32 research outputs found

    A Study on the Use of Mixed Language in Teaching English at Hospitality Management Class

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    Learning English as a foreign language required some strategies to achieve the goal of communication. In teaching and learning process, the teacher and students frequently use their first language to explain the difficult word in English. This study aimed to investigate the language used by the teacher as communication strategies in teaching English as a foreign language and students’ responses toward the use of each type of language instruction in teaching English at Hospitality class. To investigate the study there were 2 teachers and 2 classes of hospitality management class as the subject. The data were collected through observation of teaching and learning process and interview session. The study was designed as descriptive qualitative research and the data were analyzed descriptively. The finding showed that the teacher used the target language frequently, however the used of mixed language to explain some difficult words also found in teaching and learning process. 

    Potency of Kaliasem Bark (Syzygium polychephalum) Extract as Antibacterial Agent for Staphylococcus aureus

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    Nosocomial infectious diseases are caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Treatment of infection can use drugs in the form of substances produced by a microorganism in the form of antibiotics. However, the problem that often arises with antibiotics is the occurrence of resistance. Alternatives that are able to overcome the problem of antibiotic resistance against bacteria are plants that have antibacterial activity, one of which is kaliasem (Syzygium polychephalum). This study aims to determine the compounds contained in the ethanol extract of the bark of kaliasem (Syzygium polychephalum) and to determine the potential of its activitiy on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus in vitro. The bark extract of kaliasem (Syzygium polychephalum) had been carried out by using maceration method. Determination of antibacterial activity was carried out by the disc diffusion method. The ethanolic extract of the bark of kaliasem (Syzygium polychephalum) contains antibacterial compounds such as tannins, phenolics, terpenoids, alkaloids and flavonoids and the ethanolic extract of the bark of kaliasem (Syzygium polychephalum) at concentrations of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% can inhibit growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria with an average inhibition zone of 15.85 mm, 18.36 mm, 23.64 mm, 28.58 mm, respectively. Therefore, it can be concluded that the ethanolic extract of the bark of kaliasem (Syzygium polychephalum) contains antibacterial compounds and has the potential to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria

    Differentiation and the Five As Concept in Digital Marketing of Small and Medium Enterprises During the Covid-19 Pandemic (a Study at Cepaka Village, Kediri Tabanan)

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the differentiation and the Five As digital marketing concept made by SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in Cepaka Village during the Covid-19 pandemic in maintaining their competitiveness. This was qualitative research with key informants consisting of 14 SME managers in Cepaka Village, Kediri, Tabanan Bali. The differentiation was viewed from the basis of products, services, personnel, marketing channels and images as well as marketing 4.0 (digital marketing) implementation in aspects of Mapping Customer Path throughout the Five As concepts. On average, the income of the SMEs in Cepaka Village decreased by 50%. The differentiation strategy consisted of a cost leadership strategy, service variations, expansion of marketing channels and special promotions of 20-30%. Only 3% of SMEs added marketing personnel. The implementation of digital marketing with the Five As approach did not work as intended. Digital marketing had to be done because of the demands of the Covid-19 pandemic, but the impact from this digital marketing strategy has shifted and did not perform optimally. The purchasing decisions were not based on Aware, Appeal, Ask; however, the purchasing decisions were made because of the priority needs and impacts of Covid-19. There was no brand loyalty or repurchase. The implication of this research was to provide a reference for SMEs to prioritize operations in the Covid-19 pandemic or other emergency situations that disrupt the operations of SMEs. Keywords: differentiation, the five as concept, digital marketing, SME

    The Impact of Social, Economic and Environment in Local Community Participation of Archeological Tourism Village Bedulu Gianyar, Bali

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    This study aims to measure the changes in the economic, socio-culture and community environment as the result of community participation at Bedulu tourism village activities. The activities of Bedulu tourist village involved the community in a various sector such as, economic, socio-culture and environment preservations. Quantitative descriptive method with quantitative regression analysis techniques applied in this research. The independent variable of this research is the local community participation (X), whereas the dependent variable consists with three economic impact (Y1), socio-culture (Y2), and environment (Y3). Purposive sampling technique conducted in order to explore the response of 50 respondents with tourism implementation impact in Bedulu tourism village. The sample consists of all local community participations and management in which involved with the tourism village. Findings to this research are the positive impact of the local community participation and significant effect on the change of economic, socio-culture and environmental preservation in Bedulu Tourism Village. The implication of this research is the incremental of local community participations in creative industries based on local community.

    Philosophy of Science on The Development of Palliative Nursing Practice in The Implementation of Long-Term Care for The Elderly: A Literature Review

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    As people gets older can increase health problems due to degenerative processes, thus requiring long-term care. Nurses as providers of palliative nursing care are based on nursing philosophy as a guide for acting and behaving in providing nursing care. Provide scientific information to nurses related to the role of philosophy of science in the development of palliative nursing practice that supports the implementation of long-term care in elderly. A literature review study, using various databases from Pubmed, Google Scholar, Science Direct and Research Gate. The inclusion criteria for searching for literature sources is the year of publication of the articles used starting from 2017 to 2022, in English, Indonesian and full articles. The search keywords are, nursing philosophy, nursing theory, palliative nursing, palliative care. Article selection was carried out using PRISMA and critical appraisal with a final total of 20 articles. The provision of palliative care to patients is carried out through a philosophical approach that emphasizes optimal quality of life and function, mitigates symptoms that cause sadness and promotes the values of care that focuses on comfort so as to reduce suffering and improve the quality of life of patients and families. Palliative nursing includes an understanding of the disease, pain management, and general symptoms, and follow-up care planning. Nurses are expected to make the philosophy of nursing as a basic of human as a holistic being in providing palliative nursing care

