allocation. The number of first rehabilitation therapy sessions completed as planned, as well as the total duration of rehabilitation therapy, were used to determine the influence of tDCS on participation in stroke rehabilitation. Results: The total number of first therapy sessions completed as planned did not vary according to group allocation (111 of 139 sessions for tDCS, 110 of 147 sessions for sham treatment; chi-square 1.0; P = .31). Conclusions: Our results suggest that, while tDCS to the DLPFC was well tolerated, it did not significantly influence the number of completed rehabilitation therapy sessions in stroke survivors

    Место и роль ценностей в механизме социализации

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    В статье рассматривается специфика механизма социализации и проблема ценностных ориентаций в условиях социокультурных трансформаций украинского общества. Определяются ценностные ориентиры гражданского общества как приоритетного для Украины.У статті розглядається специфика механізму соціалізації і проблема цінностних орієнтацій в умовах соціокультурних трансформацій українського суспільства. Визначаються цінностні орієнтири громадянського суспільства як приоритетного для України.The article deals with peculiarities of socialization and the problem of value ori-entation under the conditions of socio-cultural transformations of the Ukrainian society. We also define value orientation of the civil society as optimal for Ukraine

    Numerical studies of the fractional quantum Hall effect in systems with tunable interactions

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    The discovery of the fractional quantum Hall effect in GaAs-based semiconductor devices has lead to new advances in condensed matter physics, in particular the possibility for exotic, topological phases of matter that possess fractional, and even non-Abelian, statistics of quasiparticles. One of the main limitations of the experimental systems based on GaAs has been the lack of tunability of the effective interactions between two-dimensional electrons, which made it difficult to stabilize some of the more fragile states, or induce phase transitions in a controlled manner. Here we review the recent studies that have explored the effects of tunability of the interactions offered by alternative two-dimensional systems, characterized by non-trivial Berry phases and including graphene, bilayer graphene and topological insulators. The tunability in these systems is achieved via external fields that change the mass gap, or by screening via dielectric plate in the vicinity of the device. Our study points to a number of different ways to manipulate the effective interactions, and engineer phase transitions between quantum Hall liquids and compressible states in a controlled manner.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, updated references; review for the CCP2011 conference, to appear in "Journal of Physics: Conference Series