39 research outputs found

    Role of forest in water regime and local climate

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    V současné době lidská společnost řeší poměrně zásadní problémy, jako je nedostatek vody a klimatické změny. Lesní porosty dokáží velmi účinně využívat velké množství sluneční energie k přeměně kapalné vody na vodní páru, a zároveň tak ochlazovat klima. Vědci Makarieva a Gorškov vytvořili teorii, podle které mají lesy i funkci generátorů vzdušné vlhkosti, což je proces nezbytný pro doplňování sladké vody na pevnině. Tato teorie je založena na gradientu tlaků mezi různými místy. Vzduch proudí z míst s nižším odpařováním a vyšším tlakem vzduchu (oceán), do míst s vyšším odpařováním a tím pádem nižším tlakem vzduchu (les). V práci jsou popsány základní mechanismy teorie biotické pumpy. Zároveň je uvedeno několik příkladů odlesňování, které vedlo k výraznému snížení srážek v dané oblasti, a ke snížení dostupnosti vody pro lidskou společnost. Také je zmíněno několik příkladů pokusu o revitalizaci desertifikované krajiny, kdy je snahou, aby kulturní krajina imitovala přirozenou vegetaci. Tyto projekty jsou založeny především na zadržování dešťové vody.Nowadays human society is dealing with comparatively essential problems, such as lack of water and chmate changes. Forests are able to use a great amount of solar radiation efficiently to change liquid water to water steam alongside climate cooling down. Scientists Makarieva and Gorshkov made up a theory which claims that forests are also generators of air humidity. The process is absolutely necessary for replenshing fresh water on land. This theory is based on gradient of pressures among different places. Air flows from places with lover evaporation and higher pressure (ocean) to locations with higher evaporation and lower pressure (forest). In this thesis are described basic mechanisms of theory of biotic pump. Simultaneously there are stated several examples of deforestation, which resulted in significant reduction of precipitation in that area and reduction of accessibility of water for human society. There are also mentioned several examples of attempt to revitalize desertificated area, where the effort is to make cultural landscape to imitate natural vegetation. These projects are primary based on retaining rainwater.Katedra ekologieDepartment of EcologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Metrics of Growth Habit Derived from the 3D Tree Point Cloud Used for Species Determination-A New Approach in Botanical Taxonomy Tested on Dragon Tree Group Example

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    Detailed, three-dimensional modeling of trees is a new approach in botanical taxonomy. Representations of individual trees are a prerequisite for accurate assessments of tree growth and morphological metronomy. This study tests the abilities of 3D modeling of trees to determine the various metrics of growth habit and compare morphological differences. The study included four species of the genus Dracaena: D. draco, D. cinnabari, D. ombet, and D. serrulata. Forty-nine 3D tree point clouds were created, and their morphological metrics were derived and compared. Our results indicate the possible application of 3D tree point clouds to dendrological taxonomy. Basic metrics of growth habit and coefficients derived from the 3D point clouds developed in the present study enable the statistical evaluation of differences among dragon tree species.O

    MALDI MSI of MeLiM melanoma: Searching for differences in protein profiles

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    Background Treatment of advanced cutaneous melanoma remains challenging, and new data on melanoma biology are required. The most widely accepted criteria for the prognostic evaluation of melanoma are histopathological and clinical parameters, and the identification of additional tumor markers is thus of paramount importance. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI MSI), an important tool in cancer research, is useful for unraveling the molecular profile of melanoma. Methodology/Principal findings In this report, we used the melanoma-bearing Libechov minipig (MeLiM), a unique animal model that allows observation of the complete spontaneous regression of invasive cutaneous melanoma, to investigate i) the differences between melanoma and healthy skin protein profiles and ii) the proteins potentially involved in spontaneous regression. The MeLiM tissues were cryosected, histologically characterized, analyzed by MALDI MSI, and immunohistologically stained. Multivariate statistical analyses of the MALDI MSI data revealed ten relevant m/z ions, of which the expression levels varied significantly among the studied MeLiM tissues. These ion peaks were used to create mass ion images/maps and visualize the differences between tumor and healthy skin specimens, as well as among histologically characterized tissue regions. Conclusions/Significance Protein profiles comprising ten statistically significant mass ion peaks useful for differentiating cutaneous melanoma and healthy skin tissues were determined. Peaks at m/z 3044, 6011, 6140 and 10180 were overexpressed in melanoma compared with healthy skin tissue. More specifically, m/z 6140 was expressed at significantly (p < 0.05) higher levels in normally growing melanoma regions than in regions with early and late spontaneous regression. This study demonstrates the clinical utility of MALDI MSI for the analysis of tissue cryosections at a molecular level

    Social and economic charakterization of Norway (country, which doesn`t need European union)

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    Autroka se v práci zabývá socioekonomickou situací Norska a vztahy Norska a Evropské unie.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Vegetable production accounting

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    The bachelor thesis focuses on vegetable production accounting. The thesis is divided into two parts - a theoretical and practical one. In the theoretical part we deal with a classification of biological assets in vegetable production, their assessing and bookkeeping in the Czech Republic. The IAS 41 - Agriculture is explicated in a separate chapter. The practical part of this bachelor thesis concentrates on the application of knowledge mentioned in the theoretical part. We analyse practices of a specific farming business in the Czech Republic

    Labour market analysis in the Czech Republic from the regional point of view

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    Nezaměstnanost je velmi aktuální téma moderní doby. Ovlivňuje prakticky každého člověka ať už přímo nebo nepřímo. Cílem této práce je analýza pracovního trhu z pohledu regionů České republiky se zaměřením na nezaměstnanost. V teoretické části práce vysvětluji základní pojmy a definice týkající se trhu práce a především nezaměstnanosti. Analytická část se zaměřuje na porovnávání nezaměstnanosti v jednotlivých krajích v rámci České republiky na základě dat z Českého statistického úřadu.The unemployment is very current topic. It affects almost every person even directly or indirectly. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyse labour market in the Czech Republic from the regional point of view. The theoretical part explains basic terms and definitions related to labour market and mainly unemployment. Analytical part of this thesis focuses on the comparison of unemployment in individual Czech regions based on the data published by the Czech Statistical Office

    Accounting shared services centers and their performance evaluation

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    This diploma thesis focuses on the area of outsourcing and shared services centers. It includes general characteristics of outsourcing. It deals in addition with definition and description of koncept shared services, its history, advantages, disadvantages, comparison with similar organization models and strategic aspects of this concept. Part of thesis focuses on audit in area of shared services center. This thesis deals with issues of performance management of accounting shared services centers in areas of accounts payable and accounts receivable in the USA, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The practical part of this thesis is established on mentioned theoretical themes. There is described and evaluated situation in specific accounting shared services center in the Czech Republic from view of performance and maturity of shared services center