22 research outputs found

    Data Center Risks Analysis Through The COBIT Framework 4.1

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    Information Technology Governance in UIN Jakarta is the responsibility of the Pusat Teknologi Informasi dan Pangkalan Data (Pustipanda). Some troubles have occurred in the data center Pustipanda, among others the loss of courses and its values that have been inputted in the application of Academic Information System (AIS), loss of data that has been inputted on the application Beban Kinerja Dosen (BKD), damage data content on the portal in the environment UIN Jakarta. Risk analysis is needed to identify and anticipate and minimize risks which may occur. In this research, the risk analysis is using the COBIT 4.1 framework that is in the PO9 process (Manage and Assess IT Risk) as input towards PO9 is the domain of PO1, PO10, DS2, DS4, DS5, ME1, and ME4. Questionnaires which were distributed to respondents were developed from input variables. Respondents were chosen by purposive sampling method. The results of the questionnaire were recapitulated and calculated the value and degree of capability. The result of this research is the level of domain capability in data center Pustipanda is at level 2 (managed) with value 1.91. A fairly low value is obtained on DS4, DS5 and ME1 domains, which are 1.67, 1.88 and 0.67. Arosen risks from the majority of data center risk assessment were the absence of documented policies and procedure and lack of training for risk management measures at Pustipanda data center

    Mobile-based monitoring system for an automatic cat feeder using Raspberry Pi

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    In a Saheeh hadith it is explained that the cat is a clean animal that is free from najis, so keeping a cat is not something that is forbidden. One of the things that is important when keeping a cat is feeding. However, keeping a cat at home takes time and effort. In this digital era, the use of technology has penetrated all aspects of life. The objective of this research is to create a monitoring system for an automatic cat feeder using a webcam and a stepper motor that is connected to a Raspberry Pi as the main controller. The webcam can take pictures (photographs or videos) processed with the fswebcam and the avconv functions on the Raspberry Pi. The stepper motor can rotate the feed valve by utilising a General-Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pin and a program which is inserted into the Raspberry Pi. Next, the Raspberry Pi will be connected to the Internet and a server network so that the system control can be done remotely by using a web browser or web view on a mobile. The overall function of the system in the form of feeding the cat either directly or scheduled, as well as monitoring of photographs or videos around the feed. The results of a questionnaire showed that this system has a need value of 87.3% of 79 respondent cat keepers, meaning cat keepers will be greatly helped by the existence of this system

    Application of Unsupervised K Nearest Neighbor (UNN) and Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) Methods in Predicting Rupiah to Dollar

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    One of the factors in a country’s economy is the exchange value of the currency towards another currency. The exchange value of Rupiah towards Dollar (USA) can quickly change depending on the environmental conditions and has a huge impact for the Indonesian Government. In this research, Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) and Unsupervised K Nearest Network (UNN) was implemented in predicting the currency value towards dollar. The UNN method was used to predict the selling value of the currency, the LVQ method was used to predict the buying value of the currency. The input data that is used is the selling, buying and interest data times series of the currency from the central back of the United States.From the research result and discussions that was made, UNN can achieve the lowest MAPE, which is 1,544% with the amount of data as much as 25 and the LVQ algorithm can accurately achieve a forecast with the amount of data as much as 25 with the learning rate of 0,075.The amount of trained data and the many patterns that exist in one LVQ class method can affect the result of the study and the result of the system

    Perbandingan Seleksi Fitur Term Frequency & Tri-Gram Character Menggunakan Algoritma Naïve Bayes Classifier (Nbc) Pada Tweet Hashtag #2019gantipresiden

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    Towards an election year (elections) in 2019 to come, many mass campaign conducted through social media networks one of them on twitter. One online campaign is very popular among the people of the current campaign with the hashtag #2019GantiPresiden. In studies sentiment analysis required hashtag 2019GantiPresiden classifier and the selection of robust functionality that mendaptkan high accuracy values. One of the classifier and feature selection algorithms are Naive Bayes classifier (NBC) with Tri-Gram feature selection Character & Term-Frequency which previous research has resulted in a fairly high accuracy. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of Algorithm Naive Bayes classifier (NBC) with each selection and compare features and get accurate results from Algorithm Naive Bayes classifier (NBC) with both the selection of the feature. The author uses the method of observation to collect data and do the simulation. By using the data of 1,000 tweets originating from hashtag # 2019GantiPresiden taken on 15 September 2018, the author divides into two categories: 950 tweets as training data and 50 tweets as test data where the labeling process using methods Lexicon Based sentiment. From this study showed Naïve Bayes classifier algorithm accuracy (NBC) with feature selection Character Tri-Gram by 76% and Term-Frequency by 74%,the result show that the feature selection Character Tri-Gram better than Term-Frequency


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    Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam which is always mentioned parallel to prayer. The problems that exist in zakat institutions in Indonesia are low level of trust in muzaki in zakat payments through official institutions and tend to distribute zakat directly to mustahik. Zakat can attract sufficient attention from Muslim intellectuals, especially in the fields of research related to the development of zakat management. However, the growing zakat information system does not make it easier for muzaki to choose mustahik preferences, even though choice recommendations of mustahik is needed to make it easier for muzaki to choose mustahik preferences. The researcher was interested in applying the concept of recommendation in the Zakat Radar application by using the content based filtering method to produce a mustahik recommendation system with the term frequency inverse document frquency (tf-idf) technique.. This system is built using the Java programming language and MySQL as a database. The mustahik recommendation system has been successfully implemented in the Radar Zakat application, which produces 5 mustahik recommendations based on the highest weighting of the similarity of mustahik criteria chosen by the user. Similarity of mustahik criteria is based on the query of mustahik criteria chosen by the user, 5 queries of mustahik criteria are mustahik income, residence, facilities, number of dependents, and mustahik employment status. 

