142 research outputs found

    比较分析与研究中西法律翻译问题——以合同 法为例

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    El avance de la globalización y la expansión constante de la estrategia china de “la Franja y la Ruta” han llevado a las relaciones económicas y comerciales cada vez más estrechas entre China y España, en las que el derecho contractual desempeña un papel fundamental. Una traducción exacta al chino de derecho contractual español contribuye a promover mejor los intercambios y la cooperación entre ambos países. No obstante, el desarrollo del campo de la traducción jurídica español-chino todavía está en sus inicios y muchas traducciones adolecen de diversos problemas. Una traducción jurídica inexacta puede acarrear algunas consecuencias graves e irreversibles. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es conocer y analizar los problemas de traducción jurídica español-chino, centrándose concretamente en la parte de derecho contractual del Código Civil español. La hipótesis que se plantea es que en las traducciones jurídicas del español al chino publicadas con autoridad siguen existiendo problemas textuales, lingüísticos y extralingüísticos debido a las excesivas diferencias entre las lenguas y los ordenamientos jurídicos de China y España. Para confirmar esta hipótesis, este trabajo presenta un análisis comparativo basado en tres corpus: los artículos e índice de derecho contractual del Código Civil español y la traducción china publicada del Código Civil español, así como mi propia traducción, con el fin de identificar los problemas existentes y proponer soluciones concretas. El presente trabajo se divide en seis capítulos. El primer capítulo ofrece una introducción, seguido de los capítulos dos y tres, que se emplean una metodología descriptiva y comparativa para aportar los fundamentos teóricos jurídicos del trabajo. En concreto, se abordan una serie de conceptos básicos y teorías importantes dentro del ámbito de la traducción jurídica que están estrechamente relacionados con el estudio empírico posterior, así como una comparación de los ordenamientos jurídicos entre China y España. Los capítulos cuatro y cinco son el estudio empírico, se exponen un análisis comparativo y cualitativo de los tres corpus y se clasifican los problemas encontrados. En el capítulo seis se presentan las conclusiones, limitaciones y posibles futuras líneas de investigación. El estudio realizado confirma esta hipótesis, ya que en la parte de derecho contractual de la traducción publicada se encuentran problemas de traducción textual, lingüística y extralingüística, tales como: la traducción errónea de los términos jurídicos, la ortografía incorrecta de los números, etc. Aparte de formular propuestas para resolver dichos problemas, este trabajo también se propone que la traducción jurídica requiere un trabajo en equipo y que la formación de los traductores jurídicos debería incluir cursos especializados en algunas áreas específicas del derecho.随着全球化发展和中国“一带一路”战略的不断拓展,中国和西班牙经贸往来日益密 切,其中合同法发挥着弥足轻重的作用。精确的西班牙合同法中译本有利于更好的促进 两国的经贸交流与合作。然而,目前中西法律翻译领域的发展仍处于雏形阶段,许多译 本存在着各式各各样的问题,而一个不精确的法律翻译文本可能会造成一些严重且不可 挽回的后果。 本研究聚焦于《西班牙民法典》的合同法部分,旨在了解和分析中西法律翻译问题。 本文ᨀ出的假设是:目前市面上具有权威性的已出版西译中法律翻译文本仍存在由 于两国语言和法律制度差异过大而造成的文本、语言和语言外问题。为了证实这一假设, 本文以西班牙民法典中的合同法条文、已出版的《西班牙民法典》中文翻译和我本人的 翻译这三项语料库为基础,进行定性和比较分析,以发现其中存在的翻译问题并ᨀ出具 体的解决方案。 本文共分为六个章节。第一章是对课题的总体介绍,之后的第二章和第三章采用᧿ 述和比较的方法,为本文ᨀ供理论基础。具体来说,由于法律翻译领域内的一系列基本 概念和重要理论与后续的实例研究有着密切的联系,因此对其进行了论述,并对中西的 法律制度进行了简单比较。第四章和第五章为实例研究,对三项语料库进行对比分析并 针对存在的问题进行分类和归纳。第六章为研究结论并指出本文存在的不足和对未来可 能的研究方向。 通过研究证实了这一猜想,因为本文发现已出版译本中确实存在文本、语言和语言 外的翻译问题,如:法律术语翻译错误、数字书写不当等。除了针对这些问题ᨀ出了具 体的解决方法外,本文还ᨀ出法律翻译需要团队协作;对于法律译者的培训,应适当加 入一些特定法律领域的专业课程。Máster Universitario en Comunicación Intercultural, Interpretación y Traducción en los Servicios Públicos. Especialidad e

