208 research outputs found

    Kathryn M. Grossman, The Later Novels of Victor Hugo. Variations on the Politics and Poetics of Transcendence

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    Avec ce volume, l’auteur achève «a project that has spanned several decades» (p. VII). Après un premier essai consacré en 1986 aux quatre premiers romans de Hugo, de Han d’Islande à Notre-Dame de Paris, suivi en 1994 par une étude sur Les Misérables, le présent ouvrage, dédié aux Travailleurs de la mer, à L’Homme qui rit et à Quatrevingt-Treize, vient compléter un triptyque d’ensemble sur l’œuvre romanesque de l’écrivain.Une œuvre que Grossman envisage comme unitaire, et animée par une esthét..

    Pierre Popovic, La Mélancolie des “Misérables”. Essai de sociocritique

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    Fra i suoi meriti maggiori il saggio di Pierre Popovic annovera la chiarezza. Essa non contraddistingue tanto lo stile, generalmente mosso da un gergo teorizzante col quale il lettore deve necessariamente scendere a patti, quanto il tentativo di esplicitare metodo, modelli, finalità e di organizzare il discorso in categorie razionali e schemi illustrativi. Nel titolo è già dichiarato il duplice programma del libro: una lettura dei Misérables, un esperimento di sociocritica. L’introduzione occ..

    Transparence poétique. La poésie et les codes entre deux révolutions (N.-G. Léonard, A. Chénier, Lamartine)

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    Le Romantisme serait à la littérature ce que 1789 est à la politique. Cette idée, qui date du Romantisme, n’a pas vraiment été remise en question. Elle oblitère pourtant vingt années d’histoire littéraire car les Méditations poétiques paraissent en 1820. Qu’en est-il notamment de la poésie parue entre 1789 et l’essor de Lamartine, Vigny et Hugo, dont on a souvent souligné le caractère artificiel, froid et alambiqué ? Elle prépare la poésie à venir. Parny, Léonard ou encore Chénier adoptent une rhétorique de la transparence prosaïque qui leur permet de légitimer la poésie face aux attaques que la Raison porte alors contre l'artifice poétique.Romanticism would be to literature what 1789 is to politics. This idea, which dates back to Romanticism, has not really been challenged. However, it obliterates twenty years of literary history because the Poetic Meditations were published in 1820. What about the poetry published between 1789 and the rise of Lamartine, Vigny and Hugo? Critics have often noted its artificial, cold and convoluted nature. Yet she is preparing the poetry to come. Poets such as Parny, Léonard or Chénier adopted a rhetoric of prosaic transparency that allowed them to legitimize poetry against the attacks that Reason then made against poetic artifice

    Bibliographie complète de l’œuvre de Francesco Orlando 1960-2014

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    Cette bibliographie contient le répertoire complet des mononographies, articles, préfaces, mémoires et ouvrages de fiction de Francesco Orlando, publiés pendant sa vie et posthumes, ainsi qu’une sélection d’entretiens et articles de presse. Pour un inventaire exhaustif des interventions journalistiques et des entretiens écrits, audio ou vidéo nous renvoyons à la bibliographie contenue dans Sei lezioni per Francesco Orlando. Teoria ed ermeneutica della letteratura (textes recueillis par P. Ama..

    Le cinéma italien d’aujourd’hui. Entre film politique et film engagé, Transalpina, no 19, textes recueillis par Mariella Colin et préfacés par Rossella Giardullo

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    Le numéro 19 de Transalpina offre un panorama du cinéma italien contemporain. Il fait suite au colloque « Le cinéma italien d’aujourd’hui, entre film politique et film engagé » organisé à l’université de Caen Normandie à l’automne 2015 par l’équipe de recherche ERLIS EA 4254. En ouverture, Jean A. Gili pose les repères théoriques et historiques nécessaires à la bonne compréhension de ce cinéma. Le lecteur trouvera ensuite des études monographiques consacrée..

    Hugo e la responsabilitĂ  del nuovo. Effetti di modernitĂ  nella lirica prima dell'esilio

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    Questa tesi è dedicata alla prima grande fase della produzione poetica di V. Hugo, dai primi versi d'infanzia all'ultima raccolta prima dell'esilio (1815-1840). Il lavoro intende rivalutare questa parte dell'opera del poeta che la critica ha trascurato negli ultimi decenni ; secondo due punti di vista strettamente dipendenti fra loro : proporne un'interpretazione d'insieme a partire dalle costanti tematiche più importanti; rivendicarne il ruolo decisivo nell'inaugurazione della modernità poetica in Francia. Il primo capitolo è dedicato alo studio di una delle costanti più evidenti di tutta la produzione del poeta, a cui però non è mai stato dedicato uno studio monografico : l'infanzia e in particolare il rapporto fra il bambino e l'adulto. Il secondo capitolo è uno studio monografico non della tematica infantile ma della produzione infantile del poeta, cui non era mai stato dedicato uno studio approfondito : i versi scritti fra 13 e 15 anni. Nel terzo capitolo, più teorico che analitico, viene avanzata l'ipotesi della modernità poetica hugoliana, a partire dal concetto di 'pregnanza storica' col quale s'intende valorizzare il nuovo rapporto che la poesia hugoliana istitutisce con la nuova realtà del mondo uscito dalla Rivoluzione francese. Il quarto capitolo s'incentra sull'analisi di due poesie fra le più importanti del periodo, al fine di illustrare la complessità del rapporto fra il soggetto e l'autorità divina, rapporto in cui si esplica in maniera più intensa e decisiva la chiave interpretativa già emersa nei capitoli precedenti. Infine, due appendici arricchiscono la ricerca ; in esse le tesi principali del lavoro vengono sottosposte a verifica anche su un altro genere letterario, il teatro, e su un'opera della seconda grande fase della poesia hugoliana, un poema metafisico scritto negli anni 1850-1860

