1,146 research outputs found

    Basal cell carcinoma

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    Vemos na região frontal de um paciente masculino, fototipo II de Fitzpatrick, lesão ulcerada com bordas papulosas róseas e peroladas, correspondendo a Carcinoma Basocelular. É lesão maligna originária das células não- queratinizadas da camada basal da epiderme, sendo a forma mais comum de câncer em humanos. Estima-se em torno de 100.000 casos/ano no Brasil. Ocorre predominantemente em pele exposta de indivíduos com pouca capacidade de se bronzear. Pode se tornar invasivo, mas raramente metastatiza

    Basal cell carcinoma

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    Actinic keratoses

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    As ceratoses actínicas são neoplasmas cutâneos encontrados predominantemente em pele exposta, sendo formas incipientes de carcinoma espinocelular. Essas lesões são usualmente conseqüências da exposição solar crônica em indivíduos com fototipo I e II de Fitzpatrick. O diagnóstico é predominantemente clínico. Numerosos tratamentos estão disponíveis, e alguns deles são importantes por tratarem toda a superfície da pele acometida. Faltam, na literatura, estudos comparativos randomizados e prospectivos dos diferentes tratamentos. Neste trabalho, é apresentada uma revisão da literatura sobre ceratoses actínicas.Actinic keratoses are cutaneous neoplasms predominantly found on sun-exposed surfaces. They are incipient forms of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. These lesions are usually a consequence of long-term solar radiation in individuals with Fitzpatrick skin phototypes I and II. Diagnosis is predominantly based on clinical appearance. Several treatment options are available, and some of them are important to treat entire surface areas. Literature is lacking in prospective randomized studies comparing these treatments. In this article we review the scientific literature on actinic keratoses


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    As ceratoses actínicas são neoplasmas cutâneos encontrados redominantemente em pele exposta, sendo formas incipientes de carcinoma espinocelular. Essas lesões são usualmente conseqüências da exposição solar crônica em indivíduos com fototipo I e II de Fitzpatrick. O diagnóstico é predominantemente clínico. Numerosos tratamentos estão disponíveis, e alguns deles são importantes por tratarem toda a superfície da pele acometida. Faltam, na literatura, estudos comparativos randomizados e prospectivos dos diferentes tratamentos. Neste trabalho, é apresentada uma revisão da literatura sobre ceratoses actínicas.Unitermos: Ceratose actínica, fotoenvelhecimento

    Forming Realistic Late-Type Spirals in a LCDM Universe: The Eris Simulation

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    Simulations of the formation of late-type spiral galaxies in a cold dark matter LCDM universe have traditionally failed to yield realistic candidates. Here we report a new cosmological N-body/SPH simulation of extreme dynamic range in which a close analog of a Milky Way disk galaxy arises naturally. Termed Eris, the simulation follows the assembly of a galaxy halo of mass Mvir=7.9x10^11 Msun with a total of N=18.6 million particles (gas + dark matter + stars) within the final virial radius, and a force resolution of 120 pc. It includes radiative cooling, heating from a cosmic UV field and supernova explosions, a star formation recipe based on a high gas density threshold (nSF=5 atoms cm^-3 rather than the canonical nSF=0.1 atoms cm^-3), and neglects AGN feedback. At the present epoch, the simulated galaxy has an extended rotationally-supported disk with a radial scale length Rd=2.5 kpc, a gently falling rotation curve with circular velocity at 2.2 disk scale lenghts of V2.2=214 km/s, a bulge-to-disk ratio B/D=0.35, and a baryonic mass fraction that is 30% below the cosmic value. The disk is thin, is forming stars in the region of the Sigma_SFR - Sigma_HI plane occupied by spiral galaxies, and falls on the photometric Tully-Fisher and the stellar mass-halo virial mass relations. Hot (T>3x10^5 K), X-ray luminous halo gas makes only 26% of the universal baryon fraction and follows a flattened density profile proportional to r^-1.13 out to r=100 kpc. Eris appears then to be the first cosmological hydrodynamic simulation in which the galaxy structural properties, the mass budget in the various components, and the scaling relations between mass and luminosity are all consistent with a host of observational constraints. (Abridged)Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication on the Astrophysical Journa