    Effectivity of Flipped Learning Combined with Team Based Learning Towards Academic Performance and Student Statisfaction in Medical Surgical Nursing Course

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    Introduction: Flipped classroom is an instructional model which is flipping the traditionally learning method used in class now being the homework for college students, while classes are conducted face to face using collaborative learning and inquiry-based learning method. This study aimed to explain the effectiveness of flipped classroom learning combined with team based learning toward learning achievement and satisfaction of nursing students. Methods: this was a quasi experimental study using non equivalent group post test only design. Population was year two students class A and class B, sample size was 161 students which is 81 students from class A and 80 students from class B. Results: more respondents were satisfied with flipped classroom learning combined with team based learning (92.6%). Mean rank of group undertaking flipped classroom combined with team based learning were higher (96.90) compared to group undertaking traditional method (64.91). Mann-whitney showed that p value = 0.000 which means there was a different of learning achievement between group of student  undertaking flipped classroom learning combined with team based learning and students undertaking traditional method. Conclusions : Flipped classroom combined with team based learning are  more effective than the traditional learning. It is recommended to use mix-method and larger sample for further study

    Community Leaders and Their Influence on Tourism Development in Bali

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    Purpose: This paper aims to identify and explain the role of community leaders in the development of tourism in Bali. Bali, which is known as a world tourism destination, is able to develop well and cannot be separated from the participation of the community and the figures in it. The role of community leaders in tourism development in their respective areas is interesting to observe, with the aim of understanding how the capital used by the figures synergizes with the community in developing a destination. Methodology: The data collection was done by observation and interviews and was analyzed using the cultural studies approach, especially the deconstruction method. Deconstruction is aimed at causing a hierarchical order that organizes the text. Findings: The results of the data analysis were presented in a descriptive and narrative form Social capital and cultural capital play an important role in the development of a region into a tourism destination area. Based on direct observations, it was found that some areas like Sanur, Ubud, Pemuteran, and Munduk could develop tourism with a sustainable and community-based concept. In four areas, based on observations and in-depth interviews, tourism in the four places could develop thanks to pioneers who were at the same time community leaders admired by the communities. This phenomenon is interesting to be examined, that is, from the community perspective the role of social and cultural capital in practice has a higher value than economic capital. Thus, this needs to be understood and important to be investigated, especially in the effort of developing sustainable tourism at the village level. Originality/Value: Based on the capital needed in tourism development, cultural capital is the very crucial one that functions to influence people to participate in and support the tourism activities developed in an are

    Gambaran Masalah Kesehatan Wisatawan Asing yang Berkunjung ke Pusat Pelayanan Kesehatan 2015

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    Pendahuluan: Perjalanan ke luar negeri dapat menimbulkan masalah kesehatan, perubahan kelembaban udara, suhu dan kuman penyakit adalah beberapa hal yang mampu mempengaruhi kesehatan wisatawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran masalah kesehatan wisatawan asing yang berkunjung ke pusat pelayanan kesehatan, layanan rawat jalan di rumah sakit Bali Royal Denpasar. Metode: Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sampel acak, berjumlah 181 responden yang berkunjung ke rumah sakit Bali Royal Denpasar. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masalah terbesar adalah observasi febris 14 (37.8%) dan diare 12 (46. 1%). Pembahasan: Faktor Lingkungan merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab, dimana lingkungan yang tidak sehat karena tercemar kuman serta berakumulasi dengan perilaku manusia yang tidak sehat pula. Kesimpulan: Dari total 181 responden, penyebab utama masalah kesehatan adalah disebabkan oleh infeksi dan penyakit lain. Infeksi dapat disebabkan oleh bakteri, virus serta lingkungan

    Procedure for Using Crystalloid and Colloid Fluids in Blood Pressure in Sectio Caesaria Patients Using Spinal Anesthesia Technique

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    Background: In Indonesia, the study about effectivity and side effect of colloid and crystalloid fluid have been completed, but the study about standard operating procedures (SOP) never have been done. The aim of this research was to describe and evaluate the SOP for the use of crystalloid and colloid fluids on blood pressure in sectio caesarea by using spinal anesthesia techniques. Method: The research employed a descriptive quantitative method by using a questionnaire. The basic features of crystalloid and colloid fluid selection were analyzed by multiple response tests. This research was conducted in type A hospitals in the Denpasar area by involving 30 anesthesiologist as a respondent. Result: The results indicated that 76.7% of respondents stated that there was no SOP for crystalloid and colloid fluids to prevent maternal hypotension in sectio caesarea by using spinal anesthesia techniques. In the multiple response tests, the effectiveness and side effects (21.3%) were the factors that had to be considered in the crystalloid and colloids fluid selection to prevent maternal hypotension in sectio caesarea by using spinal anesthesia techniques. The National Guideline of Medical Services for Anesthesiology and Incentive Therapy have been followed in determining the use of crystalloid and colloid fluids at section Caesarea. However, the guideline did not explain the basis for selecting crystalloid and colloid fluids to prevent maternal hypotension in sectio caesarea by using spinal anesthesia techniques in more detail, therefore the factors of effectiveness and risk of side effects are the main consideration