1,025 research outputs found

    Polycomb Regulates NF-κB Signaling in Cancer through miRNA

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    The mechanisms leading to the constitutive activation of NF-κB in cancers and the pathways upstream and downstream of this activation are not fully understood. In this issue of Cancer Cell, Yamagishi et al. demonstrate that Polycomb-mediated silencing of miR-31 is implicated in the aberrant activation of NF-κB signaling in tumors

    La liberalizzazione del mercato elettrico - Una proposta per superare la maggior tutela

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    Italian electricity consumers have been free to choose their supplier since 2007, but about 66 percent are still supplied under the so-called maggior tutela, a regulated regime. Italy’s Annual Competition Law states that regulated prices will be phased out by July 1st, 2019. This paper performs an analysis of the country’s retail electricity market following the structure-conduct-performance paradigm. Two main issues emerge that need to be addressed: market concentration and consumer inertia. The paper proposes several policy tools, aimed at both the supply and the demand side, aimed at promoting supply diversification, market entry and an increased customer engagement

    DNA Methylation of the Gonadal Aromatase (cyp19a) Promoter Is Involved in Temperature-Dependent Sex Ratio Shifts in the European Sea Bass

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    15 pages, 9 figures, 1 tableTemperature changes during early embryonic and/or larval stages are able to modify sex ratios in fish and reptiles. However, the underlying mechanism by which temperature is able to modify the molecular pathways that developing gonads follow to become ovaries or testes is still unknown. One of the most interesting questions raised from previous studies with our model species, the European sea bass, was how temperature could affect the developmental fate of the gonads at a time when they were not even formed in the most rudimentary manner. This was the telltale sign of an epigenetic mechanism. In this study, DNA methylation levels of the aromatase promoter were analyzed in European sea bass exposed to different temperatures during early developmental stages. Aromatase is the enzyme that converts androgens (male hormones) into estrogens (female hormones), which are essential for ovarian development in all non-mammalian vertebrates. We show that increased temperature during a critical period in early development is able to increase DNA methylation of the aromatase promoter, preventing aromatase gene expression. We conclude that gonadal aromatase promoter methylation is most likely part of the long-sought-after mechanism connecting temperature and environmental sex determination in vertebratesLN-M and ND were supported by predoctoral scholarships and JV and LR by postdoctoral grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCINN). Research was funded by MCINN projects “Sexgene” (AGL2006-01359), “Aquagenomics” (CDS2007-0002), and “Epigen-Aqua” (AGL2010-15939) to FP and by MICINN project BFU2010-18692 and AGAUR grant to LDC. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscriptPeer reviewe

    Distribution of the brown bear (Ursus arctos marsicanus) in the Central Apennines, Italy, 2005-2014

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    Despite its critical conservation status, no formal estimate of the Apennine brown bear (Ursus arctos marsicanus) distribution has ever been attempted, nor a coordinated effort to compile and verify all recent occurrences has ever been ensured. We used 48331 verified bear location data collected by qualified personnel from 20052014 in the central Apennines, Italy, to estimate the current distribution of Apennine brown bears. Data sources included telemetry relocations, scats and DNA-verified hair samples, sightings, indirect signs of presence, photos from camera traps, and damage to properties. Using a grid-based zonal analysis to transform raw data density, we applied ordinary kriging and estimated a 4923 km2 main bear distribution, encompassing the historical stronghold of the bear population, and including a smaller (1460 km2) area of stable occupancy of reproducing female bears. National and Regional Parks cover 38.8% of the main bear distribution, plus an additional 19.5% encompassed by the Natura 2000 network alone. Despite some methodological and sampling problems related to spatial and temporal variation in sampling effort at the landscape scale, our approach provides an approximation of the current bear distribution that is suited to frequently update the distribution map. Future monitoring of this bear population would benefit from estimating detectability across a range on environmental and sampling variables, and from intensifying the collection of bear presence data in the peripheral portions of the distribution

    Propuestas y acciones para producción social del hábitat, en el marco de la conformación de consultorios barriales de arquitectura

