301 research outputs found

    Two new species of Odontostilbe historically hidden under O. microcephala (Characiformes: Cheirodontinae)

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    Specimens historically identified as Odontostilbe microcephala from the upper rio Paraná and Andean piedmont tributaries of the río Paraguay are reviewed and split in three species. We found that the distribution of O. microcephala is restricted to the Andean slope of the río Paraguay basin. The species is distinguished from congeners with subterminal mouth by the elongate body, usually 10-12 gill rakers on upper branch and smaller horizontal orbital diameter (24.6-32.8 % HL, mean 28.7%). Specimens from upper rio Paraná constitute two new species, diagnosed from other Cheirodontinae by the presence of mesopterygoid teeth, grouped on median portion and forming a continuous row. The new species are distinguished from each other by having premaxillary teeth with five cusps vs. nine cusps and by the number of lamellae in left and right sides of central median raphe of olfactory rosette with 20-21 vs. 11-12.Espécimes historicamente identificados com Odontostilbe microcephala do rio Paraná e tributários do río Paraguay, foram revisados e separados em três espécies. A distribuição de O. microcephala é restrita ao sopé andino da bacia do río Paraguay. A espécie é distinta das congêneres com boca subterminal pela forma alongada, geralmente 10-12 rastros branquiais no ramo superior e menor diâmetro horizontal da órbita (24,6-32,8 % CC, média 28,7%). Espécimes do alto rio Paraná constituem duas espécies novas diagnosticadas de outros Cheirodontinae pela presença de dentes no mesopterigoide, agrupados em sua porção média e formando uma fileira continua. As novas espécies distinguem-se por ter dentes premaxilares com cinco cúspides vs. nove cúspides e pelo número de lamelas nos lados esquerdo e direito da rafe central da roseta olfativa com 20-21 vs. 11-12

    Nursing Intervention Classifications (NIC) validated for patients at risk of pressure ulcers

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    OBJECTIVE: to validate the Nursing Intervention Classifications (NIC) for the diagnosis 'Risk of Impaired Skin Integrity' in patients at risk of pressure ulcers (PU). METHOD: the sample comprised 16 expert nurses. The data was collected with an instrument about the interventions and their definitions were scored on a Likert scale by the experts. The data was analyzed statistically, using the calculation of weighted averages (WA). The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (56/2010). RESULTS: nine interventions were validated as 'priority' (WA &#8805;0.80), among them Prevention of PU (MP=0.92); 22 as 'suggested' (WA >0.50 and OBJETIVO: validar las intervenciones de la clasificación de enfermería NIC para el diagnóstico Riesgo de Integridad de la Piel Perjudicada en pacientes en riesgo de úlcera por presión (UP). MÉTODO: la muestra fue compuesta por 16 enfermeras experts. Los datos colectados en instrumento con las intervenciones, su definición y una escala Likert puntuada por las experts. Los datos analizados estadísticamente, utilizándose cálculo de media ponderada (MP). Estudio aprobado en Comité de Ética e Investigación (56/2010). RESULTADOS: se validaron nueve intervenciones como prioritarias (MP &#8805;0,80), entre ellas Prevención de UP (MP=0,92); 22 como sugeridas (MP >0,50 OBJETIVO: validar as intervenções da classificação de enfermagem NIC para o diagnóstico Risco de Integridade da Pele Prejudicada, em pacientes em risco de úlcera por pressão (UP). MÉTODO: a amostra foi composta por 16 enfermeiras experts. Os dados foram coletados em instrumento contendo a caracterização das participantes, além de uma tabela com as intervenções e a definição de cada uma delas, bem como uma escala Likert que foi pontuada pelas experts. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente, utilizando-se cálculo de média ponderada (MP). O estudo foi aprovado em Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa (56/2010). RESULTADOS: validaram-se nove intervenções como prioritárias (MP &#8805;0,80), dentre elas prevenção de UP (MP=0,92); 22 como sugeridas (MP>0,50 e <0,80) e 20 foram descartadas (MP&#8804;0,50). CONCLUSÕES: a prevenção da UP perpassa pela implementação de intervenções específicas e relacionadas aos fatores de risco ao desenvolvimento da lesão, com implicações na prática, ensino e pesquisa de enfermagem

    Roadmap to DILI research in Europe. A proposal from COST action ProEuroDILINet

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    \ua9 2024 The AuthorsIn the current article the aims for a constructive way forward in Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI) are to highlight the most important priorities in research and clinical science, therefore supporting a more informed, focused, and better funded future for European DILI research. This Roadmap aims to identify key challenges, define a shared vision across all stakeholders for the opportunities to overcome these challenges and propose a high-quality research program to achieve progress on the prediction, prevention, diagnosis and management of this condition and impact on healthcare practice in the field of DILI. This will involve 1. Creation of a database encompassing optimised case report form for prospectively identified DILI cases with well-characterised controls with competing diagnoses, biological samples, and imaging data; 2. Establishing of preclinical models to improve the assessment and prediction of hepatotoxicity in humans to guide future drug safety testing; 3. Emphasis on implementation science and 4. Enhanced collaboration between drug-developers, clinicians and regulatory scientists. This proposed operational framework will advance DILI research and may bring together basic, applied, translational and clinical research in DILI

    Transcriptional analysis of the HeT-A retrotransposon in mutant and wild type stocks reveals high sequence variability at Drosophila telomeres and other unusual features

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Telomere replication in Drosophila depends on the transposition of a domesticated retroelement, the <it>HeT-A </it>retrotransposon. The sequence of the <it>HeT-A </it>retrotransposon changes rapidly resulting in differentiated subfamilies. This pattern of sequence change contrasts with the essential function with which the <it>HeT-A </it>is entrusted and brings about questions concerning the extent of sequence variability, the telomere contribution of different subfamilies, and whether wild type and mutant Drosophila stocks show different <it>HeT-A </it>scenarios.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A detailed study on the variability of <it>HeT-A </it>reveals that both the level of variability and the number of subfamilies are higher than previously reported. Comparisons between GIII, a strain with longer telomeres, and its parental strain Oregon-R indicate that both strains have the same set of <it>HeT-A </it>subfamilies. Finally, the presence of a highly conserved splicing pattern only in its antisense transcripts indicates a putative regulatory, functional or structural role for the <it>HeT-A </it>RNA. Interestingly, our results also suggest that most <it>HeT-A </it>copies are actively expressed regardless of which telomere and where in the telomere they are located.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study demonstrates how the <it>HeT-A </it>sequence changes much faster than previously reported resulting in at least nine different subfamilies most of which could actively contribute to telomere extension in Drosophila. Interestingly, the only significant difference observed between Oregon-R and GIII resides in the nature and proportion of the antisense transcripts, suggesting a possible mechanism that would in part explain the longer telomeres of the GIII stock.</p