101 research outputs found


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    As Indicações Geográficas (IG) são uma ferramenta de valorização da biodiversidade, do conhecimento regional e dos recursos naturais, e podem oferecer contribuições extremamente positivas para as economias locais e o dinamismo de cada região. Quando um produto ou alimento possui em seu nome referência à zona de produção e cujas características de qualidade decorrem dos atributos desse território e do saber fazer (tradição) dos produtores, pode-se considerar que esta tipicidade única é um bem imaterial, se tornando propriedade coletiva inseparável do território de produção. O principal objetivo deste trabalho, portanto, foi realizar um levantamento histórico a respeito da produção do doce de leite branco no município de Afrânio/PE. O estudo histórico realizado revelou que há mais de 70 anos o doce de leite branco é produzido de forma artesanal no município de Afrânio e, desde então, sua qualidade é reconhecida por toda região, comprovada por depoimentos orais e periódicos locais


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    Diante da importância da vitivinicultura no Vale do submédio São Francisco, o presente estudo objetivou levantar dados referentes a artigos publicados e patentes depositadas sobre a produção de vinhos em todo o mundo. Foram utilizadas bases gratuitas e softwares especializados. Pode-se analisar a evolução anual, a participação dos países e pesquisadores dentro da temática. Concluiu-se com este trabalho que a vitivinicultura do vale do Submédio São Francisco pode aprimorar seus processos de produção de vinho através de informação tecnológica contidas em documento de patentes

    Oral manifestations of celiac disease : a case report and review of the literature

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    Celiac disease is a chronic intestinal disease caused by intolerance to gluten associated with poor digestion and absorption of the majority of nutrients and vitamins, which may affect both developing dentition and oral mucosa. The aim of this study is to make a brief review of the literature about celiac disease and to report on a clinical case, showing the impact it may have on the general and oral health. A 39-year-old woman reported the presence of diarrhea, nauseas, flatulence, colic, difficulty with falling asleep, lack of appetite and loose of 18 Kg in the last two years. She also noted the appearance of symptomatic lesions in the mouth. These lesions had a mean duration of a month and occurred in any region of the oral mucosa, particularly on the tongue. Multiples ulcerations were found in the sublingual caruncula region, at the vestibular fornix and at the lingual apex. Topical treatment was instituted for the oral lesions with immediately relief of the symptoms. The diagnosis of celiac disease was established by means of medical clinical exam, biopsy of the small intestine, and by the presence of specific antibodies in the blood. The patient has been instructed to follow a gluten-free diet. Multiprofessional action with the involvement of a gastroenterologist and other health professionals, such as dentists, is important for diagnosing the disease and guiding the patient with celiac disease to achieve a good quality of life

    Photodynamic Therapy, a new approach in the treatment of oral cancer

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    RESUMEN La incidencia del cáncer de cabeza y cuello es aproximadamente 640.000 casos nuevos por año. El cáncer oral representa un tercio de todos los cánceres y es el octavo más diagnosticado en hombres. Los tratamientos más usados para estos tumores son la cirugía, radioterapia, quimioterapia, o una combinación de estas modalidades terapéuticas. Debido al gran deterioro estructural, funcional y estético que causan los tratamientos convencionales, muchos estudios buscan nuevos métodos para remplazar o asistir el tratamiento del cáncer oral. La terapia fotodinámica (PDT) es una nueva modalidad promisoria en el tratamiento del cáncer que apenas está siendo usada clínicamente. Este artículo describe el uso de PDT como una alternativa para el tratamiento del cáncer oral. Salud UIS 2010; 42: 167-174 Palabras clave: Terapia fotodinámica, cáncer oral, tratamiento       ABSTRACT The worldwide incidence of head and neck cancer is, approximately, 640,000 new cases per year. Oral cancer accounts for one third of all cancers and it is the eighth most diagnosed in men. The most used treatments for these tumors are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these therapeutic modalities. Due to the large structural, functional and aesthetic impairment that conventional treatments cause, many studies seek new methods to replace or to assist the treatment of oral cancer. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising new modality of cancer treatment that is already being used clinically. This article describes the use of PDT as an alternative for the treatment of oral cancer. Salud UIS 2010; 42: 167-174 Keywords: Photodynamic therapy, oral cancer, treatmen

    Photodynamic Therapy, a new approach in the treatment of oral cancer

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    RESUMEN La incidencia del cáncer de cabeza y cuello es aproximadamente 640.000 casos nuevos por año. El cáncer oral representa un tercio de todos los cánceres y es el octavo más diagnosticado en hombres. Los tratamientos más usados para estos tumores son la cirugía, radioterapia, quimioterapia, o una combinación de estas modalidades terapéuticas. Debido al gran deterioro estructural, funcional y estético que causan los tratamientos convencionales, muchos estudios buscan nuevos métodos para remplazar o asistir el tratamiento del cáncer oral. La terapia fotodinámica (PDT) es una nueva modalidad promisoria en el tratamiento del cáncer que apenas está siendo usada clínicamente. Este artículo describe el uso de PDT como una alternativa para el tratamiento del cáncer oral. Salud UIS 2010; 42: 167-174 Palabras clave: Terapia fotodinámica, cáncer oral, tratamiento       ABSTRACT The worldwide incidence of head and neck cancer is, approximately, 640,000 new cases per year. Oral cancer accounts for one third of all cancers and it is the eighth most diagnosed in men. The most used treatments for these tumors are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these therapeutic modalities. Due to the large structural, functional and aesthetic impairment that conventional treatments cause, many studies seek new methods to replace or to assist the treatment of oral cancer. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising new modality of cancer treatment that is already being used clinically. This article describes the use of PDT as an alternative for the treatment of oral cancer. Salud UIS 2010; 42: 167-174 Keywords: Photodynamic therapy, oral cancer, treatmen

    Dermatite de Duhring-Brocq

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    The authors describe two cases of Duhring-Brocq dermatitis, one in a child of 6 years and the other for young adults. The child due to a recurrent condition and injury to their daily activity beyond the gluten-free diet was prescribed Dapsone

    Caring relationships in medical education

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    O artigo é um relato de experiência de um trabalho que teve como objetivo proporcionar momentos de escuta e reflexão sobre si mesmo como primeiro passo para o cuidado de si e para o desenvolvimento de uma postura dialógica. A ideia foi desenvolver espaços de reflexão sobre a humanização e o cuidado consigo mesmo e com o outro. O trabalho foi desenvolvido através de 05 rodas de conversa com 05 estudantes de medicina interessados em participar do projeto. No decorrer dos encontros, temas como relação aluno-professor, estudos de anatomia, sobrecarga de conteúdos e provas foram elencados como mobilizadores de angústia entre os estudantes. Faz-se necessário incluir esses temas no cotidiano de aulas e aprimorar a relação aluno-professor para efetivamente incutir o processo de humanização no ensino médico.This article is an experience report of a study that aimed to provide moments of listening and reflection as a first step to self-care and the development of a dialogical approach between medical students. The idea was to develop spaces for reflection on humanization and careful with yourself and with others. The work was developed through 05 rounds of conversation with 05 medical students interested in participating in the project. During the meeting, issues such as teacher-student relationship, anatomy studies, overload of content and exams were listed as mobilizers of distress among students. It is necessary to include these topics in daily classes and improve the student-teacher relationship to effectively instill the humanization process in medical education

    Dermatite de Duhring-Brocq

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    The authors describe two cases of Duhring-Brocq dermatitis, one in a child of 6 years and the other for young adults. The child due to a recurrent condition and injury to their daily activity beyond the gluten-free diet was prescribed Dapsone