3,293 research outputs found

    Superadditivity of quantum relative entropy for general states

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    The property of superadditivity of the quantum relative entropy states that, in a bipartite system HAB=HAHB\mathcal{H}_{AB}=\mathcal{H}_A \otimes \mathcal{H}_B, for every density operator ρAB\rho_{AB} one has D(ρABσAσB)D(ρAσA)+D(ρBσB) D( \rho_{AB} || \sigma_A \otimes \sigma_B ) \ge D( \rho_A || \sigma_A ) +D( \rho_B || \sigma_B) . In this work, we provide an extension of this inequality for arbitrary density operators σAB \sigma_{AB} . More specifically, we prove that α(σAB)D(ρABσAB)D(ρAσA)+D(ρBσB) \alpha (\sigma_{AB})\cdot D({\rho_{AB}}||{\sigma_{AB}}) \ge D({\rho_A}||{\sigma_A})+D({\rho_B}||{\sigma_B}) holds for all bipartite states ρAB\rho_{AB} and σAB\sigma_{AB}, where α(σAB)=1+2σA1/2σB1/2σABσA1/2σB1/21AB\alpha(\sigma_{AB})= 1+2 || \sigma_A^{-1/2} \otimes \sigma_B^{-1/2} \, \sigma_{AB} \, \sigma_A^{-1/2} \otimes \sigma_B^{-1/2} - \mathbb{1}_{AB} ||_\infty.Comment: 14 pages. v3: Final version. The main theorem has been improved, adding a fourth step to its proof and also some remarks. v2: There was a flaw in the proof of the previous version. This has been corrected in this version. The constant appearing in the main Theorem has changed accordingl

    El papel del Estado en los movimientos inmigratorios de población de origen andino a España en los últimos quince años

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    Se presenta una descripción cuantitativa de la importancia de las mujeres y personas de origen andino en España, y sus variaciones, sobre todo, desde la década del 2000 hasta la actualidad; destacando el colectivo nacional boliviano como más feminizado y presentando las menores variaciones en el total de población. A partir de tales datos se continúa exponiendo la relación entre los procesos inmigratorios en España, el caso concreto de mujeres de la Región andina, con la estructura del mercado laboral español y distintos mecanismos políticos cómo los Procesos de Regularización, Sistemas de Cuotas, Convenios Bilaterales, imposición del Visado y Políticas de Retorno y Nacionalización, que han incentivado tales procesos migratorios y que condicionarán y determinarán las posiciones sociales de estas mujeres.

    Financial analysisof the Just Woman Association: A gender perspective in sport

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    Treball Final de Grau en Finances i Comptabilitat. Codi: FC1049. Curs acadèmic: 2022-2023The following research paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the organisation Just Woman, a women's association dedicated to promoting gender equality and empowering women in various aspects of their lives. Our aim is to examine the economic and financial aspects of Just Woman and propose recommendations for its improvement. To achieve this, we will evaluate the association's performance over the past three years and gain a deeper understanding of its current financial situation. In addition, we will present a proposal to improve Just Woman's financial situation, which will contribute to the overall growth of the association and its effectiveness in advancing its mission to empower women and promote gender equalit

    Spin-orbit and solvent effects in the luminescent [re6q8(ncs)6]4-, q=s, se, te clusters: molecular sensors and molecular devices

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    Indexación: ScieloRelativistic time-dependent density functional (TDDFT) calculations including spin orbit interactions via the zero order regular approximation (ZORA) and solvent effects using the COSMO model were carried out on the [Re6Q8(NCS)6]4- , (Q = S, Se, Te) clusters. These calculations indicate that the lowest energy allowed electronic transitions are characterized by being of LMCT type. The calculated absorption maximum tends to shift to longer wavelengths as the face-capping chalcogenide ligand becomes heavier. Thus our calculations predict that the [Re6Te8(NCS)6]4- cluster might be also luminescent. Due to the unusual properties exhibited by these and other isoelectronic and isostructural hexarhenium (III) chalcogenide clusters, hexamolybdenum halide clusters and hexatungsten halide clusters, we propose here the design of nanodevices, such as, molecular sensors and molecular nanocells for molecular electronics.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-97072010000100010&nrm=is

