9 research outputs found

    Desarrollo, trabajo y g茅nero: el caso de la Laguna de Yahuarcocha

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    El presente estudio propone valorar el papel de la mujer rural de los territorios aleda帽os a la Laguna de Yahuarcocha. Escenario propicio para generar una din谩mica econ贸mica en las comunidades de San Miguel de Yahuarcocha y Priorato donde las mujeres tienen un rol de importancia estrat茅gica. Se concluye que la participaci贸n de las mujeres en la din谩mica econ贸mica entorno a la Laguna de Yahuarcocha es determinante para el desarrollo del territorio sobre todo en el 谩mbito tur铆stic

    Global Future: Low-Carbon Economy or High-Carbon Economy?

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    This study critically examines the decarbonization of development in the context of the Anthropocene at the global level. A literature review is conducted that emphasizes the rationality of human beings to harmonize with the planet due to the low capacity of their human agency in the framework of the Anthropocene. The analysis recognizes that the possibility of transitioning to a decarbonized global economy or zero carbon emissions is not encouraging. Global energy production and CO2 emissions are concentrated in a dozen countries: China, United States, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Iran, India, Australia, Indonesia, and Brazil. These countries are part of societies with an advanced social metabolism that negatively impacts the production of CO2. In context, the COVID-19 pandemic has provided some level of environmental health for the planet, but the CO2 reduction levels are still insufficient to consider a positive impact towards 2030

    La agricultura residual: algunas implicaciones para su discusi贸n

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    This paper is a theoretical contribution and its objective is to give an approach to the construction of the concept of residual agriculture like an agricultural practice that has been intensified in rural Mexico. We evaluate a set of factors that link the rural to the urban and the effects in the current Mexican development model. We conclude that, as part of the way of capitalist production, there is an agricultural practice that has a sustained growth, but with negative consequences to the human being and to the environment and, in a wider point of view, it jeopardizes the viability of the existence of cities.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo aproximarnos a la construcci贸n de un concepto de agricultura residual como pr谩ctica agr铆cola que se ha intensificado en el M茅xico rural. Metodol贸gicamente, parte de una revisi贸n que valora un conjunto de elementos que vinculan lo rural/urbano as铆 como los efectos del modelo de desarrollo actual mexicano. Se concluye que como parte del modo de producci贸n capitalista, se consolida una pr谩ctica agr铆cola, que tiene un sostenido crecimiento con previsible consecuencias negativas al ser humano y al medio ambiente y en un marco m谩s amplio compromete la sustentabilidad de las ciudades

    Innovate or Perish: Food Policy Design in an Indigenous Context in a Post-Pandemic and Climate Adaptation Era

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    The objective of this study is to explore the strengths of indigenous food systems in Latin America within the framework of effective food policies. The analysis is based on the adaptive capacity of human beings, and, in this logic, it considers the food systems of Latin America to be relevant since in the face of challenges, such as climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic, indigenous peoples have been able to establish response strategies. However, beyond these responses, we find a region that has assumed a biopolitical stance with a tendency to design control policies in response to the pandemic. This situation has not improved the inequalities and vulnerabilities of a sector of the indigenous population in Latin America. The aforementioned challenges give a clear picture of the strengths of the region’s indigenous people, and knowledge of this interactive dynamic can provide elements for the design of food policies. In this sense, an exhaustive literature review was carried out in order to approach the state of the art of the issue. The analysis was derived from three analytical categories that in synergy and from an open innovation perspective, make a proposal for the design and implementation of effective food policies that allow a region to learn from local indigenous experiences in a context of food insecurity

    驴C贸mo un problema ambiental se transforma en una posibilidad econ贸mica para las comunidades rurales?

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    In this work the possibility considers of harmonizing the ecological and productive systems in the specific case of a species of plant with invading habits of growth. In this way it is tried to explore handling strategies that tend to the sustainable rural development. The exposition within the framework arises from analysis of an experience in the Amacuro Delta state, Venezuela. It was concluded that the proposal represents a real option with a multidimensional positive impact in the coastal poor rural communities.En este trabajo se plantea la posibilidad de armonizar los sistemas ecol贸gicos y productivos en el caso concreto de una especie de planta con h谩bitos de crecimiento invasores. Con ello se pretende explorar estrategias de manejo que tiendan al desarrollo rural sustentable. El planteamiento surge en el marco de an谩lisis de una experiencia en el estado Delta Amacuro, Venezuela. Se concluye que la propuesta representa una opci贸n real con un impacto positivo multidimensional en las comunidades rurales pobres ribere帽as

    Global Food Security in a Pandemic: The Case of the New Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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    The world is currently experiencing a pandemic: a virus in the family Coronaviridae is causing serious respiratory infections in humans. The outbreak of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic by the WHO on 11 March 2020. The outbreak began in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and has since spread throughout the world. Despite measures taken by governments throughout the world to contain and control the spread, economic disruption at the global level is imminent and will affect all economic sectors, particularly the food sector. In a post-pandemic scenario, the use of new technologies will be decisive in a new model of food commercialization. The production and distribution of food will be configured to make supply chains optimal and safe systems. Against this background, the present study aims to explore and analyze the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for global food security