    Distribution of Leptospira Serogroups in Dogs from Berlin, Germany

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    Leptospirosis is a bacterial zoonosis in which dogs can act as a reservoir for human infection. The annual vaccination of dogs can prevent leptospirosis caused by serovars included in the vaccine. To date, all available vaccines in Germany include only the serovars Icterohaemorrhagiae and Canicola, the most commonly found serovars prior to the introduction of the leptospirosis vaccines. Yet, the involvement of additional serovars in the clinical presentation of leptospirosis in dogs has been described. The objective of this sero-epidemiological study was to examine the different Leptospira serovars currently circulating in a population of dogs suspicious for leptospirosis from Berlin. In 329 dogs presenting at the Small Animal Clinic in Berlin, the predominant serogroup was Australis (24%), followed by Grippotyphosa (20%) and Pomona (9%). A total of 18% of the dogs were diagnosed with clinical leptospirosis; here the most prevalent serogroups were also Australis (28%), Grippotyphosa (18%), and Pomona (14%). The serovar prevalence data presented here confirm that a change of pattern of infecting Leptospira serovars in dogs has taken place in Berlin. This data corresponds to further sero-epidemiological studies from other regions in Germany. To ensure human and canine health, available vaccines should be adapted to include the most important circulating serovars

    O Teste de Habilidade Específica enquanto cerceador do acesso à licenciatura em Artes Visuais: Um estudo de caso na UFRR

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198373489047O presente artigo tem como objetivo contribuir nas ações de acesso nos cursos de graduação de uma maneira geral, e nos cursos de formação de professores de Artes Visuais, de forma específica, realizando um estudo de caso (MAZZOTI, 2006) sobre a experiência de seleção de novos acadêmicos na Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR). Na referida universidade. o Teste de Habilidade Específica, em vias de extinção, é a segunda etapa de seleção para entrada de novos estudantes, em que avalia-se os conhecimentos básicos do campo das Artes Visuais. No texto, defenderemos que tal teste não só criou barreiras de acesso via Sistema de Seleção Unificada (SISU), como também reforçou os discursos ideológicos do "talento" e do "dom" (MÉSZÀROS, 2006). Recebido em: 23/09/2013Aprovado em: 15/10/2013

    Ensino de Artes Visuais na UFSM: de sua gênese à atualidade

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    O presente artigo é resultado de uma pesquisa que investigou como transcorreu o processo de formação de professores para o ensino de Artes Visuais na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), em termos de memória curricular, desde sua gênese até o momento histórico atual. Como se trata de análise documental no sentido de verificar todo um processo histórico de construção curricular para a formação dedocentes, essa pesquisa pretendeu entrar nos meandros curriculares que foram evidência, nos diferentes Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos que se estabeleceram emuarenta anos. Após estudo realizado em documentos existentes no Centro de Artes e Letras, Reitoria e históricos escolares de egressos foi possível construir a memória curricular dos cursos de licenciatura em Arte Visuais oferecidos pela UFSM. Em alguns momentos coexistem mais de um Projeto Político Pedagógico, devido ao fato de com a criação de um novo curso não estar  ecessariamente condicionada à extinção imediata do existente anteriormente. Justifica-se a importância do estudo da memória curricular dos cursos de licenciatura em Artes Visuais, na construção de programas que envolvam ensino, pesquisa e extensão, pois é uma revisão sobre as políticas públicas e concepções sobre o ensino das Artes Visuais, nos últimos 40 anos, no Brasil.Palavras Chave  : Ensino das Artes Visuais; memória histórica; Projeto Político Pedagógico

    Colour evolution of Betelgeuse and Antares over two millennia, derived from historical records, as a new constraint on mass and age

