37 research outputs found

    Quality and consumer acceptance of dehydrated araticum pulp

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    Araticum (Annona crassiflora) is a native plant of the Brazilian Cerrado. Its fruits have high nutritional value and very typical aroma and taste. Notwithstanding, the crop has rapid postharvest loss and production is concentrated over a short period. Drying is a conservation alternative that can allow offseason consumption. This study evaluated the influence of different drying times of araticum pulp on its quality and consumer acceptance. Mature araticum pulps commercialized in Janaúba (MG) were dehydrated in a forced-air circulation dryer at 60 °C for 0 (in natura), 4, 6, 8, and 10 hours. After drying, pulps were conditioned in plastic pots and analyzed for physical, chemical, and sensory characteristics. Prolonged drying altered pulp color. The product became less acid at drying times longer than 6 hours. Consumers liked the color and were undecided about the texture and taste, regardless of drying time. However, they preferred the appearance of araticum dehydrated for 6 hours compared to 10 hours. This fruit can be dried at 60 °C for 6 hours to reduce energy costs without affecting the final quality of the product.Keywords: Annona crassiflora. Conservation. Cerrado fruit. Drying


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    Neste trabalho avaliou-se a encapsulação da polpa de umbu porco-cristalização com sacarose, determinando-se o efeito do pH dapolpa adicionada sobre as propriedades físico-químicas do suco cocristalizadoe sua estabilidade durante o armazenamento. O sucoco-cristalizado apresentou alta solubilidade e baixa pegajosidade,situando-se na faixa em que se encontra a maioria dos pósalimentícios. Verifi cou-se que, de maneira geral, o suco de umbuco-cristalizado apresentou características físico-químicas queconferem boa estabilidade ao produto

    Qualidade do leite produzido no semiárido de Minas Gerais

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    quality and, therefore, it loses competitiveness. Thus, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, published on December 30, 2011, the Normative Instruction 62, in which fixed values for the physical and chemical parameters, somatic cell counts (SCC), composition and total bacterial counts (TBC) as well proposing controlling inhibitors and antibiotic residues in milk. Due to the implementation of this rule, the aim of this work was to evaluate the quality of raw milk produced on the properties in the semiarid region of Minas Gerais state as well as the profile of the installations and dairy farmers. We collected 92 samples of raw milk and sent them for analysis in milk clinical and industry laboratory. Physical and chemical analysis, somatic cell count, total bacterial count and antibiotic residue test were performed. The data relating to the profile of producers, sanitary conditions and the types of buildings were obtained by means of questionnaires and the data was presented as a percentage. The values of the physical-chemical properties were submitted to the chi-square test and it was found that they are consistent with current legislation. The SCC parameters, TBC and cryoscopic index showed values above those allowed by law. The lack of milk cooling was the parameter with the highest non-compliance with respect to IN 62.O setor de produção de leite no Brasil, apresenta problemas de qualidade e por isso perde em competitividade. Assim, o Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, publicou em 30 de dezembro de 2011 a Instrução Normativa 62 (IN 62), na qual fixa valores para os parâmetros físico-químicos, Contagem Bacteriana Total (CBT), Contagem Células Somáticas (CCS), além de propor um controle de resíduos inibidores e antibióticos no leite. Em virtude da implantação dessa normativa, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a qualidade do leite cru produzido em propriedades na região do semiárido mineiro bem como o perfil das instalações e dos produtores de leite. Foram coletadas 92 amostras de leite cru e encaminhadas para análise na clínica do leite e no laboratório da indústria. Foram realizadas análises físico-químicas, contagem de células somáticas, contagem bacteriana total e teste de resíduo de antibióticos. Os dados referentes ao perfil dos produtores, às condições sanitárias e à tipologia das edificações foram obtidos por meio de questionários e, posteriormente, foram apresentados em porcentagem. Os valores das propriedades físico-químicas, ao serem submetidos ao teste qui-quadrado, revelaram concordância com a legislação vigente. Os parâmetros CCS, CBT e índice crioscópico apresentaram valores acima dos permitidos pela legislação. A falta de refrigeração do leite foi o parâmetro que apresentou maior descumprimento com relação à IN 62

    Soil and climate effects on winter wine produced under the tropical environmental conditions of southeastern Brazil