    IoT-based Integrated System Portable Prayer Mat and DailyWorship Monitoring System

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    Muslims have various difficulties in praying, such as difficulty memorizing the number of rak’ah they have been doing and determining the direction of the Qibla. In this research, we proposed a technological device for monitoring daily worship in Islam. We presented the IoT-based integrated system as a portable prayer mat serving as a rak’ah counter, Qibla direction finder, and a mobile worship monitoring system. A prototyping approach was used to produce a portable smart prayer mat, and Rapid Application Development was used to develop a mobile daily worship system. The device comprises an Arduino AT Mega 2560 powered portable prayer mat through a force-sensitive resistor sensor and an HMC 5883L compass module. The device sends the prayer activity to the worship applications in detail. The daily worship monitoring application itself has numerous features that enable users to track their daily worship activities, including the Hijri calendar, the time of compulsory prayers, the fulfillment of sunnah prayers, and fasting. Evaluation results showed that the system detected the rak’ah correctly in each cycle with average pressure to the FSR sensor of 81.36. The average time required to connect with a smartphone was 0.862 seconds. It also functions well as a Qibla finder. The black box testing results showed that the device and application performed effectively. It can send the worship data recapitulation to the application using Bluetooth


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    ABSTRAK Data center pada sebuah institusi telah di amati dan dianalisa untuk mendapatkan deskripsi mengenai keamamanan informasinya. Data center pernah mengalami insiden keamanan informasi berupa Shell Injection. Akibatnya, beberapa situs web tidak dapat diakses beberapa saat. Insiden ini dapat memperngaruhi proses bisnis institusi. Untuk menghindari masalah ini di masa depan, diperlukan audit keamanan informasi. Audit ini dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan framework COBIT 5. Dalam penelitian ini, audit keamanan indormasi dilakukan terhadap keamanan informasi data center dengan fokus pada proses APO13 (Manage Security) dan DSS05 (Manage Security Service). Penelitian ini Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui tahap Initiation, Planning the Assessment, Briefing, Data Collection, Data Validation, Process Attribute Level dan Reporting the Result. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui tingkat kemampuan APO13 dan DSS05 pada saat ini (As Is) bernilai 1,54 dan 1,68 atau pada level 2, yang berarti proses APO13 dan DSS05 telah dilakukan dan dipelihara sesuai dengan rencana kerja. Oleh karena itu tingkat berikutnya (to be) ditetapkan pada level 3. Untuk mencapai level 3, beberapa rekomendasi diberikan untuk menutupi gap yang telah ditentukan dalam proses APO13 dan DSS05. Data center harus membuat rencana kerja yang rinci, data center yang dikelola dengan baik dan memiliki standar yang jelas untuk diterapkan agar dapat mencapai tujuan bisnis   ABSTRACT A data center of an institution was observed and analyzed in order to get description about its information security.  The data center had ever experienced incidents of information security which is shell injection. As a result, some websites were not accessible for a moment. This incidents can affect business processes of the institution. In order to avoid this problem in the future, this institution needs information security audit. This audit can be done by using Framework COBIT 5. In this research,  an information security audit was conducted to Data Center Information Security by using Framework COBIT 5, focus on the process DSS05 (Manage Security Service) and APO13 (Manage Security). This research was conducted through some stages of initiation, planning the assessment, briefing, data collection, data validation, process attribute level and reporting the result. Form this research, the capability level of APO13 and DSS05 at this moment (as is) worth 1.54 and 1.68 or at level 2, which means process of APO13 and DSS05 had been done and maintained in accordance with the work plan. Therefore the next level (to be) set at level 3. In order to achieve level 3, some recommendations provided to cover the gap that has been determined in the process APO13 and DSS05. The data center have to make a detail work plan, well managed data center and have clear standard to be implemented in order to reach the business goal.How to Cite : Martin, I.M. Arini. Wardani, L. K. (2017). ANALISIS KEAMANAN INFORMASI DATA CENTER  MENGGUNAKAN COBIT 5. Jurnal Teknik Informatika, 10(2), 119-128. doi: 10.15408/jti.v10i2.7026Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/jti.v10i2.702

    User Interface User Exprience Gamification-Based E-Learning with Design Science Research Methodology

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    In 2020, the Islamic Elementary Teacher Working Group (KKG MI) held an E-Learning Training for Islamic Elementary School Teachers in DKI Jakarta about one of the gamification applications, Quizizz. According to observation, many teachers are still perplexed when utilizing the Quizizz program. This is due to the application’s design and different functionalities, which still appear complicated to some teachers who aren’t used to using it. The existing gamification application is also considered not to meet the learning needs at Islamic elementary schools in Jakarta. This study intends to analyze and design User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) designs for gamification-based e-learning applications as solutions to the problems found. Data collection begins with an observation and also a literature study, questionnaires, and interviews. For the design, Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) is used, which consists of six stages: Problem Identification & Motivation, Define the Objective for a Solution, Design & Development, Demonstration, Evaluation and Communication. The results of the evaluation of the gamification-based e-learning design designed with the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) and Task Success show that the e-learning design is considered attractive and users can interact with e-learning effectively and easily