116 research outputs found

    Una revisión sobre algunas metodologías de intervención socioeducativa

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    En este artículo, el autor nos presenta una revisión sobre las metodologías de intervención socioeducativas. Comienza haciendo una revisión del concepto intervención, para después hacer un repaso de los diferentes métodos. El artículo se centra especialmente en la intervención comunitaria y más en concreto, en las actuaciones educativas.________________________________ The author of this article aims at showing a complete revision of the different socioeducative intervention methodologies. He starts by revising the concept of intervention and then he goes through the different methods. The article focuses on communal/conummity intervention and specifically on educative interventions

    Research report : Recovering memories of people, crafts and communities - challenging the colonization of a lost life-world

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    This paper reports on research concerning a specific form of colonization – colonization by globalised industrial mass production. This has replaced a life-world (lebenswelt)- characterized by crafts and languages that have become or are increasingly becoming extinct species. Though specific to a locality in Spain, this process of colonization has wider resonance for all those contexts worldwide witnessing the loss of crafts and their related languages through the processes of hegemonic globalisation. People are losing the sense of belonging to a symbolic and geographical territory. Systematic research for recovering this can be considered a generator of experiences and learning. These experiences are related toidentity as an element which enables people to understand how individuals establish relationships amongst themselves and with the environment. This identityis always linked to the way through which people understand the territory. At the same time,it is a powerful element for transforming it. An important part of this identity relates to the traditional production system and, within that, the notion of crafts and craftsmen. This is a work in process. The first outcomes of the research are related to some descriptive categories such as: the crafts associated with the River; the use of the River to transport goods and people; the family ties associated to craft; the cosmopolitanism of the people and the changes which this generates; the role of women; and the River as a magical and mysterious place. My educational goal is to use this research to produce adult education materials based on community history, materials that can help communities articulate their identity, as opposed tomaterials taking anabstract skills-based learning approach.peer-reviewe

    Reflexiones sobre la acción socioeducativa en materia de inserción laboral con personas inmigrantes

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    En el presente artículo pretendemos acercarnos a la problemática de la inserción laboral de los inmigrantes desde la perspectiva que se trata de un acontecimiento más dentro de su propio proceso de integración social en la sociedad de acogida, sin menoscabo de las propias contradicciones que entrañan las características del proceso migratorio, una de cuyas finalidades principales es el retorno. Hemos recogido diversas aportaciones que tienen que ver con la inserción laboral de los jóvenes, tema que nos aporta referencias diversas para comprender procesos con colectivos deferentes, pero con las mismas dificultades. Por último, y como aportación a la formación de personas que deben trabajar con inmigrantes, proponemos el método de los incidentes críticos como un elemento de desarrollo de las competencias profesionales desde los planteamientos de Donald Schön.In this article we expect to approach to the labour market problematic of the migrant people from the point of view that it is an event more of the own process in the social integration in the host society, without diminish own contradictions to the migrant process, one of the principal aims is the return. We have collected some contributions in relation with the laboral insertion of the young people, issue that present different points of view for understanding similar process with different collectives, with the same problems. At last like a contribution to the training of the people who must work with migrant population, we propose «the critical incident method» like an element for developing the professional competences, based on the Donald Schön ́s suggestions