    The Elderly in Uruguay: Volunteer Work and Civic Service Actors

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    The Elderly in Uruguay: Volunteer Work and Civic Service Actor

    Thermalization in Kitaev's quantum double models via Tensor Network techniques

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    We show that the Davies generator associated to any 2D Kitaev's quantum double model has a non-vanishing spectral gap in the thermodynamic limit. This validates rigorously the extended belief that those models are useless as self-correcting quantum memories, even in the non-abelian case. The proof uses recent ideas and results regarding the characterization of the spectral gap for parent Hamiltonians associated to Projected Entangled Pair States in terms of a bulk-boundary correspondence.Comment: 68 page

    Time series genome-centric analysis unveils bacterial response to operational disturbance in activated sludge

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    Understanding ecosystem response to disturbances and identifying the most critical traits for the maintenance of ecosystem functioning are important goals for microbial community ecology. In this study, we used 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing and metagenomics to investigate the assembly of bacterial populations in a full-scale municipal activated sludge wastewater treatment plant over a period of 3 years, including a 9-month period of disturbance characterized by short-term plant shutdowns. Following the reconstruction of 173 metagenome-assembled genomes, we assessed the functional potential, the number of rRNA gene operons, and the in situ growth rate of microorganisms present throughout the time series. Operational disturbances caused a significant decrease in bacteria with a single copy of the rRNA (rrn) operon. Despite moderate differences in resource availability, replication rates were distributed uniformly throughout time, with no differences between disturbed and stable periods. We suggest that the length of the growth lag phase, rather than the growth rate, is the primary driver of selection under disturbed conditions. Thus, the system could maintain its function in the face of disturbance by recruiting bacteria with the capacity to rapidly resume growth under unsteady operating conditions.Fil: Pérez, María Victoria. Agua y Saneamientos Argentinos S.a.; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; ArgentinaFil: Guerrero, Leandro Demián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; ArgentinaFil: Orellana, Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; ArgentinaFil: Figuerola, Eva Lucia Margarita. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Celular; ArgentinaFil: Erijman, Leonardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Celular; Argentin

    Habilidades y destrezas para las actividades de la vida diaria en personas mayores con deterioro cognitivo leve

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    El estudio se centra en tratar de establecer la posible relación entre la capacidad cognitiva de una población geriátrica con deterioro cognitivo con sus habilidades y destrezas en las Actividades de la Vida Diaria (AVDs). Teniendo en cuenta estudios previos que establecen la relación entre el deterioro cognitivo y la pérdida de autonomía en las AVDs, se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal y cuantitativo, de una muestra de conveniencia en una población institucionaliza. El deterioro cognitivo se valoró con la prueba Valoración Cognitiva Geriátrica de Terapia Ocupacional de Loewenstein (Lotca G) y para evaluar las destrezas y habilidades para las AVDs se utilizaron los Índices de Katz y de Barthel. En la discusión de los datos se analizan las relaciones encontradas entre las diferentes variables estudiadas en este trabajo. Nuestro trabajo sugiere, que a mayor edad, mayor pérdida de autonomía y mayor grado de deterioro cognitivo. Este deterioro cognitivo afecta de forma desigual a hombres y a mujeres de tal forma que en los hombres la incidencia del deterioro cognitivo leve es mayor que en las mujeres y sin embargo, éstas presentan un mayor deterioro cognitivo moderado. La influencia del deterioro cognitivo en la capacidad de hombres y mujeres para la realización de las AVDs no ha quedado reflejada con un nivel de certeza suficiente.The study focuses on trying to determine the possible relationship between the cognitive capability of a geriatric group with regard to their skills and abilities in Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). Bearing in mind previous studies which determine the relationship between cognitive deterioration and the loss of autonomy in the ADLs, an observational, descriptive, transverse and quantitative study was carried out from a convenience sample of an institutionalized group. The cognitive deterioration was assessed using the Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment - Geriatric (Lotca G) and to evaluate the skills and abilities for the ADLs the Katz and Barthel Indices were used. In the data analysis, the relationship discovered between the different variables in this paper is looked into. Our study suggests that people of a more advanced age experience a greater loss of autonomy and a higher degree of cognitive deterioration. Such deterioration affects men and women unevenly in such a way that the event of slight cognitive deterioration in men is more frequent than in women even though women show a greater level of moderate cognitive deterioration. The influence of cognitive deterioration on the capability of men and women to carry out ADLs hasn’t been reflected with sufficient certainty

