405 research outputs found

    Educação do campo e cultura indígena: uma (re)introdução nos costumes do indígena Potiguara

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    The research aimed to analyze the importance of the culture and its indigenous customs with together with the children of the 3rd grade of Elementary School I of the Escola Estadual Akajutibiró, understanding the significance of indigenous education in dealing with culture and tradition in the Potiguara community. We selected the descriptive research with a qualitative approach and visited to the school field for three times to identify if the unit presented on projects wich one could share indigenous cultural knowledge. When realizing that the only school project in this bias was extinct, we put the garden project into practice at school. And then it was possible to realize the colaborative learning of the students during the building of the workshop in a meanful way to continue the research according to Cacique’s requested. As a result, this study revealed that indigenous school education has advanced, especially after the insertion of field education professionals, but still needs to be quite discussed and put into practice according to the reality of each community. Although this type of education is guaranteed by law, as a differentiated education, methodologies are still lacking, which ends up disrupting some educational possibilities that are associated with the culture and tradition of the indigenous Potiguaras.A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a importância da cultura e de seus costumes indígenas junto às crianças da 3o série do Ensino Fundamental I da Escola Estadual Akajutibiró, compreendendo a significância da educação indígena ao tratar de cultura e tradição na comunidade Potiguara. Selecionamos a pesquisa descritiva com abordagem qualitativa e realizamos três visitas na escola campo buscando identificar se a unidade escolar apresentava projetos que pudessem partilhar saberes culturais indígenas. Ao perceber que o único projeto da escola nesse viés estava extinto, colocamos em prática o projeto horta na escola e foi possível perceber a participação das crianças na construção da oficina de forma favorável com o incentivo para continuar o estudo a partir da solicitação do Cacique Geral. Como resultado, esse estudo revelou que a educação escolar indígena tem avançado, principalmente após a inserção de profissionais da Educação do Campo, mas, ainda precisa ser bastante discutida e colocada em prática de acordo com a realidade de cada comunidade. Por mais que esse tipo de educação seja assegurada por lei, como uma educação diferenciada, as metodologias ainda deixam a desejar, o que acaba atrapalhando algumas possibilidades educativas que estejam associadas com a cultura e tradição dos povos indígenas Potiguaras

    More than a common place: a social representations approach to the Internet

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    This article aims to investigate the common sense knowledge about the Internet across social groups from the perspective of social representations theory. We inquired 1013 participants (students, teachers, and guardians) from three schools, using the ranked association technique, the General Internet Attitudes Scale and the Web-Use Skill Measure Index. Prototypical and textual correspondence analysis were run on the verbal data. Results showed that the Internet's representation vary across social groups, being organized along a media-message axis and a personal-social axis. While students, participants with lower education level and positive attitudes toward the Internet have a personal media usage representation, teachers and participants with higher education levels showed a greater focus on the social message. The study is significant because it shows that the Internet is still not consensual, suggesting a connection with social identity that future research should explore to better understand and bridge digital divide

    Temporary Immersion System for Micropropagation of Tree Species: a Bibliographic and Systematic Review

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    This paper was characterized by a bibliometric and systematic review on the database ISI Web of Science, aiming to provide an update of the main points addressed regarding the Temporary Immersion Systems (TIS) for micropropagation of tree species. It was pointed out that the frequency and time of immersion were one of the main parameters studied in the papers and 35% these papers worked with eucalyptus species. The main problem reported in the papers was the hyperhydricity, but it was overcome via procedures such as: a) air injection into the system, b) increasing the immersion intervals and decreasing the immersion time and c) decreasing concentration of cytokinin. Most papers reported that TIS produced plants that were more successful in surviving the ex-vitro acclimation stage than those produced on semi-solid media or continuous immersion systems. Few studies compared different types of temporary immersion bioreactors on micropropagation of plants and within the established criteria, papers with TIS tree species represented only 15% of the total. This system has presented promising results for most of the tree species, and although some gaps have been identified and few are the works with tree species, this process has been taking an increasingly larger space in the propagation of plants

    Activities with parents on the computer: Science teachers' views

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    An ecological framework, named activities with parents on the computer (APC), was proposed in order to promote the collaboration between school and home as well as new literacies. In this study, we address teachers' views on APC. Seven teachers who have attended training courses (pre- or in-service) were inquired via email. Their statements were submitted to a content analysis. Results revealed a plethora of reasons why APC was not being used, including technological, socio-economic, and educational policy reasons. The findings urge us to think of activities with parents on the Internet, in order to favour the usage of mobile devices, especially in disadvantaged milieus. Besides training, teachers' mindsets should open so as to accept the amplification of their field of action and an interaction and collaboration with other community partner

    Total water potential variation in a soil table land topsequence, during two years