    Prégnance historique et modernité dans la poésie du premier Hugo

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    1 Partons d’une page bien connue de Baudelaire parue dans la Revue fantaisiste en 1861 : Victor Hugo représentait celui vers qui chacun se tourne pour demander le mot d’ordre. Jamais royauté ne fut plus légitime, plus naturelle, plus acclamée par la reconnaissance, plus confirmée par l’impuissance de la rébellion. Quand on se figure ce qu’était la poésie avant qu’il apparût, et quel rajeunissement elle a subi depuis qu’il est venu ; quand on imagine ce peu qu’elle eût été s’il n’était pas ven..

    Alternative, Non-secretase Processing of Alzheimer's β-Amyloid Precursor Protein during Apoptosis by Caspase-6 and -8

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. Although the pathogenesis of AD is unknown, it is widely accepted that AD is caused by extracellular accumulation of a neurotoxic peptide, known as Abeta. Mutations in the beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP), from which Abeta arises by proteolysis, are associated with some forms of familial AD (FAD) and result in increased Abeta production. Two other FAD genes, presenilin-1 and -2, have also been shown to regulate Abeta production; however, studies examining the biological role of these FAD genes suggest an alternative theory for the pathogenesis of AD. In fact, all three genes have been shown to regulate programmed cell death, hinting at the possibility that dysregulation of apoptosis plays a primary role in causing neuronal loss in AD. In an attempt to reconcile these two hypotheses, we investigated APP processing during apoptosis and found that APP is processed by the cell death proteases caspase-6 and -8. APP is cleaved by caspases in the intracellular portion of the protein, in a site distinct from those processed by secretases. Moreover, it represents a general effect of apoptosis, because it occurs during cell death induced by several stimuli both in T cells and in neuronal cells

    Changes in soil aggregation and glomalin-related soil protein content as affected by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices.

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are key organisms of the soil/plant system, influencing soil fertility and plant nutrition, and contributing to soil aggregation and soil structure stability by the combined action of extraradical hyphae and of an insoluble, hydrophobic proteinaceous substance named glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP). Since the GRSP extraction procedures have recently revealed problems related to co-extracting substances, the relationship between GRSP and AM fungi still remains to be verified. In this work the hypothesis that GRSP concentration is positively correlated with the occurrence of AM fungi was tested by using Medicago sativa plants inoculated with different isolates of Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices in a microcosm experiment. Our results show that (i) mycorrhizal establishment produced an increase in GRSP concentration – compared to initial values – in contrast with non-mycorrhizal plants, which did not produce any change; (ii) aggregate stability, evaluated as mean weight diameter (MWD) of macroaggregates of 1–2 mm diameter, was significantly higher in mycorrhizal soils compared to non-mycorrhizal soil; (iii) GRSP concentration and soil aggregate stability were positively correlated with mycorrhizal root volume and weakly correlated with total root volume; (iv) MWD values of soil aggregates were positively correlated with values of total hyphal length and hyphal density of the AM fungi utilized. The different ability of AM fungal isolates to affect GRSP concentration and to form extensive and dense mycelial networks, which may directly affect soil aggregates stability by hyphal enmeshment of soil particles, suggests the possibility of selecting the most efficient isolates to be utilized for soil quality improvement and land restoration programs

    Efecto del cambio del plan de estudio sobre el desempeño de los alumnos de Edafología

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    El curso de Edafología se encuentra ubicado en tercer año de la carrera de Ingeniería Agronómica. La promoción de los alumnos se realiza mediante tres modalidades: alumno regular sin examen final, con examen final y como alumno libre con examen final. En el año 2005 se estableció un nuevo plan de estudios, vigente, que produjo un cambio sustancial en la intensidad del curso de Edafología, hubo otro cambio como la eliminación de correlatividades de segundo grado. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el impacto del cambio de régimen de cursada cuatrimestral a anual sobre el desempeño de los alumnos de Edafología entre los años 2002-2011. Se analizó la cursada de 16 semanas, años 2004-2007, con la anual, de 22 semanas, años 2008-2011 y los finales de 10 años. El cambio de régimen de cursada, no ha podido revertir el comportamiento de la población estudiantil, manteniendo la tendencia hacia lo opción de promoción con examen final. Se observó una disminución en la presentación de los alumnos a los exámenes. La disminución de los alumnos que no promocionan Edafología podría atribuirse a que pueden terminar de cursar la integridad de las asignaturas de la carrera postergando ese requisito.Eje temático 4: La gestión curricular e institucional a - Planes de estudios: perfiles profesionales, flexibilización curricular, procesos de cambio y evaluación de la formación profesionalFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale
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