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    Este trabajo se enmarca en la conformación de los Consultorios Barriales de Arquitectura en el año 2011 por la organización Arqcom La Plata. El objetivo de los Consultorios es construir un espacio de trabajo interdisciplinario, orientado a dar respuestas a las problemáticas habitacionales de la población, a partir de dos ejes de trabajo. Por un lado, brindando asesoramiento técnico en todo lo referente a la construcción, ampliación y reparación de viviendas; y por el otro acompañando la organización de los vecinos en ámbitos democráticos, para generar procesos de trabajo colectivos y coordinados con ámbitos estatales. En este artículo se analizan y discuten los avances producidos en relación a las propuestas y acciones en el marco de los Talleres Barriales de Arquitectura realizados por Arqcom en distintos barrios de la ciudad de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. A partir de la inundación sufrida durante el 2 de abril de 2013 en esta ciudad, se intensificaron en estos barrios problemas existentes respecto a las condiciones habitacionales y ambientales, y se aceleraron procesos de comunicación y organización de los vecinos en torno a resolver las necesidades más concretas de la mayoría de ellos. Los resultados obtenidos hasta el momento corroboran la participación activa de los actores intervinientes en los ámbitos de toma de decisiones colectivas; y por otro lado reafirma la necesidad de apertura de un campo de inserción profesional que se aleja de la dinámica institucional clásica.This paper refers to the work efforts at the Architecture Neighborhood Consulting Workshops in 2011 by the Arqcom La Plata. The objective of the Consulting Workshops was to build a space for interdisciplinary work, aimed to provide answers to the housing problems of the population in two work areas. On the one hand, providing advice on technical issues referring to the construction, expansion and repairing of houses; and the other hand, encouraging the neighbors’ democratic participation in order to generate collective work processes that are coordinated with Governmental areas. This paper analyzes and discusses the progress made in relation to the proposals and actions in the context of Neighborhood Architecture Workshops conducted by Arqcom La Plata in different neighborhoods of La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Since the flooding during the April 2, 2013 that affected this city, the existing problems regarding housing and environmental conditions have intensified in these neighborhoods so the processes of neighbors’ communication and organization have met around more specific needs. The results obtained so far support the active participation of the actors involved in the field of collective decision making; and secondly reaffirms the need to open a field of employability that departs from the classical institutional dynamics.Eje 3: Derecho a la ciudad: mutaciones, recomposiciones, adaptaciones, reformulaciones.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Propuestas y acciones para producción social del hábitat, en el marco de la conformación de consultorios barriales de arquitectura

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    Este trabajo se enmarca en la conformación de los Consultorios Barriales de Arquitectura en el año 2011 por la organización Arqcom La Plata. El objetivo de los Consultorios es construir un espacio de trabajo interdisciplinario, orientado a dar respuestas a las problemáticas habitacionales de la población, a partir de dos ejes de trabajo. Por un lado, brindando asesoramiento técnico en todo lo referente a la construcción, ampliación y reparación de viviendas; y por el otro acompañando la organización de los vecinos en ámbitos democráticos, para generar procesos de trabajo colectivos y coordinados con ámbitos estatales. En este artículo se analizan y discuten los avances producidos en relación a las propuestas y acciones en el marco de los Talleres Barriales de Arquitectura realizados por Arqcom en distintos barrios de la ciudad de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. A partir de la inundación sufrida durante el 2 de abril de 2013 en esta ciudad, se intensificaron en estos barrios problemas existentes respecto a las condiciones habitacionales y ambientales, y se aceleraron procesos de comunicación y organización de los vecinos en torno a resolver las necesidades más concretas de la mayoría de ellos. Los resultados obtenidos hasta el momento corroboran la participación activa de los actores intervinientes en los ámbitos de toma de decisiones colectivas; y por otro lado reafirma la necesidad de apertura de un campo de inserción profesional que se aleja de la dinámica institucional clásica.This paper refers to the work efforts at the Architecture Neighborhood Consulting Workshops in 2011 by the Arqcom La Plata. The objective of the Consulting Workshops was to build a space for interdisciplinary work, aimed to provide answers to the housing problems of the population in two work areas. On the one hand, providing advice on technical issues referring to the construction, expansion and repairing of houses; and the other hand, encouraging the neighbors’ democratic participation in order to generate collective work processes that are coordinated with Governmental areas. This paper analyzes and discusses the progress made in relation to the proposals and actions in the context of Neighborhood Architecture Workshops conducted by Arqcom La Plata in different neighborhoods of La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Since the flooding during the April 2, 2013 that affected this city, the existing problems regarding housing and environmental conditions have intensified in these neighborhoods so the processes of neighbors’ communication and organization have met around more specific needs. The results obtained so far support the active participation of the actors involved in the field of collective decision making; and secondly reaffirms the need to open a field of employability that departs from the classical institutional dynamics.Eje 3: Derecho a la ciudad: mutaciones, recomposiciones, adaptaciones, reformulaciones.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Propuestas y acciones para producción social del hábitat, en el marco de la conformación de consultorios barriales de arquitectura