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    Southeastern Brazil is an emergent region in terms of the production of high-quality fine wines. To contribute to typicity assessment, the soils (morphology, mineralogy, chemical and physical analyses), parent material (geologic maps and portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry) and climate (temperature and precipitation) were characterized in seven vineyards located in the state of Minas Gerais and São Paulo, Brazil, by carrying out state-of-the-art terroir analysis and assessing the environmental variations of the study sites. A soil profile was described and sampled in the central part of each vineyard. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) biplots were used to analyze the relationships between these factors and the composition of wines (2016, 2017 and 2018 harvests) produced from Syrah in commercial vineyards in different municipalities of Três Corações (TC), Cordislândia (COR), Andradas (AND), São Sebastião do Paraíso (SSP), Três Pontas (TP), Espírito Santo do Pinhal (PIN) and Itobí (ITO). The vineyards were grouped according to soil and climate characteristics. Group A was composed of COR, AND and PIN vineyards, which exhibited the highest correlation with soil Al3+ content and accumulated rainfall. The group’s wines had the lowest ash alkalinity, total polyphenol index (TPI) and pH values and the highest fixed acidity. Group B consisted of the TP and TC vineyards, which had the highest soil organic matter and boron contents and the highest thermal amplitude with similar values (15.4 °C in TC and 15.2 °C in TP); their wines showed average composition. Group C comprised ITO alone, which was characterized by the shallowest and least developed soils. Its wine had the highest flavonol content and high dry extract, color intensity, TPI, alcohol content and sugar values. Group D contained the SSP vineyard, in which the soil subsurface horizons were correlated with the highest wine pH. Late harvest in this vineyard caused the most dehydration of grapes and consequent concentration of most wine compounds (human effect on terroir). The terroir information produced in this study adds substantial value to the wines produced under the tropical environmental conditions of southeastern Brazil, for which such studies are very rare. By characterizing the natural factors (soil, soil parent material and climate) and human factors (vineyard management and wine characteristics) related to terroir, this study can also provide historical information about the wine from this emergent region (the historical factors). In addition, its results can be used to guide producers in their choice of vineyard cultivation sites according to preference in wine composition

    Feijão guandu cru na alimentação de frangos caipiras criados em sistema semi-intensivo

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da substituição do farelo de soja pelo feijão guandu cru na alimentação de frangos caipiras criados em sistema semi-intensivo. Foram utilizados 525 frangos de corte da linhagem Caipira Pesadão, com idade inicial de 35 dias, distribuídos em cinco tratamentos com cinco repetições de 21 aves cada um. Os tratamentos consistiram na substituição de 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20% do farelo de soja pelo feijão guandu cru moído. Foram avaliados o ganho de peso, o consumo de ração, a conversão alimentar, o rendimento de carcaça e de cortes, o peso do pâncreas e a qualidade da carne. A substituição do farelo de soja pelo feijão guandu em até 15,45%, nas dietas de frangos caipiras de corte, com idade de 57 a 71 dias, não altera o ganho de peso. O aumento dos níveis de feijão guandu na ração não afeta o rendimento de carcaça, o peso do pâncreas e os parâmetros de qualidade da carne. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of replacing soybean meal by raw pigeon pea in the diet of free-range broilers reared in a semi-intensive system. Five hundred twenty-five broilers of the Caipira Pesadão lineage were used, with initial age of 35 days, distributed in five treatments with five replicates of 21 birds each. Treatments consisted of the replacement of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% of soybean meal by ground raw pigeon pea. Weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion, carcass and cuts yield, pancreas weight, and meat quality were evaluated. Replacing soybean meal by pigeon pea in up to 15.45% in the diet of free-range meat broilers, with age of 57 to 71 days, does not change weight gain. Increasing levels of pigeon pea in the diet do not affect carcass yield, pancreas weight, and meat quality parameters

    Carcass characteristics and meat quality of heifers fed marandu grass silage

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características de carcaça e da carne de novilhas ¾ Zebu x Holandês submetidas a dieta com substituição da silagem de sorgo por silagem de capim‑marandu. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado. Os tratamentos consistiram da substituição da fração volumosa da dieta de 100, 70 e 30% de silagem de sorgo por, respectivamente, 100, 70 e 30% de silagem de capim‑marandu. Foi adicionado concentrado na proporção de 1,2% de peso corporal, e as dietas foram isoproteicas. A substituição da silagem de sorgo pela silagem de capim‑marandu aumentou a perda de água por cozimento até o ponto máximo de 49,98% de substituição, elevou a força de cisalhamento e a capacidade de retenção de água da carne, mas não influenciou os pesos e os rendimentos das carcaças, os percentuais de cortes, as medidas de carcaça, a área de olho de lombo, o pH das carcaças, a espessura de gordura e as características de cor de músculo e gordura. A substituição da silagem de sorgo por silagem de capim‑marandu diminui o ganho de peso de corpo vazio e reduz a maciez da carne de novilhas ¾ Zebu x Holandês, mas não afeta as características quantitativas da carcaça.The objective of this work was to evaluate the carcass characteristics and meat quality of ¾ Zebu x Holstein heifers subjected to a diet with the substitution of sorghum silage by marandu grass silage. A completely randomized experimental design was used. Treatments consisted of replacing the bulky fraction of the diet of 100, 70, and 30% of sorghum silage by, respectively, 100, 70, and 30% of marandu grass silage. Concentrate was added in the proportion of 1.2% of live weight, and diets were isoproteic. The substitution of sorghum silage by marandu grass silage increased water loss by cooking to the maximum point of 49.98% of substitution, elevated average shear force and water holding capacity of meat, but did not influence carcass weight and yield, cut percentiles, carcass measures, loin eye area, pH of carcasses, fat thickness, and characteristics of muscle and fat color. The substitution of sorghum silage by marandu grass silage decreases the gain of empty body weight and reduces the tenderness of meat from ¾ Zebu x Holstein heifers, but does not affect quantitative carcass traits