    El estado del arte de la movilidad del transporte en la vida urbana en ciudades latinoamericanas

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    By a documentary analysis with a qualitative approach, the state of the art of mobility is shown through its manifestations in the territorial scope, identifying the challenge it聽represents for contemporary urban life in Latin America. It recognizes the relationship between mobility and sustainability as an essential element of survival for present-day cities, and the need for a strategic environmental assessment through a model of environmental thresholds. Its influence on the economy is analyzed as a main component of the demand of transport and its impact in the urban planning, mainly of the externalities. Congestion is addressed as a counterpart, and its origin, causes, common problems in Latin America, the contribution of urban transport and their effects on society are analyzed. Finally, solutions are reviewed to improve it through representative examples, and the implementation of public policies with three main approaches: citizen鈥檚 quality of life, efficiency, and sustainability. Both successful and failed results are recognized. Through the identification of its configurator elements, it is a panorama that specifies the need to incorporate these concepts in measuring the quality of life of people.聽En un an谩lisis documental con enfoque cualitativo, se muestra el estado del arte de la movilidad por medio de sus manifestaciones en el 谩mbito territorial, identificando el desaf铆o que representa para la vida urbana contempor谩nea en Latinoam茅rica. Se reconoce la relaci贸n entre movilidad y sostenibilidad como elemento imprescindible de supervivencia para las ciudades actuales, y la necesidad de una evaluaci贸n ambiental estrat茅gica a trav茅s de un modelo de umbrales ambientales. Se analiza su influencia sobre la econom铆a como principal componente de la demanda de transporte y su impacto en el planeamiento urbano, principalmente de las externalidades. La congesti贸n se aborda como contraparte, y se analizan su origen, causas, problemas comunes en Latinoam茅rica, la contribuci贸n del transporte urbano y sus efectos en la sociedad. Finalmente se revisan las soluciones para mejorarla mediante ejemplos representativos, y la aplicaci贸n de pol铆ticas p煤blicas con tres enfoques principales: la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, la eficiencia, y la sostenibilidad. Se reconocen resultados tanto exitosos como fallidos. A trav茅s de la identificaci贸n de sus elementos configuradores, resulta un panorama que precisa la necesidad de incorporar estos conceptos al medir la calidad de vida de las personas.

    Pr谩cticas y saberes comunitarios en la Sierra Norte de Puebla: el caso del caf茅, sus plagas y enfermedades

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    Los saberes comunitarios son conocimientos y experiencias acumuladas de los pueblos que son transmitidos mediante la observaci贸n, la pr谩ctica, la reproducci贸n, leyendas, mitos, historias de vida y en general mediante la oralidad, a las nuevas generaciones. Estos conocimientos implican organizaci贸n social, actividades econ贸micas, cosmovisiones, t茅cnicas y tecnolog铆as donde ha incidido una serie de aspectos (econ贸micos, institucionales y de saberes tradicionales). Las comunidades de la Sierra Norte de Puebla pertenecen principalmente a pueblos originarios, conservan diversas experiencias sobre el cultivo del caf茅, sus plagas y enfermedades, y es por lo tanto una actividad ligada al saber popular. El presente an谩lisis se enfoca a la exploraci贸n de casos en comunidades de pueblos originarios en la Sierra Norte del estado de Puebla, pertenecientes a los municipios de Pahuatl谩n, Ixtepec y Cuatempan. Los hallazgos dan como resultado c贸mo se construye la percepci贸n, de acuerdo con el historial de experiencia y trayectoria en el manejo de plagas y enfermedades que vienen afrontando a lo largo de los a帽os, as铆 como el significado de la introducci贸n del caf茅 en su vida cotidiana

    The World of Reciprocity: Forms of Social Capital among the Indigenous Totonacs of the Sierra Norte de Puebla

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    The aim was to explore social capital in the Totonac ethnic group with the idea of identifying its sources and proposing how social capital is perceived and understood from a different centre of knowledge than the Western one. Methodologically, the study was based on a qualitative approach using the following research techniques: semi-structured interview and ethnographic work from a participant observation perspective. The results allowed us to observe, at least in the Totonac culture, changes in the way of understanding and practicing some relationships, including reciprocity, which in the study were approached from two analytical axes, namely, from the interpersonal relationships of the Totonacs and from the relationships with nature. We can conclude that from the Totonac culture, the perception and operation of social capital responds to a different logic. We can confirm this from the experiences narrated by the Totonac group of the Sierra Norte de Puebla, who from their cosmovision possess a social dynamic where reciprocity unfolds in their different social practices and acquires meaning from their roots, nuanced through their own cultural expressions and manifestations. Finally, a research agenda is proposed to explore social capital in the rest of the native cultures