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    Este trabajo se enmarca en la conformación de los Consultorios Barriales de Arquitectura en el año 2011 por la organización Arqcom La Plata. El objetivo de los Consultorios es construir un espacio de trabajo interdisciplinario, orientado a dar respuestas a las problemáticas habitacionales de la población, a partir de dos ejes de trabajo. Por un lado, brindando asesoramiento técnico en todo lo referente a la construcción, ampliación y reparación de viviendas; y por el otro acompañando la organización de los vecinos en ámbitos democráticos, para generar procesos de trabajo colectivos y coordinados con ámbitos estatales. En este artículo se analizan y discuten los avances producidos en relación a las propuestas y acciones en el marco de los Talleres Barriales de Arquitectura realizados por Arqcom en distintos barrios de la ciudad de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. A partir de la inundación sufrida durante el 2 de abril de 2013 en esta ciudad, se intensificaron en estos barrios problemas existentes respecto a las condiciones habitacionales y ambientales, y se aceleraron procesos de comunicación y organización de los vecinos en torno a resolver las necesidades más concretas de la mayoría de ellos. Los resultados obtenidos hasta el momento corroboran la participación activa de los actores intervinientes en los ámbitos de toma de decisiones colectivas; y por otro lado reafirma la necesidad de apertura de un campo de inserción profesional que se aleja de la dinámica institucional clásica.This paper refers to the work efforts at the Architecture Neighborhood Consulting Workshops in 2011 by the Arqcom La Plata. The objective of the Consulting Workshops was to build a space for interdisciplinary work, aimed to provide answers to the housing problems of the population in two work areas. On the one hand, providing advice on technical issues referring to the construction, expansion and repairing of houses; and the other hand, encouraging the neighbors’ democratic participation in order to generate collective work processes that are coordinated with Governmental areas. This paper analyzes and discusses the progress made in relation to the proposals and actions in the context of Neighborhood Architecture Workshops conducted by Arqcom La Plata in different neighborhoods of La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Since the flooding during the April 2, 2013 that affected this city, the existing problems regarding housing and environmental conditions have intensified in these neighborhoods so the processes of neighbors’ communication and organization have met around more specific needs. The results obtained so far support the active participation of the actors involved in the field of collective decision making; and secondly reaffirms the need to open a field of employability that departs from the classical institutional dynamics.Eje 3: Derecho a la ciudad: mutaciones, recomposiciones, adaptaciones, reformulaciones.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Targeting lymphoid-derived IL-17 signaling to delay skin aging

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    Skin aging is characterized by structural and functional changes that contribute to age-associated frailty. This probably depends on synergy between alterations in the local niche and stem cell-intrinsic changes, underscored by proinflammatory microenvironments that drive pleotropic changes. The nature of these age-associated inflammatory cues, or how they affect tissue aging, is unknown. Based on single-cell RNA sequencing of the dermal compartment of mouse skin, we show a skew towards an IL-17-expressing phenotype of T helper cells, γδ T cells and innate lymphoid cells in aged skin. Importantly, in vivo blockade of IL-17 signaling during aging reduces the proinflammatory state of the skin, delaying the appearance of age-related traits. Mechanistically, aberrant IL-17 signals through NF-κB in epidermal cells to impair homeostatic functions while promoting an inflammatory state. Our results indicate that aged skin shows signs of chronic inflammation and that increased IL-17 signaling could be targeted to prevent age-associated skin ailments.© 2023. The Author(s)

    Neuron type-specific increase in lamin B1 contributes to nuclear dysfunction in Huntington's disease

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    Lamins are crucial proteins for nuclear functionality. Here, we provide new evidence showing that increased lamin B1 levels contribute to the pathophysiology of Huntington's disease (HD), a CAG repeat-associated neurodegenerative disorder. Through fluorescence-activated nuclear suspension imaging, we show that nucleus from striatal medium-sized spiny and CA1 hippocampal neurons display increased lamin B1 levels, in correlation with altered nuclear morphology and nucleocytoplasmic transport disruption. Moreover, ChIP-sequencing analysis shows an alteration of lamin-associated chromatin domains in hippocampal nuclei, accompanied by changes in chromatin accessibility and transcriptional dysregulation. Supporting lamin B1 alterations as a causal role in mutant huntingtin-mediated neurodegeneration, pharmacological normalization of lamin B1 levels in the hippocampus of the R6/1 mouse model of HD by betulinic acid administration restored nuclear homeostasis and prevented motor and cognitive dysfunction. Collectively, our work points increased lamin B1 levels as a new pathogenic mechanism in HD and provides a novel target for its intervention