    Composição química e de ácidos graxos do leite de vacas mestiças submetidas à restrição alimentar

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the chemical composition and fatty acid profile of milk from F1 Holstein/Zebu cows in different lactation periods, when receiving different levels of dietary supply in percentage of body weight. Sixty cows were evaluated, with five levels of dietary supply and three lactation periods. The levels of dietary supply had no effect on the production of milk corrected to 3.5% fat (12.25 kg per day). There was also no effect of dietary supply levels, in the different lactation periods, on contents of fat (3.34%), protein (3.41%), lactose (4.60%), total solids (12.0%), defatted dry extract (8.80%), and urinary nitrogen (14.5 mg dL-1), nor on somatic cell count (89.98 mL-1). As the dietary supply level was reduced, the sum of saturated fatty acids in milk was decreased in up to 9.15% and that of monounsaturated fatty acids was increased in up to 25.28%. Feed restriction does not alter the chemical composition of milk, but improves its quality of fat by reducing saturated fatty acid content, increasing the concentration of monounsaturated and desirable fatty acids in up to 54%, and increasing the hypo- and hypercholesterolemic fatty acid ratio in up to 168.97%.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a composição química e o perfil de ácidos graxos do leite de vacas F1 Holandês/Zebu, em diferentes períodos de lactação, ao receber diferentes níveis de fornecimento da dieta em percentagem de peso corporal. Foram utilizadas 60 vacas, com cinco níveis de oferta da dieta e três períodos de lactação. Os níveis de oferta não influenciaram a produção de leite corrigida a 3,5% de gordura (12,25 kg por dia). Também não houve efeito dos níveis de oferta, nos diferentes períodos de lactação, sobre os teores de gordura (3,34%), proteína (3,41%), lactose (4,60%), sólidos totais (12,0%), extrato seco desengordurado (8,80%) e nitrogênio urético (14,5 mg dL-1), nem sobre a contagem de células somáticas (89,98 mL-1). À medida que os níveis de oferta foram reduzidos, o somatório dos ácidos graxos saturados do leite diminuiu em até 9,15% e o dos monoinsaturados aumentou em até 25,28%. A restrição alimentar de vacas F1 Holandês/Zebu não altera a composição química do leite, mas melhora a qualidade da sua gordura, ao reduzir os teores de ácidos graxos saturados, aumentar os dos ácidos graxos monoinsaturados e dos ácidos graxos desejáveis em até 54%, e elevar a relação dos ácidos graxos hipo e hipercolesterolêmicos em até 168,97%

    Viabilidade de bactérias probióticas em bioiogurte adicionado de mel de abelhas Jataí e africanizadas

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the viability of probiotic bacteria in bioyogurt with the addition of honey from Africanized and Jataí bees, in different concentrations. To prepare the fermented milk, reconstituted powdered milk and lactic acid starter culture were used. The bioyogurt was evaluated at 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35 days of storage. Analyzes of pH, titratable acidity, and selective count of the Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium BB-12 microorganisms were carried out. Counting was done, respectively, on MRS agar, in aerobiosis, and MRS-LP agar, in anaerobiosis, with plates incubated at 37°C for 72 hours. Treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design in split plot, with five treatments: without honey; 5 and 10% honey from Africanized bees, and 5 and 10% honey from Jataí bees. Storage times were evaluated in the split plots. In all treatments, bioyogurt showed counts of 107 CFU g-1 lactic acid bacteria. Probiotic cultures remained viable for 35 days under refrigeration (2–4°C). The interaction between the variation factors affected the probiotic concentration in the bioyogurt. The honeys have a favorable effect on the cell counts of the evaluated microorganisms.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade de bactérias probióticas em bioiogurte adicionado de mel de abelhas africanizadas e Jataí, em diferentes concentrações. Para a elaboração do leite fermentado, utilizou-se leite em pó reconstituído e fermento lácteo. O bioiogurte foi avaliado com 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 e 35 dias de armazenamento. Foram realizadas análises de pH, acidez titulável e contagem seletiva dos microrganismos Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 e Bifidobacterium BB-12. As contagens foram realizadas, respectivamente, em ágar MRS, em aerobiose, e ágar MRS-LP, em anaerobiose, com placas incubadas a 37ºC por 72 horas. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com parcelas subdivididas e cinco tratamentos: sem mel; 5 e 10% de mel de abelha africanizada; e 5 e 10% de mel de abelha Jataí. Os tempos de estocagem foram avaliados nas subparcelas. O bioiogurte apresentou contagens de bactérias láticas de 107 UFC g-1, em todos os tratamentos. As culturas probióticas mantiveram-se viáveis por 35 dias sob refrigeração (2–4°C). Houve efeito da interação entre os fatores de variação sobre a concentração dos probióticos no bioiogurte. Os méis têm efeito favorável sobre a contagem de células dos microrganismos avaliados