    Reconciling a significant hierarchical assembly of massive early-type galaxies at z<~1 with mass downsizing

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    Hierarchical models predict that massive early-type galaxies (mETGs) are the latest systems to be in place into the cosmic scenario (at z<~0.5), conflicting with the observational phenomenon of galaxy mass downsizing, which poses that the most massive galaxies have been in place earlier that their lower-mass counterparts (since z~0.7). We have developed a semi-analytical model to test the feasibility of the major-merger origin hypothesis for mETGs, just accounting for the effects on galaxy evolution of the major mergers strictly reported by observations. The most striking model prediction is that very few present-day mETGs have been really in place since z~1, because ~90% of the mETGs existing at z~1 are going to be involved in a major merger between z~1 and the present. Accounting for this, the model derives an assembly redshift for mETGs in good agreement with hierarchical expectations, reproducing observational mass downsizing trends at the same time.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of Symposium 2 of JENAM 2010, "Environment and the Formation of Galaxies: 30 years later", ed. I. Ferreras and A. Pasquali, Astrophysics & Space Science Proceedings, Springe

    Tipos naturais, tipos normativos e comportamento humano

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    The main thesis of this paper is that a large part of human behavior cannot be understood in terms of natural kinds but by appealing to normative kinds. In the first section we explain the distinction between natural kinds and normative kinds. In the second section we focus on the notion of “human behavior”, proposing a distinction between type A and type B behaviors and pointing out that psychology deals with type B behaviors, which are also included as diagnostic criteria for mental disorders. In the third section we analyze the strategies used in biomedical research to find specific etiologies (“essences”) in order to explain such disorders. We argue that their results are inconsistent and that the lack of biomarkers that are clinically useful to refine the diagnoses is due to the fact that, unlike certain neuropathologies, there are no physiological essences behind such disorders. On the other hand, we argue that, as we are dealing with type B behaviors, we must interpret mental disorders as normative kinds.Keywords: human behavior, natural kinds, normative kinds. A tese principal deste artigo é que uma grande parte do comportamento humano não pode ser entendida em termos de tipos naturais, mas deve recorrer a tipos normativos. Na primeira seção, explicamos a distinção entre tipos naturais e tipos normativos. Na segunda seção, ressaltamos a noção de “comportamento humano”, propondo uma distinção entre comportamentos do tipo A e tipo B e salientando que a psicologia lida com comportamentos do tipo B, que também são incluídos como critérios de diagnóstico para transtornos mentais. Na terceira seção, analisamos as estratégias utilizadas na pesquisa biomédica, a fim de encontrar etiologias específicas (“essências”) para explicar esses transtornos. Argumentamos que seus resultados são inconsistentes e que a falta de biomarcadores clinicamente úteis para refinar os diagnósticos se deve ao fato de que, diferentemente de certas neuropatologias, não existem essências fisiológicas por trás desses transtornos. Por outro lado, argumentamos que, ao lidarmos com comportamentos do tipo B, devemos interpretar os transtornos mentais como tipos normativos.Palavras-chave: comportamento humano, tipos naturais, tipos normativos