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    After core hydrogen burning, massive stars evolve from blue-white dwarfs to red supergiants by expanding, brightening, and cooling within few millennia. We discuss a previously neglected constraint on mass, age, and evolutionary state of Betelgeuse and Antares, namely their observed colour evolution over historical times: We place all 236 stars bright enough for their colour to be discerned by the unaided eye (V ≤ 3.3 mag) on the colour-magnitude-diagram (CMD), and focus on those in the Hertzsprung gap. We study pre-telescopic records on star colour with historically critical methods to find stars that have evolved noticeably in colour within the last millennia. Our main result is that Betelgeuse was recorded with a colour significantly different (non-red) than today (red, B − V = 1.78 ± 0.05 mag). Hyginus (Rome) and Sima Qian (China) independently report it two millennia ago as appearing like Saturn (B − V = 1.09 ± 0.16 mag) in colour and ‘yellow’ (quantifiable as B − V = 0.95 ± 0.35 mag), respectively (together, 5.1σ different from today). The colour change of Betelgeuse is a new, tight constraint for single-star theoretical evolutionary models (or merger models). It is most likely located less than one millennium past the bottom of the red giant branch, before which rapid colour evolution is expected. Evolutionary tracks from MIST consistent with both its colour evolution and its location on the CMD suggest a mass of ∼14 M⊙ at ∼14 Myr. The (roughly) constant colour of Antares for the last three millennia also constrains its mass and age. Wezen was reported white historically, but is now yellow

    Fenofibrate unexpectedly induces cardiac hypertrophy in mice lacking MuRF1

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    The muscle-specific ubiquitin ligase muscle ring finger-1 (MuRF1) is critical in regulating both pathological and physiological cardiac hypertrophy in vivo. Previous work from our group has identified MuRF1's ability to inhibit serum response factor and insulin-like growth factor-1 signaling pathways (via targeted inhibition of cJun as underlying mechanisms). More recently, we have identified that MuRF1 inhibits fatty acid metabolism by targeting peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) for nuclear export via mono-ubiquitination. Since MuRF1−/− mice have an estimated fivefold increase in PPARα activity, we sought to determine how challenge with the PPARα agonist fenofibrate, a PPARα ligand, would affect the heart physiologically. In as little as 3 weeks, feeding with fenofibrate/chow (0.05% wt/wt) induced unexpected pathological cardiac hypertrophy not present in age-matched sibling wild-type (MuRF1 +/+) mice, identified by echocardiography, cardiomyocyte cross-sectional area, and increased beta-myosin heavy chain, brain natriuretic peptide, and skeletal muscle α-actin mRNA. In addition to pathological hypertrophy, MuRF1−/− mice had an unexpected differential expression in genes associated with the pleiotropic effects of fenofibrate involved in the extracellular matrix, protease inhibition, hemostasis, and the sarcomere. At both 3 and 8 weeks of fenofibrate treatment, the differentially expressed MuRF1−/− genes most commonly had SREBP-1 and E2F1/E2F promoter regions by TRANSFAC analysis (54 and 50 genes, respectively, of the 111 of the genes >4 and <−4 log fold change; P≤.0004). These studies identify MuRF1's unexpected regulation of fenofibrate's pleiotropic effects and bridges, for the first time, MuRF1's regulation of PPARα, cardiac hypertrophy, and hemostasis

    Transcriptomics assisted proteomic analysis of Nicotiana occidentalis infected by Candidatus Phytoplasma mali strain AT

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    Phytoplasmas are pathogenic bacteria within the class of Mollicutes, which are associated with more than 1000 plant diseases. In this study, we applied quantitative mass spectrometry to analyse affected pathways of the model plant tobacco (Nicotiana occidentalis) upon Candidatus Phytoplasma mali strain AT infection. Using tissue obtained from leaf midribs, 1466 plant-assigned proteins were identified. For 1019 of these proteins, we could reproducibly quantify the expression changes of infected versus noninfected plants, of which 157 proteins were up- and 173 proteins were downregulated. Differential expression took place in a number of pathways, among others strong downregulation of porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism and upregulation of alpha-linolenic acid metabolism, which was consistent with observed increased levels of jasmonic acid, a key signal molecule of plant defence. Our data shed light on the molecular networks that are involved in defence of plants against phytoplasma infection and provide a resource for further studies