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    O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar quinzenalmente, em 1996 e 1997, a variação do potencial total da água ao longo do tempo, em solos de uma topossequência de tabuleiro localizada em Sapeaçu, BA. Esta topossequência tinha as seguintes características: a) comprimento de 190 m; b) declividade média de 0,097 m m-1; c) cultivo com laranja; d) Latossolo Amarelo argissólico coeso, no terço superior; e) Argissolo Amarelo coeso, no terço médio; f) Argissolo Acinzentado não coeso, no terço inferior. A umidade do solo foi medida com sonda de nêutrons, nas profundidades de 0,30, 0,70, 1,10 e 1,50 m. Com base nas respectivas curvas de retenção, obteve-se o potencial matricial e, em seguida, o potencial total da água, para cada solo, profundidade e tempo. A camada coesa dificulta o fluxo de água no solo, tanto no processo de molhamento como no de secamento. Em consequência, o potencial total da água em solos com camada coesa varia bruscamente na camada mais superficial, ao longo do tempo, e mais lentamente nas camadas mais profundas. Em solo não coeso, a variação brusca do potencial ocorre apenas na camada mais superficial. O limite de tensão de água no solo de -1.500 kPa como sendo o ponto de murchamento permanente não se aplica à cultura dos citros.The objective of this work was to evaluate, fortnightly, during 1996/1997, the total soil water potential variation in a tableland topsequence in Sapeaçu county, BA, Brazil. This topsequence had the following characteristics: a) length of 190 m; b) slope of 0.097 m m-1; c) orange as growing crop; d) the upper third with a cohesive argisolic Yellow Latosol; e) the middle third with a cohesive Yellow Argisol; and f) the lower third with a non-cohesive Gray Argisol. Soil water was estimated by neutron probe at depths of 0.30, 0.70, 1.10, and 1.50 m. Based on water retention curves, matric potential and, in sequence, total soil water potential were determined, for each soil and depth in different times. The cohesive layer makes difficult the water flow in the soil profile, both in the wetting and in the drying processes. Consequently, the total water potential in soils with cohesive layer changed abruptly in the most superficial layer, during the time, and slowing in the deepest layers. In non-cohesive soil, the water potential changed abruptly only in the most superficial layer. The -1,500 kPa limit of soil water pressure as permanent wilting point is not applied to orange crop

    Polyphenols as antioxidants for extending food shelf-life and in the prevention of health diseases: encapsulation and interfacial phenomena

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    Toxicity caused by the exposure to human-made chemicals and environmental conditions has become a major health concern because they may significantly increase the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), negatively affecting the endogenous antioxidant defense. Living systems have evolved complex antioxidant mechanisms to protect cells from oxidative conditions. Although oxidative stress contributes to various pathologies, the intake of molecules such as polyphenols, obtained from natural sources, may limit their effects because of their antioxidant and antimicrobial properties against lipid peroxidation and against a broad range of foodborne pathogens. Ingestion of polyphenol-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, help to reduce the harmful effects of ROS, but the use of supramolecular and nanomaterials as delivery systems has emerged as an efficient method to improve their pharmacological and therapeutic effects. Suitable exogenous polyphenolic antioxidants should be readily absorbed and delivered to sites where pathological oxidative damage may take place, for instance, intracellular locations. Many potential antioxidants have a poor bioavailability, but they can be encapsulated to improve their ideal solubility and permeability profile. Development of effective antioxidant strategies requires the creation of new nanoscale drug delivery systems to significantly reduce oxidative stress. In this review we provide an overview of the oxidative stress process, highlight some properties of ROS, and discuss the role of natural polyphenols as bioactives in controlling the overproduction of ROS and bacterial and fungal growth, paying special attention to their encapsulation in suitable delivery systems and to their location in colloidal systems where interfaces play a crucial role.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UID / QUI / 50006/2019Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032492Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. SFRH / BD / 100889/2014Xunta de Galicia | Ref. 10TAL314003P

    Cryopreservation of Vasconcellea quercifolia St.-Hil (Caricaceae) Zygotic Embryos

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    Vasconcellea quercifolia A. St.-Hil. (Caricaceae) is a tropical fruit species native to Brazil, with a great importance in plant breeding programs. The V. quercifolia has a resistance to the main diseases of Caricaceae, Papaya Ringspot Virus (PRSV). Considering its potential, cryopreservation becomes a tool for the conservation of this species. The objective of this paper was to study the cryopreservation of V. quercifolia zygotic embryos through dehydration in silica gel. Excised zygotic embryos were dehydrated in silica at 0, 20, 40, 80 and 100 minutes and then inoculated in MS medium. The percentage of germinated and recovered embryos, and growth analysis were evaluated, besides water content. Subsequently, they were acclimatized in a growth room with temperature controlled. For cryopreservation, the embryos were excised and dehydrated in silica for 0, 20, 40 and 60 minutes, immersed in Liquid Nitrogen (LN) for 1 hour, thawed in Recovery Solution (RS) and inoculated in MS medium. After 30 days, the percentage of germinated and recovered embryos was evaluated. The silica gel promotes a fast dehydrate of embryos. The results showed that embryo dehydration affected seedling development, and dehydration for over 20 minutes showed a reduction in all evaluated parameters. The plantlets regenerated from embryos dehydrate survive the acclimatization. It was possible to cryopreserve the V. quercifolia zygotic embryos when the dehydration time of 20 minutes by silica gel was used