    Reka in ljudje. Pristop k spominom, obrti in izobraževanju odraslih

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    The main aim of this article is to describe an ongoing study to recover the memories of the people and the traditional crafts associated with the Guadalquivir River where it passes through a town called C., 12km from the city of S. in the south of Spain. It seems that people are losing their sense of belonging to both a symbolic and geographical territory. The process for recovering it can be considered a generator of experiences and learning. These experiences are related to identity as an element which enables people to understand how individuals establish relationships amongst themselves and with the environment. The paper describes the process of research based on interviewing people to capture their experiences. This is a work in process. The first outcomes are related to a number of descriptive categories such as: the crafts associated with the River; the use of the River to transport goods and people; the family ties associated with the crafts; the cosmopolitanism of the people and the changes ensuing from it; the role of women; and the River as a magical and mysterious place. Preliminary conclusions call on us to consider the importance of recovering traditional crafts as a source of adult education, and of maintaining a cultural identity threatened by globalisation processes.Glavni namen članka je opisati raziskavo v teku, s katero poskušamo obuditi spomine ljudi in tradicionalno obrt v povezavi z reko Guadalquivir na točki, kjer teče skozi kraj C. 12 kilometrov od mesta S. na jugu Španije. Zdi se, da tukajšnji ljudje izgubljajo občutek pripadnosti tako simboličnemu kot geografskemu ozemlju. Proces spominjanja in obnavljanja je lahko generator izkušenj in učenja. Te izkušnje so povezane z identiteto kot elementom, ki ljudem omogoča razumevanje, kako posamezniki ustvarjajo medsebojna razmerja in vezi z okoljem. Prvi rezultati raziskave, ki še poteka, so povezani z več opisnimi kategorijami, na primer: obrt, povezana z reko; uporaba reke za prevoz blaga in ljudi; družinske vezi, povezane z obrtjo; svetovljanstvo prebivalcev in posledične spremembe; vloga žensk ter reka kot magičen in skrivnosten kraj. Preliminarne ugotovitve nas vabijo, da premislimo o pomembnosti obnavljanja tradicionalne obrti kot viru v izobraževanju odraslih in o vzdrževanju kulturne identitete ob grožnji globalizacijskih procesov

    A construção da cidadania participativa através da educação

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    Neste artigo procuro discutir as relações entre educação, neste caso particular entre educação de adultos, e participação, enquanto caminhos e formas de cidadania. Parto do pressuposto de que a participação e a cidadania estão inter-relacionadas: os indivíduos só são cidadãos de pleno direito se tiverem possibilidades de participar na res publica. Abordo igualmente a Investigação Participativa enquanto metodologia de desenvolvimento do processo de participação. De seguida, apresento quatro experiências relacionadas com o Orçamento Participativo adoptado na cidade de Sevilha. O final deste artigo inclui algumas conclusões que destacam as tensões e as contradições que emergem dessas experiências

    Paulo Freire. A Educação como Instrumento para a Justiça Social

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    Este artículo presenta las ideas principales del pensamiento de Paulo Freire. Se ha seguido para ello una estructura tradicional para desarrollar brevemente las propuestas del autor: un recorrido por la vida y la bibliografía y la presentación de los elementos considerados esenciales en su obra. La última parte está dedicada a discutir sobre la actualidad del pensamiento de Freire en relación a cuestiones como la ciudadanía y la Justicia Social. El texto termina analizando la utilidad de sus aportaciones si asumimos una perspectiva crítica y reflexivaThis article presents the main ideas of Freire´s thought. It can be considered a traditional presentation to briefly develop life and works, and his main ideas. The last section is devoted to discuss about the actuality of Freire´s ideas in relation to issues such as citizenship and Social Justice. The article ends analysing the usefulness of his contributions if we assume a critical and reflexive perspective.Este artigo apresenta as ideias principais do pensamento de Paulo Freire. Seguiu-se para isso uma estrutura tradicional para desenvolver brevemente as propostas do autor: um percurso pela vida e a bibliografia e a apresentação dos elementos considerados essenciais em sua obra. A última parte está dedicada a discutir sobre a atualidade do pensamento de Freire em relação a questões como a cidadania e a Justiça Social. O texto termina analisando a utilidade de suas contribuições se assumirmos uma perspectiva crítica e reflexiva

    Construir uma argamassa contra-hegemónica: Reflexões sobre Educação Desenvolvimento

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    Pretendemos, com este artigo, reflectir sobre educação e desenvolvimento. Para tal, é nossa intenção rever diversos conceitos, dando especial relevo à interculturalidade. Terminaremos com uma referência aos trabalhos de Freire e Gramsci

    “The Continuous Restart”: Case Study on Young Adults in Societies in Fast Transition

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    In this paper we reflect upon the role of young adults in local development processes in social contexts characterised by strong transition trends. The analysis of two sequentially different generations gives us important elements to arrive at some conclusions about social change, according to the theoretical framework we use

    Adult Education to Become Citizen. An Experience from Southern Europe

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    In this paper, we present a reflection on experiences with adult education and participation. We consider citizenship as something connected to social justice and to social inclusion